My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 95 The cunning giant tentacle chrysalis

Lin Yan reached into the bag at his waist and took out a bundle of hemp rope, which he carried with him specially so that he could move some of the things he found out of the ruins.

He walked to the female statue that was broken into seven or eight pieces, pulled out the hemp rope, tied the pieces together into a bunch, and carried it with one hand. The weight was quite suitable.

He didn't bring a shovel or any other tools, so it was inconvenient to excavate the accumulated soil. In addition, due to the howling of the monster in the statue just now, he was ready to leave first.

As he was pulling the string of statues, suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the engravings on the ground, and his hand movements suddenly stopped.

I saw only the third one. In the engraving depicting the battlefield, the ghost-like man at the feet of the soldiers disappeared!

It's literally missing.

On the screen, the place where the weird man had been was turned into a smooth stone slab, completely empty!

Lin Yan's scalp suddenly went numb. The carving was dead, how could it suddenly disappear?

It's impossible that he saw it wrong? Hallucinating?

Lin Yan's eyes were as bright as lightning as he scanned the other engravings. Suddenly his expression changed and his heart beat faster.

On half of the seventh frame, there was a figure suddenly appearing on top of one of the three empty lotus terraces. It was the strange man with a weird smile!

Their posture changed from lying down to standing floating in mid-air, with a terrifyingly curved smile and a big mouth, ferocious and strange. They were facing Lin Yan, confronting each other, as if they were about to break through the wall in the next second.

Lin Yan's eyes flashed with cold light as he stared at the weirdo: "Is it possible that it's not dead at all? Did it run over by itself?"

Unconsciously, many scenes of ghosts and ghosts appeared in Lin Yan's mind.

"No, that's not right..."

Lin Yan forcibly suppressed the instinctive fear in his heart, isolated all kinds of terrifying associations, and only used pure rational logic to think.

"Don't think about ghosts, something is... playing tricks on you!"

Lin Yan's mind changed quickly. He threw away the rope in his hand, turned his hands into claws, and slammed them into a thick mahogany beam surrounded by two people. He let out a light drink.

The beams and pillars weighing hundreds of kilograms were suddenly lifted up by him. Smoke and dust scattered, all kinds of debris fell, and the entire ruined palace shook slightly.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

With evil in his eyes, Lin Yan used the huge beam as a giant stick and swung it hard, hitting the seventh half-exposed sculpture!

Excluding the theory of gods and ghosts, the only possibility is that something moved the weird man from the third picture to the seventh picture!

The beams and pillars exerted great force and lifted up countless smoke and dust, which fell on the carvings and paintings.

Lin Yan's wrist trembled, feeling the force of the counter-shock, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This feeling does not feel like a solid ground at all. The beams and columns sink directly into the painting. This shows that there is a hollow behind the painting!

Sure enough, something is causing trouble!

The beams and columns smashed deeply into the painting, and a deep flat cave could be vaguely seen behind them, but they did not hit anything real.

Thinking about it again, the weird man with the weird smile comes from the third painting...

Lin Yan's mind seemed to be filled with a thunderbolt: "No, it's going to the east but it's going to the west!"

The moment his thoughts fell, there was a loud noise and the third painting suddenly exploded.

Lin Yan only had time to lift the beam in his hand and block it against his chest when a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out from the third painting, like a galloping horse, and hit the beam in front of his chest hard.


Like the sound of fine iron clashing, a huge force hit him. Lin Yan unconsciously took a step back, and the ground beneath his feet cracked instantly.

"I didn't guard against it..."

Lin Yan felt a cold sting in his chest, and several extremely sharp, slender and sharp objects penetrated the beam directly from the opposite side and pierced his chest a full finger deep!


Huge force poured into his right leg, and he stepped hard on the beam in front of him. The beam broke and flew backwards. The strange black figure on the opposite side was also sent flying backwards by his step. Hits the rock wall and rolls down.

Lin Yan took two steps back and brushed his hand across his chest. A layer of inner scale armor had no blocking effect at all and was penetrated directly.

