My Star Teacher

Chapter 624:

The Viper Squad and their team observed the hostility for a while.

The troops searching for the river bank left the area, seized the time, one by one, and quickly dived into the water.

There is actually a drawback to diving. After the dive, the guns that several people carried with them, after soaking in water, are afraid that they will be discarded.

I just hope that there is less sediment at the bottom of the river, and less sediment in the firearms. Simply adding some water does not affect normal use.

Under the water.

The Viper squads lined up in a row, slowly passing under the water.

Several people's backpacks were tied together with rope clasps, and Luminous walked ahead to lead the way.

Several other people were still a little skeptical at this time. Although on the shore, they had felt the magic of turtle sucking Dan, but it was far less intuitive than underwater.

A few people held their breath and didn't breathe, but they didn't feel suffocated at all, as if the pores on the body were absorbing the oxygen in the water to supply themselves, and they didn't need to inhale with their noses at all.

After walking for a while, the sound of the motor of the ship gradually approached. Even the night light and so many people could see the speedboat's floor passing by their heads.

So many people searched repeatedly on the river, but they could never think of them. The person they were looking for was under their own eyes.

Of course, with normal human thinking, I probably can't think of it. People can breathe through the water with such a wide river, right?

After walking for a while, I was approaching the other side of the river.

When the sound of the motor above the head and the sound of the search force gradually drifted away again, the night light slowly raised a head and observed it.


The group quickly landed, and plunged into the jungle.

Except for the unremarkable string of water left on the shore, which will soon be evaporated by the sun, the group left no traces, and the gods unknowingly highlighted the surrounding circle.

After crossing the river, the breakout was basically successful.

But crossing the river does not mean safety. There is also a Baer search force here, but it is not so dense.

After going through this jungle, it will not belong to the Bab's territory. At that time, the Viper team was relatively safe.

It can only be said to be relatively safe. In the chaotic area of ​​the Golden Triangle, at any time and anywhere, it cannot be said to be absolutely safe.

The road after that was relatively smooth.

The Viper Squad did not encounter any enemies. It met two waves, and it was only a small unit. There were not as many Viper Squads, and they were directly resolved by them silently.

After a long long jungle march, after spending a night in the jungle, at noon the next day, the group finally reached the border of Yun Province safely.

When stepping into the country, thunderstorm whispered softly, "Go home."

Yes, I am home.

Ye Guang's heart was mixed at this time. This time, following the thunderstorm, the mission was quite smooth, but she was shocked and returned to the territory of the motherland again. A feeling of peace of mind emerged in her heart.

After many battles along the way, a lot of radon was accumulated, and at this moment, it seemed to calm down at once.

Really, sometimes, without experience, you will not find out how deeply you are attached to this land.

Ye Guang looked at the boundary monument, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Yes, I'm home."

After entering the national border, within a few minutes, a helicopter drove over to pick up the Viper Squad.

Arriving at the temporary station in Yun Province also meant that the mission was successfully completed without any surprises.

Luminous didn't wait much. After removing the armor and changing clothes, he set off for Nanchang.

Thunderstorm originally wanted to send people back to Luminous. If he could, he wanted to send Luminous back in person.

This task was really thanks to Luminous. It was he who got the USB flash drive, and it was also the day he led the team across the river to escape birth.

However, the people in Thunderstorm and Viper Squad did not get away at the moment. The task was completed and a detailed task report was written.

Of course, Luminous doesn't need it, his bright identity in the squad is just a translator.

Luminous refused the thunderstorm's offer to send Luminous back. If Leiyu wanted someone to send him back, it must be the same as when he came to pick him up. Luminous sent him back to the country. Military expenditure, save some gas money.

Besides, when Yun Province arrives in Nanchang, there is no need to trouble others for a ticket. Moreover, the large passenger aircraft is actually much more comfortable than the small airplanes that have been rumbling all the time for military use.

However, Thunderstorm made a special trip to drive in person and sent the night light to the airport.

Before leaving, Thunderstorm and Luminous hugged and said, "Sheep, thank you very much for this time. If you have any help in the future, you must talk. Brothers must be carrying their sleeves to support you."

Ye Guang smiled and said, "It's okay, brother who lives and die together, Xie Han, you will need it in the future, captain, you squeak."

Lei Yu smiled and shook his head. "There will be no need."

Luminous is unclear, so I stunned.

"I will never find you again for difficult tasks in the future." Lei Yu showed a smile. "Because I now realize that no matter what the task is, you are more important than the task itself, and the task is more difficult. It can always be done as long as you overcome the difficulties, but if you have any accidents, it will be a great loss and regret for this nation and country. "

Luminous froze, then touched his nose and smiled, "Captain, you praise me so much, I am ashamed."

Thunderstorm laughed, and hugged with Luminous again, and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Sheep ~ ~ Come on, I will look at you, all our cheetah fighters will look at you, You create more miracles! "

Farewell to the thunderstorm, Luminous boarded the plane home.

To be honest, the moment Luminous boarded the plane, my heart was a little stunned.

How can I explain to Liu Chiyan when I go home?

This is a huge question.

On the day before leaving, Yeguang left without saying goodbye, and had previously vowed to promise Liu Chiyan that he couldn't make it.

Luminous got on the plane, silently thinking along the way, buying something for Liu Chiyan, or thinking of a way to make her less angry.

But sorry, no.

Impossible, don't exist, give up.

How could Liu Chi Yan not be angry?

Even Luminous knew it was impossible.

after all.

It's really wayward this time.

Get off the plane.

Arriving in Nanchang, Ye Guang's heart became more and more frightened.

Properly behave as a thief's guilty conscience,

"Forget it, don't want to, just die." Ye Guang murmured and set off for home.

To be honest, Luminous mood is now more tense than on the battlefield.

Of course, this is actually a manifestation of love.

It is because Luminous loves Liu Chi Yan that he cares so much about his feelings.

Otherwise, if you change someone else, who cares if you are not angry?

It ’s a good environmental ambassador to take the bus home in Luminous. Occasionally, we still need to advocate energy saving and emission reduction.

However, the public car ride was not so calm ...

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