My Star Teacher

Chapter 615: [Do you think I'm old? 】

Ye Guang came back, looked at the leaves, smiled reluctantly, and said, "It's all right."

Oh leaves a word, no words.

Luminous, "Leaf, you go play with you, I want to be quiet."

If you put it in the usual time, the leaves will be mischievous and say, who is Jingjing? I told my sister to go.

But now Ye Guang's face was unhappy, and Ye Zi didn't dare to be mischievous, and turned and walked out.

Ye Guang suddenly called her again, "Ye Zi, uh ... you just heard, don't tell your sister-in-law."

Ye Zi glanced back at Luminous, then hummed, turned and went out.

After the leaves go out.

Ye Guang sat for a while, then took out a pack of unopened cigarettes from the storage bar.

Luminous does not smoke, but the storage bar has become a small supermarket, let alone cigarettes, that is, the raincoats are equipped with many boxes of different brands.

Opening the cigarette, Ye Guang pulled out two and put them in his mouth.

One of them smoked on its own, and the other stood on the table in a clean ashtray for decoration.

Luminous remembered that the flower leopard was smoking.

Goodbye, comrade-in-arms.

Goodbye, hero.

Goodbye, Leopard.


Liu Chiyan went out for a while.

After returning, I smelled some smoke, looked around, and saw two cigarette butts in the ashtray on the luminous table.

"Have you smoked?" Liu Chi Yanjiao stared at Luminous.

Luminous, "No, just play."

"Hit something?" Liu Chiyan looked at Luminous, snorted, and said, "No smoking! Don't take Liu Ge badly."

Luminous smiled, "Don't smoke, don't smoke, you're guaranteed not to learn to smoke Liu."

Wang Tian was taking Phil with a tour in the sea while enjoying the beach and sunbathing, and suddenly sneezed.

Touching his nose, he murmured, "Who misses me?"

Speaking, Liu Tianwang “snapped” and lit a cigarette in his mouth.

Mayer came over, snatched the cigarette from Liu Tianwang's mouth, and blamed him, "Smoke again, smoke less. Why don't you listen? You said you want a baby, and you smoke and drink Why do you want a baby! Huh! "

Liu Tianwang chuckled and stunned Phil, "Yeah, yeah, don't smoke, don't smoke, don't smoke anymore."

Mayfair lay on Liu Tianwang and gave him a slap, "Well, you said that last time, liar."

King Liu Tian smiled a little in embarrassment.

at night.

Luminous contracted for dinner.

This Friday night, there are only two people, Luminous and Liu Chiyan.

According to Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan, my mother called to let Yi Yi go to her parents' home for the weekend, and Ye Guang picked up Yi Yi and sent him to school.

Liu Chiyan is undoubtedly in possession of him, and also enjoys this rare, only he and Yeguang two alone time.

Meimei had a dinner. After the meal, Liu Chiyan nestled on Luminous, hugs his waist, his face against his chest, and laughed, "Why so good today, you even brushed the bowl."

Luminous smiled, "Are I usually not good?"

Liu Chiyan cut aloud, "Dedicate yourself to nothing, you must be fine, say it."

In other words, Yeguang's daughter-in-law, Liu Guangyan knew what was happening to the goods.

Luminous thought about it and said, "Well, it's such a trivial matter."

"Say it." Liu Chiyan said.

"I may be out for a few days," Luminous said.

Liu Chiyan looked up at Luminous, "Go out? Where are you going? Why?"

Luminous, "something."

Liu Chiyan, "What's up?"

Luminous, "Just something, just go back in a few days."

Liu Chiyan, "What can you do? I don't know what you have? Hurry up, don't let you go without saying clearly."

Luminous thought about it, lying between Liu Chiyan to keep her from worrying, and telling the truth to Liu Chiyan, the couple frankly confided between the two options.

Then, I finally chose to be honest.

If it is the person who Luminous does not want to deceive most, then this person must be Liu Chiyan.

Although sometimes a good-faith lie is for the good of the other party, but Ye Guang is unwilling to lie to Liu Chiyan.

However, to tell the truth, to speak the truth, speaking is skillful, avoiding the importance of the light, what is vague, say what can be said, do not say, etc., luminous play is still very six.

Yeguang, "Well, my original military training unit recently had an operation and lacked an interpreter, so I was temporarily recruited as an interpreter."

"Army?" Liu Chi smoked for a moment, then immediately said, "No!"

Liu Chi Yanbu said very decisively, without any hesitation, and the reaction was quite big. The man sat up straight and looked at Luminous with an expression of incompetence.

Luminous, "Well, what's the matter, I'm just going to be a translator, but I'm not on the battlefield. It's okay, why are you so excited?"

Liu Chiyan looked at Yeguang, "No! Can't they find another translation? I have to find you?"

Luminous, "Isn't it great for me, there aren't many people who know the language in that place, I happen to know it, and I'm good at it, and I can follow the speed of the army. Besides, I haven't been in that army before. It makes sense to find me first. "

"No, you can't go!" Liu Chiyan said firmly.

Luminous, "It's okay, I know you're worried, but it's okay, I'm going to be a translator and I'll be back in a few days."

Liu Chiyan, "No! You can't go! I won't let you go !!!"

Liu Chiyan said that he was agitated between words, and his eyes were covered with some water mist ~ ~ This made the night light a bit daunting.

what happened? How could such a big response?

Ye Guang felt that he had avoided the importance and talked about this matter lightly. He said that he would follow the army as an interpreter, and according to Liu Chi Yan's rationality, he would not be so excited, but he would not be so excited.

Looking at the expression that Liu Chiyan was almost crying, Luminous suddenly softened, took Liu Chiyan into her arms, and gently stroked her hair, comforting, "Okay, okay, all right Don't say anything, it's okay. "

Liu Chiyan buried his head on Luguang's shoulder, and said with some coquettish tone, "Then you promise me that you can't go."

Ye Guang smiled bitterly, "Okay, I promise you, obedient, it's almost thirty years old, how can such a big person, like a child, tears at every turn."

Is this a comfort?

Probably, luminous is called distracting comfort.

At least, Liu Chi Yanyan's attention was successfully diverted, and he successfully captured the key point in the Yeguang dialect: ‘It ’s almost thirty, such a big person’

"Huh!" Liu Chiyan let go of Luminous, glaring at him, "Do you think I'm old ?!"

Luminous stunned, his face agitated.

"When do I think you are old?"

Liu Chiyan said angrily, "Huh! You just think I'm old!"

Luminous, "..."

No, why suddenly turned to the question of age? When did you say this?

What is this woman thinking about?

It feels that sometimes they can't keep up with their thinking.

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