My Star Teacher

Chapter 92: Did I say I forgive you?

Ye Guang did not stop there. He picked up another piece of clothing and ripped it apart.


The fat woman bit her toothbrush and secretly hated it, but she did not dare to make any excessive actions. She saw it with her own strength. If she really annoyed him, she would be the one who suffered the loss by that time. She was torn, and fat women can only scold in their hearts, small animals are born, torn, let you tear, and see how much money you have to pay!

Nocturnal Ye Guang, no matter what the fat woman thinks, it is "Dou La" again.


Kong Wu's powerful duration lasted only ten minutes. Ye Guang felt that it was too slow to tear one by one, so now he just copied it and got a few pieces, no matter how many clothes, in his hand, it seemed like Like a piece of paper, it was broken as soon as it was torn, and the onlooking customers who watched were stunned.

顾客 Some customers are also unbelievable. They also picked up a piece of clothing and tried to pull it. Well, they couldn't move, and they looked at Yeguang's eyes even more astonished.

Every time Luminous tears, he loses a sentence coldly, "swipe!" The fat woman also said nothing, gritting her teeth, luminous tears once and swiped, and she kept praying secretly, no money, no money, why not No money!

In the end, Ye Guangyi tore up several rows of display cabinet clothes, a mess on the ground, all kinds of red, green, and green paved, and the time limit for luminous holes had passed long ago, but he said nothing. I bought another one from the store, and today I must give it a tone!

At first, the fat woman still wins the luminous light in the grip. He tears it once, but as the luminous light tears more and more, it tears four or five pieces at a time. The clothes in the shop are generally more expensive. Every piece of T-shirts and the like must be at least Three or four hundred, the price of the coat is different, from hundreds to tens of thousands, there are more than 200,000 yuan in the amount of money brushed from her hand, the length of the receipt receipt printed Long dragging the ground, the fat woman's hand holding the pos machine was a bit trembling. She finally understood that luminous is not a good stubble, it is not easy to deal with, and her attitude began to soften, without the previous toe.

"You have torn it all like this, it's almost OK."

Ye Yeguang ignored her and continued to tear.

"呲 啦"

"呲 啦"

"呲 啦"

A few moments later, "Sir," the fat woman was kind, "It's okay that you keep tearing it all the way, you vent and vent, don't you make it?"

Yeguang ignored her, and tore away a few clothes, "swipe!"

A fat woman can only swipe her card again. Her hands tremble when she presses the password. She is a bit scared. Why can she run into such a gimmick? It ca n’t be so bad when you have money.

For a while, the fat woman was completely subdued. "Sir, I'm sorry, but don't tear it up. I was not good just now. I apologize like you."

Yueguang "Dora" ripped off two more clothes, and said lightly, "You are not sorry to me, it is not me that you need to apologize, it is my child."

The fat woman froze, then nodded with a flattering smile, "Yes, yes! Sir, you are right, we apologize." Then, the fat woman turned to Yiyi, "Little sister, I'm sorry, just bad sister, sister I apologize to you and forgive my sister, OK. "

Several other shopping guides should also reconcile, "Sister, sorry."

Yiyi Yi evaded in front of Luminous, apparently still a little afraid of these shopping guides, did not speak, staring at Luminous.

Ye Guang had already vented it, but when she looked at Yiyi's frightened look, she suddenly became angry again, then Ye Guang squatted down and looked at Yiyi, "Yiyi, they apologized to you, do you forgive them? "

Yiyi, blinking and staring at Luminous, "I don't know."

Ye Yeguang smiled, and touched Yiyi's small head, "Then Yiyi should be them, and you must be tolerant as a person, remember?"

Ji Yiyi looked at the embarrassing smiles of some shopping guides, hesitated, and nodded.

Ye Yeguang shaved Yiyi's little nose, "Yiyi is really good."

Yiyi agreed, and several shopping guides were relieved. The smiles on their faces became much natural. The onlookers also took a sigh of relief. Today, this is a trouble. Look at this huge shop. Lvlu lost the ground and was a mess.

The fat woman passed the luminous card with an open mind, "Sir, this is your card."

Yueguang didn't answer, but stood up, picked up two pieces of clothes, "Dora" tore again, and then lost a sentence, "Swipe!"

The fat woman was dumbfounded, several shopping guides were dumbfounded, and the onlookers were all dumbfounded.

Why is this? Did n’t you just forgive others? Do n’t you teach your children to be tolerant?

The fat woman couldn't help but, "Sir, we have already apologized, haven't you forgiven us, why are you still tearing?"

Yeguang gave her a glance, "Oh, did I ever say I want to forgive you?"

Fat woman froze.

Luminous said again, "My child is sensible, forgiving, and can forgive you for reprimanding her, but, have I ever said that I forgive you? The child forgive you is a child, now it is an adult thing! I have said forgiveness Have you bullied my child? "Ye Guang was not idle at all during the conversation." Dora "and" Dora "even tore a few clothes," swipe! "

Several shopping guides were stunned. The fat woman's face turned blue, but she lowered her posture. "Sir, I'm sorry, it's our fault. We apologize. You have torn a lot. You say you are happy now. , But the money spent is also yours, what a pity, who's money is not brought by the gale? This money has also been brushed hundreds of thousands, already enough, you will raise your expensive hands, and everyone will take a step back. Is that all the matter? "

姿态 Now I know the attitude has been lowered. What did you do at first? Four adults surrounded a five-year-old girl with slander and scolding. How did such a shameful thing come out? Wasn't it arrogant? how? Afraid of being overwhelmed?

Yeguang will not stop so easily ~ ~ Bullied Yiyi, do you still want to dwell on such a thing, dream?

Luminous waved his hand, "You don't have to tell me so much, I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense, I continue to tear my card, you continue to swipe my card, don't worry about my money is not enough, there are 10 million in this card, enough to dismantle you It's a shop. "

The fat woman was anxious and became angry and angry, "I tell you, hurry up! Otherwise I'm called security! Almost, don't give face to shame!"

Ye Guang picked up a piece of clothing and deliberately tore it open in front of the fat woman, "It doesn't matter, you call, I'm telling you, I don't think you are like the manager of this store, you It's better to call someone who can manage things and tell you so. As long as it's you, this thing can't be done! And, do you have a face? Also worthy of giving me a face? "

The luminous behavior surprised the onlookers again. It was really a stubble. They made it clear that they wanted to give the child a breath. Some of the customers nodded in admiration, and others shook their heads secretly. I felt that luminous was too expensive. It ’s just a matter of fighting for morale with money. Is n’t it worth it?

There are also customers who are watching.

"This will be good, why did you go early?"

"Why didn't you think about it when you bully your child?"

就是 "That is, shameless and expect someone to give you a face."

"It's a shame."

The fat woman's face turned blue.

Alas. . .

PS: Thanks to Looking for 10,000 rewards in QQ reading! Thanks for the floating mistake, who is not a demon, Tan Shu, and Midian for rewarding me. Yesterday's results really flattered me. I ca n’t believe it. I can only make as many codes as possible and update more! Did not say, continue to add more today!

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