My Space Door

Text Chapter 74 Grilled Fish

Wu Fan gave Huo Niao a blank look. Feng Huo Diao is a level 6 flying monster, and he is only level 5. How to subdue it?

On the ground, Wu Fan killed a level 6 monster black dragon horse. The appearance of the black dragon horse is similar to that of an ordinary horse, but it is slightly more majestic. It is of wind and wood attributes, and its attack power mainly depends on its teeth and a few hooves. , is extremely fast, has the wood attribute itself, and has a strong ability to find spiritual grass. It is a vegetarian monster.

When encountering the black dragon horse, Wu Fan wondered if he had surrendered as a mount and teleported to its back. Who knows, this black dragon horse knew that it could not escape the pursuit of humans, and would rather die than surrender, and finally launched a black dragon horse. I have almost never heard of the wind and wood magic it uses to attack people to attack Wu Fan crazily. Fortunately, Wu Fan has teleportation, so he escaped its crazily attack.

The Black Dragon Horse is a relatively gentle monster, but this Fenghuo Eagle is very different. It is very aggressive, and ordinary sixth-level monsters are its food. It is the overlord of the sixth-level monsters. The most important thing is that it can fly. , extremely fast.

Fenghuo Diao is a level 6 flying monster. If it can be subdued, it will be a hit! Seeing that Wu Fan was unmoved, Fire Bird continued to seduce.

Firebird! Lone Wolf shouted coldly, stopping Firebird from continuing.

Huo Niao was a little surprised that the lone wolf would think of Wu Fan, but she also knew that her younger sister didn't like to talk, but every word she said was serious, if she said it again, she would really get angry, so she had to shut up.

She stopped talking, but Wu Fan's interest was aroused by her. The fire bird said well, if you have a level 6 Fenghuo vulture as a pet, at least it is very convenient to fly and fly by yourself. Teleportation needs to consume mana, and with the Fenghuo Condor ride, it is much easier to travel.

In addition, Fenghuo Diao is the overlord of the sky among the sixth-level monsters, and its combat power is very powerful. With it, I can easily win against the sixth-level monsters in the future, even if I can resist the professionals or monsters of the seventh level for a while , against the eighth level, the chance of successful escape is greatly increased. Generally speaking, monsters and professionals who are not good at speed cannot catch up with the sixth level Fenghuo sculpture.

Interest is there, but how to surrender, you have to think carefully, you can't go up rashly, that's the way to seek death.

Huo Niao also felt amused when he saw the thoughtful Wu Fan, this guy doesn't really want to go to Jiang Feng Huo Diao, does he?

Seeing that Wu Fan was thinking about something, Mei Lan couldn't persuade him. Although the Fenghuo Eagle is only level six, it is a good choice for a magic pet. It is said that it has the blood of a divine beast and has great potential for upgrading. But also, it He also inherited the arrogance of the beast, and will not surrender easily.

Let's set up camp here today, one or two of you don't want to try anymore. Firebird suggested.

Wu Fan and Mei Lan have no objection. When it comes to the experience in the boundless forest, Huo Niao and his sisters are very rich. They usually choose the place to camp. Although they have learned a lot these days, the more It is learning, the more I feel that survival in the endless forest is also a university question, the more I feel my ignorance.

The location of the camp is really good, with a wide view and shelter from the wind. There is a mountain stream passing through the camp, which not only provides water, but also provides food. There are many fish in the mountain stream. This fish is also a first-class monster, named Crystal Fish. , the whole body is transparent, looks like crystal, about two catties, in this small mountain stream, they are still the role of overlord, but when they meet Wu Fan and others, they can't be overlord, they Will turn into fish soup and grilled fish at a table for four.

Wu Fan became a full-time cook, and since they ate the food made by Wu Fan, the three girls stopped doing it. They thought that what Wu Fan made was called gourmet food, and what they used to cook was called pig food.

In fact, the food they cook is not as hard to swallow as they say, the main reason is that the monster meat is really natural, very delicious, and rich in spiritual energy. Even if it is not cooked well, it still tastes good, but everything must be There is a comparison, the taste of the food they cook is very different from that of Wu Fan, and they are no longer ashamed to cook.

Wu Fan was also extremely depressed, how could he be a big man to cook with three women around? But the food they cook is really inedible, so every time Wu Fan cooks, he will bring the three girls to help him, and teach them cooking experience while cooking, hoping that one day the three of them can make delicious food. .

Seeing Wu Fan's generosity in imparting cooking experience, the three girls were deeply moved by his generosity, and unconditionally taught them the secrets of cooking.

As for the iron-backed bear, it is not qualified to eat grilled fish. Its content is too large. Since Wu Fan helped it grill a barbecue a few days ago, he is no longer willing to grill it. It eats more than two hundred catties of meat for a meal. , but Wu Fan was exhausted, and he used a lot of seasonings, so now it only has one bear to catch some fish and eat it, and then hides in the back of the tent depressed, so as not to smell something delicious and not have his own share, uncomfortable!

Master Wu Fan, you don't have much seasoning. Does it mean we can't eat delicious food after we run out? When cooking with Wu Fan, Huo Niao is the cutest, just like a good girl, and doesn't hum in front of Wu Fan hum! The word adult is also added to the title! This made Wu Fan feel amused, and his mood improved a lot.

