My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 280 Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave and the Power of Destiny

In the past, Qingye City was the birthplace of the Demon Rebellion. Three thousand Demons swept across the city. It is said that a prince from the imperial capital finally solved the Demon disaster by sending his private army Fengtian Guards.

However, the devil's conscious guidance also led the devil to come here. There must be some deep connection between the two.

Lin Yan was about to go over and ask Cheng Yuer if he knew the details of the demon riot in Qingye City.

Suddenly, a series of bursting explosions suddenly sounded, and several black shadows tore through the mist of chaos, falling in the center of the demon crowd with lightning speed.

Boom boom boom!

Fiery flames mixed with sharp metal fragments suddenly exploded, blowing up a small piece of demon in the middle and knocking people off their feet. A few unlucky ones were knocked over and fell off the cliff because they were located close to the cliff.

There were also two exploding fragments that hit Lin Yan's chest and were blocked by the Xuanwu Divine Armor. When he took it off and took a look, his eyes suddenly widened: "These are... cannonball fragments?!"

Boom boom boom!

Another series of bursting explosions sounded, and once more a dozen black shadows came. Lin Yan could barely see clearly with his dynamic vision. They were really iron balls that were like cannonballs!


The explosion only slightly injured the demons at most, with a few shrapnel embedded in their bodies. It was neither painful nor itchy, but it actually inspired their ferocity.

Several demon commanders roared angrily, jumped out to face the flying bombs, and accurately struck the flying shells with one claw. The terrifying force caused the air to explode, and directly knocked the shells away. Open and explode again.

The low and thick sound of horns sounded suddenly, as if they were being pressed from all directions, layer by layer. The ground suddenly shook, and the sound of neat and heavy footsteps sounded from the chaotic fog behind them.


There were several more explosion sounds similar to cannons and shots, and then a terrifying strong wind came directly through!

Lin Yan had already sneaked beside Cheng Yu'er and Hua Ling. They were also affected by the explosion just now. The quilts around them were completely torn apart by the shell fragments. If they hadn't had the strength to protect their bodies, they would have been seriously injured by the explosion just now. .

This time the strong wind hit, but it was different from the cannonballs just now. Instead, it was a bed of crossbow arrows that were two meters long and made entirely of fine steel. One of them happened to be aimed at Cheng Yuer, and it shot at very fast speed. , even Lin Yan couldn't ignore it.

He could only punch and burst out with force. When the crossbow arrow was approaching, he punched its side with a punch, causing the crossbow arrow to deviate from the direction and hit the unlucky demon man next to him.

The crossbow arrow hit the unlucky demon man, but it only embedded a little distance into its body and could not hurt it. However, the remaining force moved forward with inertia, pushing the demon man all the way to the edge of the cliff. Finally, he plowed a ravine in the ground and drove the demon man away. The man was pushed off the cliff!

But this was just an unlucky guy with a weak brain. More demons, even if they were pushed by the crossbow arrows, either side-attacked like Lin Yan, or simply grabbed other demons beside them, but they were not pushed down.

"These crossbow arrows and the previous bombs are very dense. It does not look like a large-scale attack, but rather like it is targeting a small force..."

At this time, in the mist, five powerful and angry voices roared: "Go back! Go back! Go back!"

Step, step, step, first five heavy armored soldiers, whose whole bodies were pitch black, as if they were carrying a small iron mountain in front of them, emerged from the mist of chaos with extremely heavy steps.

Behind them, at least a hundred or ten people were closely following, all wearing closed steel armor and holding extremely thick steel pillars that looked like telegraph poles, approaching step by step.

"Go back! Get away..."

Suddenly, the steps of the five heavy armored soldiers suddenly stopped, their voices stopped suddenly, and their movements were stuck in place.

But the hundreds of people behind them were still marching forward, carrying the steel pillars, shouting as they walked: "Go back! Go back!"

It wasn't until the steel pillar got stuck on the heavy armored soldier that he stopped and looked forward. Then, like the five heavy armored soldiers, he suddenly froze in place.

On one side were hundreds of fully armed soldiers, and on the other side were a thousand demons gearing up and on the verge of breaking out after being provoked.

The two sides just fell into a moment of deathly silence on the edge of the cliff.

The next moment, the five heavily armored soldiers immediately took out something from their armor, pointed it at the sky, and released it!

