1466 year of the Haiyuan calendar.

The headquarters of the navy, the strongest marshal ever, fought the demon in the Devil Fruit, and fell into a deep sleep after the victory.

His body, sealed in an ice coffin, fell into the sea and disappeared.

“Old man, I will definitely become a powerful navy, you wait and see!”

“In the future, when you wake up, it will definitely be my time!”

Sengoku looked at the vast sea and swore loudly, but as he spoke, two lines of tears flowed.

The two people, although not related, but since he was rescued by the old man from a group of pirates and taught combat skills, the Warring States regarded him as his real father.

Over the years, the Warring States have become accustomed to the days when the old man is around.

“Warring States, don’t be sad, the old man said that he just slept, maybe a few months, and woke up.”

“Maybe he won’t wake up for decades.” The Chinese of war is quiet, adding another possibility.

“Also, old man is what I call him, Karp, what kind of trouble you make, remember, you should be called Lord Marshal!”

“Hehe, don’t be more serious, the two of us are brothers, and your dad is naturally my dad,”

Karp was cheeky and said these words without feeling the slightest shame.

In Karp’s view, the old man is equivalent to a huge treasure house, and the Warring States is the key to pry open the treasure house by himself, and shame is nothing.

“Karp, can you be thicker-skinned, who agrees to be brothers with you.”

“You have acquiesced just now, why, do you want to regret it in the blink of an eye now?”

Sengoku is silent.

However, let him be so messy, sad and confused, and his emotions have decreased a lot.

“Say it one last time, don’t mess with me, and don’t just shout the three words old man.” After speaking, the Warring States turned around and walked to the training room, starting now, training hard, you can’t wait for the old man to wake up, he is still a nobody.

“Warring States, you are too ruthless, the two of us have been together since we joined the recruit training camp, comrades who share life and death…” Karp caught up and played the emotional card, trying to touch the cold heart of the Warring States.

The news of the disappearance of the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy could not be concealed.

And the battle that took place over Marinfodo that day, although some pirates did not see the details, they also saw the ink-stained sky dome and the chaotic climate.

Although a statement was issued inside the Navy, another version was circulated: the strongest marshal did not measure his strength to challenge the devil, and he had died together, and he fell into a deep sleep, but the Navy released a smoke bomb to cover up the fact.

Some navies are helpless, they have watched the whole process, and they know that those who say that they fought hard and died together are all nonsense, but they can’t stop others in the world to believe.

Moreover, with the huge momentum made by the demon, it was a fierce wind and thunder and lightning, and it was difficult to make others believe that he was killed by two moves.

“Hehe, no matter what, anyway, the marshal is not there anyway, and the next thing is our time!”

“Navy? Hehe, they can’t do it, go back and cry with the photo of the marshal, see if a miracle can happen and cry your marshal back! ”

The suppressed pirates have emerged one after another.

Like a small grass pressed by a rock, this grass is accumulating strength to resist all the time, and suddenly one day, the pressure that exists above its head disappears, and the power of this resistance will also erupt.

Golden Lion, Roger, Whitebeard, the future legendary Three Sea Pirates, quietly emerged from the sea a few years later and expanded their power.

The work of the Navy has also become busy.

The wave of invisible promotion when Mu Yang fought against the demon made the sixth style of the navy become a hot spot for cultivation, and even if the soldier failed to cultivate, his physical fitness would become stronger in the process, surpassing the average pirate.

And taking advantage of this wave of pirates, Karp, Warring States, and Zefa, who joined the navy after Muyang fell asleep, the three continued to make battle achievements, and their ranks were also rising rapidly.

However, in the dead of night, the Warring States would take out the photo, touch Mu Yang’s avatar, and sigh full of sadness: “Old man, how many years have passed, you should also wake up, the pirates of this world have forgotten your horror.” ”


Fast forward to decades later.

With Roger’s cry before he died, thousands of people rushed to the sea and became pirates, which was an era when pirates were flooded wildly.

Moreover, there are four pirates, known as the four emperors, their own strength, as well as the forces under their command, are very terrifying, even the navy, want to take them have to pay a heavy price.

New world.

The sea surface is heaving violently, and several naval warships are opposing a huge pirate ship with a pirate flag and shaped like a beluga whale.

“General Akainu, our damage is too great, please announce your return!”

“General Red Dog, we can’t delay any longer, most likely, we will be completely destroyed here!” The vice admiral looked anxious, checked the casualties of other warships, and continued to persuade bitterly.

“A war cannot avoid casualties, and if you retreat because of bloodshed, where is justice.”

Hearing this, the bottom naval soldiers of the warship wanted to scold the mother.

Grandma’s, feelings are not your blood, if you are slashed by a whitebeard and lose half of your body, see if you can continue to “advance” for justice !?

“Whitebeard, take it!”

The red dog jumped, and his arms turned into billowing magma.

Fists burst out, and the fire illuminates the sea!

“Goo la la-la, red dog imp, this little flame, give me a candle on the birthday cake is not worthy.”

Whitebeard clenched his right fist and swung it out at the incoming magma.


The atmosphere was like a broken mirror, suddenly cracked, and the powerful and unparalleled force directly dispersed the magma, and the remaining strength was unabated, setting off huge waves and washing away the navy’s fleet.

Seeing this situation, the lieutenant general persuaded again: “General Akainu, retreat.” ”

The red dog frowned, his expression was uncertain, and he was hit by Whitebeard again and again, and he also had the idea of leaving.

Suddenly, the sea surface suddenly changed.

First, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared, and then, in the whirlpool, an ice coffin slowly rose, straddling the ships of the two warring sides.


Whitebeard and Red Dog, frowning in thought.

On the vast sea, an ice coffin appeared, which was really weird.

“Daddy, there’s someone in the coffin.”

The immortal bird Marko stretched out his hand, but when his words just fell, the person in the coffin, “back from the dead”, suddenly opened a pair of eyes.

“Resurrection of the dead? How is this possible, could it be undead possession?! ”

Marko shivered down his spine, and his title contained the word immortal, but he couldn’t understand what was happening now.

(Next, pretend to beat the face from the red dog, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for everything!) )

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