My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 267 Social Structure and Silencing

Lin Yan finally understood that it was not the person who delivered the goods that had a problem, but that he himself was part of the goods.

Isn't it just to find a job?

It’s just that I couldn’t find it all the way. After finally finding one, it was actually sold?

Lin Yan took a breath and visualized the vast spiritual world he had perceived before, and the waves in his heart slowly calmed down.

He raised the whip in his hand: "I don't know what you are going to do, and I don't know what is going on. I'll just pretend I didn't see anything, and you just pretend nothing happened, okay?"

The man with the surname Hu was a little dissatisfied that Lin Yan did not show the panic and fear he expected. After hearing Lin Yan's arrogant words, he even grinned: "Nothing happened? Hey, hey, Listen, he actually said that nothing happened?"

The three people beside them also laughed immediately, as if there was something really worthy of laughter.

Only Lin Yan looked at the others quietly: "Did I have a conflict with Fucheng?"

Lin Yan responded coldly again, making Manager Hu even more disappointed and dissatisfied, and his laughter gradually died down.

He put his greasy fingers into his mouth, pulled out a few strands of flesh between his teeth, and then sucked and swallowed them into his mouth again: "I don't like the way you look at me. Come on, hold him down. It's just right." I saved some good water and gave it to him to drink!"

As he said that, he reached out and touched his crotch.

"Don't worry, Manager Hu!" The three of them approached with ferocious expressions.


A sigh, accompanied by three clear loud "papapapa" sounds!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the three waiters rolled over, their heads hit the ground hard, and they fell unconscious.

Manager Hu paused for a moment, his expression finally became serious, and he slowly stood up: "You are still a practicing man, who is so ignorant? He said he only wanted ordinary piglets, and yet he... poof!"


With almost no reaction, a fist landed on Manager Hu's belly, sinking deeply into it, blocking all the sounds that Manager Hu could make.

Manager Hu's face turned red and purple at first, and then turned pale instantly. He vomited in large mouthfuls, and raised a trembling hand, trying to grab Lin Yan in horror.

It was just the disgusting greasy feeling on his palms that made Lin Yan furrow his brows, and hit Manager Hu directly on the back of the head and neck with his elbow. Manager Hu immediately rolled his eyes and passed out, unaware of anything else.

Lin Yan's face was gloomy. He promised to keep a low profile, but this happened again.

Looking at the four people lying on the ground, Lin Yan was even more speechless.

Just walk away like that?

Doesn't this clearly tell others that he is looking for trouble?

It’s better to be smarter!

Lin Yan looked around and focused on the box. The box was not small. It was a bit wasteful to only hold one person.

After a few breaths, Lin Yan locked the box again, loaded it on the donkey cart, and drove the donkey cart out again along the same trail.

"Well! You, why did you come out!"

At the door, they met the two guarding Feihaojing again, and both of them were extremely surprised.

Lin Yan shouted in a deep voice: "How dare you ask me about what Mr. Hu wants to do!"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then a look of understanding appeared in their eyes, and they said with a smile: "I'm wrong, wrong, wrong, it turns out you are one of our own, brother, please don't be surprised!"

Lin Yan just snorted coldly and drove the donkey cart away.

Returning along the original route, Lin Yan soon came to the Liangji grocery store again.

He had gone out through the back door just now, and naturally he returned to the back door at this time. He seemed to be in a hurry, and the door was unlocked. Lin Yan Shiran, driving the donkey cart, returned to the courtyard. The shopkeeper from before seemed to be still there. At the front storefront, nothing was found.

Lin Yan tied up the donkey cart, got out of the car and walked to the front store.

Before I walked out, I heard two people, an old man and a young man, talking in the front store.

"Dad, tell me, Master Qian, he has so many people under his command, why does he still ask us to deliver goods to him?"

"Xiao Yi, Mr. Qian's people are all like us, working for him, they are useful people, how can he use them casually? What we give him are all disobedient fish that slipped through the net. These are The guy didn't even risk his life for freedom, he is completely hopeless, he can only use it as consumables and recycle them so as not to waste them."

The young voice said with envy: "I don't know how those devil dogs in Mr. Qian's house can eat people. We have sent seven or eight piglets there, but we haven't seen them once."

