My Space Door

Text Chapter 37: Selling Military Merit

After the meal, the tiger army leader took the mercenaries into the barracks and made arrangements for them. The tiger army staff told Wu Fan that he didn't have to go to the barracks, and the magician reported to the magic school.

No matter how big the military camp in Black Earth City was, it was impossible to hold reinforcements from all over the place. If there were too many people, the conditions would not be so good. Magicians liked quietness, so they were assigned to the magic school.

The magic school is not far from the barracks. There are advanced magic transmission devices, and it is very convenient to pass orders.

After saying goodbye to Leng Sen and other mercenaries, he walked towards the magic school. Before he had gone far, a gorgeously dressed annual ring man blocked Wu Fan's way.

Master Wu Fan, hello, I'm Ye Tianlong from Tianlong Chamber of Commerce. I have a business and I want to talk to you sir.

Wu Fan looked at the handsome guy in front of him, probably not an orc, and saw that there were countless sergeants patrolling the street, he should be very safe, so he said with a smile: I don't know if Mr. Ye has any business with you. I talk?

There's a bar over there, why don't we have a drink and talk while drinking, soon, it won't affect your reporting. Ye Tianlong said again with a smile that made women jealous.

It has to be said that good looks always make people feel good. Wu Fan has not been to the bar in the magic world, so he agreed.

There is no disco in the wizarding world. Drinking in the bar is a bit like a coffee shop.

After ordering two glasses of spiritual fruit wine, after sitting down, Ye Tianlong said with a smile: Master Wu Fan must not be very clear about the role of military merit, right?

Yes, I don't know, what does it matter?

The military merits of soldiers are mainly used to promote the rank of officials.

After other people have obtained military merit, they can request to become an officer as a temporary soldier, and use military merit to promote their official position, or they can also use it to request a title of title and become a nobleman.

In addition, military achievements can also be exchanged for money, because not everyone likes to be an official and become a nobleman.

The Tianyu Empire is somewhat similar to China and ancient times. Although merchants are rich, their status is not high. If they do not have titles, they are easily swallowed by nobles.

Ye Tianlong is the young master of the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce. He has no magic talent, but he has a good fighting spirit talent, and he works very hard. He is already a fifth-level fighter in his twenties.

It's a pity that it is much more difficult for warriors to become nobles than magicians in the Tianyu Empire. Their family chamber of commerce has accumulated a lot of money over the years, which has attracted some people's prying eyes. People swallowed it.

The purpose of Wu Tianlong approaching Wu Fan was to buy his military merits. Twenty fifth- and sixth-level wingmen elite heads can already make him a Lord of the Empire.

The lord is only the lowest noble in the empire, but he is also protected by the law of the nobles of the empire, and those who want to seize the property of their family's chamber of commerce dare not mess around.

Especially during the war with the orcs, if someone dared to snatch the property of the military nobles, it would probably arouse the common hostility of the nobles in the army, and even cause a mutiny. No one had the guts.

When I approached Lord Wu Fan, I saw that he didn't care much about military achievements, so I wanted to ask, can you sell your military achievements? If you want to sell them, I will definitely not treat you badly. Wu Tianlong looked at Wu Fan with some expectation and asked. .

Hearing Wu Tianlong's words, Wu Fan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it and said: Even if I want to sell you the military achievements, do I do it?

Wu Tianlong said with a smile in his heart: Since I have found Mr. Wu Fan, I have a solution. As long as the military merits purchased are not too exaggerated, there will be no problem.

It's not a problem to sell it to you, but I don't know what you will use to sell it? I won't accept gold coins.

Hearing Wu Fan's request, Ye Tianlong showed no surprise expression, nodded and said, It's natural. Although our Tianlong Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce that has only emerged in recent years, we have collected a lot of treasures, but I don't know what you want. Treasures in that area?

Is there any treasure that can make ordinary people live longer? There are so many treasures in the magic world, Wu Fan couldn't think of what he needed for a while, but he thought of his parents and relatives, so he asked.

Ye Tianlong's face changed, he gritted his teeth and said, One drop of the spring of life, in exchange for twenty of your military exploits.

Is there only one drop? Wu Fan became excited when he heard that there really was such a treasure, and it was also a good thing in the legend.

Is your Excellency asking for too much? Although I urgently need military merit, you are going too far. Ye Tianlong stood up with a very ugly face and glared at Wu Fan angrily. In his opinion, Wu Fan was just sitting on the ground and raising the price to take advantage of the fire.

Wu Fan came to his senses and quickly explained: Brother Ye, don't get excited. What I mean is that I need the spring of life. If my military achievements are not enough, can I use other things to pay for it?

Hearing Wu Fan's explanation, Ye Tianlong sat down again and said embarrassingly: I'm really sorry, I was made a little nervous by those guys recently, and I thought you were just like them. I don't know how much life spring water you need. Our chamber of commerce only has two people. Drip, not much.

Of course, the more such treasures, the better, well, two drops are two drops.

Ye Tianlong thought for a while and said: Well, I don't need your treasures either. Your military achievements add 100 million gold coins. If you need other treasures, you need to exchange them with corresponding treasures. You know, sometimes, Some treasures cannot be bought with gold coins.

Deal! I don't need other treasures for the time being. Wu Fan agreed happily. He didn't have any treasures on him now, so he went to exchange for more good things.

