My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 79 Death of Ji Ying

After passing the city wall and exiting Ding'an City, Lin Yan held a medicine bag in his arms and his face was serious. He didn't know whether he should return to Jijiazhai.

He simply walked out slowly first. There was an empty farmland outside Ding'an City. If those two people were really following him, at least it would be almost impossible to hide in this large area of ​​dilapidated farmland outside Ding'an City.

The moonlight was just right, shining on the dilapidated fields and ridges, shrouding a silvery veil.

On the entire field ridge, there was almost no place to hide people, except for an abandoned agricultural vehicle that was missing its wooden wheels and leaning diagonally in the middle of the field ridge.

He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was walking into the middle of the open farmland, suddenly, a loud noise came from Ding'an City behind him.


I saw the east gate of Ding'an City suddenly exploded, and a figure covered in blood flew out from the door. It directly knocked open the city gate with a tall tree and fell into the farmland, plowing out a path of more than ten feet. Long ground marks.

Lin Yan's pupils shrank suddenly. The man was covered in blood, but Lin Yan recognized the ocher-colored clothes that obviously didn't fit him at a glance. It was Ji Ying who claimed to be from the Demon Suppressing Division!

Who could actually hurt him like this!

Lin Yan felt alarm bells ringing in his heart. He quickly glanced left and right and saw that the abandoned farm vehicle that had rolled over was not far from the right rear field ridge.

Even though he was moving at the fastest speed in his life, he shrank back behind the farm truck and held his breath.

In the quiet moonlight, through the gap in the car board, Lin Yan saw that Ji Ying was seriously injured, and the muscles and bones all over his body seemed to be broken. He was lying on the ground, wriggling like a worm with difficulty.

After about a breath, behind him in Ding'an City, a thin young man in Tsing Yi walked out of the city step by step as if taking a walk.

This young man had a very special temperament. Lin Yan felt that he was incompatible with the entire Ding'an City just by looking at him.

Especially the pair of gold-framed round glasses, which are very elegant and exquisite, and they don't look like they could be made by craftsmen of this era.

This feeling was just like when he saw the gold-plated and snow-white "Thunder Order" rice paper, as if it was not a product of this era and appeared in this era, which was very inconsistent.

The young man walked up to Ji Ying step by step, bent down, pulled Ji Ying's hair, and seemed to be whispering something.

The more Ji Ying listened, the more horrified she became. In the moonlight, there was an extremely frightening look on her face.

Finally, the young man pulled out a dagger from his arms and stabbed it into Ji Ying's vest. Blood surged from Ji Ying's mouth and nose, twitching.

The young man stood up again, rubbed his fingers, waved his hand back, and walked towards Ding'an City.

Behind him, two leather-armored soldiers quickly ran out of the city gate.

Lin Yan let out a sigh of relief. His position was in the blind spot of the other party's field of vision, and he was hidden behind the car before the other party left the city. It was impossible for the other party to discover him.

However, when Lin Yan glanced at Ji Ying, who was only breathing, his muscles suddenly tightened.

I saw Ji Ying, her neck tilted, her face pressed to the ground, her almost gray eyes looking straight in his direction!

Lin Yan's heart felt like it was being clenched. When Ji Ying was knocked out just now, not only did Lin Yan see him, he also saw Lin Yan!

Jiying's hand weakly pointed at the ground beneath him with a subtle frequency.

His mouth was facing the direction of Lin Yan, opening and closing. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he seemed to be saying: "In the ground, in the ground..."

Does this mean that he buried something in the ground?

It wasn't until Ji Ying's body was completely limp and her fingers and mouth were completely motionless. After being dragged back by two soldiers, Lin Yan's tense muscles relaxed a little bit. His back was cold and already soaked. .

Obviously, Ji Ying knew that she could not survive, so she took the opportunity to bury something in the ground and hoped that Lin Yan would get it.

The soldiers dragged Ji Ying back and the city gate was closed again.

The moon was at its zenith and we waited for another two quarters of an hour.

Lin Yan stood up carefully, turned around and ran towards the Guangchuan Mountains.

As for what Jiying buried in the ground... what does it have to do with him?

Not to mention, in such an emergency, Ji Ying must have hoped that he could help deliver information or contact someone. What he left behind would most likely be trouble.

Even if he leaves something good, he can't take it. Who knows if he might get into trouble?

Being able to escape safely when encountering something like this is already a blessing among misfortunes. If you get involved again, will you despise your own longevity?

Ji Ying was dead, and he no longer had to worry about being followed. Lin Yan relaxed his pace and killed a few blind wolves along the way, and soon approached Jijiazhai.

While running, the ground suddenly shook slightly, and the shrubs and grass on the ground swayed from side to side. The surrounding trees swayed slightly, and the branches and leaves rubbed against each other, making rustling sounds.

Lin Yan's face changed slightly, there was another earthquake!

The source of the earthquake is still far away from here, so the earthquake felt is very slight.

Lin Yan quickened his pace again and rushed back to Jijiazhai.

Go inside the door.

"Thank you girls?"

