My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 71 Giant Spirit Soldier Type 2

"The store has enough rice and noodles. I packed two thousand kilograms of rice and noodles, which is enough for us to eat for four to five months."

“We have brought all the other weapons, elixirs, and other supplies that we can carry.

"Some of the gold and silver will be distributed to the disciples, and some will be loaded into cars. The rest, I will find a place to hide alone. I will come back to retrieve it when the situation becomes easier in the future.

"But in this situation, I don't know if gold and silver can still be used."

Once decided, Zang Wei arranged everything one by one and planned the route. He quickly finished packing, loaded up most of the carriage, and set off immediately.

The carriage was traveling all the way, and there were not many people there.

In addition to Zang Wei and Lin Yan, Xie Lingyan also brought three juniors and sisters. Her other juniors and sisters were either injured or unwilling to go into the mountain, so they stayed in Yanpingfang to rest.

Du Fushan didn't go either. He was not alone. He had a wife and children at home. Naturally, it was inconvenient for him to go into the mountains, so he stayed in Ding'an City to inquire about news.

As for Yu Qian, Xu Hongchang, Lou Xing and others, naturally they all returned to their respective homes and stayed in Ding'an City.

To avoid trouble, several people also simply disguised themselves and put on bodyguard uniforms. They also encountered two groups of leather-armored soldiers along the way, but the other party only looked at them for a few times and left in a hurry.

Obviously, these soldiers have their own tasks.

With such a near miss, when passing by Liaoqianfang near Chundufang, Pang Tong, who was leading the group in front, suddenly stretched out his hand: "Stop!"

Everyone stopped, Pang Tong looked solemn, and signaled the carriage to rush into the alley next to him and hide himself.

Then they saw two armored commanders, leading a dozen leather-armored soldiers, escorting a large group of lost nobles in gorgeous clothes, passing by on the road.

The silk clothes they were wearing were now covered with blood and dust, their faces were bruised and bruised, and their noses were swollen, making them anxious and uneasy.

Pang Tong looked solemn: "The ones on the left are the two escort heads from the Changfeng Escort Bureau in the west of the city. They are very powerful. Unexpectedly, they were also arrested."

Xie Lingyan also said in a deep voice: "Those on the right are the backbone of the Hong family in Neifang! This is the top wealthy family in the city. There are two high-level martial arts masters in the family, and unexpectedly, they also fell."

Lin Yan took advantage of the situation and looked, Hong family?

The one whose spiritual essence was stolen by Gan Yang in the ghost market, and the family that Du Ting was loyal to?

This was originally a powerful and powerful force that spanned Ding'an City. Unexpectedly, it suddenly fell to this level.

Several people's faces became increasingly uneasy.

Targeting so many big families at the same time, poisoning, besieging, and arresting people. How much energy does it take to do this?

With this energy, why do you want to stir up trouble in a small place like Ding'an City?

What is their purpose?


Pang Tong let out a low cry.

The escort team suddenly stopped in front of a loft warehouse on the corner of the street, opened the door, and escorted everyone in.

"What's the problem there?"

"That's the entrance to the Bloody Cave Ghost Market."

Pang Feiyan gritted her teeth and said, "Why do they send people to the ghost market?"

"Perhaps it is for imprisonment. The underground caves are complex and are a good place to imprison people."

After waiting for all the soldiers to enter the warehouse, everyone immediately set off and walked non-stop towards the outside of the city.

The walls of Ding'an City are neither high nor thick, and the gates are open.

The carriage arrived at the city gate, and suddenly four or five soldiers surrounded them: "Wait a minute!"

These soldiers were originally affiliated with the patrol camp of the City Lord's Mansion, and were now wearing the same leather armor uniforms as the soldiers from Qinghong Martial Arts Hall and Longmen Hall.

Xie Lingyan's figure suddenly stiffened, and Lin Yan shook his head at her and exchanged a look with Pang Tong.

Pang Tong stepped forward, sandwiched a few pieces of broken silver between a few pancakes, and handed them out: "You military masters, for your hard work, have a pancake..."

