My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 27 Benefits of Assisted Teaching

In the medicine room, the doctor checked the pulse and then examined Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang's whole bodies.

"No problem! It's just a skin injury. Who wouldn't get injured while practicing martial arts? We had four or five people to carry it. In such a big battle, I thought everyone was gone!"

"Thank you, doctor."

"Carry it away, carry it away!"

Lin Yan was holding Xiao Zhi, and Yuan Jing was still standing beside him. The junior brother who sent them here had already been driven away by him.

Since it was a skin injury, there was no need to coddle it. Lin Yan patted Xiaozhi on the head and let go of her.

Then he walked forward and slapped the two of them on the face several times: "Wake up! Wake up!"

Yuan Jing shivered when he saw it. Senior Brother Lin really didn't treat the wounded as wounded when he started!

Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang were dazed and finally opened their eyes.


"S~~~It hurts so much!"

Both of them felt pain all over their bodies, as if they had been hung up and beaten, especially their faces, but Mitai didn't hit them in the face?

"Senior Brother Lin!"

"Senior Brother Lin, why are you here? I remember that I was punched in the chin by Mitai..."

"I also remember that he kicked me in the chest with a side kick... Oh! I even slapped him!"

"I slapped him too! This bastard is too arrogant, hahahaha, slap him twice on the spot to see if he can stand up!"

"That's right! This slap will relieve your anger! It's worth being kicked unconscious!"

Lin Yan's face darkened, and he kicked the two of them off the bed to the ground.

"Ouch! Senior Brother Lin, why did you kick me!"

"That's right! We are here to help you, and you are kicking us! Even if you are Senior Brother Lin... you are still a little too much!"

Yuan Jing: "..."

Lin Yan became even more impatient after hearing this, and kicked them out again, kicking the two of them until they grinned.

"You don't have much ability, but you still dare to criticize others and imitate others' domineering tricks? You're looking for death!"

Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang were both at a loss.

Lin Yan was too lazy to say more to these two guys: "Junior brother Yuan Jing, please clean up with them and then take them to Fulou."


After that, Lin Yan took Xiaozhi out and said as he walked: "Xiaozhi, if you encounter this kind of situation, you must learn from them and protect yourself..."

Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang were even more confused.

Yuan Jing looked at the two of them very complicatedly, and said with half envy and half jealousy: "Senior Brother Lin said that your Qi and blood have transformed. Is it true or false?"

Lou Xing showed a proud smile: "Of course it's true!"

"Awesome, awesome." Yuan Jing looked sour. They all got together because of their mediocre talents. Unexpectedly, Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang came ashore early!

His heart moved: "You have been sparring with Senior Brother Lin. Could it be that this is the reason for the transformation of Qi and blood?"

Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang did not answer directly, but only showed a mysterious smile.

They, Yuan Jing, Ji Biao, and Ma Ziming were originally a small group and agreed to advance and retreat together.

But since they started sparring with Lin Yan, Ma Ziming and Ji Biao's relationship with them has deteriorated, and they no longer have contact with each other.

The relationship between Yuan Jing and them has not changed, but it is not good enough to share information about Senior Brother Lin.

"Lao Yuan, let's talk about what happened first? Did Senior Brother Lin send us here?"

"This is thrilling to say the least. If Senior Brother Lin hadn't taken action, you would have almost died!"

As Yuan Jing explained what happened one by one, Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang broke into cold sweats.

MD, this madman Mitai actually wants to kill them, maybe his brain is squeezed by the door!

If they died like this, their family members would definitely not let it go. Can Mitai eat well?

Now, I really owe Senior Brother Lin his life-saving grace!

As for Senior Brother Lin becoming an assistant instructor, the two of them were not that surprised.

A genius like Mitai fought against both of them one on two and struggled for a long time before defeating them.

But Senior Brother Lin hasn't even entered Weiziyuan yet, but he can knock them down with just a few moves!

It can be seen that Senior Brother Lin is not even a bit better than Mitai.

Isn't it more than enough to be an assistant teacher?

"Old Yuan, brother! It's all thanks to you this time. If you hadn't asked Senior Brother Lin for help, we both might have been beaten to death in a daze!"

"This Mitai is really a lunatic! Lao Yuan, good brother, I'm lucky to have you!"

Yuan Jing pouted: "No, don't call me good brother. You say thank you, but in your heart you treat me like an outsider."

Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang couldn't help but blush when they knew that what he was talking about was the secret of their breakthrough in Qi and blood transformation.

Thinking that Senior Brother Lin kept Yuan Jing for dinner, this should be a different kind of recognition, right?

So he said: "Old Yuan, I won't say more. I just remind you that if Senior Brother Lin wants to find a sparring partner, you must be the first to raise your hand and be the first to go!"

"Yes, not only be the first to attack, but also pay more attention to Senior Brother Lin's movements when being beaten!"

Yuan Jing's eyes suddenly lit up: "So, is it really Senior Brother Lin who helped you?"

The two of them looked at each other, were they going to help?

"Anyway, just remember this. Let's go find Senior Brother Lin quickly. Don't keep him waiting for too long!"


