My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 381 Killing and Conspiracy

Special Bureau of Heavenly Beings!

Yu An's expression suddenly changed, and his body froze completely.

"What is the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau?" Guo Rong asked cautiously.

"A privileged organization under the command of Heavenly Man, with a high degree of autonomy, superior to all major nobles... Stop talking, stop talking."

"Stand still and stop moving!"

Several black leather-clad men each carried black scale whips in their hands and walked through the caravan. Some of the caravan transport personnel were already uneasy when entering the royal capital. At this time, they even subconsciously avoided it when the black leather-clad men whipped them. A few pumps.

Soon, the black leather coat walked to the two carriages next to Lin Yan and others, and was about to lift the curtain.

Yu An swallowed and walked up cautiously: "Sir, we have made an agreement with Prince Qi..."

The man in the black leather jacket whipped out his whip: "Get out of here! Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Yu An was whipped directly on the chest and took a few steps back in pain.

"My lord, my lord..."

I could only watch as he opened the curtain.

In the carriage, there were two children who were not deformed, looking at the black leather clothes in horror.

There was no surprise or surprise on the black leather-coated face, but a satisfied smile.

"Captain, there are some here too!"

Another carriage was also lifted.

The smile on the black leather coat's face grew stronger.

Now everyone can see that the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau came prepared and it was not a temporary encounter!

Yu An's cheeks turned pale, he was betrayed!

The expressions of all the people in black leather clothes became excited, but when they looked at the caravan, their eyes became cold and playful, as if they were looking at a group of dead people.

"Take them all away!"

Everyone looked at Lin Yan.

The leader in black leather also realized it immediately.

"Are you the boss? Wear a mask and a burqa. Are you so shameless? Take them off!"

Lin Yan didn't move.

"Didn't you fucking hear me!"

The whip whipped quickly!

Lin Yan stretched out his hand and gently grasped the whip, and the whip was caught in his hand.

The leader pulled hard, but he didn't move. His face changed slightly: "Seeking death!"

He reached out and pulled out a black knife from his waist, slashing directly at Lin Yan's head!

Lin Yan had no choice but to pull the whip hard. The leader in black leather suddenly lost his balance and was pulled over by Lin Yan.

When he reacted, a palm was already covering his neck.

"Let go! Let go!"

The leader in black leather punched Lin Yan in the head.

But Lin Yan just remained motionless and resisted with the Xuanwu Divine Armor.

He actually didn't want to do anything.

This is the capital of the Holy White King. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. If you make a big noise, you might attract experts.

But the behavior of the special affairs bureau today is too arrogant, and they will kill people if they disagree.

Well now, what should I do if the person is pinched in my hand?

"Let go of the captain! How dare you attack the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau! You are dead!"

The other two men in black leather clothes shouted loudly.

Lin Yan's wrist immediately tightened.

Looking around, there were not many people here since it was originally a small road, and as soon as the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau appeared, everyone else dispersed and hid.

"There's nothing we can it!"

Yu An and Guo Rong both looked at each other in confusion. Who would they attack?

Only Lao Yu, who had been standing there innocently watching the show, after hearing this, immediately stretched out his hand and punched out with all his strength, hitting a man in black leather in the heart, beating him until he vomited blood and died!

"Lao Yu, what are you doing!"

Yu An's face turned completely pale: "Lao Yu, that's the Special Bureau of Heaven and Man!"

But on the other side, Lin Yan's figure had turned into a jet of black lightning.

Either don’t do it, or do it absolutely if you want to, so as not to leave people behind and cause more trouble!

These Special Affairs Bureau personnel were arrogant and domineering, but their physical strength was very poor. The most powerful one was on par with Yu An. They all lay down in a few moments.

This was the first time that Yu An and Guo Rong saw Lin Yan take action with all his strength. They were shocked and horrified. A group of Special Affairs Bureau officers all lay down like mowing grass!

Cruel and ruthless!


"It's over, it's completely over..."

Yu An's face turned pale: "Kill the people from the Special Affairs Bureau, we are dead, we are dead!"

"Compared to this," Lin Yan pinched his fingers as if nothing happened, "pile all these corpses into a car."

"It's useless. The Celestial Being Special Affairs Bureau only works for the Celestial beings. If you offend them, it's equivalent to offending the Celestial beings. We are dead..."

Yu An fell to the ground, as if he had lost his spiritual support and was lifeless.

Lin Yan frowned, reached out and picked up Yu An, and threw him into the car.

"You guys, hurry up."

Guo Rong, Lao Yu and the rest of the caravan didn't know much about the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau, so they didn't have such a big blow. According to Lin Yan's instructions, they quickly piled all the corpses into a carriage and covered them with curtains. Cover.

"Where is Prince Qi's residence?"

Lin Yan patted Yu An, who was in despair.

Yu An trembled: "It's useless! Prince Qi is just an idle prince, there is no way he can protect us!"


Lin Yan shook his head: "Who do you think betrayed you and revealed the news to the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau?"

Yu An's body froze when he said: "Prince Qi!"

"Not necessarily, but in short, it should be inseparable from him."

"Then if we go to find Prince Qi, wouldn't we be throwing ourselves into a trap?"

"Or should we say, go straight to Huanglong?"

But Lin Yan also knew that the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau was obviously bigger than Prince Qi. It was very likely that Prince Qi himself worked for the Tianren Special Affairs Bureau.

"Yu An, do such flawless people often appear in exhibitions in the royal capital?"

The Immaculate One is the name given by Lin Yan. In the eyes of the local aborigines, the Immaculate One should be a deformed person.

Yu An shook his head blankly: "No, I have inquired about it. The flawless ones are only circulated in the royal capital, but they rarely appear in the royal capital.

“I think it’s because the people in the royal capital have a higher moral standard, and they don’t allow flawless people to be displayed as animals.

"That's why I thought that if I bring the Immaculate One here, I will surely be an instant success and become a hit..."

His expression changed slightly.

"I believe that many, many people like you have had this thought."

Lin Yan looked at the carriage where the flawless people were: "But there are still very few flawless people in the royal capital. What do you think is the reason?"

Yu An's expression changed completely.

"Celestial Secret Service Bureau! Could it be said that all the flawless caravans were robbed by the Celestial Secret Service Bureau after entering the city just like us?!"

Yu An thought of a lot in an instant: "No wonder, I was just in a restaurant when I suddenly thought of this way to make a fortune and talked a few words with my friends around me.

"Unexpectedly, Prince Qi came to me on the second day. Not only did he strongly support my idea, but he also gave me a sponsorship amount. He had already planned it!"

"Let's go and see Prince Qi. What do these heavenly beings... want so many flawless people for?" (End of Chapter)

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