My Space Door

Text Chapter 86 Escape

My father is about 100 kilometers ahead! Mei Lan was not idle in Wu Fan's arms, and kept contacting her father with the Divine Sense Card. As the distance got closer, she could also sense it through the Divine Sense Card. Her father's location was revealed, and she happily informed Wu Fan immediately.

One hundred kilometers, almost twenty teleportation, Wu Fan heard it and calculated it in his heart, but he didn't have the energy to reply. He concentrated on teleporting, such frequent teleportation, if there is a slight mistake, the plane may be destroyed, uh , It should be that the two died together. His spiritual power is like a navigation to find a safe way forward. He can't teleport to the dangerous monster because of his quick plan. Then the Sith magic god behind him will die of laughter.

Hmm! It's broken! Sith, who was chasing Wu Fan quickly, changed his expression, and he sensed Merlin's group in front of him.

Merlin, who was heading forward, also sensed Wu Fan and Mei Lan, and the Sith behind them also entered the range of his spiritual perception, and he also used the wings of God to fly towards Wu Fan and the others.

Everyone is fighting for time. At this speed, it is impossible to catch up with Wu Fan. Sith waved his hand, and an eighth-level magic God's Punishment instantly locked Wu Fan. This is the strongest attack magic he can cast instantly. Magic requires preparation time, and when ready, Wu Fan should drink celebration wine with Merlin, but in his mind, Wu Fan is only level 5, so he must not be able to resist this magic, as long as he can't teleport, can it be said that Merlin Can't he catch up with a light mage? At that time, if he killed the two of them by himself, and then destroyed the corpses, Merlin might not be able to arrive.

'God's Punishment' can be a group attack magic or a single attack magic, it all depends on the caster's will. After this magic is released, it will be a holy light. Fortunately, the speed of this holy light is not the speed of light. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wu Fan to escape. However, although it does not have the speed of light, it is composed of pure elements and concentrated in a holy light. The speed was not slow, and he was behind Wu Fan in an instant.

It's God's Punishment. Hurry up... Mei Lan saw God's Punishment first. She herself practiced light magic, so how could she not know God's Punishment? When she saw this magic, she turned pale with fright. His level is higher than Wu Fan's, but he can only cast level seven magic. She couldn't stop the eighth-level magic 'God's Punishment'. Even so, she concentrated all her efforts to bless Wu Fan with a light shield equivalent to a seventh-level defense.

Hearing Mei Lan's voice, Wu Fan knew it was broken, so he didn't need to think about anything else, just continue teleporting.

But after teleporting, Mei Lan screamed again: God's Punishment has caught up again.

Wu Fan broke out in a cold sweat, and teleported himself. This magic can also track it, which is even more powerful than homing missiles.

Continue to teleport. But they couldn't get rid of the 'God's Punishment'. Both Wu Fan and Mei Lan understood that the magic god behind him was using spiritual perception to guide this magic. As long as Wu Fan does not escape from his spiritual perception, it is impossible to escape, and Wu Fan is fleeing in one direction, and he has already figured out the way. Move your feet and catch up.


Seeing that it was impossible to escape, Mei Lan blessed herself with a shield of light in desperation, hoping that after she could resist this 'God's Punishment', she would not suffer too serious injuries. But the God's Punishment cast by Fashen is beyond the reach of ordinary eighth-level magicians. After she finished blessing the Shield of Light. He closed his eyes and leaned quietly in his arms.

God's Punishment finally caught up, and Wu Fan was shot before he could teleport. Knowing that he couldn't escape, at the moment of being shot, Wu Fan protected Mei Lan under his body, and actively activated the magic resistance of the Water God Canopy.

Boom! The 'God's Punishment' hit the target, and a violent explosion occurred. The scorching light of God's Punishment illuminated the entire world, and under the light of God's Punishment, all the surrounding vegetation disappeared into nothingness.

At this time, Merlin and the others were still 30 kilometers away, and the magic fluctuations here were also sensed, and they were very anxious.

Haha...he finally died!

Sith laughed triumphantly, and slowly flew to the place where Wu Fan was shot. After checking, his expression changed suddenly. Where is he? Although the 'God's Punishment' is powerful, it is impossible to evaporate the two people who have been blessed with a seventh-level defense.

When he was shot, the powerful impact knocked Wu Fanfei into the air. He was already prepared, but regardless of being hit dizzy, he took advantage of this moment to teleport again, teleport, teleport again...

At this time, with the interference of the God's Punishment explosion, the Sith God did not notice that Wu Fan teleported away in an instant.

The 'Water God Canopy' given by the master is quite powerful, and he was not injured, but he was a little dizzy from being hit, which did not affect his spellcasting.

Mei Lan who was in Wu Fan's arms opened her eyes at this time, and found that she did not die under the God's Punishment. Wu Fan seemed to be fine and could teleport, so excited that she took a good sip on Wu Fan's face .

Wu Fan paused, almost lost his breath, and didn't die under the God's Punishment, but died under Mei Lanxiang's kiss. He regained his composure and completed the last teleportation.


