My Star Teacher

Chapter 309: [System pit upgrades! 】

After arriving home.

Luminous went online to watch entertainment news.

Sure enough, the headlines were that Luo Yu and Zhong Jing were in a resort in the city where most of them were honeymooners. They were staying in a sea-view chalet and they were photographed by the sea.

Ye Guang glanced at this news, and several of them were conclusive evidence, and they were slowly pictures of dog food, which seemed to be untrue.

Luminous was a little surprised, Liu Chiyan was also surprised.

Liu Chiyan, "Zhong Jing and Luo Yu ... when are they going?"

Luminous shrugged, "Who knows, they can get better, the news is so powerful, I have a kind of monkey that matches the gorilla's immediate vision ..."

Liu Chi Yan Waner, "It really is so ... cough. But in the face of love, the others are not important."

Luo Yu and Zhong Jing are matched. One is a burly big man and one is petite and handsome. Luo Yu stands and touches only Zhong Jing's chest. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is really a bit out of order, and what are they When did it start? Didn't they know each other? If there were no pictures and the truth, no one would believe in Luminous.

Luminous err, "Liuer, did you say that the two of them were due to a couple calling during our second episode?"

Liu Chiyan thought seriously for a moment and nodded, "I think it is very likely."

However, this is also the speculation of Luminous. It is not easy for him to directly ask questions like Zhong Jing or Luo Yu. Now the news has been exposed, but the two still remain silent and do not respond.

In the evening, things about Zhong Jing and Luo Yu also spread. Zhong Jing and Luo Yu were not big coffees. Zhong Jing had always been tepid. Although it has gained a lot of popularity by running, it actually attracted attention. It ’s not very high, even compared to Luminous, it ’s a lot worse. Although Luminous is just a newcomer, the things he does are really eye-catching, with attention, fans And popularity naturally goes up easily.

Zhong Jing and Luo Yu also used this incident to overwhelm the news of many big coffees and became the hottest topics in the entertainment section.

Zhong Jing and Luo Yu both have their own fan groups. On Weibo, the fans of these two people are now noisy.

Fans of Zhong Jing felt that Luo Yu simply didn't deserve Zhong MAN like this.

And Luo Yu's fans have the same idea. They feel that Zhong Jing, who has no face value and is as strong as an orangutan, is not worthy of Luo Lingyu.

After all, it ’s because the pairing is really full of conflict, otherwise they are both entertainers, and the difference in the entertainment space is not particularly large. Even if there are fans who are dissatisfied, it is only a few. Most fans still don't have any opinions. Maybe they will send blessings and make a good story.

However, the two of them were together, not to mention that their fans could not accept it, even the onlookers felt that some ... spicy eyes.

Nothing happens at night.

After having dinner, I had a chat with Father Liu and Mother Liu in the living room for a while. It wasn't too early, and everyone went back to bed to sleep.

Yeguang and Liu Chiyan did n’t usually go to bed so early in the weekdays, but it ’s relatively early to return to the room today. Back home early.

Luminous returned to the room instead of actually sleeping, but waiting. The system started to upgrade at more than 9 am, and it is now over.

Luminous is still curious about this system upgrade. What kind of surprise will the upgraded system bring to him?

After a while, the system beep finally came to mind.

"Ding, the system upgrade is complete, the current system is level two."

Luminous is busy trying to call the system panel,

The system calls out.

"Yo, it's a little different." There were some changes in the system panel in front of Luminous' eyes, but in fact the changes were not large, but the original blue panel became light red.

There are still no changes in the several tab bars, still the attributes, sweepstakes, shopping malls, and storage bars.

Luminous first clicked on the property panel to check, and then a sentence "Look!" Blurted out, "The reputation of labor and capital!"

Reputation value: 0

Disciple value: 1832

Looking at a dazzling zero, Luminous was suddenly speechless. Is this a system upgrade that swallowed our reputation? It turned out he had more than 7 million prestige values! More than seven million! How many good things can I smoke, that's all!

A word of MMP is intolerable.

The disciple's value is still there. In addition, the system level has been changed to 2, and the skills are also there. There is no change on the other attribute panels.

However, the prestige value of more than 7 million is gone, and Ye Guang feels distressed for a while, but the system is dead, and Ye Guang has no place to find someone to complain.

With a bitter smile, Luminous shook his head, and no longer looked at the property panel, he felt distressed.

The lottery panel is the same as the original, but it was discovered by Luminous. The original 30,000 prestige value has now been changed to 300,000. It seems that there is no surprising change in the system upgrade this time, but the level has been improved by some. I do n’t know if there will be any good things out of it. Do n’t just use some disposable consumables, then it will be a big loss. Ye Guang wants to try it, but now he has no reputation at all.

The function of raising the lottery is still there. The original raise function was 300,000 consecutive draws, and now it has become 3 million. It is estimated that it has increased by one level with the level. There is no disappointment. Yes.

