My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 397: Red lotus industry fire

Chapter 401 Red Lotus Karma Fire

Most of London was blown into the sky by this meteorite, and only a ruin of the once prosperous city remained.

The meteorite fell in the city center, and the former bustling street was turned into ashes. A large crater 800 meters wide and 40 meters deep was left on the ground. The surrounding buildings of 15 kilometers were all leveled by the shock wave. This meteorite triggered After a magnitude 11 earthquake, half of the country was affected, with heavy casualties.

The survivors climbed out of the refuge with difficulty, looked at the devastated street, and looked at the smoky sky. They all knelt on the ground, looking at the sky and crying loudly.

The meteorite rain has caused a devastating blow to the whole of Europe, even some small countries, after the impact, directly enter the state of understanding. Before that, they were caught in a carnival, suicide by suicide, and the lingering and lingering. The center of the world was once destroyed.

The same is true for Amegian on the other side of the ocean. Although they have the best weapons in the world, they are only confined to human internal wars.

It's okay to fight a civil war within the human race, but in the face of the terrifying meteor shower, they also paid their own heavy price.

And this result is only limited to the fact that Huangshi Volcano was not detonated. Because of their desperate interception, some important nuclear power plants caused the meteorite to deviate from the target location and did not receive too serious impact.

China Sunan City.

In a temple full of incense, the abbot and a group of disciples did not go to the refuge.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Master Dewu was slowly chanting in the Three Holy Temple with his apprentices. August 15 is an important day. After this day, This war-torn city began to end its suffering.

Master Dewu was a person who had experienced that era. At that time, he could often find dead people in the river. When he was young, he followed his Master to do things for the poor dead, and accumulated merits, but he was relieved.

At that time, he wanted to help those suffering people who were struggling in Abi Hell. Those who really should go to Abi Hell should not be them, but the brutal invaders.

Bodhisattvas also have statues of vajra anger, perhaps because some people cannot be redeemed.

However, since the end of this day, the aggressors have not been liquidated, but sent back to the country. Some people who did a lot of evil in the past can even enjoy their old age, leaving only their brutal history and obscurity on this land. Traces of not going.

Nowadays, some people have selectively forgotten this period of history. The other party even regarded the invaders at that time as national heroes and ran to pay homage all day long.

Some ignorant young people still used the slogan of forgiving each other for their ancestors, speaking and washing for each other again and again, and the other party did not even think that they had so many filial sons and grandchildren unknowingly.

If the aggressor Quanxia knew it, he might wake up with a smile in his sleep, because even the two devils they compiled had never been so sincere.

Every year on August 15th, Master Dewu would recite sutras here. Buddhism has always emphasized that cause and effect must be repaid. Now the other party has planted the cause, but the bitter fruit that belongs to them is delayed.

Now it is finally the end of the world, and those old undead who did a lot of evil back then will be buried with this world together.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew across, and all the joss sticks in the Three Saints Hall, even the incense, were blown out in an instant, and the atmosphere in the whole hall began to become gloomy and cold.


Master Dewu and his disciples, all the beads in their hands were cut off in an instant and fell onto the hall.

All the disciples who were still chanting turned their heads to look at Master Dewu.

"It's okay, this is the Buddha's red lotus karma, punishing those who have done a lot of evil." Master Dewu closed his eyes and continued to speak: "The golden crow is hidden in the white ocean, and the sun has passed."



Shengyang Empire.

This is a country rooted on a small island, which was full of aggressiveness before, but everyone shivered under the meteorite.

Although their interception capabilities are available, one meteorite fell on Mount Fuji, and several fell in the sea near Tokyo.

Mount Fuji has erupted a total of 18 times before, and the nearest one was in 1707. Although it is currently dormant, there will be jets at any time.

In the history of the Shengyang Empire, the seventeenth most active Mount Fuji activity was in the ninth century in the early Heian period.

The historical book "Rising Sun" records: "In June of the nineteenth year of Yanli, Junhe Guoyan, from March 14th to April 18th last year, Mount Fuji burned by itself, and the smoke was dark during the day At night, the fire blazes into the sky, the sound is like thunder, the gray is like rain, and the mountains and rivers are red."

The situation today is even more serious than it was back then.

Because it was a natural eruption of a volcano back then, and this difference was directly exploded after the meteorite hit.

A large amount of magma was thrown into the sky over a thousand meters, and finally the still hot magma fell on the ground, almost turning the city into a melting pot.

Even the people hiding in the refuge were scorched by the high temperature, and those hiding in the water were also cooked by the heat. Even the steel bars closest to the volcano were melted into molten iron, let alone humans.

Tens of thousands of tons of volcanic ash were thrown into the air, and finally landed in this miserable city. Some people who managed to escape from the vicinity of Mount Fuji either suffocated to death or were buried alive by a large amount of volcanic ash.

At the same time meteorites fell in the waters near Tokyo and triggered a monstrous tsunami comparable to Indonesia. The wave hundreds of meters high swept across Tokyo and a small half of the Sun Empire, even Mount Fuji stopped erupting for a while because of the influx of seawater.

They paid the price of 35 million lives on the spot, and half of the Shengyang Empire was washed by the sea.

And this number is constantly increasing. As for the specific number, it is completely untestable. Only after the disaster, a detailed household survey can be found to know how many people died in this natural disaster.

Over China.

The "Jade Emperor" class space battleship has raised its flag from an unfinished space base, cruising at an altitude of 70,000 meters.

Some large meteorite fragments were all broken into fragments by this battleship with a laser in the air. Because the light spreads extremely fast, it cruising in the middle of the country, it can continuously carry out large-scale meteorite fragments in the airspace of the country. Real-time combat.

At this time, this battleship has become the patron saint of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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