My Star Teacher

Chapter 493: [Fate, wonderful. 】

Did not keep the audience waiting.

Actually it took just a little while.

Suddenly, the ‘balloon’ held by Yiyi exploded, like a blast shock wave with a substantial stroke, spreading quickly around.

Then, the aerial camera recorded one such picture.

Yiyi stood on the stage, and the dry ice clouds on the stage centered on her, spreading away, and traveled a picture of Taiji Liangyi.

The audience looked at the Taiji Liangyi pattern formed by the white fog on the screen, and couldn't help cheering and cheering again.

"This pattern is Tai Chi Liangyi!"

"Great, my Yiyi!"

"The Tai Chi pattern looks so beautiful and beautiful, with a sense of picture."

"Is Yiyi so small, can I perform such a magic? It's amazing."

"Who designed this magic? Wouldn't it really be Yiyi? It's so good. It's a rare magic."

"Yiyi, you are great!"


Yiyi has already received the power, and has returned to God. It seems that there is still some confusion. What happened just now, turned to look at the luminous light standing at one end of the stage, and Meng Meng blinked and seemed to be asking, 'Luminous light, just now what happened? Have you finished singing? ’

Ye Guang did not speak, knowing that Yi Yi had successfully broken through, and on the stage, it was not easy to say much. The weird image just created by Yi Yi was already quite shocking. If the breakthrough could not be disturbed, Ye Guang would not let so many people watch Yiyi breakthrough.

Nothing was said, Ye Guang smiled at Yiyi, then came over, bowed to the audience, and slowly walked towards the background.

On the stage, the cloud that created the amazing 'magic' has returned to normal, and the stage is cluttered again and again, floating on the stage, and then slowly dissipating, as if nothing had happened before. Too ordinary.

In the audience, a lot of people chanting the magic that Yiyi just performed is great. It is an explanation for many people who have been in wonder before. It turns out that this is magic. No wonder, look at us. Yes, I thought he was so scared.

However, there are also some curious and suspicious people who can't help thinking about it. Is this really just a magic? Can a six-year-old girl perform such a magic? Also, what Tai Chi or something did you read before Luminous?

Let them think that the audience must be incomprehensible now. No one would think that this is a magical martial art. How can martial arts be so magical.

Besides, what kind of work are Yiyi just sketching? It's a dance performed.

Yiyi was led to the background by Luminous.

It seemed that something had changed in her body. Yiyi occasionally lowered her head to look at her little belly, and then touched it with her hands and rubbed it a few times. Maybe she didn't understand what it was. Yiyi asked Yeguang, " Luminous, I feel hot here. "

Yeguang looked at Yiyi, took him to a corner with no staff, squatted down, put one hand on Yiyi's stomach, then smiled and said to Yiyi, "This is qi, this shows that Yiyi Tai Chi is already very good. "

Yiyi's eyes lit up and she asked happily, "Really? Really? Is my Tai Chi already very good?"

Luminous nodded, "Well, Yiyi is great, Taiji is already great."

Yiyi got an affirmative answer, nodded with satisfaction, and then listened to the praises of Yeguang, some fluttered up and said proudly, "Well! I also think I have become so powerful!"

Luminous smiled.

Well, in the end, it is still a child, and it is easy to be complacent when the parents boast.

Liu Chiyan and his parents came to the background.

Because I'm worried about Yiyi.

Others don't know, where can they not know, this is not magic at all, it is the problem of Taiji Kungfu practiced by Yiyi.

Liu Chiyan, "How about Yiyi? Is everything okay?"

Luminous, "It's okay, well, Kung Fu broke through."

Dad looked at Yiyi, and then looked at Yeguang, and said, "Son, you have no problem with the kung fu learned from ancient books, right?"

I learned from an ancient book. This is the explanation given by Yeguang to Taiji. My mom and dad did n’t say anything. Yeguang was like this since he was a kid. He learned things very quickly. Going to school can make sense.

As for the ancient book that never existed, Ye Guang only said that he didn't know where it was lost, even if it was mixed up.

The mother also said, "Yeah, son, don't let Yiyi practice, girl girls, what kind of kung fu, just looked scary."

Luminous, "Okay mom, rest assured, this kung fu is a good thing, and I'm going to finish this time and teach you to practice with dad."

Dad, "What are we doing at this age?"

Luminous, "Enhancing physical fitness, parents, you do n’t know. The biggest effect of this effort is to improve physical fitness. If your elders practice every day and night, you can be healthy and live a long life."

Mom glared at Luminous, Liu Chiyan came around Luminous waist.

Luminous reacted, pretending to give himself a mouthful, and quickly changed his mouth, "Parents, look at my mouth, and you won't say anything, parents, you can live a long life for 100 years if you don't practice this skill I mean, if you practice this skill, you can extend your life. "

Dad asked in disbelief, "Really?"

Luminous, "I can still fool you? Which son does not want his parents to be healthy for a hundred years."

This is true.

Mom thought for a while, and then said, "It's so good that you said, look back and teach me and your dad."

Luminous nodded, "Get it!"

The time spent talking, He Xing, who played on the top, was almost finished singing.

Xia Hai went to the background to find the luminous light and Liu Chi Yan that had not come out.

"Mr. Liu, Xiaoye, uncle and aunt, are you chatting? Mr. Liu, get ready, it's your next show."

Liu Chi Yan nodded, "Well, here it is."

Yeguang also quickly urged my parents to go to the auditorium. "Let's go, let's go to the front to watch the show. This program can't be missed."

Mom and Dad were a little curious, "Isn't it listening to songs? What show?"

Luminous nodded, "Well, the song is still a song, but it's a little different, just look at it and know."

The party, in addition to Liu Chiyan staying in the background to prepare, Yeguang and his parents, Yiyi, returned to the audience with Yiyi.

See luminous coming out.

King Liu Tian and Xu Chen Lanbao and others looked at Yeguang and Yiyi with some strange eyes, resisting curiosity and not asking questions on the spot.

The visions that Yiyi had created on the stage shocked them. Moreover, the buddies who were close to Yeguang knew the basis of Yeguang and Yiyi, but they didn't think it was the arranged magic.

In fact, this is also Yiyi's coincidence. According to common sense, even if Yiyi breaks through, it will not continue this astounding vision on the previous stage ~ ~ Taiji belongs to the internal boxing, pay attention to practicing Qi, Yiyi Previously, it was a breakthrough to the realm of cultivation.

If you put it in other places, such as home, you would not have this kind of momentum. If you do n’t rely on Yiyi too close, you wo n’t feel that she is different when practicing Taiji.

However, it was just on the stage, with negligible weight, and the air generally did not have substantial weight.

Yiyi developed a breath at that time, and it was precisely this breath that she just practiced that drove the air flow on the stage. The presence of clouds and fog only reflects the change of air flow on the stage because the clouds and fog are actually It's too light, so following the movement of the air, a vision appears.

Again, if there were no clouds, you wouldn't feel it at all, because the air would flow all the time, and Yiyi's qi just changed the air flow that was originally chaotic and disordered, making it orderly and tangible.

As a matter of fact, if Yiyi is in the current state, if it breaks through a deciduous forest, the airflow that can be driven cannot sweep away the leaves. At most, it will only make the loose leaves tremble slightly. Wondering wonders.

I ca n’t help but feel that sometimes it ’s so coincidental. When did Yiyi break through badly? I broke through today. Where did I break through today? When I broke through on stage, I broke through on the stage. Artificial dry ice is used to create a cloud that is used to render a beautiful atmosphere.

Probably, this is a kind of fate.

Fate, wonderful.

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