"There will be a chance. If you give me two more, we can pay off the debt. Before going home, please ask Mr. Qian to show us the performance. He probably won't refuse."

"It is said that……"

"What kind of show is a demon dog eating people? I want to see it too."

With an expressionless face, Lin Yan walked out of the back hall and came to the stunned two people.

"You, why are you here!"

The young man named Xiao Yi reacted very quickly. He punched in the air and spit out all his strength. He was also a useless hero. Then he flashed his body, followed the strength, and struck out with another palm. The combination of the two One, hit Lin Yan directly in the chest!


Another slap that comes first!

It hit the young man's ear directly, knocked his head upside down, and pulled him to the ground!

"Xiao Yi!"

The shopkeeper cried out in pain: "I'll fight you!"

As soon as he touched an inkstone on the table, he rushed towards Lin Yan. Unfortunately, Lin Yan snatched the inkstone halfway and smashed it on his head with a backhand blow.

The two fell to the ground sobbing. Lin Yan went to the door first, closed the two open wooden doors, then turned back and dragged the two of them to the backyard.

At this time, the two finally calmed down. When Xiao Yi saw the donkey cart parked in the backyard and the two wooden boxes still intact, he immediately said in disbelief: "No way! I saw you go in with my own eyes!"

Lin Yan ignored him, but untied the hemp rope around the wooden box, moved one of the wooden boxes down, opened it, lifted it high and tipped it outward.

The lid of the wooden box was opened, but nothing came out.

But Xiao Yi and the shopkeeper's scalps were numb, and a chill came from their backs.

In the box that was turned upside down, there were actually several human hands and legs hanging out!

Looking carefully, there are actually four people stuffed inside. The small wooden box is so packed that there is not even a single gap!

Because of this, the four people's bodies were stuck in each other's body and could not fall out. Lin Yan carried the wooden box and poured it down four or five times with all his strength before all four people fell out and rolled to the ground.

Xiao Yi and the shopkeeper were even more numb. No wonder they could be stuffed into the wooden box. It turned out that the limbs, waist and other bones of the four people had been broken and bent, and they had just been folded into a small size. Stuffed into a box!

Looking at two of them, it was obvious that there was more air coming out and less air coming in. The other two were also trembling, and it looked like they were hopeless.

Lin Yan turned back and opened another wooden box. Inside, there were the two people who had been stuffed into the box before. They were squeezed inside safely and still unconscious.

Lin Yan clapped his hands, turned around and walked to Xiao Yi and the shopkeeper: "Tell me what's going on."

The two of them had turned pale.

Lin Yan's behavior of stuffing four people into a wooden box and not caring about life or death had completely frightened them.

"Hero! Hero! Spare us, we were forced too!"

Lin Yan looked at the two of them seriously: "I want to know why you are the only one recruiting workers on the whole street?"

He couldn't find a job all the way, but the job he finally found was still a trap. Lin Yan didn't think it was a coincidence.

The old shopkeeper said tremblingly: "Hero! What we didn't want was Master Qian! Master Qian forced us to do it!"

As the two talked about it like shaking a sieve, Lin Yan gradually understood that the social situation in this dock area was far more harsh than he imagined.

Some of the merchants along the street were so busy that they still refused to recruit workers. It wasn't that they didn't want to, but that they didn't dare!

Master Qian stipulates that all merchants who want to recruit workers are not allowed to recruit workers independently, but must go to the factory under his name to recruit people. In other words, they can only recruit people from Master Qian.

If you recruit someone else, once you are discovered, Mr. Qian will immediately take back the house and will not continue to operate it - 99% of the houses and land in the entire Yiliu Pier area are all monopolized by Mr. Qian!

When Lin Yan heard this, he was really surprised and found it incredible.

But after asking in detail and hearing the explanation, I felt that it was reasonable.

Due to the fog, the entire dock area has very few interactions with the outside world. It looks like steam ships are coming and going, but in fact it is extremely closed. Often throughout the year, not one or two people from other areas come here.

District B16 is close to the sea and is rich in aquatic products, but most of the land is not suitable for farming. A lot of food and many daily necessities must be purchased and shipped back from other districts.

