My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 37 Netherworld River

Lin Yan thought for a moment, then suddenly took action and punched Zhang San in the head.

Zhang Sanah screamed, danced around, and retreated in panic, but he couldn't avoid Lin Yan's fast punch, which hit his temple.

But Lin Yan's punch was just a false move, and it was weak. It separated from Zhang San's temple as soon as it touched, and there was no force.

Only then did Zhang San fall to the ground, shaking all over and looking scared.

The temple is a vital point. No one would remain indifferent after being hit in the temple. Judging from Zhang San's performance, I am afraid that he is not even a warrior.

Lin Yan stretched out his hand and pulled him up: "I'm sorry, it's a necessary test."

Zhang San's voice was trembling. He was just an ordinary person. He worked in the inner shop to save money to buy a house. He was lucky enough to get the Golden Pattern Token, so he went to the ghost market to work as a guide, hoping to earn a few more cents.

Usually he only solicits customers after entering the ghost market, because hurting people is not allowed in the ghost market, so it is relatively safe.

But recently, there are fewer and fewer newcomers in the ghost market, and the pressure of competition among guides is increasing. He hasn’t opened a business for more than a month. Today, he finally met a newcomer. He gritted his teeth and took the risk to strike up a conversation. Unexpectedly, on the Death Blade Walked around.

"Tell me, how much does it cost to guide a road?"

Zhang San was in shock and said in a trembling voice: "Half a tael of silver!"

Lin Yan frowned, it was not cheap.

Zhang San hurriedly said: "You can inquire when you enter the ghost market. Our prices are absolutely fair, and we guarantee that you will get value for money!"

Lin Yan really needed a guide. He nodded, took out a tael of silver, circulated his energy and blood, and pinched it into two halves of about the same size: "It's a deal, you can choose half yourself."

Zhang San let out a long sigh of relief and picked a piece that he thought was big: "Thank you, uncle!"

The two of them followed the team and had walked quite a distance. Lin Yan could hear the sound of spring water, like a clear mountain stream, getting louder and louder.

And the weird thing is that it is obviously in a deep underground cave, but there is a thin layer of light blue halo on the rugged rock wall in front of it, and it is getting brighter and brighter, as if it is covering everything around it. A layer of blue light gauze.

Zhang San introduced at the right time: "We are almost at the Netherworld River. This is an underground river, very weird. You will know it when you see it later. You can't reach the ghost market by walking, you have to take a boat. You can get there by walking along the Netherworld River."

While talking, the two of them turned a corner, and the hazy darkness in Lin Yan's eyes was suddenly dispelled by a layer of light blue halo that was not very bright but very soft.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Lin Yan's breathing paused uncontrollably for a moment, and he even had the illusion that I had traveled through time again.

In front of you is a slightly open underground canyon. The dome is in the shape of an inverted trumpet and is still covered with blood stalactites. In the center of the canyon, there is a sparkling underground river that emits a rich blue halo, as if the Milky Way hanging upside down in the sky has fallen into the world. , flowing strangely and ordinaryly.

The tone of this cyan-blue halo is extremely clean, brighter than the most beautiful neon lights in the previous life, but it is crystal clear, as clean as a huge piece of sapphire satin, flowing in the wind.

So much so that Lin Yan instinctively felt an extremely awkward feeling.

It's like a flying saucer suddenly appeared over an ancient city, or a robot ran out of the primeval forest, and something completely incompatible was inserted into an ordinary world.

"This is the Netherworld River. Some people say that this Netherworld River connects hell and gods, so no one has ever been able to find the end and source of the Netherworld River;

"Some people also say that the Netherworld River has been inhabited by undead souls since ancient times, and these blue haloes are the light emitted by their souls;

"Some people say that the Netherworld River is an extension of the gods' arms and cannot be desecrated.

"However, I have seen that the water in the Netherworld River is just ordinary water."

After listening to Zhang San's explanation, Lin Yan still felt a sense of separation. He always felt that this magnificent and mysterious river of light was completely different from the chaotic and noisy Ding'an City above.

Speaking of which, it seems that he really doesn't know much about the history and past of this world. Apart from the term Dafeng, he has almost no understanding of the area outside Ding'an City or the people from outside.

Lin Yan couldn't help but secretly doubt: "I have only seen the tip of the iceberg of the world. Maybe it is completely different from what I imagined?"

There was a light blue dim light, and Lin Yan blew out the candle. There was a flat beach beside the underground river, and three bamboo rafts were parked. Each one was guarded by a man wearing an iron mask. He didn't know how they were moved down. .

There were three men in black robes waiting there, who must have come from another entrance.

