The blazing fire suddenly shot up from behind, and Katja and Xiao Feng were already walking deep and shallow on the road at this time. In order to prevent being caught by cameras on the road, Xiao Feng could only take Katja up the mountain. Wild road.

Although the mountains here are steep, fortunately, there are many roads that have been stepped on. Why do people step on this mountain? The reason is simple. There are many tombs from earlier years on the mountain. Every year they have their tombs. Later generations went up the mountain to worship, so there were paths on the mountain.

   This bathing center happened to be in a col between two hills. At that time, safety was probably considered, so it was opened in such a hidden place. Unexpectedly, this would become good news for Xiao Feng and the others.

   This neighborhood is originally a barren mountain and ridge, and it is off the beaten track. Even if there is a fire in this place, no one will find it, so there is no fear that someone will report the fire.

   In the end, even if someone finds out about the situation here, when the fire alarm comes, I am afraid that the bath will be burnt up and there are no casualties. The police should not continue to investigate it.

   Xiao Feng thinks that the best result is this, but who knows if the police will go crazy.

   He was worried, and the girl behind him, Katja, was also silent. They walked for more than three hours before turning over two small hills and arriving at Xiao Feng's house.

   It was already more than four o'clock in the morning, Xiao Feng was tired and exhausted, and he fell asleep on his own when he returned to the room. He had experienced too many things this day.

   just experienced the joy of becoming a multi-millionaire, but he didn't think that he would run into such a bad luck next time, and also brought a big trouble home, which made him feel tired.

   Woke up three poles in the sun. Just about to get up, suddenly felt that there was something beside him. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was Katya who was sleeping next to him in his clothes.

She was still wearing that man's clothes, and she curled up and lay beside Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng only remembered that when she arrived home yesterday, her mind was almost exploding, as if she was greeting her in the guest room on the first floor. Stayed, and then went directly to the master bedroom on the second floor to sleep.

   And this girl actually appeared in the master bedroom, sleeping next to her, presumably she was terrified after the extremely frightened night last night.

At this time, the room was warmed by the heating, and she slept with her clothes, wearing the down jacket of the bathhouse brother. At this time, she was already hot and sweating, with sweat stains on her forehead and nose, and her face was red. , But it seems to be doing a nightmare. The eyeballs under the eyelids are constantly rolling, and the mouth is constantly mumbling about Russian that Xiao Feng can’t understand. The hands are even more tightly holding the front of the clothes. Has turned white.

   Xiao Feng shook the girl. The girl sat up abruptly. She was relieved until she saw Xiao Feng's appearance clearly.

   "What's wrong? Have a nightmare?"

   The girl's exquisite face still made Xiao Feng feel soft. He originally planned to kick this guy out anyway today, but looking at her lonely and helpless eyes, Xiao Feng felt a little unbearable.

   "Yeah! Had a nightmare!"

   Katya looked a little cautious when looking at Xiao Feng, for fear that he would make a mistake and anger Xiao Feng and be driven away by him.

   "Well, can you tell me, who are you?"

  Since she didn't plan to drive her away, Xiao Feng had to figure out who she was, what trouble she had encountered, and whether she could bear it.

And when she left yesterday, the girl actually knew that she would go to the surveillance room to take all the hard drives, and she could even delete all the videos uploaded to the cloud disk on the Internet. Thinking about the method she used to crack the password at the time, he thought this Girls, they are definitely not ordinary people.

The girl lowered her head and hesitated for a long time. Then she looked up at him and said: "I offended some people in Russia and couldn't stay in Russia, so I followed an agent to China. He originally promised me, He wanted to bring me here as a model, but who knew that after he came, he sold me to the person in the bathhouse. When I went, several other women were already there, and they took me away. Passport, took my money, and my clothes, so I can only wear a uniform. Those villains in the bathhouse told me that they can only work for them and pay off the money they bought me. Allow me to leave."

   "Then they didn't embarrass you?"

   Xiao Feng still has some doubts about the girl's ability to keep her clean and self-conscious there. A man's focus will always be those messy things.

Of course, the girl understood Xiao Feng's meaning, and looked at him with a blushing face and said, "That's not true, because I acted very cooperatively in front of them, and there were a few other Russian girls who didn't dare to act too much. . If you use strong to me, it is likely to annoy other girls. They are different from me. They sell voluntarily and cooperate with the two villains, which makes them unhappy, but they do. Those villains don't dare to do anything to them if they just leave."

