My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 86 Miners in a wealthy environment

pain! It really hurts!

Lin Yan returned to Jijiazhai with several long bows on his back and dressed in rags. Thinking back to the huge backlash caused by Qianjun Po, which exploded with all his strength just now, Lin Yan is still frightened.

"Ah! Lin Yan, why don't you wear clothes!"

Meeting Pang Feiyan halfway, she screamed and quickly covered her face with her hands, spreading her fingers apart, leaving a gap to look out.

Lin Yan: "..."

His figure flashed and he left Pang Feiyan's sight in an instant. He threw a few long bows in the village square and returned home.

He touched the clothes on his body and said that they no longer fit him well. They were completely torn into strips of cloth. It was almost as if he was not wearing any clothes at all.

After changing his clothes, Lin Yan touched various parts of his body. The severe pain that almost exploded his entire body just now seemed to still be faintly echoing under his skin.

His strength is far stronger than the normal strength level, so he carefully chooses to start from the damage level of the enemy and ourselves, gradually increase the strength output, and slowly find a balanced explosive level, which can not only ensure continuous combat effectiveness, but also make the explosion strong enough. of punching power.

The experiment went smoothly, and he had a good understanding of his explosive level.

But he couldn't stand it anymore, and finally he felt itchy and wanted to try the ultimate attack power he could achieve!

All the strength bursts out, adding to the critical breakthrough of the jade-stone-destroying layer!

In an instant, the terrifying power exploded, and almost half of his body exploded!

With that kind of injury, another person would have died within ten seconds!

Even if he had a sufficient supply of energy and blood, he had to lie down for several minutes before fully recovering.

This shows the seriousness of the injury.

Of course, its power is also extremely terrifying. It can create a fist mark of more than ten meters with one punch, which is simply inhuman strength. It has the feeling of punching through mountains and rivers.

After packing up his clothes, Lin Yan went to see Xiaozhi, who was also unconscious. Xiaolu said that Xiaozhi actually woke up for a short time today, but fell asleep quickly.

Lin Yan remained silent, picked up his palm, and squeezed it slightly.

What if we can’t find a solution in the Guangchuan Mountains?

Xiaozhi's disease is a living one, but in the Guangchuan Mountains, there are cold dead remains. Is Xiaozhi's illness really related to the earthquake there?

Lin Yan has no confidence, but this is his only clue at the moment.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Lin Yan, are you back? I heard from Feiyan that you were running around without any clothes on? Are you okay?"

Xie Lingyan's slightly anxious voice came from outside.

Lin Yan: "..."

Push the door open and go out.

Xie Lingyan's eyebrows were furrowed and slightly worried. Pang Feiyan beside her had an innocent face and looked Lin Yan up and down with interest.

Lin Yan had no expression on his face and stared at Pang Feiyan.

Pang Feiyan said with a guilty conscience: "Look at what I did, you really have no clothes on..."

Lin Yan: "...I'm fine."

Xie Lingyan sighed: "Don't worry, although Xiaozhi is unconscious, her body should be normal and nothing serious will happen."

"Thank you, girl, for your concern."

Xie Lingyan nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped, raised his beautiful eyes slightly, stared at Lin Yan carefully for a long time, and said, "You... have you really made a breakthrough?"

During this period of time, Xie Lingyan also knew that Lin Yan had never broken through the Hard Realm before, and because of this, she was still hit for a long time.

"How did you tell?"

"Generally, people who have just made a breakthrough are not used to restraining their strength. They can be perceived by the same realm or a higher realm, just like this..."

Xie Lingyan's light clothes bulged slightly, and Lin Yan suddenly felt a faint force field covering her body.

"I release my strength, can you feel it?"

Lin Yan nodded. It felt like a magnetic field interacting with a magnetic field.

In other words, when he just broke through, he was like a magnetic field with flashing lights on, very conspicuous.

He thought about it for a moment, and soon figured out the method of restraining his strength from Qianjun Po's insights. In an instant, he restrained his strength and controlled it in his body.

