My Space Door

Text Chapter 67 Entering the Boundless

Eat this. Seeing that Mei Lan didn't eat much, Wu Fan took out two pieces of cake and two boxes of milk.

En! Smelling the aroma of the cake, Mei Lan gained an appetite and ate very sweetly.

Wu Fan didn't think there was anything wrong, he ate too much of these things.

Just after taking a bite, he saw that the firebird sisters had finished eating the barbecue and were looking at himself and Mei Lan. Wu Fan had no choice but to take out two more cakes and two boxes of milk for them.

Delicious! It was the first time for the two sisters to eat cake, and the deliciousness of the cake made them unable to stop. They ate the whole piece of cake and milk in two or three mouthfuls, and then stared at Wu Fan. Their posture, taking out all the cakes and milk prepared in the space ring by themselves, is not enough for them to eat.

This is breakfast. They have already eaten two large pieces of barbecue, plus cake and milk. If they eat any more, they have to hold on. They don't want to go on the road today.

When they were about to go out, except for Wu Fan, the three girls all put on makeup, Mei Lan turned into an ugly woman through the real phantom earrings, and the two firebird sisters did not have such things, so they put on black cloaks. When they came, they were dressed like this, outsiders would not recognize them, and the two sisters didn't take off their cloaks until they were in front of Wu Fan's house.

Professional badges and the like will definitely not be worn, Wu Fan also imitated them, wearing a magic robe, just put on the hat of the magic robe, the magic robe covers the whole face.

The outskirts of the boundless forest are not the place for the four to practice, so the four of them chose to fly. The sixth-level professionals were named after the sky. At that time, they had the ability to fly into the sky. Except for a few professions, other professions The slow and inflexible movement in the sky can only be the target, but after reaching the seventh level, the energy in the body increases greatly, the manipulation is more flexible, and the flying speed is much faster.

Three seventh-level professionals chose to fly. Although Wu Fan used flying to travel for the first time, he was not in vain at all. At the third level of wind magic, he had the levitation technique, at the fourth level he had the wind control technique, and at the fifth level it was even more so. With flying skills, although he is only level five, the flying skills of wind magic can make him extremely fast, not at all slower than the three seventh-level professionals. Although the three of them are high-level, they are not based on speed. Known career.

With the passage of time, Wu Fan gradually became familiar with the flying technique of the wind element. He used to comprehend the laws of the wind element, which belonged to written knowledge, but now it belongs to practice, and he verified them one by one with the written knowledge. In the wind, it seems that he is a ray of breeze. When flying, the mana consumption is reduced to the minimum, and the flying is more casual, more flexible, and faster.

He easily followed behind the three, with a relaxed look on his face, which made the three women very unconvinced. You must know that they are two levels higher than Wu Fan, and they hurriedly tried to tease Wu Fan, who knew that they were exhausted to death They were like dogs, but Wu Fan was still so relaxed, no different from when he just flew, and asked them strangely if they were tired, if they needed some water, something to eat and so on.

This sword-leaf forest is 100 kilometers wide. It is precisely because of the existence of the sword-leaf forest that monsters cannot directly rush out of the boundless forest and attack human towns. Firebird narrated the existence of the sword-leaf forest.

Generally, high-level monsters are in the depths of the boundless forest. They don't rush outwards, and they are used to nesting in their own territory. The peripheral ones are all low-level monsters. Sometimes they are stunned, or for some reason, they will mess up Rush, the leaves of these sword-leaf trees are like sharp swords. If low-level monsters rush in the sword-leaf forest, they will be pierced by the sword leaves. This sword-leaf forest can be said to be a safety barrier... If there is no weapon It would be good to chop off a sword leaf and use it as a sword.

Wu Fan originally thought that the sword-leaf forest was in the way, but he had suffered a lot in the sword-leaf forest. Now it seems that this sword-leaf forest is really a protection forest for human beings. The blade of the sword is sharp, but as long as you pass slowly and don't hit the tip of the blade directly, you won't get hurt.

According to them, the sword-leaf forest is a dividing line, inside is the real boundless forest, inhabited by countless monsters, and outside is the human world. There are still other plants in the sword leaf forest, but sword leaf trees account for more than 80%, forming a solid defense layer.

Although there are also monsters in the Sword Leaf Forest, most of them are very low-level monsters. These monsters have dealt with humans a lot, and they are smarter than the monsters in other places. They usually hide in their secret caves during the day and only appear at night. They only come out to look for food, and they also know that at night, in this periphery, humans dare not intrude, so they are naturally safe.

After hearing these news, Wu Fan felt very fortunate. The place where he opened the space door for the first time was in Jianye Forest, and the direction he chose was correct. If he went to the other side, it would be troublesome. Delivering food to Warcraft. Of course, Wu Fan was also very grateful to Tieshi and the others, if they hadn't brought him out, he really didn't know where to go.

Along the way, Wu Fan saw many mercenary groups and adventure groups, but Wu Fan and the others were flying in the sky, while the mercenaries and adventure groups were walking on the ground, Wu Fan could see their expressions of envy or awe.

