My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 75 Black and thick oil pit

Pang Yinlong struggled hard and found that his bones, hands, feet and waist were in sharp pain. A numbness instantly spread throughout his body, and all the strength and blood he had finally gained were immediately dissipated.

After trying countless times, Pang Yinlong finally gave up completely.

He tried his best to turn his head and look at his shoulder and chest.

Several thumb-thick, diamond-shaped bronze nails with square heads, mottled and simple, were driven deeply into his shoulders, knees and waist bones. The blood stained a large area of ​​clothes around him and dried into a withered red flower.

A special thick and tough tendon rope was wrapped around bronze nails, binding him so tightly that he could not move even a little bit.

Dragon-binding nails...

According to what the mysterious young man said, this dragon-binding nail has been soaked in special medicinal mud for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and then supplemented with specific techniques and refined dragon-binding tendon ropes, it can completely suppress the vitality and blood of a powerful martial artist. It's so powerful that you can never break free.

Pang Yinlong didn't believe it at first, but now, only despair remains.

There was a squeak.

The door opened, Pang Yinlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the mysterious young man walked in!

Next to him was a strange man who looked like a little giant, with long arms and legs.

In the past few days, Pang Yinlong was left in this narrow and dark room. Except for someone feeding him every day, the mysterious young man seemed to have disappeared and ignored him.

Until today, this young man appeared again.

"What on earth do you want to do to me!"

"What's the rush? It doesn't take time to build the site?"

The mysterious young man pushed up his gold-framed round glasses and raised his fingers: "Ada, pick it up and let's go."

"Let me go! Let me go!"

But Pang Yinlong had no strength to struggle, and was carried on the shoulders by the giant weirdo like a chicken.

The perspective changed, the sky light circulated, and Pang Yinlong was quickly carried by the giant to an empty room on the side of the city lord's palace.

The young man reached out and pushed or pressed, and then he saw a dark secret door opened on the floor of the wing.

There was a straight downward staircase inside. The young man went down at the head, followed closely by the giant weirdo, carrying Pang Yinlong down.

"Where on earth are you taking me!"

But the young man didn't answer.

Continuously descending along the dark passage, the stone walls that flicker around have obvious marks of ax chiseling.

But after walking for a while, it turned into a natural cave.

I don’t know how long I walked, but suddenly there was the sound of gentle water, and a thin layer of light gradually lit up the rugged pit walls all around.

"This is... the Netherworld River, an underground ghost market?"

Pang Yinlong naturally recognized that this halo was clearly the strange halo in the Netherworld River.

Soon, the halo in front of me opened up. It was indeed the Netherworld River that was emitting a mysterious blue halo, illuminating the entire cave dome with a bright blue color.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Pang Yinlong's eyes. He had also been to the ghost market before, but the river section in front of him was extremely unfamiliar.

So this is another section of the Netherworld River!

As a powerful martial artist, Pang Yinlong vaguely knew some strange secrets and had heard about some of the mystery and vastness of the underground world.

So this mysterious young man actually dug a passage from the City Lord's Mansion to a new section of the Netherworld River.

The three of them continued forward and walked along the river for a long distance, and their field of vision suddenly became wider.

In front of him, there was actually a natural underground dome valley, covering an area as large as the Longmen Pavilion, like an underground palace.

The high dome is covered with rugged blood stalactites, and the Netherworld River flows slowly from the center of the dome valley, radiating a mist-like halo, covering the entire square, making it cold and quiet.

The young people kept moving forward without stopping.

Pang Yinlong tried his best to raise his head. The terrain of the dome valley in front of him was quite flat, but at intervals, there were deep pits with a radius of one foot, which were obviously dug manually.

There are such deep pits all over the surface of the entire dome valley. A small half of the pits are filled with some kind of dark, ointment-like thick liquid, which varies in depth and depth, like a huge chessboard filled with Like sunspots.

There are also scattered, about a dozen of them, like this giant weird figure underneath him, wandering back and forth between the many deep pits.

