My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 4 Red Umbrella

"Guo Guo, why do you keep laughing?"

"Did I?"

"Guo Guo, you laughed again!"

Lin Yan couldn't help but smile. He held Xiaozhi in one hand and carefully touched Mu Mei in his arms with the other.

That was his future, his hope.

He walked out quickly and soon returned to the alley outside the door.

But as soon as he walked in, his steps suddenly stopped and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

At the end of the alley, two people were standing and squatting, talking quietly.

As soon as he saw Lin Yan coming back with Lin Xiaozhi in his arms, the squatting man stood up. He had a thick build, dark skin, and a strong physique. He was not easy to mess with at first glance.

And the one standing there is the person I saw in the alley yesterday!

They simultaneously aimed their gazes at Lin Yan...Lin Xiaozhi in his arms.

Lin Yan's heart suddenly sank, and he changed his one-arm hug to two-hand hug, and walked over pretending to be nonchalant.

The two people opposite, with half-smiles on their faces, looked Lin Xiaozhi up and down, their eyes unscrupulous, as if they wanted to see Lin Xiaozhi from the inside out.

Lin Yan's whole body tensed up and he couldn't help but speed up his steps.

Fortunately, neither of them made any other move until he opened the door, entered the room and closed the door.

After inserting the wooden bolt, cold sweat broke out on Lin Yan's forehead and his back was already soaked.


"Let's go."

Two low footsteps outside the door passed by his door from the end of the alley.

Lin Yan slowly exhaled.


Suddenly, the wooden door shook violently. They were hammering on the door!

Lin Yan reached out and grabbed the thick wooden stick next to him to hold the door.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

But I heard a burst of unbridled laughter outside, and people gradually walked away.

Lin Yan's heart had sunk to the bottom.

Oops, I'm really being targeted!

These damn human traffickers have eyes like radar. Xiaozhi's face is obviously covered in mud. How did they tell?

It's too late to say anything now.

Lin Yan was scared and angry, and his heart was beating fast. What should he do?

Comforting the frightened Xiaozhi, Lin Yan kept thinking in his mind while cooking.

Please help Mr. Li?

No, Mr. Li has a cold personality. The relationship between them is purely transactional, and it is impossible to help him easily. What's more, he couldn't remember any more articles in a short period of time.

Looking for Wu San and Lu Yan?

Not to mention that the three of them are just colleagues in Pingshui, the target of the traffickers is Xiaozhi. Even if they are beaten away once, they will still come back!


A deep cold light slowly appeared in his eyes.

"Dang Dang Dang"

At this time, someone knocked on the door gently, and Lin Yan's whole body tensed up.

"Xiao Lin, it's us."

Lin Yan opened a crack and saw Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang next door.

Uncle Wang's face was slightly embarrassed, but when he saw Lin Yan, his expression couldn't help but suffocate, and he looked frightened: "Xiao Lin, you..."

"Uncle Wang."

The cold light in Lin Yan's eyes suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that Lin Yan returned to normal, Uncle Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There are two gangsters going from house to house this afternoon asking for news about you. They will probably come again tomorrow!"

"Uncle Wang, do you know who they are?"

"Who else could it be? Damn human traffickers! I recognize one of them. His surname is Hu. He used to be a kid from our alley. They all called him Da Biao. Later, he joined the Black Tiger Gang and his personality changed. He abducted and robbed , It’s unethical. Alas, in this world, how could a good child become like this..."

Aunt Wang beside him slapped Uncle Wang on the back: "Stop talking! Talk about business!"

Aunt Wang's tone was not very good, and Lin Yan frowned slightly.

Uncle Wang murmured: "Xiao Lin, you also know that my grandson Tiger is only six years old this year. Who is this Hu Biao? He is a human trafficker. I heard that the Black Tiger Gang specializes in abducting children of both sexes. No one is targeted by them. I can escape. I'm really scared."

Lin Yan's face gradually turned cold: "Uncle Wang, I did not invite the human traffickers."

"Why didn't you bring this on?" Aunt Wang spat from behind.

Uncle Wang quickly gave Aunt Wang a hand.

"Why are you pulling me? Did I say something wrong?" Aunt Wang suddenly became excited, "Xiao Lin, don't blame Aunt Wang for speaking harshly. You are the one who brought Hu Biao here, and you have to be responsible. If he hangs around here all day, What should I do with my tiger? He is so cute and different from your sister. He is really a treasure in our hands. What do you want us to do if we are targeted by Hu Biao?"

Lin Yan was as cold as ice: "What does Aunt Wang mean?"

"Why does Hu Biao fall in love with your sister? Isn't it just to get money? I know Hu Biao's father, and I can help you build a bridge to make money and eliminate disaster!"

Uncle Wang also said: "It's best to spend money to eliminate misfortune. Xiao Lin, you are still young and you can make money at any time. Don't act on impulse."

"What if Hu Biao refuses to spend money to eliminate disaster?"

Uncle Wang hesitated, but Aunt Wang waved her hand: "Xiao Lin, Aunt Wang is here, please don't be angry.

"Isn't your sister only here for three months? How can I have any feelings?

"Besides, who knows if she is your biological sister? So...

"Hey, why are you closing the door? I am your elder, what's wrong with saying a word to you! Bah! Uncultured!"

After closing the door, Lin Yan took several deep breaths to calm down the anger burning in his chest.

People's hearts are like ghosts, that's what the world is like.

"Guo Guo..."

Lin Xiaozhi stood timidly by the inner door, holding on to the crack of the door, and said in a low voice: "Guo Guo, I'm so useless, have I gotten into trouble again..."

Lin Yan's heart trembled slightly.

