My Star Teacher

Chapter 177: [The champion must be our wife! 】

Ye Guang explained it, and Ren Keling on the side also helped explain it. [Full text reading]

"Here I would like to explain to you that the narration in Liu Chiyan's songs was originally given to the band teacher, but the crew considered that Ye Guang was the original poet of the poem. He happened to be on TV again, out of respect for the original poet. Therefore, the show group chose to invite Luminous to the stage. The chorus and narration of the song are part of the song. It is not important who reads the narration, and it will not affect the fairness of the game. "

Ye Guang looked at Ren Keling gratefully. If he did n’t help explain, maybe some of the audience was led by Chun Yumin in a big rhythm, and even if it is explained now, there may still be audiences who have identified it in their hearts. It's unfair. There is no such thing without saying anything. Certainly different opinions will arise when we say it.

The role of Ren Keling's relatively official explanation can only be to reduce this effect, but it is no longer possible to completely convince the audience, but his explanation is undoubtedly better than that of Luminous. The representative of the program explained that the follow-up audience was still being led to think that Liu Chiyan's game was unfair, then there is no way around it, and the impact will still be a little bit.

Chun Yumin: "It turned out to be that way, it seems that I misunderstood, sorry."

Chun Yumin understands, but the rhythmic influence he brings will not disappear because he understands.

Everyone is an independent individual. The opinions of others are just opinions. The audience will still define it in their hearts. If you do n’t say it, everyone wo n’t notice, because it is a normal thing, but it seems a bit reasonable. That said, even if the explanation is clear at the end, but the controversy has already existed, some viewers will still feel that it is unfair, especially Han Yurou's fans.

This episode is over. Luminous is helpless, but there is nothing you can do. You ca n’t blame Chun Yumin. People just say their opinions and finally apologize. Luguang can only secretly pray for the audience to be clear Judgment.

This is the most critical time for the show, and it is also the time when the audience is most looking forward to it.


Who is the strongest champion this time depends on the vote.

Soon, Ren Keling announced the start of voting, and the audience and the audience voted one after another.

During the gap period, the judges also voted one by one, but this time, the program group created some suspense for the effect of the program, and the judges voted for secret voting.

That is to say, the judges will vote in advance, write the supported election on the prepared card, and then hand it to the notary. The result of the vote will be announced after the audience vote.

In this way, there was a gap of more than ten minutes when the program was voting. During the gap, the program team asked Liu Tianwang and He Xing and Feng Qiuhuang to sing a song for everyone.

After several players sang separately, the audience's voting results have come out. After the comrades of the Notary Bureau confirmed that it took effect, the final announcement was made.

The highly anticipated moment is coming.

Luminous was invited to the stage, Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou separated several positions and stood side by side on the stage.

Ren Keling: "Our show is coming to an end here. Next, we will announce the support rate of the two players to determine who is the strongest voice of this session! I believe this is what everyone is looking forward to."

Yishan: "Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou's final showdown, which one will make the audience more sincere and dead-headed, let us wait and see!"

Ren Keling: "The voting results are already available. First of all, let's take a look at the audience ’s approval rating!"

On the big screen, the columns representing the support rates above the heads of Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou began to rise.

All eyes were on the rising cylinder indicating the voting ratio.

The two columns go side by side, luminous trembling, feeling not too seconds. Looking at the momentum, the ratio of the two is almost the same. Popularity is a huge advantage for her. If the audience can't pull the ratio, the final result will depend on several judges.

It turned out.

Liu Chi Yan's support rate is slightly higher, but only a little bit.

The support rate in Liuchi smoke field is 1%, and the support rate in Han Yurou field is 12%.

Han Yurou's intention of this song is indeed very good. Half of the audience chose to die.

Luminous was a little helpless. If you go on like this, it's really unknown who will eventually die. He also doubts that this voting ratio has the influence of the rhythm of Chun Yumin's previous wave, but it's not anxious. Outside audience, Yeguang did n’t believe that the popularity of Liu Chiyan would be incompatible with Han Yurou.

Ren Keling: "Liu Chiyan is ahead for the time being, but Han Yurou's support rate is also very good. The current difference between the two is only 1%."

Yishan: "The results of off-site voting are now public."

The cylinder changed its color and continued to climb.

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on the big screen.

This time, it was clear that the cylinder representing the support rate of Liu Chiyan rose faster than Han Yurou's, and soon exceeded Han Yurou's ratio by a large margin.

The luminous heart hung back a little.

Liu Chiyan looked calm.

Han Yurou frowned slightly.

In the end, Han Yu's softened willow smoke represents a stationary cylinder.

Off-field audience Liu Chiyan's support rate is far ahead, and the schematic diagram is already a bit higher than Han Yurou.

The out-of-field support rate of Liuchi Tobacco was 17%, which overwhelmed Han Yurou's 8% by absolute advantage. Liuchi Tobacco was 9% ahead.

At present, Liu Chiyan ’s audience ’s total support rate is 0%, and Han Yurou ’s total support rate is 20%, which is exactly 10% ahead of Han Yurou ’s, which is quite a judge ’s support rate.

Luminous mouth slightly aroused ~ ~ This is a great advantage. The rest depends on the votes of the judges. Liu Chiyan sang very well this time, and the song was intended to be a prodigal and old man. The judges He also had some speculations about his vote. He Si and Chun Yumin said that he was not good, but Huang Bin and Yu Fengnan had given the song in vain. The songs of Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou overpowered Liu Chiyan slightly. Yu Qingli, the two should also vote for Liu Chiyan, and Zong Zhengguang and Zong Lao. This one has been faintly facing Liu Chiyan between Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou. During the first game, He also moved back to Liu Chiyan, should he also cast Liu Chiyan?

If all three luminous people expected to cast Liu Chi Yan well, then the big picture is set.

Well, the idea is good, but the final result is unknown.

Ye Guang's mind flashed a thought at a certain moment. What if the judges have three supporters Han Yurou, and the support rate of each person will be 50%, then who is this champion?

Of course, the idea of ​​luminous light just passed by, and immediately disappeared from his mind.

How could Liu Chiyan's judges have less approval than Han Yurou?

The champion must be our wife!

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