My Star Teacher

Chapter 600: [Life of the Fire]

Xu Chen and Sapphire signed under the banner of Xianqi. ◢ 随 ◢ 梦 ◢ 小 ◢.lā

And Liu Tianwang's nature is completely different.

Liu Tianwang is a shareholder. Liu Tianwang is now one of the bosses of Xianqi. Although he is also an artist under the banner of Xianqi, he has no subordinates to Yeguang.

Xu Chen and Sapphire are a little different. They signed the contract with Youqi directly. In the future, Luminous is their boss and belongs to the subordinate relationship.

However, for Xu Chen and Sapphire signed under the banner of Xianqi, Yeguang has no other ideas.

With a smile, Ye Guang said, "Sign it, sign it, brothers are more lively."

For Luminous, even if Xu Chen and Sapphire signed with immortality, it became a relationship with their superiors.

Is it possible that it will become a superior and subordinate on the bright side, not a brother?

That's impossible!

Luminous intersects with people, never looking at relationship levels.

Although Xu Chen and Sapphire are signed, there is a sense of immortality, but in the future, Luguang and how to get along with them, as long as the brotherhood is unchanged, he will never treat them as a subordinate.


The yearning for life officially aired on TT video on Wednesday two days later.

Because of the enthusiasm for the luminous Olympic Games, I longed for the life before that, but simply made some publicity and issued a program highlight.

The yearning for life, two months of program recording, after the final editing is completed into 36 programs.

The number of program periods has been counted. So many broadcasts will definitely not work.

If Zhou broadcasts, this program has to be broadcast for the first half of the year, which is not in line with the current strategic plan of TT Video.

Weekly broadcasts are actually more beneficial to programs and TT videos, which can maximize user stickiness. However, the current TT videos need short-term rapid effects.

Therefore, the yearning for life is broadcast every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at 8pm, three times a week.

The entire program is expected to finish in March.

on Wednesday.

The show premiered.

Because the popularity is already there, countless viewers expect this show.

The premiere had an excellent response.

For a program, popularity is a very important success factor.

Of course, program quality is the most important.

However, aside from quality, the longing for life is the world's first variety show of life documentary.

A new mode, a new type of large variety show, its freshness is enough to make people shine, like this show.

Moreover, the quality of the program is not bad at all.

So, it's not surprising that the yearning for life was only broadcast once.


Great fire.

Word of mouth burst.

Countless netizens have talked on the Internet after watching the first episode.

"Sure enough, there are luminous works, all of which are fine."

"It didn't disappoint me. Although it's a little different from the life I expected to see Yeguang and Goddess Liu, this program is really interesting."

"Life documentary, Luminous has created a new variety show."

"Upstairs, can you be sober? This show Luminous is just a guest, production, production, director, all TT videos, and also created a new variety show? Is there a dime relationship with Luminous? The most annoying you No brain holding powder. "

"I'm afraid it's called Shi Lezhi upstairs? Could you go and see who this planner is before you talk?"

"The upstairs is wrong. He is not Shi Lezhi, he is blind, and the identification is complete."

"Haha, Yiyi is so cute, how can it be so cute, and I like Yiyi more and more, but my family Yiyi is actually a big stomach king, I really did not expect this."

"Yeah. Yiyi is too good to eat. I'm a little scared to see her eat like this. A small person can eat so much."

"This show, I think the biggest highlight is the cooking of Luminous. I didn't expect his cooking to be so good. I drool across the screen."

"Xia Yu is also very cute, cute, cute, and his Chinese level and understanding ability, I want to laugh when I think about it, ha ha ha ha."


Netizens are eagerly discussing the first episode of the longing for life, and they have added a firewood to the popularity of this show.

On the TT video, the response of the first phase of the program was so enthusiastic that it blossomed, and immediately focused on increasing the life promotion work that it longed for.

The original longing for life, on the TT video, is a recommendation of the homepage wind wind wheel broadcast section.

However, after the first episode aired, TT Video gave the best recommendation position of TT Video to the longing life.

Website popup recommendation.

As long as a netizen opens the website or client of TT video, a long-awaited advertisement for life poster will pop up immediately, and they can't hide, they must click to close manually.

This kind of advertisement is actually annoying sometimes, so in general, TT videos are rarely used.

However, the effect is indeed good.

Many netizens are curious about this show because of this pop-up advertisement, then clicked in, and they were finally sucked.

In addition, TT video also put a big trick.

Mr. Sun, TT Video, wanted to submit an application for the headquarters of TT Group and obtained a strong recommendation.

That is the most disgusting TT popup recommendation ~ ~ group, the owner has the most domestic users, almost dominates the TT of instant messaging software.

It can be said that as long as you are a TT user, as long as TT is logged in on your computer, then this pop-up advertisement of it can't be avoided.

You are so busy chatting with your sister.

Suddenly, a few beeps, a small box pops up in the lower right corner of the computer: what is the life of the legendary athlete Ye Guang longing for?

You say you're upset?

This ad is really disgusting, but the effect is really unspeakable.

No way, who makes such TT video users so scary?

With the two powerful propaganda and longing for the luminous luster before, the show of yearning for life has become popular.

Its popularity is unstoppable. From the first broadcast to the end of three months, the popularity and popularity has remained high.

Ye Guang did give him some trouble after the first episode was broadcast.

The show was on fire, and many TV stations started to contact Luminous and wanted to buy the right to live TV broadcast.

Luminous was annoyed by these numerous telephones.

This show is clearly written clearly, the producer TT video, the producer TT video, the director is also the TT video.

Why can't you see it, and find us here?

It makes Ye Guang explain to the other party every time he takes a call. The copyright of this show is not his. You need to find TT video.

It doesn't matter if it's over and over again. The key is that there are too many calls ...

Dear, click in and give a good comment. The higher the score, the faster the update. It is said that the beautiful wife was found at the end of the new score!

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