My Star Teacher

Chapter 101: [Program frustrated] (plus the title number is cool 1 point ...

At last, a song has been successfully completed in the rough.

Why is it bumpy?

Because Liu Chiyan was rebuked by Luke's fingertips throughout the whole process, a song was recorded, and she became angry with him.

Noctilucent, he is a bumpy body, sometimes accidentally say something wrong, such as Liu Chiyan is stupid, Liu Chiyan is stupid or something, and Liu Chiyan will leave a mark on him , Or the fingerprints produced by the two-finger meditation, or the fingerprints of the teeth, the luminous is almost crying, is there any way to treat the teacher? You do n’t respect teachers! If it weren't for the company, I would have served my family in minutes!

Fortunately, this song is finally completed, and the music score Liu Chiyan still has to think about it, but under the pressure of luminous light, she can be considered to learn this song, and now she has the same style, although luminous feeling and dream world There are some differences in the version, but it's not a big deal, and it can't be exactly the same. Liu Chi's smoke line is good, and the singing is pretty good.

Yueguang's mission is complete.

Liu Chiyan still has a lot of work to do here. First, I have to finish the score, and then I have to find a band to make the soundtrack. The score is okay, but the soundtrack is difficult to do. There is no band in the studio. I have to go outside. Look, Liu Chi Yan is a band that often cooperates. It's not difficult to find a band, but what kind of instrument is used for this song, the rhythm of various instruments and the like will require some effort.

However, the hardest part of the song and composition has come out. Are there any other problems?

In fact, Ye Guang felt that Liu Chiyan had already sang very well. He thought that the dream of Chi Ziyan was also a flash of brilliance. He thought that Liu Chiyan usually had a weak temper. Singing this song might not be suitable, because he was afraid of his treble. He could n’t go up, but he did n’t expect that Liu Chiyan ’s singing skills were very good, soaring soaring so high that he did n’t want to, he was really startled at the luminous, and was surprised to see Liu Chiyan for a long time, I did n’t know her How could Jiao's body send out such a powerful force, and a funny idea came out in her heart.

Otherwise, when will she sing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? I really want to see that scene.

Yan Liu Chi Yan's troubles can be solved, Ge Yeguang has helped him get it, but Ye Guang is still annoyed, and there is no charter for the thing about his Journey to the West.

Why no one can watch such a good program?

Only you think it's okay ah! Oh, and Yiyi.

After two days.

Yueguang's show was completely shot by all TV stations.

Yes, all! In recent days, all domestic and foreign TV stations in Jiang Fengxian have submitted plans, but without exception, they have all been shot dead.

For a moment, Ye Guang was lying on the desk with a frowning sigh.

Liu Chiyan distressed him and advised, "If not, let's do other shows, such as making a TV show or something. It's much better than doing a TV show. It's easier for TV stations to accept. Then you will be the star! "

The luminous face is even more bitter. It is not impossible to shoot a TV series, but it takes too long to shoot a TV series. Where does he have so much time to wait? A month has passed a week. If it is within a month I ca n’t make a program that is conducive to cultural dissemination, then the next year ... Ye Guang couldn't imagine it.

Ye Guang gritted his teeth, "No! This show must be done!"

Yanliu Chiyan: "Why are you so stingy, now it's impossible to do it, TV stations don't buy it."

Yueguang lingered again, oh, what a good thing.

I have to figure out a way.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in Luminous's head, and he patted his head.

"Slump! Why do I get **** again?"

Yanliu Chiyan looked at him and said, "Well, why do you stick to the horns, so if you ca n’t do the show, do n’t do it, just change it individually, be good.”

Ye Guang glared at Liu Chiyan, "Who said that I didn't do the show, I didn't mean it! The show had to do it!" Ye Guang went on without waiting for Liu Chi Yan to ask, "Why do we have to find a TV station for cooperation? With equipment, it is ok to clean up and arrange the video booth on the second floor of the shooting site. In this case, let's shoot ourselves! Do it! "

Tamariu Chiyan opened his mouth. "It's very light. After you shoot it, you still expect to sell it to TV stations like episodes."

Lu Yeguang: "Why not?"

Tamariu Chiyan: "Don't dream about it, TV stations don't buy it now, you just make it yourself and they won't buy it. You said that this is a TV show, not a TV series, and there is no precedent for buying homemade programs."

Ye Guang shook his lips and said, "If you do n’t buy, you do n’t have to buy it. It is not necessary that they do it. We make the program ourselves and broadcast it on the Internet! With so many video websites, we can broadcast it casually. ! "

Yanliu Chiyan said for a moment, "Online broadcast? Don't go to the TV station? What can I do? Let's not say if anyone watched on the Internet, it was someone who watched it, but you did it at a loss! Buy it at a loss!"

Yueguang: "How can it be a loss to buy 赔 drink, we can sell to video sites, and can also pull ads."

Liu Chiyan said: "Sell it to a video site? Think more about you, how could someone buy your show, this is not a TV show, and the video site did not buy a home-made variety show. Besides, you still think As for advertising, as for this program, none of the so many television stations in the country can see it, and where can I advertise? "

Tamarix pond smoke is a basin of cold water in front of the night light.

Luminous stunned, really, there is no self-made online variety show in the world, and it ca n’t be said that there is no ~ ~ some personal and crudely crafted programs are still a bit, but they are all uploaded and watched for free. Online variety shows are here The world has not yet entered the public's vision. In the world of dreams, in fact, the rise of online variety shows has only gradually risen in 2014. Most of the variety shows on the original video website were broadcast by major TV stations. Some variety shows, the world is currently in a state of broadcasting, and the variety shows made by video websites have not appeared yet.

Yeguang didn't want to give up, gritted his teeth, "It's really free to broadcast! I won't believe it, I will come to my house when my show is on fire without ads!"

He vaguely remembered that there were several Internet programs in the world in the dream, similar to Qihua said, and they were all free for the first time. After the program became hot, there were various advertisements, and the video website also gave them corresponding advertisements. Or even buy out directly.

Yanliuchi smoked his mouth and aired, "I think you have eaten the scales and irons, and you can just toss, I don't care!"

Yeguang hummed twice.

Ads? In fact, Ye Guang had a little idea in his heart.

I said just do it!

Yeguang convened a group meeting on the day of the employees. In the eyes of the employees' surprise, they talked about the self-made program, so that all departments went to make arrangements and prepare to start at any time.

后 After the meeting, Luminous secretly found a place where no one was and dialed a phone.

The bell rings for a while before the other party picks it up, probably because it's too busy.

"Hello, President Guo?"

"It's me, who are you?"

总 "General Manager, congratulations on the success of your product. I am Luminous. I want to discuss with you about something. I don't know if it is convenient or inconvenient for you now."

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