"Do you want me to teach you..." Before he finished speaking, Xie Lingyan's pretty face was stunned, and she suddenly got stuck.

It is not difficult to restrain one's strength, but after just saying a few words, without being taught by anyone, you immediately understood the trick and completely restrained it successfully... What kind of weirdo is this?

She herself has always been called a genius, but when faced with a freak like Lin Yan, she has no temper at all.

She stretched out her white fist and faced Lin Yan: "I just broke through the strength. How about it? Do you want to test your strength?"

"Testing strength?"

"It's about boxing with me, releasing each other's strength in the fists, and comparing the intensity and quality of strength. By the way, this is the original strength testing method of our Qinghong Martial Arts School."

Lin Yan nodded, stretched out his fist, and bumped it with Xie Lingyan's.

"Get ready, let's release our strength to each other, listen to my countdown, three, two,..."

Seeing Lin Yan preparing for the test seriously, Xie Lingyan showed a successful and gentle smile.

In the realm of strength, polishing strength is the most important.

She has been in the Gang Realm for a long time, and her strength is definitely more pure and tougher than Lin Yan, who has just entered the Gang Realm. In this test, Lin Yan will definitely not be able to beat her.

"...One, work hard!"

Lin Yan subconsciously followed what she said, and the thick and thick strength was like silver mercury moving around.

Xie Lingyan was thinking about apologizing to Lin Yan for teasing Lin Yan later.


Her fist bounced open, raised in an arc, and then fell down.

Xie Lingyan: "..."

Lin Yan subconsciously said: "I lost..."

But when he saw Xie Lingyan's raised fist, he unconsciously turned to doubt: "Did I lose...?"

He had already seen the winning look on Xie Lingyan's face, and deliberately did not expose it, just intending to joke with her once and relieve her inner depression.

But her own fists were raised high. No matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like she had won?

Xie Lingyan's cheeks blushed, and she was slightly startled, but she quickly returned to seriousness and thinking: "Come, let's face each other again!"

The same angle, the same strength, but Xie Lingyan's arm was still raised without any resistance.

She had felt carefully that the power she exerted was indeed purer. However, Lin Yan's power was too thick!

She hit it with such force that it was like hitting a majestic mountain, and she was bounced up.

She is very smart, and she immediately reacted: "The strong energy and blood of the force realm also makes you stronger than the warriors of the same realm!"

Lin Yan nodded helplessly.

Xie Lingyan was speechless for a moment, feeling envious and helpless: "How strong do you have to be now?"

Lin Yan couldn't answer.

After chatting a few more words, Lin Yan's heart moved.

He took out the gray-yellow rough animal skin.

"Thank you, Miss. I wonder if you recognize the words on this?"

Xie Lingyan frowned slightly: "This... you found from the ancient ruins in the Guangchuan Mountains?"

Lin Yan's eyes lit up: "Miss Xie, do you recognize her?"

"Then you are going to be disappointed. I just saw it. Some time ago, there was a lot of noise about the ruins in the Guangchuan Mountains. I was in the underground black market and saw someone selling the same human skin book pages, and they were later taken away by a high-roller. "

"Human skin?!" Lin Yan was slightly surprised.

Xie Lingyan nodded: "Some experts have identified it and said that it is actually human skin, but it has gone through an unknown tanning process. I don't know why it can be preserved for so long."

Lin Yan subconsciously rubbed the surface of the leather. After hearing Xie Lingyan say it was human skin, the more he touched it, the more he felt it looked a bit like it. The gray-yellow color might be caused by special craftsmanship, but its feel was hard to deceive.

"Then Miss Xie, do you know if anyone can recognize the words above?"

The things in the ruins may be related to Xiaozhi's condition, and Lin Yan naturally doesn't want to let it go.

"This should be an ancient writing. Someone in Ding'an City may recognize it, but I don't know where to find it."

Lin Yan's mind was spinning. Now, most of the major forces in Ding'an City had gathered deep in the Guangchuan Mountains, outside the large poisonous fog.

If there is really someone who can recognize the ancient writing, I am afraid that those big forces will take them there with them.