Their bodies were covered in blood, and they had a long steel fork or iron hook hanging from their waists. They all carried a huge bluestone stick behind them, which was like a medicine pestle magnified a hundred times.

At this time, Pang Yinlong's sight was attracted by a deep pit in the distance.

The pit was filled with dark liquid. Just now, something seemed to move in the liquid suddenly!

Under the blue halo, the surface of the liquid seemed to be covered with a reflective film, trembling slightly.

Suddenly, a pitch-black human hand without a trace of reflection stretched out from the film!

Pang Yinlong's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Someone was buried under the thick liquid!

The hand was completely covered in thick black ointment, and there was no trace of human skin at all.

It was like a drowning person, twitching and shaking on the water, trying to grab some life-saving straw. But the paradox was that the hole was obviously not deep enough to bury the person, but the person's body was nowhere to be found. Under the thick black liquid, there was no sign of it rising.

A giant weirdo, who didn't know when, had arrived at the edge of the pit, just staring blankly and silently.

In the empty, silent underground vault, a completely black arm was making a desperate struggle silently.


Under the skin of the dark arm, there were layers of ripples, as if there were countless worms and ants crawling back and forth.

Soon, the entire arm was filled with blood and water, obviously twisted abnormally, and huge sarcomas swelled one after another.


There was a very slight explosion, and the arm exploded!

Bones, black blood, and minced meat were scattered everywhere, like a firework of flesh and blood!

Pang Yinlong was suddenly horrified, what the hell! The person actually exploded from the inside!

The rippled dark liquid surface also exploded into fine bubbles, and then calmed down again.

Standing on the edge of the giant pit, the strange man's face and body were also stained with some flesh and blood remains.

But he did not move. He took out a long-handled steel hook from his waist. The head of the hook was curved and mottled like a fishhook. He plunged it into the water and pulled it.

He hooked out a naked corpse that was soaked in black liquid and completely mutilated, with only a human shape barely visible.

He skillfully pulled the corpse to the edge of the pit and threw it casually on the edge of the pit.

Then he reached out and took off the giant bluestone stick from his back, holding the tail with both hands, and with his rough head facing down, he hit the broken corpse directly!

Once, twice, dong dong dong dong...

Just like pounding medicine, he smashed the broken corpse into pieces, squeezed out blood and minced meat, and scattered the broken corpse into pulp.

Then the weirdo used a giant stick as a broom to sweep the corpse's flesh and flesh directly into the pit of black liquid, pushing all the dirt and dust in.

The pieces of flesh and mud slowly sank into the black mud and quickly disappeared, leaving only the deep pit of black liquid that calmed down again.

The weirdo seemed to have finished his work. He turned around and noticed that there was movement in another deep pit, and turned around to go there.

Pang Yinlong's whole body was cold to the bone.

What exactly is this?

What on earth are these people doing?

Looking around, there are forty or fifty such deep pits in the entire dome valley below.

Is there a person at the bottom of every pit?

The young man seemed to notice his shock and comforted him: "Don't be nervous, you are a precious ingredient and you are not treated the same as these mutts."

Pang Yinlong was shaken all over, his hands and feet were cold, and even his breathing was frozen.

The three of them have entered a brand new cave at the end of the dome.

With his last glance before turning the corner, Pang Yinlong suddenly saw a hand reaching out from another deep pit.

However, the hand did not explode. Although numerous sarcomas swelled up, slowly, the sarcomas calmed down and returned to the shape of a human hand.

I don’t know if it was Pang Yinlong’s illusion, but that hand seemed thicker and longer than before...

After turning the corner, the dome valley fell behind him, and Pang Yinlong couldn't see anything again.

Thanks to the book friend Silly Fantasy for the reward of 500 coins; Xuanzhou_Moyi_Liezhujiu_for the reward of 100 coins, thank you very much!

There should have been more than a thousand words left, but Lin Yan has written seven or eight hundred words about the plot two months later. He hasn't finished it yet. He has something to do in the evening and won't get back until ten o'clock, so he just posted this much. Let's see if I can make up some more tonight.

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