My Space Door

Main Text Chapter 3 This Is Another World

Pursuing Susan? Wu Fan was stunned for a moment, and saw that the direction Tie Shi was looking at was the woman who was going to fill the water. It was relatively dark, and Wu Fan really didn't notice what the woman looked like, so he pursued her It can only be said to be nonsense. Quickly explained: Of course not, I was just a little surprised to hear her say that those are monsters.

Haha... Hearing Wu Fan's words, Tie Shi laughed loudly, and after a while he said: My boy, your lies are also made up to look a little bit good, you can't deceive anyone at all, why are those magical beasts so strange? Yes. You don't want to pursue Susan, so why use the bad excuse of reminding her that there are monsters there? Don't you know that in a safe place, no one and monsters can attack each other?

It has been confirmed that the animals they mentioned are monsters, and the shock in Wu Fan's heart can be imagined, so this is another world? Are these people not from Earth? Some people understand what's going on. The other end of the space gate is a different world, which is not beyond Wu Fan's expectations, but he has too little experience, so although he has seen many things, they are not very different from the earth, so he can't be sure.

A safe place? Do you mean here? He would no longer foolishly confirm whether those were real monsters, but pretended to be interested in another word from Tie Shi's mouth, a safe place.

Of course this is a safe place, don't tell me you don't know a safe place? Tie Shi gave Wu Fan a blank look, and then continued, If you didn't know this was a safe place, would you camp here?

Hehe... I'm just curious about the origin of the safe place, how did this safe place come about? Wu Fan said with a laugh.

I'm not too clear about this. It is said that the predecessors signed a treaty with the monsters a long time ago. Countless camping points were designated as safe places in the boundless forest. In a safe place, everyone and monsters are safe, and In a safe place, besides us humans can camp, monsters can also stay temporarily, if anyone violates it, they will be chased and killed by all humans and monsters until they die!

Tie Shi was talking to Wu Fan, but he seemed to be a little absent-minded, he could not stop swallowing, and his voice was not so loud, Wu Fan couldn't help turning his head to look at Tie Shi, only to see him staring at the instant noodles in his pot, and suddenly smiled Said: This is instant noodles. If you like it, you can eat it. I have eaten it just now.

I... Tie Shi was a little embarrassed when Wu Fan saw through it, but the smell was so delicious that he couldn't help swallowing just now, and when he heard Wu Fan asked him to eat, he was not polite, so he picked up the pot and ate it, but this thing It was a little inconvenient to eat, and there was only one spoon in the pot.

Seeing Tie Shi holding the pot in one hand and pouring the instant noodles into his mouth with a spoon in the other, Wu Fan wanted to tell him that chopsticks are the best way to eat noodles, but in the end he didn’t say anything, the chopsticks were so obvious that he didn’t take them , I don’t think I can use chopsticks, and I have to put the noodles in the lunch box to eat, and I can eat it when I pick up the pot. Although the pot has been placed on the side for a while, it should still be very hot.


Tie Shi ate all the noodles in one go, and drank almost half of the pot of soup, then he let out a long breath and said, It's so delicious, it's the best thing I've ever eaten in my life.

He is really an ignorant outsider, Wu Fan secretly despised Tie Shi in his heart, and said in his mouth: Of course it is delicious, there are secret seasonings in it, and this side is also fried, as long as you use boiling water It can be eaten in one dip, not only delicious, but also very convenient.”

Are you a son of a nobleman who came out to practice? Tie Shi asked hesitantly.

Wu Fan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect him to ask this question suddenly, and asked vaguely: Why do you ask such a question? Do you think I look like a son of a nobleman?

Tie Shi shook the opaque steel pot and spoon in his hand and said: Your pot and spoon are so beautiful, they seem to be steel, but they are as white as silver. Although I can't tell what they are made of, they are definitely good things. , and your tent, although it is only a thin layer, should not leak, it is much better than our animal skin tents, and it is also light. In addition, the clothes on your body are not very good at first glance. It is made of a very delicate and strong fabric, and the style is also very convenient for movement. The most important thing is that you have thin skin and tender flesh, which is obviously only for noble children who have never suffered or even done anything , on the mainland, besides the children of nobles, who else can there be?

Wu Fan opened his mouth wide in shock. He thought Tie Shi was a rude guy, but he was so careful. Although he didn't guess his identity, he observed him eighty-nine out of ten.

Tie Shi continued with some doubts: I can't figure it out a little bit. You seem to understand nothing. You don't even know about monsters and safe places. You don't have any force. How did you come here? Although this is the periphery of the boundless forest, But there are still countless monsters, and you don’t have any scars now? Is it really the god of luck who takes care of you? The monsters will walk around you when they see you?

There are scars on Wu Fan's body, but they were stabbed and scratched by sword leaves. This kind of scar is different from the scars of the monster's attack, and Tie Shi can see it at a glance.

