My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 29 Teachings of Wuziyuan

At the same time, the training academy.

Pang Meng pushed open the door of the hut where Pang Yinlong lived.

"Brother, why are you calling me over so late?!"

In the yard, the moonlight was shining brightly.

Pang Yinlong was sitting in front of the stone table with a small stove placed on the table, drinking tea in small sips.

He raised his chin and motioned Pang Meng to look at the center of the courtyard.

Pang Meng took a look: "Isn't this Mitai? What? Did someone beat him?"

In the middle of the courtyard, there was a person lying on his back. It was Mitai who looked miserable, and he was still unconscious at this time.

Pang Yinlong took a sip of tea and said: "I picked it up from the martial arts training ground of Wuziyuan. I asked the disciple whether it was Lin Yan who beat him or in front of all the disciples of Wuziyuan."

Pang Meng was slightly surprised: "Lin Yan? That shouldn't be the case. With Mitai's talent, in just half a month, he has barely mastered the movement of qi and blood. He is an official force realm warrior. Even if Lin Yan's qi and blood transform, he is no match for him. .”

Pang Yinlong shook his head: "You are talking about hard power. I heard from my disciples that Lin Yan has been practicing with people in actual combat for more than half a month and has rich experience.

"Mitai is arrogant and impetuous. He has no actual combat experience and has not mastered the essence of "Dragon Shape Fist". It is normal for him to be attacked by Lin Yan accidentally.

"Of course, I heard that he had a fight with two other disciples first and was slightly injured."

Pang Meng clicked his tongue twice: "Tsk, tsk, sneak attack, this Lin Yan is a bit interesting. What a pity, what a pity."

"Don't worry about Lin Yan. I asked you to take Mitai back, take him as his official disciple, and teach him personally."

Pang Meng was not surprised and said: "Brother, do you think Mitai's temper has been tempered enough?"

Geniuses like Mitai have actually always been on their radar.

It's just that they all believe that Mitai is too arrogant and lacks tenacity, and needs to be polished before he can become a great person.

Therefore, they turned a blind eye even though they knew that Wang Qingtong deliberately intervened to instigate Mitai to cause trouble. Their purpose was to allow the situation to escalate and find opportunities to temper Mitai's temper.

But they didn't expect that Lin Yan would beat Mitai to the ground directly without having to arrange it themselves.

This kind of temperament is perfect in one step.

Pang Yinlong put down the tea cup and nodded: "Counting the last time, Mitai has already suffered two losses at the hands of Lin Yan. This time he was frustrated in front of the entire Wuziyuan disciples.

"Now, Mitai must be so ashamed and angry that he has a mental breakdown. He needs to channel his emotions the most. You need to suppress his overly irritable temper without damaging his pride."

Pang Meng nodded and added: "At the same time, show him kindness, cultivate the relationship between master and disciple, and gain his loyalty."

Pang Yinlong frowned slightly, not liking Pang Meng's philistine expression.

Pang Meng sighed to himself: "Lin Yan, this whetstone, is stronger than we thought. Unfortunately, the more you sharpen the knife, the sharper it becomes, and the stone becomes thinner as it is sharpened. With Mitai's temperament, It will be difficult for this guy in the future."

Pang Yinlong shook his head: "One drink and one peck have their own destiny. When he takes the Restoring Pill, he cannot avoid this disaster. Just like the Ding'an Genius Dingwai War half a year later, it is a disaster that we cannot avoid."

"Disciples of the Gang Realm, we can no longer get good grades.

“But among the Lijing disciples, with Mitai and Wang Qinggang here, we can still compete.

"The most important thing is that the revenge of Zang Wei's broken arm four years ago must not be forgotten!"

A flash of volcanic anger flashed in Pang Yinlong's eyes, and the clothes on his body puffed up without any wind, as if they were about to explode.

He had no children, only one daughter. Zang Wei was his direct disciple who was raised by him, just like his biological son.

Four years ago, after Zang Wei broke his arm, he never accepted a direct disciple again because he was afraid of encountering the same thing again.

Pang Meng rolled his eyes, walked to Mitai, and carried Mitai on his shoulder with one hand: "Brother, how many times have you played the same tune again."

Pang Yinlong hesitated slightly and snorted coldly.

Pang Meng shrugged: "I took this kid away. By the way, Mitai will definitely have a period of rapid growth in the future. A bowl of body soup a day is always necessary, right? You have to pay me some." "

Pang Yinlong's face darkened: "One bowl a day? Do you think this is cabbage soup? One bowl every two days is not enough, at most one bowl every three days, which will last you three months!"

