My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 47 Thunder Order

Late at night.

It rained heavily and there was lightning and thunder.

The Black Tiger Gang's headquarters is now brightly lit and there are many people coming and going.

In the middle of a room, at the bottom, a slender old man stood quietly.

Lei Hu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, was sitting upright with a big sword and golden horse, holding a slightly worn letter paper in his left hand. His right hand was on the square table, carefully stroking a square piece of snow-white rice paper with gilding.

There were only three straight characters written on it: "Thunder Order"

The rice paper is as delicate as snow, with elegant gold lines. Its delicacy that is visible to the naked eye is simply incompatible with the rough tables, chairs, benches, door and window frames around it, as if it is the product of two worlds.

Lei Hu stroked her slowly and calculated his age. He was already thirty years old. This should have been his most ambitious age.

It has been three years since he founded the Black Tiger Gang and used his extremely clever skills to carve out a bloody path in the cruel environment where Ding'an City was full of gangs.

These three years were the three years when he was ambitious and the three years when his ambitions were fierce, but they were also the three years when he recognized the reality and became depressed day by day.

Although the Black Tiger Gang has strict hierarchical rules, a cohesive force that enforces orders and prohibitions, and a group of ten Black Tigers who are capable of cutting high levels of force and are invincible in gang fights...

However, the Black Tiger Gang still inevitably encountered that unbreakable bottleneck - the rigid realm warriors.

There are no hard-level warriors in the Black Tiger Gang.

Lei Hu himself is a warrior in the force realm, and he has reached an extremely advanced level in the force realm.

However, due to limited talent and the hidden trauma of fighting with gangs in his early years, there is no hope for success in this life.

He had naively thought that the Hard Realm was just an enhanced version of the Power Realm.

No matter how strong he is, can he still be stronger than the ten black tigers he carefully trained?

Until he saw the true strength of the warriors in the Hard Realm, his terrifying strength that was so devastating and inhuman that even high-level warriors in the Strength Realm were as vulnerable as a child in front of him.

Only then did he realize that there was a huge gap between the Gang Realm and the Li Realm. The gap was deeper than Tongji Canal and wider than the Guangchuan Mountains.

Therefore, no matter how clever his methods are and how powerful his mind is, the Black Tiger Gang will never become one of those upright and big gangs that occupy Zhongfang. They can only be a rat in the gutter of Xiafang who can't see the light and can't get on the stage.

This is Gangjing, a gap that he could not cross before.

But now, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was placed in front of him.

Lei Hu looked at the rice paper on the table, his eyes burning with deep awe.

The three characters "Thunder Order" on it fly freely in the candlelight, as if the handwriting alone can show some extraordinary nobility.

At this time, there was a sound of yelling and slapping, as well as the cry of a child.

"What are you doing outside?" Lei Hu frowned slightly.

"It must be the two-legged sheep that I just got. He has a very strong temper and is teaching him a lesson."

Lei Hu said impatiently: "Didn't I tell you not to beat her? If she's broken, she won't be able to sell it for money. Just put her in a dog cage. If she's starved for a few days, she'll be honest."

"The gang leader is wise."

Lei Hu took a deep breath, his eyes were like lightning, and he asked the old man in a cold voice: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Old Wolf, haven't you come back yet?"

The old man at the bottom said: "Go back to the gang leader. Those two low-level gang members haven't come back yet. I'm afraid the situation is in danger."

Lei Hu's face was expressionless, but there was a slight disappointment in his eyes: "One step is missing, one step is missing, we have missed the best opportunity, I hope we didn't alert the snake."

The old man said: "It's only the Du family's fault that they provoked Lin Yan at this right time. Otherwise, it would only take three days at most for us to find Mu Qing's study and secretly deceive Lin Xiaozhi away."

Lei Hu raised the letter paper in his hand, and a few lines of writing appeared on it: Lin Yan, my son, seeing the words is like meeting...

"Teacher at Longmen Hall, who would have thought that the son of a gangster could grow from a useless accounting clerk to a teacher at Longmen Hall in just three months?

"Who would have thought that a gangster who was supposed to die in a scheduled battle not only survived, but also gave birth to a daughter who could provoke the 'Thunder Order'?

"This thunder order has been in my hand for nearly half a year. It was originally just illusory, like a mirror and a mirror.

"But God has sent this letter to me again!"

Lei Hu's eyes once again flashed with fire.

The old man at the head also complimented: "Although you only discovered this letter three days ago, Lin Yan came into the sight of our Black Tiger Gang as early as three months ago. Therefore, this is the best thing to do." I will teach you.”

Lei Hu recalled that in the past three months, a total of four people from the Black Tiger Gang had been killed by Lin Yan. He had long listed this person on the Black Tiger Gang's hunting list.

However, Lin Yan disappeared later and was hidden somewhere. In addition, those who died were all incompetent low-level gang members, so he did not deliberately let anyone inquire about Lin Yan.

Over time, it was forgotten.

