My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 881: [It does n’t matter if it ’s a dream]

"Charity Everyone You Don't Know-Luminous"

"Characteristics that Night Light has done silently"

"Luminous Fan Feedback Festival starts, the entire network works for free! 》

"Changing Channels, Not Changing People, Multi-TV Rotating Luminous Works"

"The film and television base that claims to be comparable to the level of Hollywood technology is about to be completed, the developer turned out to be luminous"

"The biggest hype in recent years, luminous brushes the Internet"

"Endless Hype, or Let Luminous Make It Happen"


One after another, the news and news about Luminous these days, like snow flakes, are flying in the sky.

The audience turned on the TV and saw luminous. If they didn't want to see you, they had no choice but to switch to another station, it was luminous.

Some viewers watched the Luminous program for two full days on TV. No matter which channel was changed, they could finally see Luminous. The audience did not believe in evil. They read the news at night. I thought that the news webcast is no longer luminous.

However, I'm sorry, even watching a news webcast, there is news about Luminous.

In the past few days, Luminous has really blown up the entire network.

Turn on the TV is luminous, turn on Weibo is luminous, open the video site or luminous, just to watch a live broadcast, you can still see luminous live broadcast, listen to a radio station, from the radio, what is the luminous sound.

It's almost!

"Hold a big grass, what's going on these days? There is luminescence everywhere, so I'm so tired of seeing it."

"No, the TV station is rotating his shows and TV series. The movie channel is a luminous movie all day, and it is also on the video website. Several big video website platforms are doing special sections of luminous works. . "

"Hahaha, in four days, my TT received 12 pop-up messages, one each in the morning, middle and evening, all about luminous, I just want to ask, what is Ye Daxian doing?"

"Go to heaven?"

"I don't know what to say, I always feel that I haven't seen Ye Guang's works enough, I always feel that I haven't watched Ye Guang's news enough, but in the past few days, I really do not want to see Ye Guang's news. , Another came out immediately. "

"It's really too frequent. If something goes on like this, there will be a well-known big V post in the morning that dissipated the luminous hype."

"It's too concentrated. For a few days, a new movie trailer a day, oh, what do you want to do? But then again, those few movies, just watching the trailer, are so emotional, looking forward to looking forward . "


These days, Ye Guang is too busy to have time at home.

Except for the leaf that followed him as an assistant, Liu Chiyan and his parents couldn't see him at all.

In the past few days, Yeguang has also been playing everywhere, CCTV, Shonan Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, Traffic Radio, etc., etc. In different regions and at different times, Yeguang has shown programs on various announcements these days.

Ye Guang, once known as the most difficult artist in the circle, because the shows and works he has done are basically linked to himself, either his own works, or his curated works, the only show he has ever attended In addition to Jiangxi Radio in his early years, there was also an appointment, and at other times, he would not accept outside invitations at all.

However, in recent days, Luminous has almost never refused to come. Many TV stations, after hearing that Luminous began to receive announcements, the TV station tried to make a contact.

Luminous exposure has reached the highest level in history in these days. Even foreign media have begun to report on domestic entertainment trends in the past few days. Finally, this rampant hype and exposure, can not watch anymore.

On the fifth day of the big exposure, the Coal Management Bureau issued a written approval, first of all, criticized and educated the endless hype of an artist, and then asked major TV stations to follow the industry order, restore normality, and respond to the hype A certain amount of fine was imposed.

This command was issued at once, and domestic netizens were happy and shouted that they finally don't have to watch the night light all day. Justice may be late, but never absent!

The high exposure of Luminous in the past few days has brought a huge increase in popularity. Fortunately, the Coal Management Bureau also gave him a few days. The approval was only issued on the fifth day. As of the fifth day, Luminous's The prestige value has accumulated to 96 million, with a gap of only 4 million to 100 million.

There is still a day and a half. Although it can no longer be bombarded like before and it is inhumanely exposed in all channels, the exposure of Luminous is still very high. The one-week work is free and the fan feedback activities are still there.

A lot of his works were removed from the TV station, and there are no more carousels, but there are still some. Yeguang can continue to broadcast live in the live broadcast room with fairy videos, and the programs recorded a few days ago can also be broadcast normally.

In a day and a half, it is not difficult to accumulate another 4 million prestige values, and Luminous is also slightly relieved.

However, it was only a sigh of relief. Ye Guang's nerves couldn't relax until he didn't really have 100 million prestige values ​​and did not exchange money to make Cheng Xi better.


this day.

on Saturday.

There is only one day left before Xiao Huan Dan's efficacy.

Six days of luminous disappeared in the eyes of the family, and finally returned to Nanchang.

Ye Guang has now put down all the things at hand, and the announcement has not continued. Now his reputation is only 300,000, and he no longer needs to continue doing anything, just sit and wait for a while. These three More than 100,000 reputations will soon be enough.

Therefore, Yeguang calculated that his reputation was almost the same, so he stopped the work at hand and set off to return to Nanchang. When the reputation was enough, he wanted to redeem Dahuandan as soon as possible, and then let Cheng Xi get better. ~ ~ I have to say that the luminous method of luminous bombardment is a bit of a bombardment, and it made the audience see him spit it out, but it is indeed effective and very effective!

Speaking of which, the big exposure spread, in fact, in less than five days, 100 million prestige values ​​were earned back. It's just fine!

If according to the growth rate of his original prestige value, on average, it will be only 30 million prestige values ​​in a month.

Yeguang was able to save a billion prestige before the system upgrade. It has been so many years, and it has accumulated more than N large exposures after experiencing more than N large events.


Yeguang stood in front of Cheng Xi's bed, watching his face sickly white and fainting. He was very shy, took a deep breath, and then carefully took off the oxygen mask on Cheng Xi's nose and nose. Flicking her lips lightly, she put a marble-sized black pill that exudes fragrance into Cheng Xi's mouth.

Da Huan Dan's entrance was imminent, and Ye Guang didn't worry that Cheng Xi could not swallow it. After feeding Da Huan Dan to Cheng Xi, Ye Guang had been watching Cheng Xi and wanted to see if there was any change or improvement in Cheng Xi, but Cheng Xi still Just lying on the bed like this, unconscious.

Reached out for a moment, just as he helped Cheng Xi take off the messy hair when he took off the oxygen mask, his fingertips ran across her skin that seemed to blow, Ye Guang murmured softly, "Don't you want me to hold you? Wake up soon, wake up ... "

"Would you hug me when you wake up?" A slightly weak voice came.

Luminous suddenly smiled brightly, but in a blink of an eye, a line of tears slipped down.

"Yes, I hug you when you wake up."

Luminous leaned over, slightly lifted Cheng Xi, and held it in his arms.

After a while, Cheng Xi froze in his arms, softly, "Is this another dream?"

"Dream? It doesn't matter if it's a dream."

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