My Space Door

Text Chapter 35: Resurrection

Perhaps because his talent reached 99, Wu Fan recovered very quickly, but after half an hour of meditation, he fully recovered.

The giant wing bird is not enough for everyone to sit, and they are also afraid of being attacked in the air, so everyone decided to go to Heitu City by land. It is not far from Heitu City, and they can arrive at night with their speed.

After the decision, everyone carried the dead warriors to the Giant Wing Bird and handed them over to their families or mercenary groups.

Although the mercenaries cannot fly at high altitude on the giant winged bird, it is still possible to let the giant winged bird walk or fly at low altitude.

Seeing the corpse being carried, Wu Fan hurriedly shouted: Wait a minute!

Wu Fan now has great prestige in the team, everyone stopped their movements when they heard Wu Fan's shout.

Bring up the corpses, and let me have a look. Wu Fan shouted anxiously.

My lord, what are you doing with the corpse here? The three-scarred swordsman asked in a low voice. He was fortunate to know Wu Fan the most, and now he considers himself Wu Fan's personal guard and has been guarding Wu Fan's side.

I'll try to see if I can revive them. Wu Fan said angrily.

It is an iron law on earth that people cannot be resurrected after death, but it does not hold true in the magical world.

In the light magic, there is a fourth-level magic resurrection technique. Wu Fan, who was restricted by the iron law of the earth, forgot about this magic.

Resurrection! San Scarface screamed, and immediately shouted at the mercenary who was carrying the corpse: Hurry up and bring it here, my lord knows the resurrection.

Resurrection? It's really great! The mercenaries shouted with joy on their faces. After all, these people also have their friends and comrades who have fought with them.

These mercenaries were all masters, with great strength, so lifting the dead bodies was a trivial matter, and within a minute they brought ten dead bodies to Wu Fan.

After the corpse was brought up, Wu Fan immediately checked the corpse. The resurrection technique is quite miraculous, but it also has many restrictions. If the corpse suffers irreparable damage, it cannot be resurrected.

After the inspection, Wu Fan breathed a sigh of relief. The enemy used bows and arrows, and their wounds were all arrow wounds, and the wounds were relatively small.

The first corpse was an arrow in the heart, and the arrow had been pulled out, but the time was short, and blood flowed out from time to time. Fortunately, the Winged Humans did not know magic, and there was no magical energy in the wound, otherwise Wu Fan would have no choice.

Wu Fan performed a healing technique on the corpse, and the wound on the corpse healed quickly. Naturally, no blood flowed out, but the excessive blood loss made the corpse pale and pale.

The corpse had been repaired and checked. If there was no problem, Wu Fan performed the resurrection technique.

'Resurrection! '

Stretching out his right hand to face the corpse, a beam of white light shot out from the palm of his hand and landed on the corpse. After the white light touched the corpse, it spread out in all directions.

The surroundings of Wu Fan became a world of light, and the light was spreading, covering the entire battlefield. At this time, Wu Fan was so sacred in the eyes of the mercenaries, and the mercenaries were willing to die for him.

In the light, the scattered souls began to gather, and then as the light returned to the corpse, the light suddenly converged.

Ahem... The corpse coughed violently, sat up, vomited a mass of blood, looked around blankly, and then lay down weakly. The resurrection was resurrection, but the body was still very weak.

Really alive!

It's really powerful!

I didn't expect adults to know the resurrection technique.

That's right, I heard that many ninth-level holy wizards can't either.

That's right, I've only heard that the pope in the Empire of Light will perform resurrection...

Is the resurrection technique awesome? Isn't it just a fourth-level magic? These mercenaries are so pitiful, they have never even seen the resurrection technique, and exaggeratedly said that only the Pope can do it, Wu Fan smiled and continued to work.

Wu Fan was also very happy at this time, he didn't expect that he actually resurrected the dead, which is unimaginable on earth.

healing, resurrection...

Another one has been revived!

Take a short rest, recover your spirit and magic power, and then resurrect...

Out of the ten resurrection spells, four succeeded and six failed, and the six who were not rescued were all bird trainers.

Wu Fan went into meditation again and used the resurrection technique ten times. It was too exhausting. Although he could recover, he was still very tired.

The mercenaries camped on the spot, and it took several hours to save people. It was getting dark and they couldn't reach Heitu City, and Mr. Wu Fan also needed to rest.

They didn't bring camping equipment, which made it hard for the mercenaries. They had lived in the wild for many years and were very experienced in wild survival.

After a while, a row of simple straw huts were built, a bonfire was lit in the middle of the camp, and many low-level monsters were hunted for today's dinner.

The people who were rescued by Wu Fan with resurrection sent many good things to thank Wu Fan. They were all comrades in arms. Wu Fan would not accept their things, but mercenaries have the principle of mercenaries. Wu Fan saved them They will take out their treasures as a gift of thanks.

In the end, Wu Fan only collected some things selectively, no gold coins, weapons, or armors. He only took the spiritual fruits, spiritual medicines, spiritual mines, etc. they had collected before. Unfortunately, the things in the hands of these mercenaries were very Ordinary, nothing great.

After dismissing the person who gave the gift, Wu Fan entered into meditation. This time, he was mainly comprehending the little law of resurrection. The success rate of the resurrection technique today was only 40%. lack of technology.