As a group of them gathered together, two boatmen guarding the bamboo raft stood up and pushed their bamboo raft into the water.

Zhang San explained in a low voice: "To enter and leave the ghost market, you have to take a bamboo raft. There are six people in a boat. You have to pay the boat fee when you get there. One hundred coins per person, and two hundred coins for each entry and exit. It's really a scam. .”

Sure enough, as the bamboo raft boatman waved, the three people waiting before got on a boat, and two others also got on the bamboo raft. Another person wanted to get on, but the drunk young man took the lead and got on the bamboo raft.

Lin Yan obviously saw the five people on the bamboo raft shrinking their necks, and Zhang San beside him also swallowed.

"Do you recognize him?"

Zhang San waited until the first bamboo raft set off and disappeared into the waterway cave before wiping his forehead. Then he realized that he was wearing a mask and said awkwardly: "I recognize him. His name is Gan Yang. He is very famous in the ghost market. There is a His nickname is Poison Master."

"Poison Master? Is he very powerful?"

"It is said that his own strength is not at the Strength level, but he is extremely skilled in using poison. His whole body is filled with poison. He is called a poison master. Even the warriors of the Hard level are very afraid of him.

"In addition, he is a guest of the city lord's palace, so even if he acts domineeringly and never hides his face, he has always lived well."

Lin Yan's expression was quite strange, Poison Master? Poison expert? It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Taking Zhang San to the second bamboo raft, Lin Yan asked, "Does this poison master often kill people and take their internal organs?"

Zhang San shook his head and said: "This has never happened before, but since last month, he has been picking new people to attack. He only digs out the liver every time. It is said that he is to complete the Tianzi bounty in Yi Er Cave..."

Speaking of this, Zhang San shuddered: "Uncle, this poison master is extremely dangerous, you must careful."

He was worried that Lin Yan would hate Gan Yang and overestimate his ability to cause trouble for the poison master.

Lin Yan was noncommittal.

Sitting on the bamboo chair of the bamboo raft, fastening the safety rope, the boatman began to support the bamboo raft, and the bamboo raft rushed out along the river.

The Netherworld River is not wide, and the rock walls on both sides are rugged. From time to time, a sharp bloody stalactite protrudes, so that when the bamboo raft is drifting, there is always an illusion that although it will hit a sharp stone, the boat will capsize and people will die.

But fortunately, the boatman's skills are very good and stable, and he can always avoid danger by a hair's breadth and keep moving forward.

Trusting the boatman for the time being, Lin Yan lowered his head to look at the Netherworld River under the bamboo raft.

Strangely, Lin Yan originally thought that this blue halo was emitted by some kind of algae, plankton, or even fish that lived underground.

But the river water is as clear as a mirror. At a glance, you can see the jagged dark purple rocks at the bottom of the river. They are so clear that they seem to not exist. There are no other living things or substances at all.

Then he picked up a handful of water from the gaps in the bamboo raft. It was transparent and dull, just like normal water.

"It's as if water and light are two separate entities. Water is water and light is light."

The changing halo at the bottom of the Netherworld River made him feel that the halo did not originate from the water, but came directly from under the water, from deeper underground. As he watched, he gradually became enchanted.

Suddenly, a figure with long hair in white floated across the bottom of the river and disappeared in a flash!

Lin Yan's pupils suddenly tightened, was she a woman with her head held high?

But when I looked around, I couldn't find it, so I thought it was my imagination.

However, the next moment, a scary woman's face, as pale as wax, with wide eyes, raised her head, suddenly floated up from the bottom of the bamboo raft, and directly hit the bamboo raft. Two big empty eyes were separated by the gap at the bottom of the bamboo raft. , staring straight at Lin Yan!

Lin Yan stood in shock, and the people on the boat were also startled and jumped to their feet.

"Fuck! Who the hell threw the body into the river again! Scared the soul out of me!!"

Someone cursed.

The bamboo raft passed by, leaving the terrifying woman behind, rising and falling in a blue halo.

Lin Yan took a closer look and realized that he was actually a dead man, with his head held high and his whole body stiff, but not swollen at all.

Zhang San was also in shock and explained: "The Netherworld River is extremely strange. Even corpses thrown into the river will not rot or swell for several days. They look just like when they died."

"Then there are corpses in the Netherworld River?"

"That's not the case. I just heard that when the time comes, the corpse will disappear on its own. Some people also say that the Netherworld River is alive and can eat people... Anyway, it is very weird."

Lin Yan's heart was still beating fast, but this time, he did not dare to focus all his eyes and attention on the Netherworld River. This river, this light, this water...

It's all so weird.

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