Full of wine and food.

After coming out of Fulou, Lin Yan took Xiaozhi and said goodbye to Lou Xing and the others, then walked towards the training institute under the moonlight.

Touching his pocket, there was only a little more than three taels of silver left in it.

These three rice buckets are really good at eating, especially Lou Xing and Xu Hongchang. They took advantage of themselves as wounded soldiers and ate haise. Eating alone can equal the appetite of seven or eight Xiaozhi.

In addition, in the past half month, in order to delay the consumption of Cuifeng Powder and poisonous mushrooms while ensuring the efficiency of martial arts training, he had no choice but to add meat to his lunch and dinner.

At that time, there were not many meat tokens left by Master Kui, so he had to buy them with his own money. With his current energy and blood consumption, his food intake has also increased greatly. Eating meat is too expensive.

In half a month, I chewed up more than two taels of silver!

If he eats it openly, his monthly money will not be enough to eat it!

"I can't continue to eat like this. Now that I have become an assistant teacher, it shouldn't be a problem to get a guarantee brand, right?

"You have to go to the bleeding cave that Pang Tong mentioned as soon as possible and buy some poison to replenish your energy and blood, otherwise the money won't last long."

Walking under the moonlight, we arrived at the entrance of the training academy. The guard was a disciple, and the word "Wei" was actually embroidered on his clothes.

Lin Yan showed his teaching token, and the disciples of Wei Ziyuan bowed respectfully and let Lin Yan in.

Arriving outside the gate of his new home, Lin Yan saw a man standing at the door, walking back and forth like an ant on a hot pot.

As soon as he saw Lin Yan coming back, he immediately ran over: "Junior Brother Lin, I have found you!!"

"Senior Brother Pang? Why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Pang Tong.

A miserable look appeared on Pang Tong's face: "You don't even know how much effort I have put in to find you!"

He had an urgent matter with Lin Yan, so he first went to Lin Yan's prison cell in Weiziyuan, but no one answered the door.

After waiting for a long time, I pushed the lock and pushed the door open, only to find that the room was empty.

Then he went out and met the Wuziyuan disciples who happened to be returning from the martial arts training ground. They were having a heated argument about Lin Yan knocking out Mitai. After asking, he found out that Lin Yan had already entered the training hall!

He had known this news from his father in advance, so he was not surprised, but he didn't know where Lin Yan lived!

I could only hurry up and go to the management office of the training institute to ask, but the management office had already stopped working at this point.

There was no other way, so he went around again and found his senior brother, only to find out where Lin Yan lived, where he has been staying until now.

"Senior Brother Pang, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"Of course I'm looking for you to see Senior Sister Chen. Come on, come with me! I'll give your exam question paper to Senior Sister Chen, and the answers are all correct! I also told Senior Sister Chen that you are a stick of incense. I wrote it all in less than 10 seconds!

"Senior Sister Chen heard this and insisted that I take you to her immediately to verify it."

Lin Yan looked at Xiaozhi and frowned slightly: "Senior Brother Pang, it's too late and my house hasn't been tidied up yet. Do you think we can go there tomorrow?"

"Junior Brother Lin, Senior Sister Chen said that if you really have such a great arithmetic ability, she will immediately make you her husband, and you will start with a class of 100 Chinese characters per class. And, depending on your ability, you can have a class of up to 500 Chinese characters per class!" "

One hundred articles per lesson? The highest limit is 500 yuan?

One lesson is worth his previous two months’ salary!

Lin Yan's eyes suddenly sparkled with light.

Pang Tong continued: "Senior Sister Chen, whose family owns a bank, really regards money as dirt. If you are really capable, she will definitely give you five hundred cents per lesson!"

Lin Yan picked up Xiaozhi, turned around and walked outside.

After walking a few steps, he turned back and found that Pang Tong was stunned and did not follow.

"Senior Brother Pang? What are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

Pang Tong: "..."

Make money, not shabby.

The two of them walked out in a hurry.

But Longziyuan was a little far away after all, so the two chatted casually as they walked.

"Junior Brother Lin, you have become an assistant teacher at Wuziyuan. How much will your salary be?"

"Two taels of silver a month."

Pang Tong clicked his tongue: "Money is really not much. The worst warrior guard can get three taels of silver a month. If he is good at it and has superior martial arts, he can even get more than a dozen taels a month."

Lin Yan asked: "The salary is very low?"

Pang Tong changed the subject: "Judging from the numbers alone, it's low, but don't be too little. If truth be told, this price is not low."

Lin Yan patted the sleepy Xiaozhi: "What should I say?"

“This time, it’s easy.

"As an assistant teacher, I only need to teach Wuziyuan disciples "Five Birds Hands" for two hours in the morning, and I can take a bath every seven days. It doesn't take much effort. The rest of the time, I can drink a little wine and be at ease. Isn't it happy?"

Lin Yan nodded. This workload would have made him kneel down with envy in his previous life.

"Second, be safe!

"Strength realm warriors work as guards, which involves beating and killing, with their heads hanging around their necks, and their lives exchanged for money.

“Especially now, Ding’an City is full of desperate people and ambitious people.