Hearing Tieshi's words, Wu Fan's face turned red. Just now, he wanted to catch someone else's words and learn some news about this world. Who knew that people already knew that he was a noob, but now they exposed him, which made Wu Fan very embarrassed.

Tie Shi has been observing Wu Fan. Seeing Wu Fan's expression at this time, he is more sure that he is a child of a big family, but he doesn't know how he came here. Yes, it's impossible, anyway, I can't figure it out, but there is one thing, Wu Fan doesn't seem to be a bad person, unlike some other nobles who are arrogant and look down on their adventurers.

As the leader of an adventure group, Tieshi is only a small adventure group, but his brain is still very useful, otherwise the people in the group would not obey him, and it is very beneficial for them to befriend a nobleman and their adventurers Yes, although this noble young man doesn't seem to be from their country, and he doesn't even know the lingua franca of the mainland, which makes people a little confused.

We are going out of the boundless forest tomorrow, do you want to come with us? Our destination is the small town of Jinsen. Tieshi asked.

Yes! Wu Fan replied conditioned. Walking alone in this endless forest is not only dangerous but also lonely. I don't even have the courage. I don't know the countless monsters in the forest today. I came here, and now I know that there are countless monsters in the forest, even if Wu Fan had a hundred guts, he would not dare to continue walking alone.

Okay, let's go together tomorrow. After Tieshi finished speaking, he walked towards their camp. After walking for a distance, he turned his head and said with a smile, Wu Fan, you'd better put your weapons away in a safe place. , which can easily lead to misunderstandings.”

Wu Fan stood there awkwardly, looking at Tie Shi going away, who told him not to know a safe place, in such a dangerous place in the forest, without a weapon, he has no sense of security at all.

After a while, the people of the Green Forest Adventure Group prepared food. Their food was some thick soup cooked out of unknown sources, as well as barbecue, and they brought some over to Wu Fan. Wu Fan quickly shied away and said that he was full He dare not eat these things. Although he has chatted with Tie Shi for a while, the two are familiar with each other, but in the forest, it is stupid to eat food from strangers. Who knows if there is any medicine in it? It is a safe place. Although it cannot kill people, it does not say that it cannot be addicted to drugs. Although this is a bit of a villain's move, it is better to be careful when you are single. The old saying that you must be on guard against others is summed up by the predecessors from the blood experience.

There are people from the Green Forest Adventure Group, and they also know that this is a safe place. Wu Fan is relieved a lot, and he does not keep vigil. He returns to the tent and sleeps in a sleeping bag. He has been tired all day today and is nervous. After a day, I feel sleepy.

Of course, when he was sleeping, he also held a saber in one hand and a crossbow in the other, and he also warned himself to be more vigilant, not to sleep too hard. As for Tie Shi, he listened, but it seems too useless not to hold a weapon. I feel safe.

Nothing happened all night, Wu Fan slept until dawn, he heard someone calling him in a daze, and then woke up from the dream, feeling something in his hand, and saw that it was his knife and crossbow, some Confused about how to hold this thing while sleeping, it took me a while to wake up, I was in the boundless forest, not at home, I quickly got up to check my condition, and I was relieved when I found that I was fine.

Check the gray line in your hand, the gray line is more than twice as thick as yesterday, enough energy to open the space door twice, and you can open the space door again at any time, but the gray line seems to be still absorbing energy, can it be accumulated countless times Number of space gates? If you have time, you have to study it carefully. This is the foundation of saving your life and making a fortune.

Put away the weapons and open the tent. It was just dawn at this time, and the people of the Green Forest Adventure Group had already started to pack the camp and make breakfast. It seemed that they were going to leave after breakfast.

Little brother, come over and have something to eat together? Tie Shi saw Wu Fan and shouted with a smile.

No, I have it myself. Wu Fan declined.

Tie Shi didn't say much, but the other members of their team were a little annoyed at Wu Fan's lack of face, and raised their eyebrows at him. Of course Wu Fan knew what was going on, so he just pretended not to see it. Although Tieshi and his adventure group gave him a good feeling, but knowing people and faces but not knowing their hearts, and still in this virgin forest, Wu Fan really didn't dare to eat their food. I understand, I have to be more careful, as for going out of the forest with them, he is not afraid at all, as long as he is vigilant, if something goes wrong, he can open the space door and escape back to the earth.

After breakfast, Wu Fan packed up his things, followed Tie Shi and his party on the road, this time they took the ready-made road, without using a knife to open the road, and the speed was more than ten times faster than that of Wu Fan alone. But Wu Fan felt uncomfortable. Tieshi and the others had long been used to walking so fast that Wu Fan almost had to trot to keep up. He was also carrying a big backpack. After walking for a while, he couldn't move anymore. Fortunately, Tieshi found out about his situation and helped him carry his backpack, so he could barely keep up.

But even though it was hard, Wu Fan still took pleasure in it, and took pictures of the beautiful scenery he saw with his mobile phone. Such photos are definitely the only ones on the earth.

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