My Star Teacher

Chapter 652: [The most talented and talented person in the 21st century]

Except for entertainment.

Luminous has also made achievements in other areas.

Calligraphy, poetry, etc., needless to say, without mentioning it, the audience will ignore the two auras of luminescence.

In addition, there is a halo of a global environmental ambassador on Yeguang ’s head, but to say that, because he is a global environmental ambassador, he is selected as one of the top ten outstanding figures in China.

Luminous also has a strong halo.

The strongest man on land, legendary athlete.

At the Olympic Games, the performance of Luminous was truly unparalleled. The achievements made were also groundbreaking in the history of the Olympic Games in China.

It can even be said that although Luminous has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, has done so many things, and worked so hard, but to say that the most important aura in his body now is the identity of a legendary athlete.

A legendary athlete who has achieved such great results like never before can be justified in being selected as one of China's top ten outstanding figures.

However, Luminous was selected not only because of legendary athletes, but also because of comprehensive evaluation.

At this time, the top ten Chinese figures, and other selected figures, were announced at the same time as their names, and introduced their life, main deeds, and main achievements, which are basically the reasons for their selection.

For example, Nan Rendong, who is also one of China's top ten outstanding figures, introduced something like this.

Nan Rendong, Chinese astronomer, researcher of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, former chief scientist and chief engineer of FAST Engineering. His main research areas are radio astrophysics and radio astronomy technologies and methods. He is responsible for the national major scientific and technological infrastructure 500-meter spherical spherical radio telescope Scientific and technological work ...

Nan Rendong was born in 1945 ...

In 1963, Nan Rendong ...

Beginning in 1984, Nan Rendong ...

In 2007 ...


Scientific research achievements: As of September 2017, Nan Rendong has published 222 scientific papers, 7 monographs, 6 technical reports, and 36 patents; 56 papers have been indexed by SCI and 65 papers have been indexed by EI. 900 times. In addition, he has participated in many related work on major scientific research projects.

National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure Construction Project-500m Spherical Radio Telescope ...

Basic research on radio astronomy ...

In the section, Nan Rendong's life and achievements are introduced clearly, making people feel nifty when they look at it, and feel that they are worthy of being selected as the top ten outstanding figures in China.

The other selected characters are basically the same as Nan Rendong, and they are all introduced in detail.

However, luminous is different.

In the introduction of Luminous, there is no introduction of life and too many deeds. Even if there is, it is a relatively simple summary.

The introduction of Luminous is more like a character resume.


Global environmental ambassador;

Master of Linguistics, proficient in dozens of languages;

Calligrapher, the representative of which is "Chinese Youth".

New generation poets, representative works "Song of Water Tuning", "Difficult to Travel", "One Generation", etc .;

Popular stars, representative works "Brothers", "Mermaid", "Journey to the West" and other works, his work "Brothers" is the first domestic phenomenon-level variety show, "Mermaid" successfully broke the box office barriers, "Journey to the West" started The new era of animation is of great significance to the promotion of the film and television industry;

The legendary athletes spit out at the Beijing Olympics and achieved outstanding results. They personally won twelve gold medals and were called 'the strongest man on land' by foreign media.

Reason for selection: The organizing committee agrees that this person is the most talented and talented person of the 21st century!

The introduction of Luminous is very short compared with other selected characters, and it has one more reason for selection than others.

The most talented and talented person in the 21st century, this evaluation is not that no one has said it. A long time ago, there were netizens and luminous fans who gave him the name, but such a folk bragging The title was said by the official organizing committee of China's Top Ten Outstanding Persons, the meaning is different, and the word “most” is also used, and the amount of gold cannot be overweight.

From now on, if Yeguang brags about himself and says that he is the most talented and talented person in the 21st century, who can say nothing?

You say no

Sorry, we are officially certified!

Probably the organizing committee also has concerns. After all, Yeguang is really too young to put him on this list, and the organizing committee is also afraid of any bad comments and doubts.

Therefore, a special reason was added after the introduction of Luminous.

Although people were surprised that Ye Guang was selected as one of the ten outstanding Chinese figures in this session, there was not much questioning.

Yeguang has been active in the spotlight for the past two years and is well known to the public. His talents are obvious to everyone.

Talent is the talent that is seen.

Although luminous talents are not seen by many people, they are also seen by many people.

Seeing the reasons for the selection marked by the organizing committee, the most talented talents of the 21st century are not without their subconscious doubts ~ ~ When a netizen saw the news, he suddenly mouse At one shot, he said to others, "Second Olympic, the most talented and talented person in the 21st century? How can I blow? Who, who, is it worse than luminous?"

Others asked, "Who is that?"

The netizen, "Who is that, who ... who?"

The netizen thinks carefully, and then finds that he really does n’t know, or that he can't find a talent that is really better than Luminous, unless it is in a different field, but it is comparable in different fields. ?

Think again, the netizen was a little more thoughtful and terrified, because he suddenly found that, like the luminous goods, as long as he was involved in the field, what he did, it seems that it can be done to the extreme, what others can't do height.

For example, linguistics, the language that Luminous is proficient in, he recognizes second, who dares to recognize first?

For example, in the film and television industry, Run Brothers is still the hottest variety show in the country. None of them. Journey to the West has created a new era of animation, let alone the box office miracle of mermaid movies.

For example, he seems to have entered the sports circle by playing tickets. An Olympic Games has made foreign media call him ‘the strongest man on land’.

It seems that there is nothing he can't, and there is nothing he can't do better than others.

One or two aspects are just fine, but it is so horrible that all aspects of a person are the same.

There is nothing wrong with this evaluation of the most talented and talented people in the 21st century.

At least, after the release of the list of China's top ten outstanding people, most netizens saw Ye Guang and the reason for the selection of Ye Guang and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

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