My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 33 Boring fame

In the early morning of the next day, in the light that pierced the morning fog, Zang Wei stood expressionless. In front of him was a crowd of Wuziyuan disciples, who were concentrating and keeping silent, not even daring to speak out.

Further away, more people stood in twos and threes, including Weiziyuan and Longziyuan.

On a high platform further away, Pang Yinlong and Pang Meng stood with hands tied. Next to Pang Meng, stood Mitai with a gloomy face, with blazing fire in his eyes, whether it was fighting spirit or anger.

Pang Meng said: "This battle is quite big. People from Longziyuan are here."

Pang Yinlong said lightly: "After today, Lin Yan's name will probably be unknown to everyone in Longmen Hall."

Next to Pang Meng, Mitai's breathing suddenly tightened, his fists clenched tightly, and his eyelids lowered.

Pang Meng and Pang Yinlong looked at each other. If nothing else, their goal had been achieved.

On the martial arts training ground, Lin Yan stood next to Zang Wei with a calm expression, but his heart slowly sank. Today's battle was a bit big.

Zang Wei said slowly in a steady voice: "I know that some people are very dissatisfied with my appointment of Junior Brother Lin Yan as an assistant instructor. They think he is not worthy. Why should he rise to the top in one step? His virtue is not worthy of his qualifications."

The focus of his eyes fell on the back. The disciples of Wei Ziyuan and Long Ziyuan, and the disciples of Wei Ziyuan turned their heads away, but the disciples of Long Ziyuan all had bright eyes and looked at him without politeness.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zang Wei said coldly: "But I think that letting Lin Yan be a mere assistant teacher actually wronged him! If he were not still young and had insufficient qualifications, he should completely take over my position and become Wu Zi Real teaching in the academy!”

The expressions of the disciples changed slightly. Zang Wei meant, didn't he mean that Lin Yan's ability was fully qualified for the position of teaching and beyond?

Ma Ziming stood in the crowd with an ugly expression on his face. The senior brother was looking up to Lin Yan too much!

Lin Yanfeng frowned slightly and felt slightly annoyed. The senior brother praised him too highly!

At this time, suddenly a beautiful and light female voice floated from the disciples of Longziyuan in the rear: "With Mr. Lin's ability, he is certainly more than enough to be a teacher!"

Everyone turned their heads to look in shock and gasped instantly!

Among the disciples of Longziyuan in the rear, Chen Yuan stood there with stunning beauty, like a fairy who was independent from the world, with a look of natural beauty on her elegant and cold face.

"What a nice view!"

"who is she!"

"Longmen Pavilion, is there such a beautiful senior sister?"

"So beautiful!!"

"She is a disciple of Longziyuan?!"

"Did I hear you correctly? She was speaking for Senior Brother Lin just now?"

"Still in front of so many people!"

"Fuck, all the good food has been lost to pigs, how can this Lin Yan be so virtuous!"

Lin Yan felt even more helpless in his heart. He looked at Chen Yuan, why are you here to join in the fun?

However, Chen Yuan obviously misunderstood. As soon as her eyes came into contact with him, the cold look on her face melted instantly, turning into a charming smile, and her bright eyes blinked, as if she could speak a thousand words.

The breathing of those present was a little more rapid, and their eyes jumped back and forth crazily between the two of them.

Among the disciples of Longziyuan, Pang Feiyan stood next to Chen Yuan and said in shock: "Sister Chen Yuan, do you recognize that guy?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly and did not answer.

Zang Wei was also surprised. He recognized Chen Yuan. Although he was from Longziyuan, he rarely appeared on such occasions.

From what she said, Lin Yan has a close relationship with her?

"It seems that there are still disciples who are wise and discerning."

Zang Wei drew everyone's attention back and said seriously: "Of course there is a reason why I evaluate Lin Yan like this."

Everyone's minds were drawn back, knowing that what Zang Wei was about to say was the highlight.

Zang Wei said coldly: "Do you know that in addition to regular practice in "Five Animal Hands", there is a higher level called true meaning?"

Everyone was at a loss, even the disciples of Wei Ziyuan and Longziyuan also frowned.

“Actually, each of the five shapes of the Five Birds Hand can be practiced to have its own true meaning. Only when you understand the true meaning can you truly master the essence of the Five Birds Hand.

“But this true meaning can only be practiced by those who are talented and extremely talented.

"You don't know, it's because you can't practice it anyway, so no one has mentioned it to you."

All the disciples of Wuziyuan were all astonished. Because they couldn't practice it, they didn't even need to know?


"That's right, impossible!"