With a familiar voice, Mei Lan turned her head to look, and in front of her was her familiar father, who came down from Wu Fan's arms with a blushing face, and then said to Mei Lin with an aggrieved face: Father, there is a Dharma God chasing us from behind.

I know, with me here, he can't hurt you.

Mei Lin said confidently, and waved his hand while speaking, two magic blessings were placed on Wu Fan and Mei Lan.

Guardian of God! Mei Lan recognized the strongest defensive magic of the light system, which is the magic god of the same level, and it is impossible to harm the protected person in a short time.

After Merlin blessed the two with the 'Guardian of the Gods', Sith did not immediately chase after him. He knew that as the gods of law, there was no comparison. No one knew who was stronger between the two, but it was undeniable that in a short time It is impossible for the two of them to tell the winner. And with the protection of 'Guardian of God', it is impossible to take the opportunity to kill Mei Lan, and it will take some time for him to break this magic.

What he needs now is to wait until the four holy wizards behind him arrive. At that time, he will entangle Merlin. As long as he has time, the four holy wizards will definitely break the Guardian of God and kill Wu Fan and Mei Lin. orchid.

However, within a minute, Sith didn't think so anymore. Six lights and shadows flew towards Merlin behind him. When he sensed it, his face changed drastically. He sighed, turned around and left, but when he was walking, he stared fiercely. Taking a look at Wu Fan, the great opportunity was lost to this little fifth-level space mage.

The figure of Liu Dao is exactly an ascetic monk who came with Merlin. He is wearing white cloth, holding a wooden staff as tall as a man, and his breath is flat. If he is not flying so fast now, he will think he is an ordinary old man.

The other five are all wearing white armor, holding a knight's great sword, and exuding a powerful aura. One of these five is the head of the knight, and the four are light knights.

The six of them are all saint-level masters, and Sith knows them all. No matter how he compares, he will lose. It is better to leave, tell the Pope the news as soon as possible, and prepare early.

It's just that he wanted to leave, but Merlin didn't want to. He remembered that the Pope sent people to hunt down their family, and it was the people he led to execute.

How could Sith not guard against Merlin? Seeing him make a move, he regretted why he didn't leave earlier, but since the fight broke out, he would not be afraid of Merlin, and the four holy wizards behind him would also arrive.

'Guardian of God', the strongest defensive magic of the light system, can also be released by Sith in an instant, and then the Great Destroyer is against the Great Destroyer. The Great Destruction Technique is an advanced ninth-level spell of God's Punishment. It is cast in the hands of a tenth-level Dharma God. It takes a short time to prepare and is powerful. It is very suitable for battles.

The two Great Destruction Techniques collided together, and a violent explosion erupted. This scene was much bigger than the God's Punishment explosion just now.

Wu Fan dragged Mei Lan to a distance in an instant. Wu Fan and Mei Lan couldn't intervene in a battle of their level. If they were not careful, they would accidentally injure them. It's better to stay away. Of course, the direction is behind Mei Lin.

Kill him together! Merlin didn't have the demeanor of a master at all, and began to call the six masters behind him to join the battle.

Although everyone is in the Holy See of Light, they belong to different forces. Sith usually takes advantage of the power of the Pope of Light to do his best, and often suppresses members of the Knights of Light and the Court of Justice. Hearing Mei Lan's call at this time, six People also have grudges for revenge, and grudges for grudges.

Dubang, Qingming, are you going to kill your colleagues? Sith shouted loudly while resisting. He knew why the six people joined the war, but he just wanted to spread the matter to make the six people worry and make them To have a chance to breathe, it is best to support the arrival of the four holy wizards.

Du Pont is an ascetic monk, a sword master, and Merlin's good friend. The two of them used to be ascetic monks, and they often took risks to practice penance together. This time, the chief referee sent someone to contact Merlin. The Sith in front of him led someone to kill his friend's wife, and even led someone to chase him down. At this time, his friend invited him, and he wanted to help. He charged and joined the battlefield in an instant. The wooden staff in his hand hit Sith's god On the Guardian of God, countless ripples appeared in Guardian of God.

Qing Ming is the leader of the Knights, a paladin of light, with a straight temper and an absolute fanatic of light. When he knew that the saint was under the influence of the pope, even though he was unwilling in his heart, he was still absolutely loyal to his duty, loyal to the saint, and obeyed the saint. order until the saint had an accident.

At this time, someone mentioned that Mei Lan, the candidate for the Holy See 20 years ago, was persecuted by the Pope, and he had always thought that the Holy Maiden Mei Lan left the Holy See secretly by herself. Hearing this news, he felt a little bit unbelievable. But now that there was this news, when the people from the referee contacted him, he followed him. He wanted to find out for himself. He also felt suspicious about the truth of this matter.

Who knows, what I saw was Sith, the Pope's top master, chasing and killing the Holy Maiden of Light. If it wasn't for the fifth-level space mage desperately protecting the Holy Maiden from escaping, he might have died in the hands of Sith, a blasphemer. , Those who dare to murder the Holy Maiden of Light are blasphemers in his heart! He is the one who must kill! (to be continued)

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