Well, I'll bring my friend here, and we'll sign a contract and complete the deal. Ye Tianlong also showed a happy smile.

After finishing speaking, Ye Tianlong made a gesture, and a person disappeared in the sky not far away. Wu Fan couldn't help but look at Ye Tianlong. This guy is really not simple. The person who disappeared just now was at least a sixth-level swordsman. To have such a master as a subordinate.

After a while, a person walked into the bar and sat down at the table of the two of them. Wu Fan recognized that this person was the Liangxin staff officer who was in charge of checking military achievements, and understood why Ye Tianlong could find him.

After signing the contract, Ye Tianlong's subordinates also brought two drops of life spring water. Wu Fan would not renege on the debt. Under Liangxin's operation, he transferred the military achievements to Ye Tianlong, and then transferred him 100 million gold coins, and the transaction was completed.

Each spring of life is contained in a crystal bottle. Through the crystal bottle, you can see two drops of light green liquid in the bottle, which is the size of a glass bead. Even through the crystal bottle, you can feel the strong breath of life. Wu Fan, who has experienced the spring of life, can also confirm that this is the real spring of life.

After the transaction was completed, everyone was young and became acquainted.

At this time, I learned from Liangxin that military merits in the magical world are quite precious, ordinary soldiers are not willing to sell military merits, and it is not easy to operate, only those who are not in the army can sell them easily, but not For those in the army, it is quite difficult to obtain military merit. You kill a few soldiers, and there is almost no military merit. Senior professionals are not so easy to kill.

It turned out that Ye Tianlong's grandfather had a title, but the title was passed on to his uncle, and his father had no choice but to set up his own business. Fortunately, his father was quite smart. In a few years, he developed the established Tianlong Chamber of Commerce into several villages all over the north. The large chamber of commerce in the county has collected many treasures, and it is precisely because of the many treasures that it has attracted the attention of some people.

I wanted to ask his uncle for help, but the relationship between their family and his uncle's family was not very good since childhood, and his uncle was more greedy than others, not only wanted all the treasures of their family, but also asked them to work for him for nothing, he couldn't be angry Ye Tianlong's father is naturally unwilling.

This time Ye Tianlong came to Heitu City because he wanted to join the army and earn military merit. He thought that with his strength as a fifth-level swordsman, he could also earn some military merit, but he also knew that military merit was not so easy to earn. Xin was a staff officer in the army. After seeing that Wu Fan didn't seem to value military merit, he told him the news to see if it was possible to buy military merit from Wu Fan.

Is military merit earned only by killing the enemy? Wu Fan asked.

The main reason is seeing that military merits are so valuable, Wu Fan also thought about whether to earn some more so that he can exchange for good things.

Liangxin looked at the magic badge on Wu Fan's chest and said with a smile: Of course not. Mr. Wu is a magician of the air, fire, and light systems. He has many choices. In addition to directly participating in the battle, he can also be a priest on the battlefield. It depends on you. Military merit is determined by the condition of the wounded, if you save a ninth-level master who is seriously injured and save the strength of the army, the military merit is very high, and it is worth more than twenty heads of yours.

Wu Fan looked at Liangxin speechlessly. If a level 9 master is really injured, there will usually be foreign energy in his body, making the healing magic unable to exert its due effect, unless he is also very strong and can dispel the foreign energy.

Liangxin laughed loudly and said, Just kidding, Mr. Wu is at the fourth level. If he can treat two hundred seriously injured at the fourth level, he will be able to compare with the twenty elite Yiren heads today. Although it is very troublesome, But it’s safe, it’s still easy to earn, and it’s much better than us.”

That is, if we want military merit, besides buying it, we have to go to the front line and work hard. Mr. Wu Fan can sit in the back and wait for the front to bring the wounded. It is very safe. Ye Tianlong also said enviously.

By the way, Mr. Liang, you are a staff officer in the army. Do you know where Master Willy is? Are you also in the magic school? Wu Fan wanted to know about Master Willy.

Master Wei...Willie! Liang Xin and Ye Tianlong stood up in a loss of composure, their voices trembling.

Wu Fan frowned, and asked suspiciously, Is there any question?

Liangxin looked at Wu Fan vigilantly and said, Mr. Wu, the matter of Master Willy is a military secret, how did you know?

Military secrets? Then I won't ask?

No, Mr. Wu must make it clear today, or we won't be able to let you go. Liang Xin said nervously, and at the same time reached out to touch his belt, where his weapon was placed.

Ye Tianlong also grabbed the long sword at his waist, but both of them stared at Wu Fan nervously. On the surface, although Wu Fan was only level 4, would it be a simple person who could kill 20 elite wingmen? ? And he is still a three-line magician, so even if both of them are level five, they don't feel safe at all.

Seeing that they were about to fight, Wu Fan was also a little nervous. He was a magician, and the other two were fighters. It was very dangerous if they didn't keep a distance.

You don't suspect that I'm a spy for an orc, do you? Damn, I look like an orc? Wu Fan scolded angrily.

Hmm! The two also found that they were a little nervous, but they still didn't let their guard down, and their tone became better. Liangxin asked: Mr. Wu, we don't have any malicious intentions, so I'll just say it, the existence of Master Willie It is the secret of our human race, only a few people inside the army know, I don’t know where you got the information about Master Willy.”

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