I remember that in the first few days after arriving, Lin Xiaozhi was very afraid of strangers and didn’t know what she had been through. She always said “I’m so useless”, “It’s all my fault”, “It’s all my fault”.

After three months of getting along with each other and educating her, she rarely said such words anymore.

Unexpectedly, he would hear this sentence again today.

He rubbed Xiaozhi's head: "Xiaozhi, what are you thinking about? It has nothing to do with you. Come, let's wash our faces and eat."

Hu Biao, Black Tiger Gang...

Turning around, Lin Yan clenched his hands tightly into a fist, with a dark and terrifying expression on his face.

Ding'an City is a world dominated by powerful people, wealthy families and gangs.

He never thought about making money based on the advantages of time travellers, and it was also because the gangs firmly controlled the bottom rule of Zhongwaifang.

Whenever he makes a little money, these gangs will surround him like greedy sharks, seeking wealth and death.

"There can't be any luck, there can't be any luck..."

There was nothing to say all night. Early the next morning, Lin Yan took out more than half of his family's savings, a total of more than 2,000 yuan, and kept it carefully.

After sending Xiaozhi to the study room, he rushed to Mihang and found Lao Chen.

"Uncle Chen, I have a family emergency today and I need to take a leave."

"You know the rules for asking for leave. Thirty cents will be deducted for one day."

Three hundred coins a month, which is only ten coins a day.

But the rules were the rules. Lin Yan was unable to resist and could only nod silently.

Then go to Chengguangfang.

Starting with the word Cheng, it is exclusive to Jiufang in the inner city.

Different from the Zhongfang, the Inner City Jiufang has a brick wall about one foot high to isolate it from the outside world.

After paying ten Wen for entering the city, Lin Yan ignored his heartache and went straight to Chengguangfang.

People from the outside had to pay money to enter the inner city, so Lin Yan rarely came to the inner city.

Along the way, there are jade railings and bridges painted with willows. The roads are clean and tidy. There are rows of tiled buildings with railings and tiles. Pedestrians are all dressed in fancy clothes. There is romance and elegance everywhere.

They belong to two different worlds, including Waifang and even Zhongfang.

Lin Yan lowered his head, asked about the location of Chengguangfang, and rushed straight to Mingyu Tower.

After asking passers-by, Lin Yan found out that Mingyu Tower was a restaurant during the day and a brothel at night. It belonged to the same industry as Chunyulu Tower in Waifang.

The difference is that Mingyu Tower is much higher-grade and is exclusively for the inner-city nobles.

"Go, go, go, there is no trouble, go away quickly!"

As soon as he approached Mingyu Tower, a young man with his head held high chased after him, waving his hands to shoo away Lin Yan like flies.

Although he is a young man, his clothes are more elaborate than Lin Yan.

"Brother, may I ask if there is a person named Kuishan in Mingyu Tower?"

"Master Kui? Master Kui is taking a nap today. Is he not here?"

"I wonder when Mr. Kui will be here?"

"What are you asking about? You can see Mr. Kui too? Go, go, go!"

Lin Yan took out ten copper coins in a timely manner and quietly handed them to the boy: "Brother, please help me. I really have something to do with Mr. Kui."

The boy accepted the copper and his attitude became a little better: "Master Kui takes three days off from bathing every ten days. Today is the second day, and he can only come after noon. You can come back the day after tomorrow!"

After that, he turned back.

It will be two days later...

Lin Yan felt slightly disappointed. It seemed that it was too late to take advantage of this momentum.

He made up his mind and immediately went out to the inner city and rushed to the market at Chundufang.

He took out more than 2,000 yuan and decisively started shopping.

A knife of loin, three lamb hooves, a handful of mushrooms, a handful of green vegetables, three pots of green ant wine, two pieces of hemp cloth, a large bag of sawdust, a large bundle of rope...

After all the money was spent, I hired another bearer to help with protection and delivery, and I only had a few tens of pennies left on hand.

After transporting the things home, Lin Yan knocked on the door of Uncle Wang's house next door.

"Xiao Lin?"

Lin Yan pretended to be helpless: "Uncle Wang, I have figured it out. I can't bear it on my own. Please ask Aunt Wang to invite Hu Biao and both of them. I am willing to spend money to eliminate the disaster."

"Thinked it through? Great!"

Aunt Wang turned around from behind and said angrily: "I thought you were so stubborn. You couldn't survive the whole night and you still kissed your sister."

Lin Yan pretended to be ashamed, took out a small strip of meat from behind and handed it over: "Aunt Wang, please forgive me, but please go and invite Hu Biao and the others immediately. I will be the host today and settle this matter!"

Uncle Wang felt ashamed and said: "Xiao Lin, what else did you bring here? We..."

Aunt Wang grabbed the meat strips from behind and said, "What are you bringing with you? Are you asking me to do something? You are not allowed to bring anything with you? Xiaolin is an honest person. Listen to your aunt and go to the oil bottle. Aunt will introduce you to someone!" "

"Thank you for your hard work, Aunt Wang!"

Seeing Aunt Wang immediately go out to invite someone, Lin Yan lowered his head to cover up the cold light in his eyes and returned to the room.

Cut the loin into strips, cut the mushrooms into cubes, pick the green vegetables, and burn the sheep's trotters over charcoal fire to remove any stray hairs and wash them clean...

After handling these, Lin Yan took out the wooden box of the red umbrella mushroom again.

Taking out all four red umbrella mushrooms, he carefully scraped off the red surface with a knife while chanting softly in a low tone: "Red umbrella, white pole, after eating, lie down on the board, lie down on the board , sleeping in coffins, buried in mountains and mountains together..."

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