Pang Meng was satisfied: "Okay, big brother!"

After taking a few steps, he stopped and looked back.

Pang Yinlong put down his tea cup and frowned.

Pang Meng said: "Lin Yan, you have to give instructions to Zang Wei to make him famous. This whetstone is good, I want to make good use of it."

"Do you need to tell me?"

"Aren't I afraid that you will forget?"

Pang Meng looked back again, took a few steps, and then paused again.

Pang Yinlong knocked on the table hard: "What else do you want!!"

"Brother, in your home, that piece of Qi and blood medicine, Red Crystal Zhizhi, has been treasured for many years..."




The next day, the sky was dim and a cool mist enveloped the house.

Lin Yan arrived at the martial arts training ground early.

Seeing him, more than a hundred Wuziyuan disciples all stopped moving hesitantly.

Not long after, the eldest brother also came, and everyone was stunned and consciously lined up in front of him.

"It seems that you all know that from today on, Lin Yan will teach you "Five Bird Hands" on my behalf."

The disciples whispered that the senior brother had a high level of experience and had a lot of experience. If it were Lin Yan who had not taught him well, wouldn't he be misleading his disciples?

Zang Wei glanced at everyone, raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Do you have any questions?"

He looked around, his eyes filled with pressure.

All the disciples lowered their heads.

"No problem, let's get started."

Zang Wei turned his head and looked at Lin Yan: "After the lecture, come to see me in the training academy."

After that, he turned and left.

Only Lin Yan and the silent disciples were left.

In complete silence, Lin Yan asked calmly: "New disciples who have been here for less than half a month, raise their hands?"

More than a dozen disciples looked at each other and raised their hands.

"The rest will practice on their own, you follow me first."

More than a dozen people followed Lin Yan to an open space nearby. The disciples who were supposed to be practicing on their own had no intention of practicing at this time and kept glancing in Lin Yan's direction.

More than a dozen disciples saluted awkwardly: "Senior Brother Lin."

Lin Yan nodded: "No more nonsense. Next, I will explain the movements of "Five Birds Hands", starting with the tiger shape. Please listen carefully."

After that, he started to dismantle it one action at a time.

These more than ten disciples have only been practicing for less than half a month, and they are not yet proficient in the "Five Bird Hands". They only feel that Lin Yan's movements are agile and fierce, and every move is lifelike, as if there is a real tiger coming towards him, so fierce.

But the disciples who had been around for a long time were all full of suspicion and their eyes were wide open.

Why is Senior Brother Lin's "Five Animal Hands" so different from what Senior Brother taught me?

At first glance, it seems a bit similar, but Lin Yan's movements are full of evil, as if he really has the power of the king of beasts to pounce. Could it be that Senior Brother Lin has seen a real tiger?

The following shapes of bears, cranes, apes, and especially deer shapes shocked everyone on the spot. Is this still the "Five-animal Hands" exercise?

"Why is there such a big difference between the Five Bird Hands and what Senior Brother taught us?"

"Yes, it looks good if it looks good, but the product is not the right version. Can we practice?"

"I don't know how Senior Brother Lin became an assistant teacher?"

"Hmph, what else could it be? I think he must have used money to open up channels and rely on connections to get into power! I don't dare to practice boxing with such a person."

Everyone suddenly fell silent and dispersed, looking at Ma Ziming who looked slightly panicked in the middle.

That sentence just now was what Ma Ziming said.

"What are you looking at!" Ma Ziming's face turned serious.

"It's you again! Ma Ziming, please keep your mouth clean!"

Xu Hongchang stretched out his finger, pointed at Ma Ziming's nose and shouted.

Ma Ziming's face turned blue and white: "Did I say something wrong? Senior Brother's movements were personally trained by the gym owner, so they can't go wrong. This Lin Yan is different from what Senior Brother teaches. I don't dare to practice it, because it will hinder me. I’m catching you!”

"Idiot! You are nothing but an ant. Senior Brother An Zhilin is so unpredictable!"


Xu Hongchang didn't bother to explain, but the disciples were unsure.

Although the boxing skills look good, they are of the wrong quality. Should they be practiced or should they not be practiced?

There was no leader in the commotion here. After completing the "Five Animal Hands" exercise, Lin Yan stopped and instructed more than a dozen disciples in turn to adjust their movements.

After they got on track, almost an hour later, Lin Yan turned to the remaining 70 or 80 people.

Everyone stood up straight, here they come!

Lin Yan glanced at a few people and said calmly: "You have all been practicing "Five Bird Hands" for a while. Next, form groups of three to practice with me!"


"Practical practice, what do you mean?"