There were four holes as big as cup mouths, and blood flowed wildly, dyeing the clothes on his chest scarlet.

He was afraid for a while. If the beams and pillars hadn't stopped him, he might have been penetrated through the chest or even torn apart.

Taking a deep breath of poisonous mist and looking at it, Lin Yan's eyes widened.

In front of him was an extremely strange creature, the size of a millstone, with a symmetrical spindle-shaped structure.

The whole body is covered with blue-black chitin carapace, with a cold and hard luster, and the surface is covered with countless hard and raised barbs.

Directly in front of it, there are four extremely thick tentacles, and the green muscles on them are squirming layer by layer, making its overall shape like a bronze, fat giant gun squid.

At the base of the tentacle, a strange-shaped mouthpart opens and closes, with a pure black bead in the center, the size of a baby's head, rotating like an eyeball.

At the tips of the tentacles, there is a slightly curved bone spur as thick as a baby's arm, nearly one meter long, cold white and sharp.

At this time, the tips of the bone spurs were dyed red, and accompanied by the wriggling of the tentacles, they formed a square formation, constantly moving, aiming at Lin Yan.

Lin Yan couldn't find any other organs of this creature. It was like four tentacles growing out of thin air on a giant carapace.

Suddenly, one of the tentacles of the strange creature suddenly flicked out, and the bone spurs shot out like a bow full of arrows, piercing Lin Yan's face.

But this speed was not as fast as that of Lin Yan. He dodged sideways and not only avoided the ejection of the bone spur, but also followed the speed of the ejection of the bone spur, stepped back together, and reached out to grab the bone spur in his hand.

It feels dangerously cold to the touch.

The monster immediately sensed the danger and jerked back, trying to retract its tentacles.

However, Lin Yan's hands were like iron hoops, and he directly grasped the bone spur tightly, and the monster could not shrink back at all.

Then its other three tentacles ejected wildly, making a hunting sound through the air, and shot straight towards Lin Yan from three directions.

Lin Yan was unmoved and directly picked up the bone spur in his hand and waved it as a weapon, easily knocking away the bone spur.

Then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he grasped the roots of the bone spurs with both hands. Qi and blood surged wildly, the veins in his arms swelled, and he burst out with brute force, shouting loudly.


The bone spurs were so strong that he broke them off by the roots!


The monster was obviously in pain, and its whole body trembled. It made an extremely sharp and weird cry, as if two blades were rubbing against each other. The round black bead in the center of its mouth continued to rotate left and right and expanded in a circle.

Lin Yan even saw that several irregular gaps were opened on the surface of the monster's body, and then closed again.

"That is to say, it still has an internal structure..."

Take advantage of its illness and kill it!

Lin Yan's figure was like lightning, and with his extremely fast speed, he instantly came to the position behind the monster without tentacles, raised the bone spur in his hand, and swung it down.

Suddenly, the monster's howling and trembling stopped, and the sealed carapace behind it suddenly cracked several irregular gaps!

Lin Yan's eyes suddenly condensed, "Not good!" Fell into a trap!

Two terrifying blades of light suddenly lit up, like long-awaited hunters, ejecting straight out and beheading Lin Yan!

The hair on Lin Yan's body suddenly exploded, his heartbeat almost stopped, and the shadow of death instantly seized his soul.

In an instant, his whole body's energy and blood were stretched to the extreme, and the surging strength penetrated his whole body desperately. He stopped moving, and his feet almost crushed the entire ground, and he took a step back.


There was a bone-chilling coldness in my chest.

Lin Yan was sweating profusely and immediately backed away.

Touching the neck area, two thin blood openings extended from both sides of the neck to the chest, pulling out two cross knife marks with deep visible bones. The skin and flesh were rolled up, and the internal organs inside could be vaguely seen.

If he hadn't taken a step back in time, it might have been his neck that was cut open instead of his chest!

Hurry up and hurry up, send it half a minute before twelve o'clock...and then change it...

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