Well, this seasoning... the red one is chili... this is cumin... this is prickly ash... all of them are special products of my hometown, and they will be gone after they are used up, but there are so many plants in the boundless forest, Presumably, there should be plants with similar functions that can be used as seasonings, and the aura that the magic elements are strong, and the seasoning grown is much better than the ones in my hometown. If we have time, we can look for it and see if we can find it. A substitute. Wu Fan thought for a while and said.

Huo Niao is a big foodie. It turns out that he eats a lot. He eats more than ten catties of meat for a meal. He doesn't ask for any taste. After being with Wu Fan, she gradually changed, her appetite remained the same, but her mouth became tricky, and she only ate delicious food.

In fact, there are too many delicacies in the magic world. The quality of the vegetables and meat is quite good, and they are rich in magic elements. It’s good to cook it with meat. Few people study how to cook, but the food made with so many top-quality ingredients is not delicious.

With top-quality ingredients, Wu Fan, a humble chef, can make tongue-eating delicacies with any seasoning from the earth, which makes people dumbfounded.

Now Wu Fan has a headache, he brought a lot of condiments, but at that time he only prepared the amount for himself, and it would be no problem to use it for a few months. He is not a professional chef, so why did he bring so much. Who knew that there would be enough food for four people, and two of them have big appetites. They would eat other people's food for several days in one meal. The consumption of seasonings is naturally very large, and there are still some commonly used seasonings such as oil and salt. But the seasonings for barbecue such as pepper, chili powder and cumin are almost used up. The main reason is that the Huo Niao sisters like to eat barbecue too much. I remember that two days ago, he roasted a grass sheep, and the meat alone weighed 100 catties. About one meal away, Wu Fan and Mei Lan only ate a few catties, and the rest, the two Huo Niao sisters ate them all. At that time, Wu Fan was scared to death. I was afraid that these two silly girls would be stuffed to death. .

Today's food is ten grilled fish, each weighing about two catties, Wu Fan and Mei Lan each have one, and the two Huo Niao sisters each have four fish, so many fish, Wu Fan, a chef with two knives, is naturally too busy, so He brought three apprentices, and all four of them surrounded the fire, and there were ten prepared crystal fishes on the grill.

Wu Fan said today that whoever eats grills, he taught them three grilled fish, so whatever seasoning he used, the third daughter would use whatever seasoning, he flipped the fish, and the third daughter also flipped the fish, the third daughter learned They have to look good, seeing that they are serious about learning, Wu Fan is also in a good mood to be a teacher, explaining to them how to grill delicious fish, how to grill fish that is charred and tender.

The biggest feature of grilled fish is that it smells delicious when grilled. No, with the seasoning brushed on it, the smell of the fish wafts out after the fire. The three girls kept swallowing. Wu Fan was angry, they would definitely steal a piece.


The four of them were grilling vigorously, when a chirping sound came from their heads, the faces of the four of them suddenly became ugly, how could they bother when they were eating.

This is the voice of Fenghuo Diao, they all still remember that Fenghuo Diao is only a level 6 monster, and the four of them have three level 7 professionals, so they will not be afraid, even Wu Fan is not afraid, he will not be able to subdue Fenghuo Diao, but if Fenghuo Diao dared to come down, he would definitely let it come and go.

The Fenghuo Eagle also seemed to sense that three of the four were stronger than it, so it only dared to call out on the top of its head, not daring to come down, but this fragrance... I have never smelled it in my life as a sculpture, and my saliva is dripping...

The four continued to grill the fish, ignoring the Fenghuo sculpture flying above their heads, and just kept on guard.

Okay, it's ready to eat, Fire Bird, Lone Wolf, you have a lot of grilled fish, put the three that you don't eat temporarily away from the fire. Burnt. Wu Fan said while picking up his own grilled fish and taking a light bite.'s really delicious! Wu Fan sighed sincerely. He has eaten a lot of barbecue during this period, but this is the first time grilled fish. An extremely precious ingredient, but this crystal fish cannot be separated from water, and it is only found in some streams in the Boundless Forest, so it is only possible to appear in some cities close to the Boundless Forest. People in other places have only heard of its name. , invisible.

Master Wu Fan, there is fish but no wine! Huo Niao has already eaten a piece of fish, but only eats barbecue and does not drink alcohol. I always feel that something is missing. After drinking the liquor, Poor looked at Wu Fan with pity.

Okay, I can't drink too much. This is in the Boundless Forest. One bottle per person. Although Firebird's mouth is poisonous, he is still a good person. During this period of time, he has taught Wu Fan a lot of knowledge and experience. Since he is not stingy, he took out four bottles of white wine, one bottle for each person.

The two Huo Niao sisters grabbed a bottle each, and started to drink. Mei Lan hesitated and said, We'll drink the fruit bar. This liquor is too strong, not suitable for magicians.

Okay. Put back the two bottles of white wine, and brought out two bottles of fruit wine. He and Mei Lan each had a bottle. This fruit wine is not strong, and it is very suitable for magicians to drink.



There was a chirping sound, and Feng Huo Diao pounced straight down, which made the four of them stunned. Is this Feng Huo Diao looking for death?

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