The change in the system store is the biggest, and the items sold inside have changed a lot, but looking at the price makes Yeguang a little speechless.

Skill upgrade ball: priced at 1 million, after use, you can have a skill proficiency of 10 (can be superimposed)

Washing Pills: The price is 300,000. After use, the constitution will be permanently increased by 1 (can be stacked).

Dili Pill: The price is 300,000. After use, the power will be increased by 1 permanently (can be stacked).

Fengshen San: The price is 300,000. After using it, the agility increases by 1 permanently (can be stacked).

Yishen Dan: The price is 300,000, and it is full of energy 12 hours after taking it.

Gold Chuangyao: The price is 300,000 yuan, which can effectively treat external trauma after use.

Jinchuang Medicine (True): The price is 3 million yuan, and it can effectively treat external trauma after use (all living organisms are effective).

Guitan Dan: The price is 300,000 yuan, and it can last for 8 hours after taking it.

Turtle Sulfate (True): The price is 3 million yuan, and it can last for 8 hours after taking it (all living organisms are effective).

Ruanjin San: The price is 1 million yuan, and it stays weak for 2 hours after taking it (effective for non-host life).

Wudu Pills: priced at 3 million yuan, and died of poisoning after taking it (use with caution! Effective for non-host life).

Shenxian Tea (True): The price is 300,000 / jin, which is beneficial for long-term physical and mental health (all living organisms are effective).


This is all the items in the system store now. The original disposable consumables have all been replaced, but Luminous looked at the items sold on the system now. Except for the first skill upgrade ball, why did everyone look at them all? Is the sense of sight that scammers sell dog skin plaster everywhere?

Ye Guang shook his head and smiled bitterly, then suddenly thought of something.

"Slum! That means that the original disposable consumables are no longer available?" Ye Guang suddenly felt dumbfounded.

At the system level, the store sells disposable consumable items such as the Fortune Leader. In addition to the luminous use of the Fortune Leader during the lottery, and the last time when fighting in the mall and security, Kong Wuli and Rock Solid At other times, these consumables are kept motionless in the storage bar, and they will not be used at all. Over time, Luminous thinks that these things are a bit tasteless.

But now suddenly these things do n’t have to be sold, and Luminous only reacted. Those who looked like chicken ribs, he was disgusted with every consumable in the lottery. At this time, it became an out of print item!

In the future, it will be useless. Think carefully about the powerful functions of those items. Luminous quickly went to the storage bar to check the inventory that he owned.

Fortune 21

No Wonder 26

Rejuvenation 39

Ecstasy 28

Kongwu Youli 34

Solid of Rock 32

These were all accumulated one by one during the original lottery. At that time, Luminous was quite disgusting. Now I feel that these have become treasures. Use one less treasure.

Sure enough, it is the best that you can't get. The original is in front of you, but you don't cherish it.

These consumables, in addition to the glowing glow of the night, feel that the function overlaps with the function of Istriandan now sold in the store, and some of them are good things! Moreover, the rejuvenation is cheaper than Yi Shen Dan!

The most precious thing is the three of Fortune and Kong Wuli, and the solid stone of the rock. Fortune needless to say, without it, the lottery can be drawn less and I do n’t know how many things. Battle artifact! Although it was only temporary, the effect of these two things was really powerful.

Although there are similarities between the two items that are currently being sold, Xishui Dan, Dali Pill, and their physical strength, Xishui Dan and Dali Pill have to be accumulated step by step ~ ~ 要Wait until Xiu Dan Dan and Dali Wan accumulate the powerful effects of Fortune and Kong Wuli, and we still do n’t know if it will be like a monkey, and the most important thing is that it is so expensive!

Luminous suddenly had the urge to hit people.

MMP system, what's the use of this upgrade! Is this an upgrade or a pit?

There is no way, the system upgrade has been completed, and Luminous can't let him go back again. For the original consumables, Luminous now can treat them as treasures. "Oh, I have to save it later, use one. One less. "

The storage bar has also changed a bit. It has been expanded. It used to be a total of 25 storage grids of five by five. Each storage grid can accommodate a maximum of 1 cubic meter of items. Now it is expanded to a total of 100 storage grids of ten by ten. Upgrading does have some meaning of upgrading. It is much more powerful. You should know that the storage bar does not just mean that an item can only be placed in a grid, but each grid represents 1 cubic meter, and the actual items are in the storage bar. The space is not limited by a grid space, that is, if a 10 cubic meter item is received, it will only occupy 10 grids.

This means that if Luminous is willing, he can take a large truck or even a small building directly into the storage locker.

Yeguang suddenly felt that the system must be short-circuited. With such a stupid storage bar, what star did he make? The only mainline task was a masterpiece of Vance. What he was best suited to do, should n’t it be logistics ?

Ye Guang felt that if he did logistics, he would make a fortune.

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