My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 146: Non-Newtonian liquid metal

Ye Fan took out a data drawing from his briefcase and handed it to Lin Wei.

"This is a new type of steel material?" Lin Wei is also an old expert in steelmaking and other heavy industries, so when he took over Ye Fan's information, he immediately understood.

"Boss, this is unreasonable." But when Lin Wei carefully read the content, he suddenly said.

"Why is it not reasonable?"

"Boss, the batch of raw materials we bought overnight last night must be used to smelt this new type of steel material, right?"

"But this information is very strange. It is not only necessary to smelt molten steel with three different elements and different material ratios in batches at the same time, but also in the end all molten steel must be in different proportions.

And the rapid smelting and fusion at different times to form a new steel material, there is no problem here.

However, I just don't understand the last step, which is completely illogical. "At this time, Lin Wei also pointed to the last step of the data drawing, and said.

"The general steel production processes are sintering, ironmaking, steelmaking, continuous casting, and steel rolling. The final continuous casting, which is the process of qualified molten steel, is cooled in the casting machine to form a billet.

There is no continuous casting step in this data drawing. If there is no continuous casting step, the molten steel will always be molten steel and cannot be solidified into steel blocks at all.

And the last step is to let us perform 10 heat treatments and 18 cold treatments on the steel, but the cold heat treatments are all applied to the finished product, that is, the continuous cast steel block!

But what is refined according to this drawing is only a pot of molten steel. If you have to heat-treat the molten steel, it's okay, but...

Boss, how do you want us to cool a pot of molten steel without affecting its temperature? This is totally illogical! "At this time, Lin Wei also looked at Ye Fan suspiciously.

How can we cool a pot of molten steel without affecting its temperature?

Lin Wei didn't know this!

Ask God to go!

Isn't this just what some party A requires, such as "colorful black", "strange-shaped squares", etc. is a truth?

"Boss, you may have two brushes on the Internet, but when it comes to the steelmaking industry, I can guarantee that there will be no more than double digits in the country who are better than me in this area.

This drawing may be really problematic. Lin Wei saw that Ye Fan was silent, and continued to add.

"Others, you don't need to worry about so much, you just need to know that this drawing is completely correct, you can just follow this data drawing to do it, and start work now." Ye Fan waved his hand and said.

Ye Fan naturally knew why these molten steel were still molten steel in the end.

Because this thing is originally liquid, which is the so-called liquid metal!

And this is the "non-Newtonian fluid liquid metal" he exchanged from the system. This metal is very peculiar. If you want to turn it into a specific material, you just need to energize it.

For example, if you pour these liquid metal into a water cup, you can lock most of the molecules of this liquid metal completely electronically and completely fix the shape by simply continuing to energize it slightly.

So as long as you pour it into a specific mold, use "Electrotherapy" to power it up, you can get any shape you want, pour it into a round mold, and it will turn into a circle, pour it into a triangle. Once the mold is turned on, it becomes a triangle.

It is similar to the "Strong Interaction Material" in "Three Body", but it is not as advanced as the "Strong Interaction Material" and not as strong as it.

However, how did Lin Wei know about this? He also sighed helplessly and walked out of the factory.

"I don't know which sand sculpture gave the boss this data drawing. Although it is completely in accordance with the rules and regulations, it will not blow up the boiler, but anyway,

After all this tossing, at least 80 million ore raw materials have to be scrapped, not including other aspects of money. It is really rich to burn. "

"Hey, I also hope that this failure will give the boss some warnings. After all, the boss has never been in contact with heavy industry, especially the steelmaking industry."

About half an hour later, Lin Wei recruited hundreds of old employees and several senior engineers.

After Lin Wei had exhausted what he had learned all his life and explained to them, they still looked at Lin Wei with idiot eyes, but their body was very honest, and they had started work according to the blueprint.

After a safety meeting, another twenty minutes have passed. A batch of raw materials that have been refined from the first partition of this large factory building have been transported to this side through equipment and can be started at any time. .

Considering that it was the first time for these workers to refine this kind of steel that was beyond their knowledge, Ye Fan was not at ease. He followed the drawings step by step and allocated the workers reasonably.

Because the nature of this "non-Newtonian fluid liquid metal" is very special, it is absolutely necessary to strive for perfection in terms of process requirements and equipment requirements.

Especially for the steps of 10 heat treatments and 18 cold treatments, each link can not go wrong, and the interval between each cold heat treatment is about three minutes.

And this cold heat treatment step, for a total of nearly an hour and a half, completely determines whether this batch of "non-Newtonian liquid metal" is easy to use, and whether it can fully reach the level described by the system.

If there is a slight error, it is completely impossible to go back to the furnace and redo it. The whole pot of molten steel can only be discarded, and the smelting and extraction of raw materials can be started again.

At this time, the first batch of raw materials has been mixed with various metals and materials with different elements in accordance with Ye Fan's requirements, and at the same time they are divided into three equal parts, waiting to be finally poured into a large molten steel processing "crucible" for fusion.

"Now start timing and calibration, there can be no deviation." At this time, Ye Fan looked at the watch and calibrated the time with all the engineers who were present to control the machinery.


"Fusion!" When the pointer reached zero, Ye Fan decisively issued the order.

The mechanics who were there, even though they didn't understand what Ye Fan was playing, they could do everything with the money anyway.


Three equal parts of molten steel were poured into the same place at the same time, and suddenly there was a sound similar to a faucet.

This suddenly made everyone present doubt life.

If it weren't for the thing that looked as red as magma, they would really think they were pouring water, not "steel".

"It's done." After about fifteen minutes, Ye Fan's frowned brows finally eased as he looked at the batch of liquid metal waiting for cold heat treatment.


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