So, go there and ask around, you might get some clues!

He subconsciously did not want to enter Ding'an City again, even though his strength was greatly improved now, but Jiying's death that night made his vigilance against Ding'an City go up to two levels.


At the same time, there was a dark and dark underground mine where no sunlight could be seen.

A thin layer of faint blue halo seemed to be there, barely illuminating the mine with sporadic light and shadow.


The sound of iron picks striking hard rocks kept coming from afar, echoing back and forth in the narrow and dark mine tunnels.

Pang Yinlong was nailed tightly to a rough iron cover. They were real nails. The thick and long dragon-binding nails penetrated directly through his body and into the iron shell at the back. On top, another A thick iron shell was put on, and everything below his head was sealed in a human-shaped iron shell.

"Let me die, let me die..." His mouth opened and closed, and vague sounds kept coming out.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the eyeballs were bulging in large circles. The red eyelids around him could be seen. His lips were severely chapped. His hair had fallen out sparsely, with only a few strands left, but his skin was frighteningly white. His whole face seemed to be full of blood. Out of breath, swollen.

Even from certain angles, he looked almost unrecognizable, especially with his moist and smooth skin, just like... some kind of amphibian frog.

In the dim light, there was a rustling sound approaching quickly.

In the whirling light and shadow, several extremely fast figures appeared in this slightly spacious cave.

"Huha, huha, huha..."

The sounds of heavy breathing came from the mouths of these figures.

The remaining light passed by, revealing several middle-aged people in ragged clothes and gray faces, carrying a pile of large baskets.

They put down the large baskets and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily. The air in the entire mine was disturbed by the force of the airflow.

If anyone in Ding'an City saw what they looked like at this moment, they would be so shocked that their eyes would fall to the ground.

Liu Teng from the Liu family, Hong Xi and Hong Guan from the Hong family, Lin Tuyuan from Fuwei Escort Agency, Yang Zheng from Qingmenghui...

Who is not a well-known powerful martial artist and top figure in Ding'an City?

But now, everyone has a gloomy look on his face, looking exactly like a miner?

After a long while, the breathing of several people stabilized, and then they spat one after another, spitting out a large mouthful of thick green phlegm, which fell to the ground. Green smoke was rising, making a corrosive sound.

Lin Tuyuan's face was full of defeat: "I can't do it anymore. If this continues, in a few days, I will be poisoned to death if not killed by him!"

Yang Zheng gritted his teeth: "What the hell, what kind of mine do you have to dig in the poisonous fog? Is there no one else? Do you have to dig it for us?!"

Liu Teng squinted his lips and mocked himself: "Who calls us a powerful martial artist? We can hold our breath for a long time, use our strength to isolate toxins, and expel toxins. If we are not allowed in, are we going to let others die?" "

"But you can't just waste your time like this! How many days have passed and how many martial artists have died?"

"If you are not satisfied, you can run. The mine tunnels extend in all directions. If you are confident that you can leave the poisonous mist before your strength is exhausted, you can run."

"What the hell are you talking about?! Old bastard, you used to be against me, and now you still..."

"Save your energy! People who have closed the door to hell are still making noises."

"That's right, it's good to be alive."

"Not to mention living, it would be nice to die. Look at Pang Yinlong..."

Everyone turned their attention and looked at Pang Yinlong who was locked in an iron cover in the corner, with a look of fear all over his body.

Pang Yinlong didn't seem to be aware of their argument just now, and was still muttering: "Let me die, let me die..."

To become like this, a human being, a ghost, not a ghost, it is really like being unable to survive but not die.

Hong Xi supported his waist, stood up, and said darkly: "If you are controlled by others, you must have this awareness. Let's go. If you don't hurry up, today's mission will not be completed..."

There were sighs one after another, and everyone stood up again and left rustlingly.

In the distance, the rapid clanking sound of mining began again.

Only here, Pang Yinlong, whose eyes were blank and staring straight at the bloody stalactite on his head, still croaked: "Let me... let me..."

Thanks to the book friend Silly Fantasy for another reward of 100 coins, thank you boss!

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