Five dazzling red lights, accompanied by five extremely sad howling sounds, penetrated the chaotic fog above. This red light was extremely penetrating. It had already risen to a height of 100 meters, and it could be seen through the chaotic fog. A red dot flashed in it.

Suddenly, in the depths of the chaotic mist, countless scarlet dazzling light pillars flashed suddenly, and shrill alarms resounded throughout the sky, constantly coming from the depths of the mist.

Scarlet light, like some kind of searchlight, penetrated from a place about four to five hundred meters away. The light emitted, vaguely in the chaotic fog, illuminated a towering and majestic figure, tens of meters high, several dozen meters tall. The 100-meter-large majestic city wall looks like a terrifying giant beast, crouching in the mist of chaos.

"Could this be the Demon Valley Fortress!" Hua Ling exclaimed.

The crouching giant beast seemed to be awakened by countless red lights, and all kinds of noisy and loud sounds were transmitted hundreds of meters apart.

The heavy armored soldiers and armored soldiers in front of them all began to retreat quickly. It could be said that they fled in a panic and quickly disappeared into the mist of chaos.

Lin Yan: "..."

He probably understood that these people probably thought it was a demon coming up from under the cliff, so they came to drive away the demon.

But I didn't expect that there were so many demons here, so as soon as I saw them, I was so scared that I turned on the alarm.

"I don't know how these people found us in the fog of chaos..."

With a thought in his mind, Lin Yan gave an order to the Demon King, asking him to calm down the Demon King's emotions and follow his instinct to go down this rock wall!

This fortress looks majestic, but if there are a thousand demons whose strength is equivalent to the Xuanpin realm, the fortress may not be able to support it at all.

Rather than having a conflict, it is better to let these demons leave first.

The Demon King roared and commanded all the Demons to walk to the edge of the cliff.

Although the cliff is steep, it is easy for the demons to hold on to the rock wall and climb down. So a group of nearly a thousand demons climbed down the rock wall together.

Lin Yan looked back at the fortress that seemed to be boiling, and once again sensed the energy fluctuations emitted by Cheng Yu'er around his body.

These fluctuations continued to penetrate Lin Yan's body, causing him to have a subconscious impulse to take Cheng Yu'er and Hua Ling to the fortress, so that he could completely stay away from the demons and find a way back to human society.

This is probably what Cheng Yu'er and Hua Ling are thinking now.

"So, there is a high probability that Cheng Yu'er's intuition really has special effects..."

Lin Yan suppressed the slight excitement in his heart, ignored those intuitions at all, and instead asked the devil to directly carry Cheng Yuer and Hua Ling down to the cliff!

In contrast, he was even more curious about the demon world below the cliff.

Judging from the reactions of the soldiers, it was obvious that there were more demons down there. It could even be said that there was a kingdom of demons.

He planned to go down to explore the world of demons first and see if Cheng Yuer's intuition guided them here. Was it just to reach this safe fortress, or was there another reason.

Climbing down with the devil, the steepness of the cliff was beyond Lin Yan's imagination.

There was no wind, and the chaotic fog covered the top and bottom, so there was no feeling of climbing on the cliff at all.

Only the devil's claws were embedded in the stone wall, and the harsh sounds they made continued to sound throughout the mist cage.

The whole journey was silent, and after climbing for four to five hundred meters, I didn't see anything unusual, only rough rock walls and rock formations with changing colors.

After climbing more than a hundred meters down again, Lin Yan suddenly stopped on the rock wall. After the demon had descended a distance, he gently wiped his palms away and wiped off the plaster covering the rock wall.

However, under the plaster covering, half of a stone-carved face with a kind-hearted look was revealed!

The stone carving is embedded in the rock wall, leaving only the front face and half of the body.

"This stone carving seems to be a...Buddha statue?"

Lin Yan's eyes widened slightly and he took a closer look. He saw that the bun on his head had been smoothed away, but his kind eyebrows and kind eyes and smile made him look like a Buddha statue.

Lin Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously thought of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave.

But then he thought and laughed at himself. He was crazy. When he saw the Buddha statue, he headed towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave and thought, do you really think Cheng Yuer's intuition is so amazing?

When he was at the ruins of the ancient Sanskrit Kingdom, on the same cliff, he discovered the goddess temple embedded in the rock wall and saw many Buddha statues.

However, most of those Buddha statues have protruding eyes and strange styles. They are completely different from the Buddha statues here.

This Buddha statue is obviously not in the style of the ancient Brahma Kingdom, so it certainly cannot be the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

"Maybe it's the Buddhist temple in Qingye City's past, or the remnants of earlier ruins..."

Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Lin Yan followed the large army of demons and continued downward.

"Huh? Another Buddha statue!"

Not long after walking, Lin Yan actually saw a Buddha statue again. This Buddha statue was larger in size and was embedded crookedly in the rock wall. It had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, but its style was quite similar to the previous Buddha statue.

Continuing down, the frequency of Buddha statues suddenly increased. Every few steps, Lin Yan could find something related to Buddhist temples embedded in the rock wall. Some were Buddha statues, and some were the remains of temple ritual objects.

Without exception, these things are all embedded in the rock wall, and they are all small in size.

At the same time, in addition to the remains of these Buddha statues and Buddhist utensils, Lin Yan also found many deep pits on the rock wall, each of which was human-sized. There seemed to be something embedded in it, but now it has been dug out, leaving only A pit.

The pits are intertwined with the remains of Buddha statues and Buddhist utensils, like a barren cemetery of excavated remains.

"It is estimated that this place was once a prosperous Buddhist temple, so it is full of Buddha statues..."

But about ten meters further down, Lin Yan unexpectedly found another white stone Buddha statue with a completely different style!

This Buddha statue has a head as big as a bucket, long and drooping ears, eyebrows and beards, and a solemn expression. Both in shape and sculpture style, it is different from the Buddha statue just seen above.

Lin Yan's heart moved slightly, and he continued down the rock wall. All the way down, there were actually Buddha statues of this style, alternating with some pits. Except for the different sculpture styles, the rest were the same as the Buddha statues on the rock wall above. They are very similar, both are small-sized Buddha statues, and both have large-sized pits.

And the more he looked at it, the more Lin Yan felt that the shapes of these pits were clearly Buddha statues!

It was just a large Buddha statue, but for some unknown reason, it was dug out, leaving only a hole.

Just when I was feeling surprised, suddenly, there was a loud noise from the devil below, as if he had encountered something and was roaring.

Lin Yan immediately shaped like a gecko, his basalt armor adsorbing on the rock wall, and quickly climbed down.

When I came to the bottom, I found that a group of demons were tearing and beating another demon. The demon only had one claw left firmly embedded in the rock wall. He was unable to resist the group fight and was about to fall. .

"This is... the devil who originally lived here?!"

After ordering the Demon King to stop the beating, Lin Yan quickly climbed to Cheng Yu'er's side and learned about the situation again. Only then did he realize that the Demon King was originally crawling on the rock wall. When they climbed down, he suddenly jumped out to attack and was instead attacked. The other demons fought back and almost fell down.

After understanding the situation, Lin Yan ordered the Demon King to ask for as much information as possible. The Demon King flinched after being beaten, and then suddenly whispered in a low voice: "Follow, I'll do it!"

After that, climb down to the deeper rock formations below.

"It can speak, and what it speaks is human language..."

These demons may have developed a civilization similar to humans!

Let the Demon King follow all the way.

The route that this demon traveled was very strange. It was not a straight line, but it went around a large circle, panning around a large curve, walking in a weird route, and kept climbing down the rock wall.

But it was not walking randomly. It was obviously following a specific route and bypassing certain areas. It was like walking along a highway in the city, but the city was vertical and there were no high-rise buildings in sight.

Along the way, without looking carefully, Lin Yan had roughly discovered no less than thirty kinds of Buddha statues with different styles, each of which had its own style, but the image of the Buddha could still be seen in them.

They may be similar, but there must be subtle differences.

Inferring from this, the number of Buddhist statues on this entire rock wall from top to bottom is probably incalculable!

No wonder Lin Yan didn't think of it, Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave!

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, the old monk Wangyue didn't say that Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, the Pure Land of Diyuan, is a place in the ancient Brahma Kingdom..."

Lin Yan felt excited, worried, and even a little scared.

The worry is that this is just a coincidence and not the real Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave.

What’s shocking is that this is really the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

If it is really the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas, it can only be that Cheng Yu'er's intuition brought him here unreasonably!

This is a terrifying thing to think about.

Because he didn't even mention a word to Cheng Yu'er, but under Cheng Yu'er's intuitive arrangement, he came to the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas that he had always wanted to find?

The power of destiny? A puppet on a string?

Lin Yan had a vague premonition in his heart, or in other words, the strange energy fluctuations coming from Cheng Yu'er around him gave him a vague intuition that this was really the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas...

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