"Coupled with the increasingly frequent attacks and killings in the Guangchuan Mountains, the shackles in people's hearts have been removed, and all greed and evil thoughts have emerged, making it very chaotic.

"But Longmen Pavilion is safe! With so many disciples here, even if the entire Ding'an City is in chaos, Longmen Pavilion is absolutely impregnable."

This is why Lin Yan signed the contract without hesitation.

"The most important benefit is that you don't have to pay extra like the disciples of Wei Ziyuan to learn boxing directly!"

Lin Yan was slightly startled: "Does it mean that disciples of Wei Ziyuan have to pay extra to learn boxing?"

Pang Tong rolled his eyes: "That's natural! What Wei Ziyuan teaches is not a miscellaneous health-preserving martial art like "Five Animal Hands", but the secret secret technique of our Longmen Pavilion, "Dragon Shape Fist"!

"The essence of this fist is profound and extremely powerful. Looking at the entire Ding'an City, it ranks among the top five. How can it be taught so easily?

"Disciples of Wei Ziyuan, unless they are as talented as Mitai, can be exempted a little. Others have to pay three taels of silver every month to stay and learn boxing."

Three taels? so much!

A normal force realm warrior can basically earn three taels a month, which is just enough to learn boxing?

"This is just the basic cost of learning boxing. Ask for advice, Yun Ti Decoction, Bone Tempering Ointment, Qi and Blood Medicinal Materials, etc., etc., etc., which do not cost money? So, if you are poor in literature and rich in martial arts, if you don't have a little money, There’s no way you can achieve anything famous by practicing.”

Lin Yan was slightly silent. When Mr. Li and Mr. Kui persuaded him not to practice martial arts, was it because the more he practiced martial arts, the more money he would spend?

Lin Yan asked: "What if we don't have so much money?"

“Then you can also complete the employment issued by Wei Ziyuan, such as hunting wild beasts to replenish your meat, guarding the hall, etc., to earn money.

“Of course, there will also be people from outside who will hire Wei Ziyuan disciples and make money.

"In short, if you become a warrior and possess strength, you can always find ways to make money."

Lin Yan asked again: "What if you can't even pay the basic three taels and one month of silver?"

"Then there is another way, which is to sign a contract with the library to waive tuition for one year.

"The average person can master the circulation of Qi and blood in about a year at the latest. After the expiration of one year, they can work for a certain number of years at the cooperative merchants or escort agencies in the museum.

“Some are five years, some are ten years, and the longest is twenty years.

"Why is your Wei-ziyuan called 'Wei'-ziyuan? It is precisely because it has signed agreements with many merchants and escort bureaus in Ding'an City to recommend escorts to them."

Understand, it's equivalent to a student loan from the university in the previous life, except that Wei Ziyuan uses work to pay off the debt, and the time limit is extremely long, which is basically equivalent to a less stringent personal contract.

Pang Tong looked at Lin Yan and sighed: "But you don't have to worry about this. You are now an assistant teacher. You can learn "Dragon-shaped Fist" from your senior brother without spending any money. You can also receive a bottle of bone-tempering ointment for free every month. A bowl of Yun Ti Soup, right?"

Lin Yan nodded. When he signed the contract, he did mention Yunti Decoction and Bone Tempering Liquid.

"what are these?"

“I won’t say much more about the bone-tempering paste, it is used to speed up the progress of Dragon-shaped Fist training, and it is not a valuable thing.

"This Yun Ti Tang is a really good thing. It is the secret medicinal soup of our Longmen Pavilion!

"After entering the force realm, practicing martial arts requires the circulation of qi and blood, which can easily injure the body, so be careful and never practice too much.

“But Yun Ti Decoction can repair hidden injuries, warm and nourish muscles and bones, and increase the number of daily martial arts exercises.

"If you can drink a bowl every four or five days, not only will your martial arts training efficiency be greatly increased, but it will also warm your muscles and bones, enhance your martial arts foundation, and greatly enhance your future growth space."

Lin Yan secretly sighed, then this Yun Ti Tang is indeed a good thing.

When Pang Tong said this, he suddenly changed the topic: "However, Junior Brother Lin, after all, you have taken the Restoring Pill... You know, no matter how much Yunti Decoction is used, it will not have much effect.

"If you don't drink the Yun Ti Soup after you receive it, you must contact me and I will pay you two taels of silver to buy you a bowl!"

Lin Yan's expression did not change: "Senior Brother Pang, we haven't got Yun Ti Tang yet, so let's talk about it when the time comes."

He secretly thought in his heart that if Yun Ti Tang really had such effect, he would definitely not sell it to Pang Tong.

Reviewing what Pang Tong just said, two taels for the month, plus another three taels for tuition, and two taels for the Yun Ti Tang, totaling up to seven taels.

In addition, Pang Tong, a profiteer, will definitely not pay the real price. The price of Yun Ti Decoction is conservatively estimated to be one tael, which means that his total income in a month is a full eight taels of silver!

This price is obviously on the upper level for a warrior in the realm of strength, and it really makes him feel like he can live in Longmen Pavilion for the rest of his life.

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