My Star Teacher

Chapter 788: [Outer film coming]

The reopening of domestic and foreign film import policies has gradually begun to impact the domestic movie market.

Prior to this, although many Hollywood blockbusters will be released in China every year, the review is quite strict, and there are also restrictions on the number of requirements. External films need to be released in China, and months or even half a year must be applied for the schedule.

Now it ’s different. The current policy on foreign films is basically the same as that on domestic films. Even because of some cultural differences, the review of this film is more lenient than domestic films.

Since the opening of the New Year's policy, it has only been more than one month since then. Four imported blockbusters have been filed, of which two have been released.

The two films that have been released are from Hollywood and have already been released in North America. The failure to release in China before is also due to the problems of review and movie ranking.

This is not the case. As soon as the policy is opened, the two films are released at the forefront.

These two films, respectively from two different film and television companies in Hollywood, one from Hollywood Diman Films, is a hero film called "Thunderman".

The other is Paramount from Hollywood, a science fiction film called "Star Trek."

These two films are regarded as Lunar New Year's Lunar New Year's Lunar New Year's Lunar New Year's Lunar New Year's Lunar New Year's Lunar New Year's "Heroes", which has caused a wave of watching movies.

The quality of these two films is indeed excellent. Although they are released in the same period, both films have made great progress at the box office, and the response is very good.

However, the box office of these two movies is good, but it will hurt others.

Director Zhou Zhou avoided the luminous edge during the New Year's Eve, and postponed the release of his movie "Laughter Changan". The release date coincides with the two films of Thunderman and Star Trek.

At the box office of these two movies, our director Zhou Zhou almost cried. At the same time, it was released together with two Hollywood blockbusters.

When the box office of Thunderman and Star Trek broke through billions and billions, Zhou Zhou's "Laughter Changan" movie box office was still counting with millions.

Ye Zhou went to watch this movie in Zhouguang. The quality is not too good, but it can also be seen. If there are not two such strong opponents crushing during the same period, the audience ’s attention will be completely passed. It's not that bad, at least it has to be turned a few times.

The liberalization of foreign film import policies is indeed influential. Although each person's work is more attractive to the audience depending on their ability, the market will also be saturated, and more than one film will be released in a day. Every time you go to see it, you will have your own choice. At this time, it depends on who has a better reputation and more attractive movie.

As long as the quality of the movie is sufficient, then the audience will naturally buy it, but if the quality is not so good and it happens that there are high-quality movies in the same period, it is self-evident who the audience will choose.

After all, it is still necessary to make a good movie, make a high-quality movie, and do a movie that the audience likes.

Director Zhou Zhou's work is considered to be the first one affected by policy liberalization, but it will certainly not be the last.

Immediately afterwards, two domestic films were released one after another, a love movie called "Don't Say Don't Love Me," and a fantasy movie called "Sura Road."

These two films, after the film directed by Zhou Zhou, went on the street one after another, and they were very miserable.

The movie "Don't Say Don't Love Me" is a traffic star movie. The main actors of the movie are popular traffic nuns, handsome men, beautiful women, and the cast is luxurious.

However, the movie's box office ... can't be said to be particularly bad, it can only be said that it is far from meeting people's expectations.

This movie, the first day of the film's release, broke the box office by 100 million, and the next day it broke 200 million, which is not bad. However, after two weeks of continuous release, the movie box office was only in its early 40s.

The box office slipped too fast.

Before the movie was released, the audience did n’t know about the movie, so many audiences chose to watch the movie. At the same time, the cast of this movie is very strong, all traffic stars, many fans support, so the movie box office a few days ago Going forward, but when word-of-mouth and film reviews began to circulate on the Internet, instead of supporting **** fans for celebrities, the choice began to be more rational, which also reflected the rapid decline of the box office.

In addition, because the movie's attendance rate is not high, the theater also adjusts day by day, reducing the movie ’s movie rate every day, which will increase the popularity of Hollywood blockbusters. In the end, it is less than a month and only three weeks. Some theaters have already begun, and this movie has almost been taken off the shelves. There are only one or two games a day, and they don't even row at all.

Already retired Feng Kaimou no longer personally manipulates, but still keeps an eye on the movie industry. Seeing the movie "Don't Say Don't Love Me", the ups and downs of Feng Kaimou's Weibo have updated an update.

"The era of traffic is over, so let's do it ourselves."

This sentence probably means to remind or wake up some people.

As for the other movie, "Sura Road", this movie is even worse. "Don't Say Don't Love Me" has at least star traffic and fan effects, making it a box office for several days ~ ~ It was so bad, but Shura Road was different.

This movie of Shura Road can only be described in one sentence, and its special effects are very good.

It's just that the special effects are good, the others ...

Compared to do n’t say you do n’t love me, it ’s too bad. It is said that the total production cost of this film is more than 700 million. The real big production has invited some special effects produced by the top foreign special effects teams. The special effects are full, but on the day of the release, the box office was only 30 million.

Three days after it was released, the box office was only 50 million, and the producer announced the withdrawal.

Is this a terrible word?

The failure of this film also has reasons for the suppression of external films in the same period, but more of it is due to its own quality. There are ridicule from the audience. This film is commendable in addition to special effects. The editing, directing, and acting are offline. The production cost of Hollywood, a domestic cartoon made to lie to children, the story is unfavorable.

In summary, the failure of this movie is actually too much special effects, and the most fundamental thing about the movie, the plot!

For a movie, the director is very important, the actors are very important, and the special effects picture is also very important. However, no matter what the movie is, the most important thing is the plot!

Even if you are going to make a pop-eye popcorn commercial movie, on this basis, you must also have a coherent good plot!

No matter what type of film, no matter what kind of starring lineup, whether a movie is good or not is not a huge investment, not a special effects pile, the main thing is always to do the plot well, this is everything Foundation.

The story of a movie determines whether its content has a soul, whether it has an appealing charm, or whether it can succeed in box office sales.

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