
Between heaven and earth, the sound of dragon groans was pervasive.

Then, the eight dragon heads aimed at Mu Yang, and their mouths were accumulating energy, wanting to release Long Yan’s breath.

The scene is extremely spectacular, raising your head, it is like there are eight more glowing small suns in the sky, but this sun is bitten in the mouth by eight majestic dragons.

The dragon body that covered the sky, as well as the eight flame groups that exuded a terrifying aura, made Ivankov have strong confidence, his eyes did not blink, looked up at the sky, and at the same time muttered to himself, very excited: “This guy dragon, hidden too deeply, I can’t imagine that there is such a move to destroy the world and the earth, and he has never revealed the slightest bit to us!” ”

This kind of attack, I don’t believe it can be blocked without injury!

“Even if it hurts him, it can prove that he is not so invincible and belongs to humans.” Lightning said that as long as Mu Yang was injured, he walked down the altar, and the legend was shattered. Because his record is too brilliant, each of the five old stars has one hand, and he kills demons in three moves and two styles, all of which are easy to do, as if there is no limit to his strength.

“I hope it works.” After speaking, Bartholomi fell silent, he was not used to it, and had too much hope before the facts appeared.


In the end, eight pillars of flame light fell at the same time, as if extinguished, eight brilliant flame rays ran through the sky, scorching and amazing, falling towards Muyang, the momentum was too terrifying, it could simply kill everything.


After doing all this, the dragon broke away from the state of ability, changed back to human form, and the six-style moon step came out, stabilizing its body in midair.

Eightfold Dragon Yan is a real attack method, which is equivalent to consuming eight times his energy, and the huge consumption in an instant, directly draining the dragon’s physical strength, physically and mentally exhausted!

“How about it, how about this trick, it’s enough to attract attention!”

The dragon was very plain on the surface, and in his heart, he was also looking forward to the repercussions caused by this move.

Life is in the world, living to fight for a breath,

Therefore, he made a move, using the move at the bottom of the box, the strongest means to hide, urging the illusion ability of the phantom dragon fruit, consuming a lot of physical strength to send out the strongest blow, the eightfold dragon Yan shocked everyone’s eyes, in order to prove himself, even if he was invincible, he had to let Mu Yanggao take a look!

The attack came.

“Six Styles Aoyi Shenglong!”

A punch blasted out, this is the move that once killed Edward Weibull in seconds, pulled the sea, turned into a dragon shape, and directly knocked him down, but at this time it was purely punched, a pale white dragon formed, very realistic, and then faced the baptism of the eightfold dragon Yan, roared and rushed up.


The white dragon body expanded rapidly, emitting white light, bright and dazzling!

The power of the fist burst out, and in the air, chaos was incomparable!

“What will be the result?” Ivankov mentioned the throat eye with one heart.

At this time, Luffy was dumbfounded, he wanted to persuade and let the two stop, but unfortunately helplessly found that this level of battle, he didn’t even have the qualifications to interject a sentence, the scene was too shocking, he was even surprised, sighing for it, this cheap daddy who suddenly appeared, the strength is actually so strong, and the old man fights like this.

However, Luffy’s helpless things are still to come.

For example, Mu Yang and Shanks, the two are destined to have a battle, and Shanks is destined to usher in defeat!

In the sky, the collision of two moves divides the victory and defeat.

Eventually, it was a tie, and both energies dissipated at the same time.

“!” The dragon’s heart shook dramatically, this was almost the strongest blow he had exerted all his physical strength, but the other party only waved his fist and punched out, and he easily resisted it, which was completely unexpected to him!

At the same time, for the strength of the demon, the dragon has to recalculate, it seems that it is not that the demon is too weak, but Mu Yang is too strong, incredibly powerful, in the original concept of that demon, it is likely that he never thought that one day he would die at the hands of humans!

“With this bit of strength, you still want to make a revolution?”

Mu Yang appeared out of thin air, flashed with rainbow light, came to the top of the dragon’s head, and then stretched out three fingers, expressionlessly revealing a fact, cruel and full of blows: “Do you know that with the punch just now, I used a few percent of the original strength?” But you can be proud, because when I shot another man, his name was Edward Wybull. ”

This name, the dragon has heard of.

Once made a fuss at sea because he cut off one of Admiral Zefa’s arms.

“Pick me up with a sword.”

A low drink, and then, Mu Yang put his fingers together, forming a sword finger, and swiped through the air.


In the mouth of the dragon, a dragon groan sounded, and it entered the state of ability again, scales appeared around its body, taking attack as defense, and there were flames surging on the dragon’s claws, and thunder and lightning flashed.

The ability of the phantom dragon fruit, in addition to transfiguration, also includes the elements that drive the heaven and earth, which can change the weather, but the range is very small, and it is far from being comparable to Muyang’s weather fruit in this regard, so the dragon is not used.


The dragon was knocked away by the sword qi, emitting a painful dragon groan, the scales were directly cut off, and the withdrawal was able, and I saw an obvious wound on one arm.


Before the dragon fell into the sea, Ivankov brought him back and put him on the boat, his physical strength was severely consumed, and in the face of that strong sword qi, the dragon was now overdrawn and in a coma.

“I fought with you, Ambrio Face Grows Hol|Er|Mon!”

“Hip hop!!”

Suddenly, Ivankov’s face became bigger, broke the hat of the cloak, enlarged face, with weird makeup, very scary, big night with such a face out, can scare people to cry.

“Face afterimage!”

“Galaxy WINK!”

Ivankov shouted.

In an instant, those huge and weird faces blinked at the same time and released their attacks, which was the explosive wind generated by high-speed blinking, which exploded directly around Mu Yang’s body.

“Interesting, shemale king Ivankov, are you a spy sent by other forces to deliberately strike so that I can destroy all the members of the revolutionary army here?” Mu Yang said, and then used the finger gun in the sixth style, and a finger force pierced the air, directly piercing the face of Ivankov’s body.

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