After muttering a few words like this, the soldier waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Several people breathed a sigh of relief. These few soldiers were nothing, but they were about to leave the city. It was better to do less than to do more.

Just outside the city, there is a large area of ​​dilapidated farmland, with a group of haggard farmers with yellow faces and skinny muscles, feebly clearing the fields.

After passing through the crisscrossing fields of farmland, the carriage finally entered the mountain road. Zang Wei was injured and sat in the carriage with Xiaolu and Xiaozhi. Lin Yan and others followed on foot, and soon they merged into the vast mountains.



There was blood at the corner of Pang Yinlong's mouth, and his figure was like a bolt of lightning. He struck directly at a flashing black shadow with a palm from the air.

However, the speed of the black figure was not much faster than him. This palm only smashed a large piece of hard blue brick in the air, making a series of shattering sounds.

The next moment, a piercing wind, wrapped in a sharp claw that looked like a wild beast, rushed directly in front of him.

So fast!

Pang Yinlong was stunned. He had witnessed with his own eyes that a poisoned master had an ear cut off by a quick claw and had to be captured without mercy.

Immediately, the blood boiled under his feet, his body fell, and he quickly floated backwards like flying upside down on the ground, and then punched out in the air.

The air shook for an instant, and the whole mass of air seemed to have a huge firecracker stuffed in the middle. It exploded with a bang and was blown up by him. The black shadow that rushed towards him also flew straight away more than ten feet away at the critical moment, and fell down. on the ground.

However, this fatal blow, which could directly seriously injure a Gangjing person, had no significant effect on this black shadow.

The black figure stretched out his hand and pressed it on the ground, and his whole body bounced up.

It is said to be a human being, but it only has a simple human shape and no humanoid appearance.

He was extremely skinny and skinny, like a bamboo pole, but he was extremely tall, almost as tall as two ordinary people.

The hands and feet are extremely slender, with five fingers with long tips, and extremely sharp claws on them, like wild beasts.

But the head is that of a normal person.

The overall look is like a withered mummy. If you lay down your arms, it can be used as a tall clothes drying pole.

But this weird bamboo pole man is so fast that it is only a few points weaker than a powerful warrior like Pang Yinlong who specializes in speed.

The body is extremely tough, like steel and iron bones, and cannot be broken even if beaten.

And there are three more such terrifying bamboo pole men.

Pang Yinlong wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, with indescribable sadness and anger in his eyes. Too many people died too quickly...

Even Pang Meng is dead!

Although he has never liked Pang Meng, this is his biological brother!

All of this is thanks to the bamboo pole man in front of me and the fake city lord!

There are also the Wang family, the Song family, the Kong Fist Sect...

Those traitors!

Pang Yinlong's eyes were full of murderous intent. Since he couldn't escape or hide, at least he had to kill a bamboo pole man to avenge Pang Meng!

About to take action.

Suddenly, the sound of tapping footsteps sounded, and a young man wearing a pair of gold-framed round glasses, who looked as frail as a frail scholar, strolled into the courtyard and walked out from behind the bamboo pole figure.

Pang Yinlong's hands and feet instantly became cold and his face turned pale.

Behind that man, three bamboo pole figures with similar shapes lined up one after another with silent steps.

They were either stained with blood or had pieces of flesh and blood hanging from their sharp claws. They looked at Pang Yinlong as if they were looking at a native chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

The frail young man coughed twice, pushed up the gold-framed round glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said to himself: "It seems that the effect of Shixiang Ruanjin Powder on Haojing is weaker than I thought. It only took less than two-quarters of an hour. The toxins have been almost eliminated.”

"Who are you!" Pang Yinlong's pupils shrank and he stared carefully at this young man who seemed out of place with the scene.

The young man seemed to have noticed him now, and smiled slightly and said: "Pang Yinlong, you are really good, you run so fast, you can actually suppress the second type of giant spirit soldier. The strength is really beyond my expectation."

"To reward you, I'm going to give you the most special arrangement.

