Ice and snow island, the first half of the great voyage, a special climate area, shrouded in ice and snow that never melts all year round, the temperature is very low, is a natural polar land!

“If the artificial method fails, you can only go to the natural ice field and try your luck.” Mu Yang whispered, his favorite thing is to be self-reliant, instead of gambling on the ethereal possibility, a little unwilling to raise his finger, once again released a series of white cold light, into the formation of the six stars, replenish energy, the temperature of the entire island under his feet dropped again and again, even Luffy, the ability of the devil fruit, can hardly bear it!

When ordinary people come here, almost instantly, they will lose their vitality, turn into a group of humanoid ice sculptures, and die completely!

“Cluck… Old man… I couldn’t stand it anymore, my blood was about to coagulate… What exactly are you going to do. Luffy shouted collapsed, his eyebrows, face, and hair were covered with a layer of frost, and at the moment he was covering his mouth with his hands, constantly breathing to keep warm, but unfortunately it was like facing two 10,000-year-old ice cubes, the efforts were in vain, and his hands were numb and unconscious.

“Endure, can’t you hold on to this little bit of suffering? Tell you, the painful days are yet to come. ”

Mu Yang scolded, put his hands behind him, and looked at the crystal clear, white snow scene in front of him, very plain, without showing the slightest abnormality.

“Hmph.” Luffy snorted in his nostrils, rolling his eyes.

Then, without saying much, he ran stiffly on his legs, moving his body and generating heat so as not to freeze to death!


Luffy ran, speeding up, and at the same time, the second gear also came out, the blood in the body accelerated flowing, the skin glowed a red, running wildly in this snowy field, like a crazy bull, rampage, yelling.

Behaves like a mad cow and barks like a wolf howl!!


Mu Yang was speechless, looking at Luffy’s distant back.

Driven crazy again…


When leaving, Luffy came back, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, he no longer remembered how many laps he ran around the periphery of the island, only knew that under the threat of freezing to death, he broke through the limit, his eyes turned red, and he ran round and round, and after getting on the ship, he lay directly on the deck, exhausting his whole body strength, and he didn’t even have the desire to move his fingers.

“Sure enough, a natural environment is needed.”

In the end, Mu Yang was also helpless, and withdrew the six-mangs star array, the temperature was so low, he still didn’t wait for the herbs he wanted.

Even if it grows a little, Mu Yang can find it, and then use means to forcibly ripen, but his domineering appearance covers the entire island, and he finds nothing!

This explains why, so he gave up, didn’t drill into the horns, and then changed the temperature of the island. But even so, the sea area around the island has still been affected, the terrain and temperature have been completely changed, the sea surface is frozen, it is a very thick layer of ice, and without 180 years, this area cannot return to its original appearance.

“Next stop, Snow Island.” Mu Yang held a map of the nearby sea, his hand was squared, and he landed on one of the points, announcing.

“Snow Island? Great, wouldn’t it be possible to meet Shanks! ”

Luffy shouted excitedly in his heart, but unfortunately, on the surface, he did not have the strength to celebrate, still lying on all fours, raised his hand and slapped his hands twice to express his opinion.

Then, worry appeared in his heart.

I hope Shanks will not be like Ace, and fight with the old man when they meet!

Unfortunately, Luffy does not know the meaning of the name of the Four Emperors, nor does he understand what Mu Yang’s current identity represents, he appears in front of Shanks, there will be a battle, which is inevitable!


Mu Yang launched an attack, the frozen sea surface cracked, a huge and incomparable crack appeared, and there was no way to see the edge, not only the topography of this sea area was forcibly changed, but also centered on the island, spreading to all around, and the scope of influence was very wide! There were even a few pirate groups driving well, and they were frozen by the ice cubes that suddenly appeared along with the ship and the seawater!

Therefore, when Mu Yang and Luffy were driving the boat, a pirate ship suddenly appeared in front, and the bottom of the ship still had frozen marks, and the wooden board almost shattered.

“Ah, I don’t remember this place being so cold…”

The captain muttered, then looked at the pirate flag of the opposite ship and recognized it as a group of pirates with a bounty of nearly 200 million supernovas.

“Irons, call your captain out, the changes in this sea area should not be caused by him.” This pirate captain shouted, his name, Modi, the bottom is his own bounty of 350 million, in the first half of the great voyage belongs to the top pirate group, invincible. Waiting for the opportunity, enter a new world, and then jump through the dragon gate to become the top pirate group!

So he was fearless, directly named names, and asked the original owner of the pirate ship, Irons, to come forward and give a satisfactory explanation.

However, when the two figures appeared, Modi instantly knelt down, regretting that he was not the first time.

Just as he was about to tear his throat and shout to retreat, he heard the legendary figure on the opposite side speak.

“Give you a chance to live, defeat him, and I’ll let you go.”

So, Luffy lay down the gun.

He is facing Modi like a drug, in order to save his life, this guy fights, plus his Devil Fruit ability is also a little difficult, and initially mastered the armed color domineering, so Luffy went through a hard battle to take him down, the process was very difficult, at the end, although he was still standing, but his clothes were also torn out of many holes, very embarrassing.

At the same time, it shows that Luffy’s strength has reached the point where he can dress the vast majority of pirate groups in the first half of the great voyage!

“Progress is okay.” Mu Yang nodded, with a flat tone of evaluation.

He has also seen a more enchanting genius, is a pirate, went to sea for a short time, but in hundreds of battles to hone the kendo and domineering at the same time to a very high point, but unfortunately the talent is like him, in the end he died, the way can not be more concise, he took the initiative to challenge Mu Yang, seeking an opportunity to break through, and died under Mu Yang’s finger!

After driving for several more days, the temperature dropped again.

In the air, snowflakes fall.

On the surface of the sea, there are also ice floes that begin to form, interfering with navigation, and the further you go, the more ice floes there are, and the higher the danger.

“Fortunately, I was prepared.” Luffy muttered, and then wrapped up his coat, not like last time, wearing a short-sleeved top and pants, running wildly in the ice and snow, just like a fool.

“It’s the right place.”

Mu Yang smiled lightly, caught a snowflake with his hand, and melted it in his hand.

This is snow and ice created by pure nature!

“Hopefully… Don’t let me down this time! ”

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