My Star Teacher

Chapter 113: [Little daughter-in-law is coming]

Under a wave of propaganda offensives, Ye Guang's storytelling show finally improved.

Of course, the biggest credit for this is Liu Chiyan. His fan base is too large, and many fans responded to it immediately after the clockwork Weibo.

Yeguang looked a little bit hot, and then started to provoke Liu Chiyan to post the article he wrote to Weibo, but Liu Chiyan refused to agree, and said sternly, "I am the queen, I want to maintain Your own image! "

Of course, Ye Guang can only stop there. Instead, he tweeted the article he wrote to himself.

His Weibo fans are not particularly many, but there are still some. Once this Weibo came out, his Weibo became hot again.

Wu Xiaochunqing: "It's so shy, how can you send this kind of thing, don't look at it! But I can't control myself."

Big-footed man: "Lying in a trough, so heavy? It's harder than the skin on my feet."

Emperor Truth: "Visual inspection is a scam."

1223: "Everything like this? Although it feels like a scam, I just can't help but order a little."

Wu Feiwu excitedly said: "I've seen it. It's a Journey to the West. Yes, it's a scam."

A baby: "Rely on, liar."

Uh ...

下午 That afternoon, Ye Guang received a call from his mother.

"Son, are you busy?"

"Mom, not busy, what is it? You say."

"Son, are you free tonight? Bring Willow if you are free ... Chi Yan go home for dinner, oh, and that little girl."


怎么 "What? Unhappy?"

"No, no, of course, but ... my dad?"

"Your dad's anger is almost gone. I'll let it go. You married all the girls. We can't neglect others. Listen to my mother. Bring them to dinner tonight. That's it! There are customers in the store. Don't say anymore. Hang up! "

Ye Yeguang hung up the phone and looked at Liu Chiyan with a bitter smile. Liu Chiyan also looked at him exactly. "Auntie's phone?"

Yueguang nodded. "My mother said that I would take you home for dinner tonight."

Liu Chiyan was clearly shaken, and the pen he held in his hand fell on the table. "This ... me ... that ..." Liuchi Yanzhiwu I can't speak.

Ye Yeguang: "If you feel embarrassed, then it will take a while."

Tamariu Chiyan quickly shook his head. "I didn't mean it that way. I went, of course I went, why did it take a while?"

Are you going to go to your parents-in-law's house? Liu Chiyan was a little excited.

Ye Yeguang laughed and said, "Okay! Then take Yiyi with me at work that night."

Yan Liuchi Yan said, "Walk around, let's go buy clothes! Also buy some gifts."

Yiyiyi heard that she was going to buy something, and immediately got excited, and quickly put away her toys.

Ye Yeguang: "Never use it. What gifts do you buy, this time in your own house, you don't need to buy clothes. You can just wear them."

Liu Chi Yan decisively shook his head, "No, I have to buy it. I went there for the first time ... No, I will go to your house for the first time, of course, it must be more formal, and the gift must be bought! I must leave a good impression to my uncle and aunt, You have to buy clothes! "

Ye Yeguang smiled and relied on her. Liu Chiyan rejoiced abnormally. He didn't care that it was in the company. He took Yeguang and Yiyi out.

The employees watched Liu Chiyan in a horror, pulling luminous, pulling Yiyi, and quickly walked out of the studio.

刚刚 "Just ... shouldn't I be watching it?"

"What's the matter?"

"Just a hand, it should be fine ..."

"Relatives, relatives, they are just relatives."

When I reached the parking lot to drive, Luguang said weakly, "Just now, it seems ... they are quite surprised."

Yanliu Chiyan can't care about it now, urging, "No matter what you think about love, let's go shopping and drive fast."

Downtown mall.

Ye Yeguang once again saw the madness of Liu Chiyan.

"This jade is like this for my uncle? The condition is very good."

"More than a million, if you want to scare my dad you buy it."

"Oh, I bought it."

"Buy a fart! Put down!"


"Auntie in this coat must be very good."

"Yes, Mink. Summer is almost here, it must be cool to pass."

Tamarix Chiyan blushed with a big mask and put his clothes down.

"Then, buy this!"

"It's too expensive."

"what about this?"

"Too fancy."

"This, this, this is also very good."

"Do not touch anything over 10,000!"

"Then what do you say to buy!"

Yeguang can't do this, neither can it. Liu Chi Yan chose for a long time and was still empty-handed, a little anxious.

Yueguang: "I just bought some fruit, but I just didn't want to buy any supplements."

Yan Liuchi Yan shook his head: "No, it's not sincere, you can't be so casual, you think about it."

Ye Yeguang was helpless, and finally he picked up a health cup for more than 2,000 yuan for his father, and bought a foot treatment instrument for his mother for more than 3,000 yuan.

Dad likes to drink tea. It ’s a good idea to buy a healthy cup of tea. My mother did n’t know what to buy for her. I strolled around and saw that the pedicure was good. I was tired after working all day. It's also good to have a foot therapy device to press one foot.

After payment, Liu Chiyan still whispered to Yeguang a little in a whisper, "Is this too cheap ~ ~ Will it look very dishonest, should we pick other ones?"

Luminous: "What's cheap, it adds up to six thousand, I have the cost of living for half a year, okay, don't think about it, our parents who are buying expensive must not ask for it, we ca n’t tell them the price yet, Otherwise, no designation will be accepted. "

Yan Liu Chi Yan stopped talking, and our parents said that Ye Guang made her face a little red.

I originally wanted to buy clothes for Liu Chiyan, but strolled around and found that the clothes in the mall were not as good as those in his home, and at the insistence of Luguang, I had to dispel the idea of ​​buying clothes.

I didn't go back to the studio. Luminous, Liu Chiyan and Yiyi went straight home.

Although she didn't buy clothes, Liu Chiyan refused to wear the clothes to see Yeguang's parents, saying that she should be serious.

Ye Yeguang: "Serious, don't you scare my parents as soon as you are serious, just wear one, and have a meal."

Yan Liu Chi Yan ignored him, turned into the bedroom, opened the large closet, and tried his clothes one by one.

"This is not good, it's too fancy, it should be simple."

"No dress, it's too solemn, not good."

"This one ... is a bit vegetarian."

"This one won't work either."

"This one? No, no."

Tamarix Chiyan tried the clothes in the closet almost one by one, but they didn't feel like the right choice.

"It's difficult ..." Liu Chiyan was tangled. "Yueguang, come and help me choose one, I don't know which one to wear."

Yueguang spoke in the living room, then got up and went to the bedroom.

I pushed the door open, and Luminous's nose became hot for a while. I almost didn't hold it. I reached out and touched it.

The scene in the house was too fragrant.

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