My Star Teacher

Chapter 779: [Here comes a fairy]

Early the next morning, Luguang and Tasia, as well as a group of guards, flew to Nanchang.

Liu Chiyan didn't know that Ye Guang would return today. Ye Guang also talked with Liu Chi Yan every day for the past few days. When talking with Liu Chi Yan last night, Ye Guang also pretended to go where Tia is going today Can't come back or something.

Liu Chiyan also comforted Ye Guang on the phone last night and said that he was okay, so that he can be as a guide for Tasia, don't be distracted or anything.

In a hurry, Ye Guang didn't have time to prepare any surprises for Liu Chiyan, but he suddenly came back, probably, for Liu Chiyan, it was already the biggest surprise.

Today, April 1st, is also a weekend, and Yiyi can't go to school. Therefore, at this time, Liu Chiyan and Yiyi should be at home.

After getting off the plane, Luminous rushed home non-stop, um ... and took Tia and a group of guards.

Instead of directly opening the door with the key, Luminous rang the doorbell of his house.

The one who opened the door was Yiyi. The moment she saw Luminous, Yiyi's eyes clearly showed joy, but when she saw Taxia next to Luminous, Yiyi froze again, and then said nothing, spread her feet Just run into the room.

Luminous is also ready to Yiyi as usual, greet a Yiyi love flutter, unexpectedly Yiyi turned and ran away.

"Hey, you girl, don't know me anymore, what to run." Ye Guang laughed.

Liu Chiyan seemed to be in the bedroom, and Yiyi ran to Liu Chiyan's bedroom.

Sure enough, Yiyi just ran to the door of Liu Chiyan's bedroom, and heard a little bit of Liu Chi Yan wearing pajamas and opened the door.

"Hurry in, hurry in." Yiyi said quickly, while trying to push Liu Chiyan back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Liu Chiyan asked curiously, and he saw the luminous light coming in from the door, and stunned.

Under the push of Yiyi, Liu Chiyan was pushed back to the bedroom, and then the bedroom door was closed by Yiyi. When the door closed, Yeguang faintly heard Yiyi saying, "Yueguang brought a fairy back."

Luminous, "..."

In the bedroom.

Liu Chiyan looked at Yiyi and asked, "What fairy?"

Yiyi exaggeratedly described, "A big goblin that looks so pretty and beautiful."

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and let the night light come back. I'll go out and see." Liu Chiyan said.

Yiyi also stood against the door and shook her head again and again and said, "No, let me, aunt, go and put on makeup, and the painting is beautiful."

Liu Chi smoked, and asked with a smile, "What do you want me to do with makeup?"

"The beauty of the painting, compare that goblin." Yiyi serious, continued to urge, "aunt you hurry up, don't be compared by that goblin, be careful not to let you go at night."

Liu Chi Yan froze, then gave Yiyi a white look, and bounced on her forehead, "Jing nonsense, what and what are you doing, where did you learn from?"

Yiyi, "It's all done on TV."

Liu Chiyan, "It looks like I have to let you watch less TV in the future. Hurry up and let me go."

Yiyi still leaned on the door and shook her head stubbornly.

Liu Chiyan felt helpless, thinking for a while, then looked down at himself, and then said, "then change clothes."

Outside, Yeguang shouted, "Liuer, come here, come out."

Liu Chiyan responded, "Immediately, I'll change clothes."

Talking, Liu Chiyan didn't delay, opened the big closet and started looking for clothes.

Yiyi was still walking around, "Aunt, look for the most beautiful one, the one that looks good in blue."

"That's a dress. What dress do you wear at home? Oh, don't say it, what does the little girl think all day long." Liu Chiyan said and squeezed Yiyi's little nose.

Yi Yijiao snorted and murmured, "I still don't appreciate it, then I don't care about you, hum." Then, Jiaojiao pouted and looked away.

Liu Chiyan smiled and looked at Yiyi, and then went on to find clothes. After thinking about it, Liu Chiyan still didn't pick any fancy clothes, but put on a loose long-sleeved T-shirt at home.

After changing the clothes, Yiyi was so simple in dressing Liu Chi Yan, she was quite disgusted in her eyes.

Liu Chiyan stood in front of the mirror and looked around for a few moments. After thinking about it, he wrapped his loose hair back and wrapped it in a bun.

Outside, Luminous and Tasia are in the living room, while Luminous is busy making tea for Talia, while chatting with Talia.

"Mr. Luminous, was that cute little girl before that your daughter?" Tasia asked.

Ye Guang nodded with a smile. "Yes, my daughter is called Yiyi. She is in second grade and she is very skinny."

"Skin? What does it mean?" Tiacia asked puzzledly. Although the Chinese is very good, for some local vocabulary, the crooked nuts that have not been contacted still don't understand.

Luminous smiled and said, "Well ... you can understand naughty."

That said, Talia understands, nodded, "It's inevitable that the child is slightly naughty ... oh, so fragrant, what kind of tea is this?"

While talking, the water on the coffee table was already boiled, and Luminous opened the tea box, preparing to make tea, and the smell of fragrant attracted Tasia's attention.

"A little specialty tea from your own home, without a name, but it's a good drink. You taste it for a while, Talia. If you like it, I will give you a little when you return."

Tasia nodded, still sniffing at the fresh scent of tea that she had never smelled before.

"I have always liked China since I was a child. Tea is one of the characteristics of China ~ ~ So, I have also drank a lot of tea, such as Dahongpao, Tieguanyin, Pu'er ... and some remembered the name However, I have never smelled such a good smell of tea, and just smelling it has a sense of relaxation and joy, as if I feel like being in nature. "

Ye Guang smiled, "China's tea is a culture. Tea culture has been passed down for thousands of years, but I do n’t have much research on this, and I do n’t know how to drink tea. Drinking tea is like drinking water from cows. Maybe not as much as you know about Tasia. "

Tasia, "No, no, I don't know much. Mr. Ye Guang is humble. If you are not a tea maker, how can there be such good tea."

Ye Guang smiled and did n’t make any difference. He really did n’t know about tea. If not, the immortal tea is produced systematically, and it is good for health. So Ye Guang often prepares to drink or greet guests at home, otherwise Like him, if Liu Chiyan didn't handle it, probably, all year round, he would only want to buy some tea.

When the two were chatting, Liu Chiyan took Yiyi out of the bedroom.

Luminous saw Liu Chi Yan coming out, got up and laughed, "How about, surprise?"

Liu Chiyan gave him a look and let him feel it.

The scammer said last night that he could not spend the wedding anniversary with Liu Chiyan, and said that it was a serious one, and in words he was unwilling to get back, but Liu Chiyan was on the phone. Li comforted him.

But he's fine, silent, and suddenly he'll give you a big change.

Well, the surprise is very pleasant. At this time, Luminous can also come back specially. In order to accompany Liu Chiyan for the wedding anniversary, Liu Chiyan is also happy.

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