Firebird told him that among mercenaries and adventurers, there are very few professionals above level 7. Most of the professionals above level 7 serve the empire and receive excellent treatment in the empire, while mercenaries live on knife edge day. Of course, among the mercenaries and adventurers, there are also professionals above the seventh level. After all, not every professional will serve the empire after reaching the seventh level, and there are some people who like the life of mercenaries and adventurers.

In addition, there are also many high-level professionals who, after feeling that they have entered a bottleneck, may join a mercenary group or an adventure group to enter the boundless forest to seek a breakthrough.

There are also many people in Mei Lan's situation. After knowing that after entering the mage, if you want to break through, you must have insights, and you may join the mercenary group or the adventure group. It is too rare and too dangerous to take risks alone, and there is still no risk. people with experience.

Mei Lan is different. She has two sisters, Huo Niao. They are veteran mercenaries with rich experience, and they are also sword generals (level 7). If you follow them, you don't need to find a mercenary group or an adventure group to join. The three of them can form a small adventure group.

There is a difference between a mercenary group and an adventure group. As the name suggests, a mercenary is an organization that is hired to complete the tasks assigned by the employer; while adventurers do not need to be hired by anyone to explore potentially dangerous places and find possible Treasures, and then sold to those in need. This is basically the case, but with the organization of the mercenary guild and the adventure guild, sometimes the two professional organizations will overlap. For example, adventurers may also be hired to complete tasks, and mercenaries may also go on adventures to find treasures.

If the four of Wu Fan and the others want to form an organization, they should belong to the adventure group. After all, they don't need to be hired by anyone, and they don't need to complete the tasks assigned by anyone, and the level of the adventure group formed by the four of them is not low. Because there are three seventh-level and one fifth-level professionals in their regiment, and two of them are magicians.

The adoptive parents of the two sisters are mercenaries of a small mercenary group. The two sisters also entered the mercenary world from this small mercenary group. The registered name of the mercenary group is 'Fugui'. The mercenary group, after the two sisters joined, after so many years of development, it has become a second-rate mercenary group. The main reason is that although the two sisters have helped the mercenary group to complete many tasks, they have not really joined the mercenary group. After taking the oath, they will be Mei Lan's followers, and their lives belong to Mei Lan, otherwise their mercenary regiment can be promoted to the first-level mercenary regiment.

In the Tianyu Empire, if you want to become a first-level mercenary group, you must have joined the mercenary first, and you need two professionals above the seventh level. Except for the two sisters, the rich and noble mercenary group only has their adoptive father who is a sword general (level 7). Still short of a swordsman-level master.

Mercenary regiment rating, the lowest third-rate mercenary regiment requires two level-5 professionals; second-rate mercenary requires two level-6 professionals; ; On top of this, there is the King's Mercenary Group, which requires two ninth-level mercenary groups.

There is only one king-level mercenary regiment in the Mercenary Alliance, there are only two super-level mercenary regiments in Tianyu Empire, and there are only three first-class mercenary regiments in Black Earth City.

For ordinary tasks like entering the boundless forest, it is impossible for level 7 professionals to enter, so those who walk on the ground are mostly mercenaries and adventurers below level 6. They suddenly saw four strong men who could fly, How could it be possible not to show an expression of awe? Professionals above level seven are existences they need to look up to.

The speed of the four flying was very fast, and it took less than half an hour to pass through the Jianye Forest area. Wu Fan couldn't help but sigh, remembering that when he first came, it was a short walk from the outer edge of Jianye Forest to Jinsen Town. After almost a day, I was as tired as a dead dog, and now I can walk (fly) farther than that time so easily.

Not long after flying through the Sword Leaf Forest, the Firebird asked everyone to land. Humans flying over the Boundless Forest may attract a large number of flying monsters to attack, because they will think that this is human beings challenging the authority of the monsters in the Boundless Forest, which is really strange Although he is not convinced by his theory, before becoming a holy magician, let's be honest. I heard that even the holy magician can't get good things in the boundless forest. There are not one or two holy magicians who died in the boundless forest.

As soon as it fell to the ground, Wu Fan felt a little strange, isn't it going to be winter? How come the forest is still green and the weather is still so hot? The weather in Black Earth City is almost the same as in November on Earth. How far is this endless forest from Black Earth City? Why is the weather so different?

This is the Flaming Territory. It is very hot all year round. Some people have picked up fire spar in this area. There are many flaming mountains in this area, and there are flame birds in the flaming mountains. The fire bird seemed to recognize Wu Fan and Mei Lan. doubts, he took the initiative to explain.

Flame Bird? Hearing this name, Master Wu couldn't help but look at Fire Bird. This is very close to her name. I wonder if there is any connection?

The flame bird is the overlord of this area. The first time I entered the boundless forest, I saw the flame bird. Her heroic appearance fascinated me. I thought in my heart, if I could be like the flame bird, it would be great, so I changed my name to Fire Bird! Although I don’t have flames, I can definitely be as powerful as her, and I will no longer let my fate be controlled by others!” Fire Bird said without minding at all, and when talking about Flame Bird, she was more yearning .

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