But I didn't expect that this person's sister was the key to breaking through the Thunder Order. After asking around again, I found out that the other person had become a teacher at Longmen Pavilion!

As the saying goes, one drink and one peck, it is destined by nature, that's it.

"If Lin Yan has been hiding his sister in Longmen Pavilion, is there any way we can make him take her out of Longmen Pavilion?"

The next old man pondered for a moment: "It's difficult!

"I have reviewed the news related to Lin Yan in detail, and it can be seen that Lin Yan is extremely cautious!

"But at the same time, Shen Shen is cruel and daring, and treats human life as nothing!

“We still don’t know how he killed Hu Biao and Shan Ji when he had nothing at first.

“So, unless there is a major change in Longmen Pavilion.

"Otherwise, it is unlikely that he will take his sister out of Longmen Pavilion until he has dealt with the threats from the Du family and us and feels safe."

Lei Hu sighed: "But we don't have the ability to do anything against Longmen Pavilion. In this case, there is only the last resort left."

He stood up holding on to the edge of the chair. He was nearly two meters tall and had a strong back. Just standing gave people a fierce sense of oppression.

"The strongest fortress must be broken from the inside. I remember that you heard that Lin Yan had a grievance with a disciple named Mitai in Longmen Hall, right?"

"Yes. I have personally contacted Mitai. This person has clearly entered the power realm not long ago, but he is arrogant and does not take our Black Tiger Gang seriously at all. He is naive, arrogant, and stupid."

Lei Hu sneered: "Aren't these young people who think they are geniuses all like this? If they don't see the harshness of the barriers, they won't understand their own mediocrity.

“But it’s best to deal with people like this.

"Resources, women, money...he can get very little, but what he wants must be a lot.

"It's just a matter of spending some time and doing what you like. As long as you can complete this thunder order, everything will be worth it..."

Suddenly, there was a slight noise outside the door.

Lei Hu frowned slightly: "Go and ask, what happened?"

Before the old man could go out, a man walked in at a fast pace and said calmly: "Gang leader."


"There was a person outside who wanted to sneak in quietly. He was discovered by the brothers and is currently dealing with it."

Lei Hu was stunned for a moment: "Sneaking into the gang? Pick this time today?"

The Black Tiger Gang recruits every seven days, and today is the day for the Black Tiger Gang to raise funds. Not only the elites are all present, but 90% of the low-level gang members are also here.

The big man looked relaxed and smiled lowly: "This person is obviously a novice, and he was discovered immediately. I guess it was some stupid young man who didn't know anything and entered the empty door by mistake."

Lei Hu waved his hand and said casually: "Don't kill him, bring it up and show me who is stupid and bold."

Lei Hu didn't take it seriously. If he was a warrior in the Hard Realm, there would be no need to sneak in secretly. If he wasn't in the Hard Realm... why should he take it seriously?

Regardless of what was going on outside, he once again discussed with Lao Lang the plan of how to seduce Mitai and bring Lin Xiaozhi out of Longmen Pavilion.

Both of them were experts in conspiracy and conspiracy, and they soon came up with a very feasible plan, and the corners of Lei Hu's lips became more and more raised.

But the noise outside the door intensified, and then turned into a sound that Lei Hu couldn't ignore, casting a shadow of irritation on Lei Hu's originally good mood.

"What are you doing for food? The trouble has been going on for so long and it still hasn't been resolved!"

At this time, the hunky man pushed the door open again and came in.

But this time, he put on the Ruo Li raincoat, dripping with moisture, and the expression on his face was no longer as calm as before. There were slight drops of sweat on his forehead, and his cheeks began to turn white: "Help, leader."

When Lei Hu saw it, his heart sank: "Say!"

"We are in trouble! He is a powerful warrior. Please take charge of the overall situation!"

Lei Hu's face immediately turned cold and stern, he stood up quickly and strode out the door, with the old wolf and the big man following behind him.

When I opened the door, the pouring rain seemed like the sky had opened up, and the rain was splashing.

Someone from his own gang handed Lei Hu a raincoat.

There were circles of water on the ground, and water splashed under his footsteps. Lei Hu and his party walked quickly through the courtyard. Someone had already opened the door for him.

Lei Hu crossed the threshold and stood at the door. With only a cursory glance, his pupils instantly shrank into needles.

Under the dim rainy night, a thick layer of rain accumulated. The heavy rain was like a thick curtain, making the figure hidden behind the rain curtain blurry.

But the dozen or so gang members lying on the ground surrounding him were clearly visible.

None of them could still stand. Their muscles and bones were broken, their chests were collapsed, and they were either unconscious or wailing. The blood seeping from the broken parts of their mouths, noses, and bones scattered and spread out into dozens of bloody flowers, surrounding them. A circle of mysterious people.

Like a funeral wreath.

So much so that the apparently blurry figure in the middle instantly became the focus of his vision.

At this moment, Lei Hu naturally understood two cruel facts.

First, this is indeed a cruel and tough stubble.

Second, this person is not here to play house, he is here to fight to the death.

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