"Presumably, with such excellent materials as you, my Titan Soldier plan will definitely be able to reach a higher level..."

A flash of decisive anger flashed in Pang Yinlong's eyes: "You are dreaming!"

With vigorous strength and blood boiling, Pang Yinlong, like a fearless lightning, pierced the young man.



Throwing a small pebble casually, the pebble flew like a marble, tearing open the air and breaking a large yellow-striped snake hanging down. It fell to the ground and twitched.

Beside him, Ji Quan skillfully took out a dagger, swung the knife, cut off the snake's head, kicked it away, then lifted up the snake's body, which was still shaking and bouncing, and rubbed it hard from top to bottom, pushing away the blood and internal organs. Throw it away and throw it into the backpack behind your back.

"Brother Lin Yan, this one weighs two kilograms. If we get a few more, we will have enough meat and food for the next few days!"

Lin Yan nodded perfunctorily.

This Ji Quan is Xie Lingyan's sixth junior brother. He is young, only in his early fifteen years. He is strong and strong, with bronze skin.

There are two other people, namely Pei Qing and Fan Yunyun, who don't talk much.

This Ji Quan seems to have guessed that Lin Yan is the mysterious masked man who rescued Qinghong Martial Arts School before. After meeting him, he kept chattering and surrounded Lin Yan non-stop. The color of worship.

As for Lin Yan, although she found him annoying, she could only endure it.

Because this Jiquan is a serious one, he was born as a mountain man in the Guangchuan Mountains, and later joined the Qinghong Martial Arts School.

The destination of their trip was also to follow his directions, to the small village where he was born.

Looking around, the trees towered into the clouds, their thick branches and leaves blocked the sunlight, leaving only a few rays, like streaks of skylight.

There were unknown shrubs and wormwood growing everywhere, and snakes, ants, and flying insects were climbing back and forth. From time to time, a low roar of wild beasts could be heard in the distance, which made people shudder.

After walking a short distance into the Guangchuan Mountains, I already felt a sense of isolation and primitive simplicity, changing from civilization to wilderness in a hurry.

Thinking like this, Lin Yan suddenly frowned, his body flashed, and he suddenly came to Pang Tong in front of the motorcade. He waved his hand and caught a sharp arrow that was shooting rapidly, and he picked it up in his hand.

Then he threw it hard, and the arrow flew out quickly along the original path like a strong bow.


A scream came from deep in the bushes.

At the same time, Xie Lingyan had also rushed to the front. He pulled out a piece of coarse cloth from somewhere in his hand, waved it violently, and shook away the three other arrows.

In the bushes, a panicked cry immediately sounded: "The wind is pulling hard!"

"It's the second wave," Lin Yan said in a low voice, "I'll go."

Immediately his body flashed and penetrated into the bushes.

"Spare my life!"

"We are blind! Let us go!"

"I'll fight you!"

Shouting, begging for mercy, and screams suddenly spread all over the place. The bushes shook rapidly, and a little bit of scarlet blood flew high.

But after more than ten breaths, all the sounds disappeared.

After more than ten breaths, Lin Yan stretched out his hand to lift up the tall wormwood. Feeling refreshed, he put away his somewhat bulging bag and walked out as if nothing had happened. He said calmly: "Keep walking."

Pang Tong, Pang Feiyan, Ji Quan and other junior fellow apprentices all had a sharp breath.

Pang Yi said with a look of resentment: "Junior brother Lin, is this the power realm you are talking about? Just admit it. The one who saved the Dragon Gate Pavilion before and the masked man who beat me up are you, right?"

Lin Yan was too lazy to explain. He had many secrets, and the more he explained, the harder it became.

He simply said without changing his expression, "Senior Brother Pang, why can't I understand what the masked man is? What's more, isn't this the level of strength you should have?"

In the second half of the sentence, he didn't lie at all.


Everyone was speechless, and Pang Tong's face naturally became more resentful.

Thanks to book friend Silly Fantasy for another reward of 500 coins. Thank you very much.

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