   The girl's explanation made Xiao Feng understand roughly: "The two killers..."

   "It should be sent by my opponent in Russia. I didn't expect that they would chase and kill China. I came to China because the public security situation is better here. I didn't expect them to come anyway."

   Who did the girl provoke to her, what trouble she caused, she kept secret, Xiao Feng did not want to ask, anyway, as long as the other party is not sent by FSB, the successor of the legendary KGB.

   As long as the opponent is not a state machine, he will not worry too much, but he still needs to prepare.

   Xiao Feng was still worried that the police would come to the door. Although he felt that things were done perfectly, but after all, so many people died. It would be really troublesome if family members had to go to the police to make trouble.

So he also thought about it. If the police really came to the door, he would hide in another world, and the police would have no choice but to do nothing about him, but the most unfortunate thing is that his nest may not be able to come back again, and a series of previous plans. May be disrupted.

   It’s useless to think too much now. We still have to be fully prepared. Xiao Feng started large-scale purchases from the Internet to prepare for the future.

Katya also lived in his house. The origin of this girl is very mysterious. Although she is Russian, she can speak fluent Chinese. After a few days of getting along with each other, she should have received a very good education. , The family background is certainly not simple.

   After contacting her and saying that she offended someone and was then pursued and killed, Xiao Feng wondered that the girl's background should be not small. Russia's national power has declined in recent years, the country has many political factions, and there are constant struggles between various regions.

   Although I don't know who Katja provokes, Xiao Feng wondered what happened. In the next few days, the things Xiao Feng purchased also arrived, and he has been paying attention to local news, but apart from the local news the next day, there were only ten seconds of reports on the fire in the bathing center. No more text.

   Things didn't seem to have caused any waves, which relieved Xiao Feng a lot, but he was still a little worried about whether the police would launch a secret investigation in secret.

   He happened to have a high school classmate who was in the public security system, so he simply called to test it out. This classmate had a very good relationship with him in high school, and he was a little surprised by calling him. He asked him to have a meal together.

The two exchanged greetings at the wine table and probably talked about their recent situation. Xiao Feng said vaguely, saying that he had made some money in the capital and that he was planning to go home to start his own business recently. The old classmate was kind to him. happy.

   After this conversation, he knew that this old classmate was admitted to the police academy and joined the city bureau after graduation. He has done a lot of work in criminal investigation and economic investigation. Now he is mainly responsible for security work.

   While chatting, Xiao Feng talked about the fire in the bathing center by the way, and the classmate told him without taking it too seriously.

   The owner of the bathing center was originally a hob meat who entered the palace. Opening the bathing center there must be no good This fire may be the fire set by his enemy.

   Fortunately, no people were burned to death at the scene. No casualties made the top leaders very happy. As soon as the end of the year came, everyone had assessment tasks. Secondly, the top leaders came to inspect the work recently.

  Of course, they don’t want to mention something like this that does not involve casualties. As for the police, they are also contacting the boss, but the phone cannot be reached and the family cannot be contacted. It is estimated that they ran away.

   Because there were no casualties, and the suspects themselves were not good people, the police were unwilling to waste police force here. They didn't file a case at all, and they didn't pay attention to it. The ending is mostly irrelevant.

Hearing this answer, Xiao Feng let go of his hanging heart and drank a lot with his old classmates. The two drank a lot. When the old classmate left, he said that he would wait for some time to finish and organize a classmate party. , Let him come by then.

   got the desired result, Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and relaxed the tense mood he had been tense for a few days. He went home and talked to Katya about the matter. Katya also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Things started because of her. If the Huaguo police tracked down Xiao Feng, she would be troubled. The most frightening thing is that when she is caught, it will be troublesome.

   "Then what do you plan to do next?"

   Xiao Feng asked Katya, Katya also looked confused: "I don't know now, I can't go back to Russia at the moment, I can only find a living in China now. I will talk about it when things become clear in the future."

Originally wanted to drive Katja away, but seeing her now alone and helpless, Xiao Feng is also a little unbearable. Of course, the most important thing is that Katya’s appearance has played a role. If this is a fat and ugly person Woman, Xiao Feng will surely harden his heart and drive her away.

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