Therefore, the lifeblood of the entire Yiliu District is in the hands of Mr. Qian's dozen steamships. They catch fish from Yiliu District, transport them to other districts, and then transport food and daily necessities back from the outer districts. .

So gradually, whether reasonably or unreasonably, the assets of the entire area were appropriated.

Speaking of Mr. Qian, his fortune is legendary.

It is said that more than ten years ago, Yiliu District was not like this at all. At that time, the most populous people in Yiliu District were fishermen. They harvested fish, dried the fish, and then drove small fishing boats to sell in other districts when the fog lifted. .

At that time, Mr. Qian was just a small fisherman. Later, by chance, he was said to have rescued a big shot in the A-shaped area. The fishermen's business was snatched away, and then it gradually grew bigger and bigger. Until today, it has controlled all the assets of the entire Yiliu District.

"If it were a previous life, it would indeed be impossible for one person to occupy almost all the assets of a town. At most, they would only occupy a part of the main assets like Hong Kong Island.

"The fog in Kefu City has closed every area into an isolated island world. With the Matthew effect, the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. Naturally, they plundered almost all the assets in the entire Yi Sixteenth District."

This reminded Lin Yan of a novel he had read in his previous life. In a highly developed civilization, due to the Matthew Effect, all the assets and materials on the planet were concentrated in the hands of one person, and everyone else became For the poor, even a breath of fresh air has to be paid.

In District B16, due to the special geographical environment of a closed island, it has also formed such a special social structure.

Therefore, along the way, Lin Yan didn't have any merchants recruiting workers. Only Liangji Grocery Store, a secret store that provided Mr. Qian with piglets, was unlucky enough to run into it.

After understanding the social structure here, Lin Yan was even more speechless: "So, there is no way to find a job here?"

The old shopkeeper apologized with a shy face: "What are you talking about, heroes? If they are just those dirty legs, they will naturally have no choice but to go to the dock to register as coolies and wait for Master Qian's orders.

"But you are so powerful. As soon as you go to Mr. Qian's house, you will be treated as a guest immediately. There is no need to compare with those mud-legged people!"

Lin Yan was speechless. Just to keep a low profile, he wanted to find a low-key job and do it casually. If he wanted to use his strength, why would he need to find Mr. Qian to work?

"Okay, I understand everything..."

"Hero, hero! We really didn't mean it! If we had known your strength, hero, we would never have..."

Bang bang!

Two consecutive punches made the old shopkeeper and his son tremble all over. Their heads were turned into a ball of paste by Lin Yan, and they fell limply to the ground.

"We killed two more. It hasn't been more than two hours since we arrived in Fucheng, and we have already killed so many people..."

Lin Yan himself felt baffled, but things caught up with him.

Since two people were already dead, and he didn't care how many more people there were, Lin Yan conveniently killed all four of the half-dead people.

Lin Yan also used the Bodhi Gold Medal to check the two unconscious people and found that one of them actually had spiritual essence!

However, he thought about it and did not kill them. Instead, he picked them up and threw them back into the front store.

If his prediction was correct, there would be no people cultivating spiritual marrow in the entire city, and the number might actually be fewer than those cultivating spiritual marrow.

Because miscellaneous products and first-grade spiritual marrow do not require additional spiritual transformation objects to be used, on the contrary, the more hopeless ordinary people are in martial arts, the more powerful they will be with a spiritual marrow.

Therefore, if you meet someone who cultivates spiritual essence, you must silence them, fearing that you may have to kill the entire Erfu City.

After confirming that the two people were still unconscious and it was impossible to monitor him, Lin Yan returned to the backyard and checked a few people first. Sure enough, except for the old shopkeeper's son Xiao Yi and that manager Hu, everyone else had spiritual essence planted in their bodies.

Since a person is dead, his or her spirituality is naturally gone, so there is no need to worry about abnormality found in the body.

Lin Yan dug out all the spiritual marrow, then found several money bags and put them away. Then he carried one corpse at a time, activated the Xuanwu Divine Armor, and sank all the corpses into the ground a hundred meters deep. .

With such a corpse destroyed and no trace left, no one would be able to discover it.

After doing all this, Lin Yan was about to open a few money bags and take a look. Suddenly, there was a crunch from the store in front, and someone came into the store!

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