"If Wu Ziyuan can't practice it, can't we Longziyuan disciples also be able to practice it?"

Among the disciples of Weiziyuan and Longziyuan, rebuttals came one after another.

Lin Yan couldn't help but nod.

The disciples of Longziyuan, depending on their talents, can barely practice Yiyin Zhenyi, but they just haven't practiced it. The senior brother knows this well.

But the senior brother didn't mention it at all, and just said: "Nothing is impossible. If you haven't practiced, you haven't practiced.

"In the entire Longmen Hall, among all the disciples so far, no one has ever mastered even one form of true meaning, including me.

"Even during the training, I have never practiced sitting in the hall. Therefore, no one has ever mentioned the entire Longmen Hall."

At this time, even the disciples of Longziyuan opened their eyes wide and were all shocked.

No wonder they have never heard of it. Perhaps even the teacher may not know the true meaning, right?

At this moment, Lin Yan felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. A tree that is as beautiful as the forest wind will destroy it...

However, Zang Wei was determined to make Lin Yan famous and continued: "Only my master, our master, has practiced the true meaning of bear shape when he was young.

"And Lin Yan..."

They had already guessed what he was going to say, but they couldn't believe it in their hearts, and even their breathing was tightened.

"That's right, Lin Yan, he has mastered the true meaning of the deer shape!"

There was silence in the whole place, only the sound of gasping for air. There was a Wei-ziyuan above the Wu-ziyuan, and there was a Long-ziyuan above the Wei-ziyuan.

There are also things that so many people have not mastered in various teaching and training halls, but Lin Yan has mastered them?

This is incredible!

Ma Ziming's face turned pale and his eyes were wide open. First he couldn't believe it at all, and then he showed uncontrollable anger and panic.

What made him angry was that since Lin Yan had such a powerful talent, why didn't he show it like Mitai? It’s a low NM tone! Deliberately provoke him, target him, and embarrass him?

But he couldn't help but feel fear. Since Lin Yan's assistant teaching was as stable as Mount Tai, his days in Wuziyuan would be dark, let alone becoming a warrior!

On the other side, among the disciples of Wuziyuan, Pang Feiyan jumped in shock, her face turned red, and she pouted and said dissatisfied: "What, you are so powerful, why don't you show your reputation at all? Sister Chen Yuan, did you know this already? "

Zang Wei said coldly: "So, is Lin Yan qualified to be this assistant teacher? If he is not qualified, are you qualified? What about you!"

His gaze was like a knife, sweeping across the disciples of Weiziyuan and Longziyuan. This time, no one dared to look at him and they all looked away.

"Unless the owner of the academy teaches him personally, Lin Yan is the most suitable candidate to teach at Wuzi Academy!"

Lin Yan moved his hands feebly, trying to cover up his excuses.

But at this moment, any explanation seems pale, because what the senior brother said is indeed the truth!

The explanation would make it appear that he was taking advantage and acting obediently, so he had no choice but to look coldly and act coldly.

There was constant commotion in the martial arts training ground, and there was a lot of noise.

On the high platform, Pang Yinlong and Pang Meng both smiled with satisfaction.

Pang Meng turned to Mitai: "Mitai, what do you think?"

Mitai's expression was gloomy, but he gradually showed some calmness, and said slowly: "Master, I understand, Lin Yan's talent is very high, he is the same as me, or even higher than me. It is not unfair for me to lose to him...! "

Pang Meng nodded and smiled: "You don't have to belittle yourself. Although he has some talent in the "Five Bird Hands", overall, his talent is not as good as yours. Otherwise, why would I accept you as my direct disciple?"

Mitai slowly breathed out a sigh of relief, with a strong fighting spirit igniting in his eyes: "Disciple understands! Disciple must do his best and practice hard, and he will definitely leave Lin Yan far behind, proving that master, your choice is correct!"

Pang Meng smiled and nodded: "You can teach me! Don't worry, as long as you practice diligently according to my arrangements, it will be easy to surpass Lin Yan."

Mitai held up his hands and said, "Disciple understands! Disciple is resigning and going to practice martial arts first."


Mitai turned around, his expression gradually gloomy, his eyes still had fighting spirit, but gradually there was a hint of fierceness.

Especially when he thought that just now, the senior sister Longziyuan who made him sway for a moment, who was obviously much more beautiful than Yu Qian, also favored Lin Yan, he could not help but feel jealousy and hatred in his heart.

"Lin Yan, Lin Yan, you didn't expect that, you despicably harmed me, but you made me a blessing in disguise and became the master's direct disciple.

"Soon, soon, I will repay the shame you gave me tenfold!"

Like the title, this chapter is boring

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