Why the same resurrection technique, some can be revived, and some cannot be revived? This made him very strange, and he had to find the reason for the failure in order to increase his resurrection rate again.

With his enlightenment, he gradually understood that there were several reasons for the failure.

One is that the body of the deceased was too mutilated. According to the modern saying, the loss of brain cells was too severe, and the healing technique could not heal the dead brain cells. The resurrection technique failed!

The second reason is that the spirit power of the deceased is too weak, and the soul is too weak. When he died, the soul dissipated too much. When he was finally resurrected, most of the soul could not return to the body, and the resurrection technique failed!

The third reason is that Wu Fan's own mental power is not enough, and when condensing the soul fragments of the dead, the absorbing power is not enough, those scattered souls cannot be gathered back, and finally the resurrection failed!

The fourth reason is that I don't have a deep understanding of the resurrection technique, so I am very lucky to have a 40% resurrection success rate.

After finding the reason, we will start from these aspects in the future to improve the success rate of resurrection.

Sure enough, actual combat is the best way to improve. If I didn't make a move today, I wouldn't know how to improve the success rate of resurrection...

After the meditation ended, he regained his energy. Except for the sound of the bonfire, there was no other sound around him. He opened his eyes and saw that the mercenaries were quietly guarding him.

As Wu Fan opened his eyes, the entire camp seemed to come alive, and the rough chatter and laughter of the mercenaries resounded.

Several resurrected people also came to thank them at this time. They have recovered a lot and have the ability to move freely, but they are still a little weak.

Dinner is also ready, as there are no other utensils, only barbecue.

While eating barbecue, while chatting.

Are the orcs as strong as those wingmen today? Wu Fan asked the mercenary curiously.

How is it possible? Although these winged people are not the top of the winged people, they are also the backbone of the battle.

Most of the orcs have very strong strength. They are born with a first-level strength. They can easily reach the second or third level, and there is no big problem when they reach the fourth level. However, their learning ability is too poor. They want to become It is also very difficult for a fifth-level land warrior and a sixth-level sky warrior.

You can't say that. There are several levels of orcs, such as the Golden Family among the orcs, who can easily reach the sixth level. It is only troublesome if they are above the seventh level.

The Golden Family is a minority after all...

That's right, there are many masters in the Golden Family, but we also have a lot of Human Race!


After the introductions by the mercenaries, Wu Fan also had an understanding of the orcs. Beast soldiers are at the second and third levels. The fourth level can be the team leader, the fifth level is the captain, and the sixth level is the big one. Captain, those above level 7 are general level, or enter the master group.

The Wingmen who came today belonged to the elite team, a special force, and those who performed special tasks did not belong to the regular orc force.

Fortunately, this is the case. It would be terrible if the orcs were all such troops.

Wu Fan found that the mercenaries who were traveling with him seemed to have a group, and some of them seemed to have feuds, but they just had concerns and did not fight.

Asking about San Scarface next to him, San Scarface told him that everyone was living in the small town of Jinsen, and there was a group of people under him, so there would inevitably be some conflicts.

Fortunately, in the city, there is pressure from the imperial army and various guilds, so they dare not mess around. In the wild, it is common to kill people and seize treasures.

However, human beings have a common agreement. During the war with foreign races, vendetta killings are prohibited, so as not to cause a big commotion, reduce the strength of the human race, and benefit the foreign races.

Sanscarface also warned Wu Fan, don't let down your vigilance just because of these human covenants. If you are killed in the wild, and no one knows, generally no one will investigate. After all, human beings at this time, All kinds of forces are busy fighting against the enemy, so there is time to investigate these things, unless influential people are hurt.

During the chat, Wu Fan became familiar with San Scarface. He knew his name was Leng Sen, and he was a sky swordsman with ice attribute activated.

Generally, swordsmen do not have attributes when they practice battle qi. Only when they are sensitive to magic elements at the seventh level, can they cultivate attribute battle qi. At this time, swordsmen are called elemental swordsmen.

And Leng Sen has a good talent. He realized the magic element at the sixth level, and cultivated the element fighting spirit. Among this group of mercenaries, he is considered to be the most powerful.

There are two other people on the 'same plane', the bearded one named Xiong Li, born with great strength, a super huge sword, which is as easy to hold as a straw in his hand, looks very fierce, thick The arms are thicker than Wu Fan's thighs.

Another man with a bow and arrow is named Hawkeye. His specialty is bow and arrow. Of course, the big sword is also good, and he takes a flexible route.

The three belonged to different mercenary regiments, but they all knew each other. After all, they all lived in the small town of Jinsen. After fighting together today, everyone's relationship has improved a lot. The three of them also talked about doing missions together in the future.

Wu Fan also knew from their words that the reason why the mercenaries were friendly to him was because he was a light magician.

There is an unwritten rule in the imperial mercenary circle. If you don’t abide by it, you will be chased and killed by all mercenaries. Then you are not allowed to take the initiative to kill light magicians, because their magic is mainly for healing, which is what everyone needs, and In everyone's eyes, light magicians are harmless, and they are synonymous with friendliness.

There is no conflict of interest, and Wu Fan needs to be asked, how can they be unfriendly?

Unfriendly, wait to die after being injured.

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