Garrett, and even the entire Bloody Hand Organization, is the spear that Mu Yang created for Luffy, this is the meaning of their existence, and they are destined to fight the new world with Luffy in the future and level all pirates, so Mu Yang plays the role of an intermediary at this time, giving space for the two to communicate and run-in.


Garrett had a serious expression and complied unconditionally.

Then, he held out a hand towards Luffy, “First meeting, I’m Garrett. ”

“Ah, old man, who are they?” However, Luffy scratched his head and did not accept Garrett’s overture at the first time, because he still hadn’t reacted and didn’t understand what it meant.

“Where are so many questions, go and talk to Garrett and let him introduce you to the current situation of the Bloody Hand Organization.”

After speaking, Mu Yang waved his hand slightly.


In an instant, the wind surged and formed a huge wind whirlwind visible to the naked eye, rotating rapidly, suddenly lifting the two of them, rising into the sky, and then teleporting to a certain place in the naval headquarters.

“With a wave of his hand, a violent wind vortex is generated, and the old man’s control over the natural elements is really quite amazing.” Sengoku secretly marveled in his heart, the moment the cyclone was generated just now, he was standing next to him, but he didn’t perceive anything abnormal at all, and that cyclone was only aimed at Luffy and Garrett.

At this time, Mu Yang suddenly spoke.

“Your fruit ability development should be in a stalemate, I can see this from your battle yesterday.”

“I know that I can’t hide your eyes from the old man.” Warring States laughed dryly, invisibly acquiescing to that sentence.

“The Great Buddha form, is there really only this form?”

“Old man, you mean…”

“Think about my words.” However, Mu Yang did not say any more, and his gaze moved back to the assessment field.

Just now, the attention was slightly diverted, and many people were eliminated, including some high-speed promotions in military ranks, potential stocks that had achieved excellent results in the recruit assessment, but they all knelt in the third assessment, shook their heads vigorously after coming out, and fought with another self for a long time, this taste is simply uncomfortable and makes people want to vomit blood.

Yesterday, those major generals and lieutenant generals had the deepest understanding and were also tortured very badly.

Especially the yellow ape, take him is a good example, a purple light and a golden light, two flash people flying around, dizzy, after coming out, he looked ugly, found a place where no one directly vomited.

“All the majors have finished the assessment, the lieutenant colonel’s assessment progress is also very fast, these little rabbit cubs can’t do it, no one has passed all three levels, is it so difficult to break through on the spot?” The old man was much stronger at their age, and he definitely passed these three levels in minutes. At this time, Karp commented, the new generation of the navy’s power is only like this? An angry expression.

“Karp, don’t talk big, yesterday’s events were forgotten so quickly?”

Sengoku deliberately mentioned it, making Karp recall the bold words he spread yesterday before joining the battle.

“It was an accident, at my current level, that can be said to improve and improve? If I had known the content of the third level beforehand, I would definitely not say that. Karp defended, quite righteous, and immediately made the Warring States couldn’t help but sigh, it turns out that people’s skin can be thick to this extent.

“Sengoku, what do you mean? Let’s be fair, am I getting through the first two levels faster than you? ”

“It’s faster than me, but what’s the use?” Warring States didn’t want to pay attention to him anymore, but when he heard this, he couldn’t help but choke.

“Okay, does it make sense for you two to argue about this in public? Continue to read, but I have to admit that the new generation of naval forces today is indeed not as strong as when Master was in charge of the navy decades ago. At this time, the empty stand came out to play the round and mediated between the two. In fact, he doesn’t know how many times he has played the role of peacemaker over the years.

All lieutenant colonel examinations are completed.

The face of the Warring States is getting darker and darker, because they shaved their heads again, not only that, but also a dozen lieutenant colonels with a black history were arrested, trembling, and directly explained all the things they had done, their official positions are not low in a naval base, so they are easier to be seduced, and you can think clearly about the key with a little thought.

“At this time, I remembered to repent? Lock me up in Advance City! ”

Sengoku pronounced the verdict with a cold face.

“God, all the majors and lieutenant colonels have been wiped out, and looking at the expression of the Marshal of the Warring States, there is always a bad premonition.” There was a whisper of the navy.

“God forbid, let a few of the remaining colonels appear who have passed all three tests, otherwise it is estimated that we will all be unlucky, and the Marshal of the Warring States will definitely not let us go.” There are also navies who pray directly, hoping that a person who breaks the deadlock will appear, otherwise a big zero egg is placed here, which can be imagined, and will make the Marshal of the Warring States run away.

The assessment continued in a solemn atmosphere.

Probably a few more minutes passed.

“Well?” Mu Yang was taken aback, sensing the scene in the third level assessment, a little unexpected, the person who passed all the first three levels of assessment turned out to be him? Suddenly, the expression on his face became interesting.


The purple light flashed, and a white hair was teleported out, surrounded by purple light, setting off him to shine.

Warring States’ tense face finally eased a lot, and in the introduction, said: “Old man, you should still have the impression that he is the naval colonel who was killed by you in that Rogue Town, his name is Smogg, he is a disciple of Zefa, very personality, I didn’t expect that this time it was he who was the first to pass all three levels of the assessment.” ”

In an instant, the Warring States sighed.

You know, among the major generals and lieutenant generals who entered the assessment formation before, many of them are Smogg’s classmates, and Smog is a relatively miserable one, and this result is estimated to be unexpected.

“Smogg, you are the first person to pass all three levels of the assessment, I can promise you one condition now.” Mu Yang said.

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