"This Chen Chen is really ambitious! Besides, I don't know him before, so what is he doing with me?"


   Xiao Feng leaned back on the executive chair and lit a cigarette. Although Lord Wan didn't say it carefully, he could also hear that the mastermind of this incident should be Chen Chen.


   This guy is really courageous. First he went to make Wan Gongzi, and as soon as he got it, he went to the dead. First he went to make Wan Gongzi investment movies, and then he attacked Yida in the stock market.


   This series of actions can only be said to be beautiful. Young people have the courage and strategy, and they have been accomplished.


   It is estimated that by that vote, Chen Chen has tore off at least a few hundred million from Yida, and the loss to Yida should be in billions of units.


   The reason why this guy did this, can also be explained, is because of another holiday with Lord Wan.


   But what's so special about you, it's something I've gotten into my head, what's this?


   First of all, you and I don’t know each other. Could it be that because I and Mr. Wan are business partners, you are going to **** me?


"Hehe, isn't it because black eyes can't see the white money? The appearance of your sunshine burn hospital is not just as simple as touching the cake of some people. The most important thing is that this hospital, if you pack it, get the capital market In the last hype, you can arbitrarily circle hundreds of billions of dollars. Now in this era of asset shortage, how many people are looking for such high-quality assets! Do you think they have no idea after seeing your hospital? Capital is. Cannibalism! How many people want to get on this ride, but you just don’t give them a chance, do you think they are annoyed?"


   Young Master Wan in front of the executive desk, smiled and told Xiao Feng's guess.


   In fact, Xiao Feng had long since estimated that because of this, the last time the man surnamed Li did something here for revenge, but this time someone wanted to take advantage of it.


   Now that he has figured out who his opponent is, Xiao Feng is not in a hurry. He smiles and looks at Lord Wan: "Brother Wan, you don't have any ideas, right?"


   This Chen Chen provokes Prince Wan, and if the character of Prince Wan does not retaliate, it is not him.


   But at this time, Lord Wan smiled: "Then what do you think? Let's talk about it first..."




   "An Zhikang, how did you do it? It's been so many days, and you haven't moved at all, but the sun burns and burns the hospital more and more. Can you do it?"


   An Zhikang was holding the phone with dense sweat on his forehead, and Huang Xinfeng on the phone was not at all polite to him.


   When everyone went to see Xiao Feng before, they declared that they were all partners, but he was actually qualified to be on an equal footing with Huang Xinfeng and the others!


   Huang Xinfeng is behind his family, Zhang Yuchen is behind Chen Chen, and he is just a hired thug.


   Before, he patted his chest and assured him that as long as they acted, they would be able to mess up the Sunshine Burn Hospital. When the time comes, the people all over the country can drown them with one spit.


   Because of this, the two of them promised him great benefits, and they also cast a large advertisement for their newspaper.


   But now it’s good. After meeting that day, for a few days, almost all the hot news on the market was snatched by Tian Zhenzhen’s live broadcast.


   This Tian Zhenzhen broadcasts her healing process every day. Today, I went to the hair department for treatment. The day after tomorrow, I will tell you that the injury on her face is much better.


   And her changes every day, not only attracted a lot of her fans, but also attracted many women and men who originally wanted to go for plastic surgery, but did not have the courage to go.


   Her live broadcast gave them confidence, and in particular, made everyone feel good and confident about the Sunshine Burns Hospital. In this way, the traffic of the Sunshine Burns Hospital has increased.


   Before, they worked hard to produce such a series of incidents, which aroused people's attention to the charity crisis of the Sunburn Hospital, but now they are all in vain.


   The news was hot for less than two days, and people were thrown into the garbage dump of history.


Many people say that in the Internet age, people’s memories are only seven days long, which means that no matter how hot news is, as long as seven days pass, it will be replaced by a new wave of hot news and left behind by ordinary people. .


   What is the incident they planned, but it took a lot of energy, and it turned out that let alone seven days, no one would pay attention to it after three days.


   You said that Huang Xinfeng and Chen Chen are not angry. The most important thing is that they have prepared a series of back players. Because the first step has not been developed to their expectations, all of these back players are not available!


   These two people were also in a hurry, so they called An Zhikang directly and scolded them.


   "Mr. Huang, give me a few more days. Now they have seized the commanding heights of heat. If I go to hard steel, the effect will not be very good, but their heat will definitely not last for a week..."


"Fuck you! Waiting? Waiting for the day lily to be cold, I don't care, An Zhikang, I don't care what you do, you must get things done for me as soon as possible. Give me the sun, burns and scalds the hospital. Otherwise, you know."