"Yes, is it a direct hit?"

"Aren't you going to teach us?"

"Senior Brother Lin, I have never learned actual combat!"

Lin Yan stretched out his hand and pressed it, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"Practical combat is the best teacher! Stop talking nonsense, now, who comes first?!"

After the words fell, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Yuan Jing was the first to raise his hand: "Me! Senior Brother Lin, me! I'll do it!"

Lin Yan nodded: "Find two more people."

Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang stood forward at this time.

Lin Yan waved his hand: "Since you have successfully transformed your Qi and blood, you don't need to join in the fun."

The two of them felt a little regretful and stepped back.

But Lin Yan's casual words caused other disciples to explode.

"What! Did their blood transformation succeed?"

"No wonder I was able to defeat Mitai yesterday!"

"But how is that possible! They were obviously slower than me in practice before?"

"That's right. Senior Brother has personally said that my talent is better than theirs?"

"Could it be that it's Senior Brother Lin..."

Everyone's eyes instantly ignited with blazing flames, and they looked at Lin Yan with burning eyes.

They all saw that Lin Yan had been sparring with Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang every day for more than half a month!

Could it be that it was because of sparring with Senior Brother Lin that their energy and blood transformed?

Immediately, two people with quick eyes and quick hands jumped out.

"I come!"

"I come!"

Ma Ziming hid in the crowd and looked at Ji Biao beside him, who seemed to be eager to give it a try.

He pulled Ji Biao's sleeve: "Hey, are you desperate for your life? Have you forgotten how Lin Yan beat us?"

Ji Biao shook him off and rolled his eyes: "Are you stupid! We spend so much effort just to transform our Qi and blood into a warrior. As long as I let my Qi and blood transform, let alone get beaten, I will just lie down... cough cough , in short, if you are not convinced, don’t drag me into the water!”

After saying that, he took a few steps to the side with a respectful distance.

"You!" Ma Ziming's expression changed, he dared not speak in anger.

On the other side, seeing that three people had gathered together, Lin Yan nodded and said, "You all come together!"

The three of them had never learned actual combat, so they pounced on him with all their teeth and claws.

"Ouch, why are you kicking me!"

"You stepped on my foot!"

"Get out of the way, don't block me!"

Within a few breaths, the three of them were thrown to the ground by Lin Yan.

"Get up and come again!"

"Didn't you eat?"

"Is this all you have?"


Not long after, the three of them were like a puddle of soft mud, paralyzed on the ground, screaming and sweating profusely.

Lin Yan calmed down and said, "If you want to imitate Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang's transformation of qi and blood, pay attention to my movements during the competition."

"Yes!" When everyone heard his positive admission, the fire in their eyes became even more intense, and they were all very motivated.

"Now, next group!"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people standing and more and more people lying down and sitting, Ma Ziming, who was waiting aside, felt anxious on the one hand, and also felt an urge to try.

He glanced at the people lying on the ground. He was tired, but he had been thrown a few times at most, and no one was really injured.

If the transformation of Qi and blood can really be successful, then being hit by Lin Yan a few times is not a problem, just treat it as being bitten by a dog, right?

When he thought about it, his mind suddenly broadened.

So when there were three people in the next wave, Ma Ziming saw the right opportunity and immediately raised his hand: "Me! I'm coming too!"

Lin Yan's eyes stayed on him for a moment, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he said nothing.

When the three of them gathered together, he waved: "Come on!"

The three of them were equally irritable and unable to cooperate, which only hindered them.

After about three moves, Lin Yan suddenly made a sharp move, and a burst of evil energy was naturally revealed. Everyone's scalps went numb and their breathing suddenly stopped.

Then he saw Ma Ziming's face suddenly turn red, then blue, then waxy white, his eyes suddenly popped out with bloodshot eyes, he flew backwards two feet away, fell to the ground, his legs twitched, and he vomited a large mouthful of white water. Not moving at all.

Everyone's faces turned pale, and they looked at Lin Yan blankly, with fear in their eyes, and they did not dare to make a sound.

Lin Yan suddenly realized it, took back his foot, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I accidentally used too much force."

Everyone looked away in fear, but in their hearts they kept screaming for revenge! This is definitely revenge!

Lin Yan glanced at Ma Ziming casually, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

Xu Hongchang and Lou Xing had reported to him what happened yesterday.

Mitai is valued by the owner of the museum, and he must treat him with caution, but this self-conscious villain, it would be fine if he just shrinks his head, but dares to raise his hand to fight with him?

Do you really think he has a good temper?

"Xu Hongchang, take him to the medicine room. Come with another person and let's continue!"

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