Xie Lingyan and Pang Feiyan were standing in front of Xiaozhi's bed.

"Sir, Miss, suddenly she was sweating all over her body and her face was frighteningly pale. I, I'm scared, so I asked Miss Xie to come and have a look."

Xie Lingyan nodded: "Feiyan knows some medical skills, so I brought her to see her."

Lin Yan immediately sat in front of the bed. The sweat on Xiaozhi's forehead had been wiped dry, but her brows were tightly knitted, as if she was experiencing great pain and her body was tense.

Same symptoms as last time...

Lin Yan suppressed the anxiety in his heart: "Miss Pang, can you tell what's wrong with Xiaozhi?"

Pang Feiyan scratched her head and said: "Her pulse is very peaceful, with nothing abnormal at all, just like a normal person after falling asleep. I...I can't see what the problem is, so I'd better get some soothing herbs and give them to her first."

Lin Yan sighed slightly. When he went to the medical clinic, the doctor said the same thing.

He immediately took out the soothing soup he bought from his pocket and gave it to Xiao Lu to make it.

Xie Lingyan asked: "Has Xiaozhi had this symptom before?"

Lin Yan nodded: "It's happened before. This time it's...more serious than last time."

Last time it was just drowsiness, but Xiaozhi would wake up for a while if she kept screaming, but this time, Xiaozhi actually didn't wake up.

Pang Feiyan squatted in front of Xiaozhi, her round face close to Xiaozhi's side: "Could it be that you were frightened? But the shock here was very slight. But the symptoms are a bit like..."

Her body suddenly trembled, she took two steps back, her face turned pale: "It's a bit like the story in the story, the ghost is on the bed?"

Lin Yan: "..."

Send Pang Feiyan and Xie Lingyan away.

Lin Yan frowned and sat beside Xiaozhi's bed. He picked up the venison porridge brought by Xiaolu and fed it into Xiaozhi's mouth one spoonful at a time.

Most people will have limited swallowing function when they are comatose or asleep. If they are force-fed, it will cause choking or even suffocation.

But Xiaozhi's coma was very strange, and she was able to swallow normally.

It's like, only the consciousness is turned off, but all other functions of the body can function normally.

"Xiao Zhi's illness is definitely related to the earthquake..."

After feeding the porridge, Lin Yan stood up, walked to the closed wooden window, pushed it open, and looked out into the distance, as if he could see the poisonous fog-filled mountain through the mountains.

"What secrets are hidden there?"


Early the next morning, I ate Xiaozhi medicine and drank porridge, but still didn't wake up.

Lin Yan asked Xiao Lu to take good care of him, and then went straight to the poisonous mountain.

Xiaozhi's illness is inseparable from the earthquake there. Even if it is dangerous, we must find out.

Following the map he recorded himself, he ran along the winding mountain road and soon approached the top of the mountain where he went yesterday.


Lin Yan made a wrong step, causing a crack, and his body stopped abruptly.

A flying arrow shot out, nailing the muddy ground in front of his feet, splashing away muddy dust and making a buzzing sound.

If he hadn't stopped quickly, the arrow would have hit his heart.

Turning his head to look, he saw a thick-shouldered man in black leather armor in the dense forest beside him, holding a bow and arrow. His face was filled with astonishment, as if he couldn't believe that Lin Yan could escape.

Seeing Lin Yan's gaze, he hurriedly fired his bow and arrow again, targeting Lin Yan's vitals from a distance, and shouted coldly: "Friend, my Wang family has taken over this place. If you want to find an opportunity, please take a detour."

But when his eyes glanced at the cracks at Lin Yan's feet, his face turned pale unconsciously, and his expression turned fierce.

"The Wang family, which Wang family?"

"Of course it's the Wang family of Taipingfang!"

A glimmer of light suddenly flashed in Lin Yan's eyes. He heard Chen Yuan mention it, isn't this the family of Wang Qingtong and Wang Qinggang?

The man in black leather armor saw that something was wrong with his eyes, so he subconsciously took a step back and shouted in a trembling voice: "How dare you go against the Wang family!"

Lin Yan's eyes swept behind him, the arches of his feet tensed, and his body was like lightning, instantly zooming in front of the man in black clothes and leather armor.

The man in leather armor looked horrified: "Don't come over!"

He loosened his fingers, the bow string trembled violently, and he pushed the arrow tail, about to eject.

However, a big hand suddenly appeared, directly grasping the cross between the bow and arrow, and pressed the bow and arrow on the bow's back, interrupting the ejection process of the bow string.


The kick was like a steel whip, hitting the leather-armored man at the waist, kicking him into the air and flying forward, breaking an ancient tree.

Lin Yan raised the bow and arrow in his hand, loosened it slightly, stretched the bow string, and shot out the arrow with force, drilling into the mud a few feet away. The bow body also bounced up, rolled twice and landed on the ground.

Then he walked to the seriously injured man in leather armor and said, "Tell me, how many of you have entered the mountain?"

Thanks to Silly Fantasy for another reward of 600 coins, thank you boss!

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