   Huang Xinfeng's words were cold, An Zhikang heard a layer of cold sweat on his back. This guy is not a pure white man, and when he remembered the legend about him before, An Zhikang couldn't help but shudder.


   He hung up the phone and scratched his bald head. Now he is really stressed.


   The Sunshine Burns Hospital has been scalded by Tian Zhenzhen in recent days. At this time, he is going to make trouble and sing the opposite of others. Isn't this the top iron?


   If the angle is wrong, it is very likely that the fans will be scolded to death.


   So what should I do? Suddenly his eyes lit up. It seems that Tian Zhenzhen will be live broadcast tonight. Then can someone get in and lead the topic. . .




   Tian Zhenzhen entered the live broadcast room on time at 8 o'clock in the evening, and the number of people in her live broadcast room exceeded 10 million.


   Now she has become an out-and-out big internet celebrity, the real first-line traffic.


  Because of the special content of her live broadcast, her fans are extremely sticky. There are more than 10 million people watching her live broadcast on time every day. This is a miracle in the web live broadcast industry.


   Tens of millions of people are online at the same time! Just looking at the number of her audience, it already accounts for one-twentieth of the entire industry!


"Hi! Hello everyone, I’m Zhenzhen, haha, I’m telling you a good news. The doctor told me today that the inflammation on my face has completely disappeared. In other words, all the injuries on my face have healed. You can move on to the next stage to treat the burn scars on your body..."


   "Wow, Zhenzhen, your hair has really grown out. Didn't you really have a hair transplant?"


   A fan gave a big reward, and then asked a very sharp question. Originally, Tian Zhenzhen could turn a blind eye to such a problem, but she was too embarrassed to pretend that she didn't see it after spending so much money on the reward.


   "It's really not a skin grafting operation, just apply some of their special ointment and it grows out."


   "Then can you show us your scalp up close?"


   And this person's next request was a bit too much. This clearly suspected that Tian Zhenzhen was lying. He wanted to see if there was a hair transplant scar on Tian Zhenzhen's head.


   Tian Zhenzhen was a little annoyed, but she didn't expect that this guy would have released five more spaceships, which was a reward of fifty thousand yuan, which was considered a big deal, and she was not good to have an attack on the spot.


"Zhenzhen, I have no malice. I am a young and early bald programmer. I can't find a way to cure my baldness. After watching your live broadcast, I feel that I have found new hope, but there is no other way. I can't believe it, so..."


   This guy's explanation made Tian Zhenzhen really unable to attack. She lowered her head to the camera and pulled her hairline.


   "Here, look at it clearly! There is no scar from the hair transplant operation. It is really either a hair transplant operation or an ointment applied."


"Oh! How come your neck and lips are black? Are there hormones in their ointment? It is true that applying hormone-containing ointment can stimulate people to grow hair, but it is bad for the body, right? Tian Zhenzhen, did you take their money?"


   And this person's next remarks immediately caused an uproar in the live broadcast room, and several other guys immediately jumped out.


   "That is, their ointment must contain hormones, otherwise how could it be possible to make people grow hair so quickly."


"It's so special. I have been down for many years. In order to cure this problem, he can be regarded as a famous doctor who has searched for three mountains and five mountains, but the answer given by others is that there is no good way other than hair transplant surgery~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Now suddenly jumped out. What kind of hospital says that there are special ointments that can treat baldness and hair loss. The principle is not clear to everyone. Who do you lie to?"


   "Tian Zhenzhen, you don't have a bottom line for money, right?"


   "And everyone, don’t forget, this Sunshine Burn Hospital used to be a fake charity before. This hospital is still a private hospital, so it’s definitely not a good thing."


"Yes, everyone should keep your eyes open! This hospital says it is doing charity, but people actually went to their hospital to apply, but that was not the case at all. They didn't grant donations to people at all, nor did they give people The treatment is simply a devil if it delays the treatment time of other children's children!"


   "Oh, I have absorbed so many donations from the society, but don't do a single thing. You must stop going to this hospital. They are liars."




   several numbers suddenly popped out and launched a frantic attack on Tian Zhenzhen and Sunshine Burns Hospital. The audience in the live broadcast room looked stupid.


   An Zhikang, who was sitting in the office of the newspaper, looked at the chaotic scene in the live broadcast room triumphantly, full of triumph in his heart.


Ah! Speaking of making troubles and bringing traffic, is there someone more professional than us?


   Do you think you will be fine if you occupy the commanding heights of the heat? Do you know what it means to take advantage of strength? I’m afraid I didn’t expect that we would lay ambush for you here!



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