My Star Teacher

Chapter 194: 【Explanation】

Jiang Xin took Yiyi to the kindergarten, and Liu Chiyan and Yeguang hurried to the studio.

Jiang Feng arrived for a while.

Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan arrived at the company and immediately called Jiang Fengxian to the office.

"Lao Jiang, figure out what's going on?" Ye Guang asked.

Jiang Fengxian nodded. "It's almost clear. I asked about it. The owner of that shop was fined hundreds of thousands of dollars by the business and industry. Then he was sued by British Givenchy. The other party claimed compensation for 6.8 million wins. It should be because of this. Fanny's boss lost a lot of money so he couldn't stop jumping. "

This matter has been roughly speculated yesterday, and now it is confirmed.

Luminous nodded, "Did anyone find it now?"

Jiang Fengxian glanced at Yeguang first. "Not yet, there is no trace of life or death, but ... it is estimated that there are many less auspicious, and the online comment on you is not very good."

Luminous look sullen, "I know, scolded me everywhere."

Jiang Fengxian: "This matter needs to be handled well and explained to the outside world as much as possible. The jumping of the river has nothing to do with you directly. You can't really let those big hats buckle on your head."

Luminous shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't make it clear. I'm indeed the fuse when talking about it."

"If you do n’t know clearly, you have to say it!" Jiang Fengxian was anxious. "Although this matter has nothing to do with you in justice, don't worry about it, but in public opinion, if you jump into the river and the hat of the murderer is solid, then You are ruined! "

Luminous: "What should I do now, I'm afraid that if I explain, everyone will think that I'm forcing aside the relationship and causing a bigger rebound."

Liu Chiyan also said, "This is indeed a problem. Netizens have always been to the weak, and now the bosses of Luminous and Givenchy, undoubtedly Givenchy's boss is the weak. They are afraid that netizens will not care about the real thing, and still The point is at night light. "

Jiang Feng first thought and thought, "An explanation is definitely required. If you do not explain, it is equivalent to the default. You must say something about this matter. So, we will only state the truth of the matter, do not argue, and do not Look down. "

Luminous thought for a while, "It can only be done first."

Around eleven o'clock.

The Internet is also full of all kinds of negative speeches against Luminous. Some netizens have rumors of 'facts' flying from the sky, and some good online media have also posted some "Luminous Killing Clothing Store Owners" and "Luminous Violent Smashing" "Breakthroughs" is headline news.

The wind direction is extremely unfavorable to Luminous. There is already a tendency for Luminous to scream on the Internet.

Everyone is waiting for the inside story of the real event, waiting for Ye Guang to give an explanation. Finally, Ye Guang and Jiang Fengxian and Liu Chiyan discussed the post.

"Statement of facts before and after the river jumping event"

Hello everyone, my name is Luminous, and I'm here to make a statement about the Givenchy boss jumping the river.

First of all, I express my deep regret and sorrow for Givenchy's boss jumping into the river without knowing his life and death, which shows that I know the whole story.

First, state the cause of the torn clothes fight video.

That day, I brought ... the child was so bullied, and my heart was so irritable ... Then ... Eventually, there was a physical conflict with the mall security.

That's all there is to tears video.

Then I explained the River Leaping incident, because the clothes sold in that Givenchy store had quality problems, and the customers were maliciously planted to trap the customers. Afterwards, I chose to protect the rights through judicial channels and reported it to the Consumer Association and the court. The final court awarded three times the compensation, but I have not received any compensation so far. Because of this incident, the industrial and commercial inspection also carried out a comprehensive quality and qualification inspection on this Givenchy clothing store. During the inspection, it was found that the Givenchy clothing store had expired within one year of the license agreement, and all clothing in the store were imitations. Industry and commerce immediately investigated this store, and then British Givenchy also sued this unauthorized Givenchy clothing store, claiming compensation for 6.8 million wins. Everyone knows what happened afterwards. Because of this series of events, the boss of Givenchy chose to take a leap on the bridge. To this end, I express my deep sorrow and deep regret. At present, the boss of Givenchy The exact message of life and death, may he be safe.


A luminous Weibo post with a few hundred words was sent out in just a few ten minutes, and it became a hot topic in just ten minutes. Netizens are waiting.

Yeguang's Weibo statement stated the beginning and the end, and it attracted many netizens to comment.

"If Ye Guang is telling the truth, then the river jumping incident has nothing to do with him strictly speaking, but I still don't agree with the violence such as tearing clothes and fighting."

"As a public figure, this approach is simply a shame, watching the video of him hitting a shop and beating, anyway, what he said now is I don't believe it."

"This is sophistication and whitewash, don't be fooled!"

"That is true, but it is because of him! In the final analysis, it is indirect killing with a knife!"

"Everyone is gone. I do n’t know if you are ferocious or dead. What use is it to say these things now? Explain that you can live? That is a life! Will your conscience not hurt?"

"I think that if Ye Guang is telling the truth, it really has nothing to do with him. People are just defending their rights normally. That store is not standing upright, and fraudulently fraudulent consumers are investigated and prosecuted. What about Ye Guang? , I still disapprove of beatings. "

"Anyway, I do n’t believe a punctuation mark after breaking the sky.

"Legally, it may have nothing to do with Yeguang, but I think it was he who killed the shop owner indirectly, and he pays attention to the cause of everything ~ ~ Yeguang is the cause."

"This kind of misconduct and violent people are actually called geniuses. It's really a dog."

Luminous ’s Weibo sounded, but it seems to have little effect. Although things have been said very clearly, only a small number of netizens think more rationally and think that it has nothing to do with Luminous. A lot of netizens still insist on their own opinions and feel that Luminous It is the cause of the whole thing that still points the finger at Luminous. In addition, the luminous tearing clothes and playing security is basically not recognized by netizens. Even if there are a few netizens standing out to say a few fair words, they will immediately Other netizens who were excited by the sentiment were drowned.

If this violent incident is replaced by another person, not a public figure, then the attitude of netizens may be a little different, at least it will be polarized, with some support and some opposition, but Luminous is already considered as the public People, in the eyes of the masses, public figures should have behaviors peculiar to public figures. This kind of violent incident is disgraceful to the public figures.

But speaking, whether it is ordinary people, public figures or stars, in the final analysis, they are all people, they have passions, sorrows, joys and sorrows, but the masses always have a fixed mindset about stars, and they always feel that Whatever the celebrity should be, what can't be the case, and even talking about a love or marriage or personal aspects of the family, as long as it is placed on the celebrity, it will be infinitely enlarged.

In the final analysis, how is the relationship with others?

Unexpectedly, it is not unexpected, not surprised, but there is nothing unexpected, because I am a conscious and diligent and good author. . . Well, that's it. I didn't blush when I said this.

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