My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 241 The dark world of flesh and blood

The insect demon felt the crisis immediately. All the insect heads tightened and retracted, gathering into a huge shield wall, blocking the body. On top of it, a black light as thick as ink poured out, blocking the violence. The whereabouts of the flame weapon.

However, the violent flame weapon has its own destructive properties. After only one breath, it was like scissors cutting through cloth, breaking the black light into pieces, pressing on the huge insect head, and smashing dozens of huge insect heads. Cut and smash them all.

The insect demon struggled to resist the violent flames, but Lin Yan kicked the barrel of a gun in the air, somersaulted over, and landed behind the demon insect.

At this time, the insect demon was focusing all its energy on fighting against the violent flame weapon. Lin Yan gave a low drink, and the breeze started to rise around his body, surging around his fists. As the power burst out, his two fists On the surface, there are layers of strange blue-purple lines, which are extremely mysterious.

In the past half month, he had obtained a lot of spiritual marrow by hunting down the insect demon. He directly accelerated the progress of using the spiritual light of enlightenment. In just half a month, he had already completed the "Nine Netherworld Shocking Tyrant", "Nine Netherworld" "Long Yin Ba" has been mastered with one punch and one palm. According to the proficiency conversion, all of them have reached 80%. The three moves can also be combined with each other. You can use punches, palms and kicks at will.

The overall proficiency of the "Three Masters of Hegemony" has only reached 80%. The remaining part may only be achieved by understanding the "Ambition of Overlord" mentioned by the figure during the inheritance.

When used in this way, such strange lines will appear, which greatly enhances the killing power of "Ba San Jue".

His fists were like a thick layer of energy armor. Lin Yan fell from the air and landed just behind the demon egg. He was defenseless. His fists instantly turned into phantoms and he hit hundreds of punches in succession!

The terrifying shattering power exploded instantly, instantly tearing apart the hard and sticky protective layer of the demon egg, and penetrated into the body layer by layer. In just two breaths, it completely destroyed its defense, and penetrated diagonally from behind. Pass, penetrate from the front!

Painful roars roared wildly from the depths of the demon egg. Lin Yan penetrated from the other end. The speed was too fast. He could only vaguely feel that there seemed to be a gestating demon fetus deep in the demon egg just now, and he was also conceived. One punch penetrated.

Suffering severe damage, the demon egg could no longer organize effective resistance. The endless violent flame weapons penetrated and directly cut off its body, splitting it into a ball of bloody flesh.

As if he also felt his own end, the body of the insect demon suddenly let out a shrill roar.

Countless strange ripples suddenly appeared on its surface, as if there were countless rats scurrying under its skin.

"It's going to split the worm's eggs!"

The Ghost Flame in Lin Yan's hand had already been prepared. It instantly rose to a height of four to five meters and spread rapidly along the surface of the demon egg.

However, the insect demon in the demon egg stage was too huge, more than ten meters high, and even the ghost flames could not completely cover it for a while.

As a result, a flower-shaped crack suddenly opened above the demon egg, as if a strange creature opened its mouth wide, and from it, countless pale white flies and eggs suddenly spewed out!

No matter how fast Lin Yan moved, by the time the entire demon egg was frozen, countless flies and insects had already spewed out from the demon egg, causing a rain to fall in the surrounding black flesh and blood world. A pale white rain of eggs!

Some egg worms landed on the chopped off insect head and immediately began to bite and gnaw at the body of the insect head.

As soon as more eggs landed on the dark and sticky flesh and blood below, they immediately burrowed inward like a fish entering the sea, much faster than Lin Yan had ever seen before.

"There's something wrong with this dark flesh and blood..."

The magic egg has been frozen, but with his strength, he cannot completely stop the magic egg from spraying flies and eggs.

No wonder the Turtle Spirit clan became more and more defeated as they fought, unable to stop the spread of the insect demon. The spread of the insect demon was really too strong and difficult to control.

After freezing the entire demon egg, Lin Yan quickly turned around and walked to the location where the seal was just now. The dark flesh and blood on the ground seemed to be conscious, and was spreading from this place to the intact battlefield No. 100!

There was obviously something wrong with this flesh and blood, so Lin Yan didn't care about anything. He directly reached out to grab the spirit demon fire and pressed it out, covering the dark flesh and blood on the ground.

Powerful essence immediately surged towards him, and in the flesh and blood of the ground, there were constantly crawling eggs and insects that curled and trembled, emerged from the flesh, and were then shriveled up by the spirit-stealing demon fire.

"These fly eggs are following the dark flesh and blood and getting into the intact area on the other side!"

Judging from the observations in the previous month, once the eggworm worms burrow into the flesh and blood of the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, they will immediately enter the devouring and growth stage and remain fixed on the surface.

Because the worm eggs need energy supply and must eat flesh and blood quickly, and the flesh and blood of the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit becomes stronger and harder to break through as it goes inside, so the worm eggs will only survive on the surface.

But in this dark flesh and blood, the fly eggs seem to have avoided this shortcoming and can move longer distances?

Or even...drill deeper into the flesh and blood of the Turtle Spirit Mother? !

Lin Yan had a flash of inspiration and understood instantly.

No wonder the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit wants to seal such a battlefield!

It's because the inside and surface of this body have been polluted into such dark flesh and blood!

The fly eggs can use this dark flesh and blood to spread deeper and to other places at any time!

In this way, the spread speed of the worm eggs has almost increased by several orders of magnitude. If it is not sealed, the entire body of the Turtle Spirit Mother will be cannibalized in a short time!

"How thick is this dark layer of flesh and blood now?"

While controlling the soul-stealing demon fire to cover the entrance of the sealed passage, Lin Yan's other hand curled and transformed into a tool similar to a Luoyang shovel, directly piercing into the dark flesh of the ground.

It doesn't feel like different flesh and blood when you hold it, but it has an extremely sticky feeling!

Pulling out the shovel, I saw that at least twenty centimeters of flesh and blood were covered in pitch black!

Even the flesh and blood underneath is red and mixed with black, and it looks like it has been assimilated by pollution!

"With such a thick layer of flesh and blood, no wonder the spirit-stealing demon fire has been burning for so long and it hasn't burned out. It's troublesome..."

If the entire flesh and blood area is covered by such a dark layer of pollution, is it possible to scrape the surface of the entire area?

Even if Holy Mother Turtle Spirit could bear it, it would be impossible to complete this amount of work in a short time!

Not to mention, the insect demon has spread so much...

Lin Yan frowned, he didn't want to think so much first, he had to control these dark flesh and blood not to spread!

Although the soul-stealing demon fire can extract essence essence, the efficiency is too low due to such a thick layer of flesh and blood.

Lin Yan simply pulled out Lin Yan's long knife, followed the dividing line between the two worlds of flesh and blood, one black and one red, and made a circle, directly cutting off a thirty centimeter-thick ring of dark flesh and blood, and ablated it cleanly. At the same time, he used ghost flames to freeze all the gaps in the circle, temporarily blocking the flesh-and-blood connection between the battlefields on both sides.

Tap tap tap tap.

At this time, the heavily armed Chief Song, leading all the combatants of the Guiling Clan under his command, ran quickly from the other side of the passage.

As soon as they saw the huge frozen ice body on the other side, and the entire dark world of flesh and blood, everyone's expressions changed, and their feet were all confused.

"Why, how did it become like this..."

Patriarch Song looked horrified. He had seen battlefields No. 99 and No. 98 sealed, but only part of them was covered in darkness. But like this, the entire flesh and blood area was completely black, like a scene from hell. This was the first time he saw it.

"Just in time!"

A voice out of thin air attracted their attention.

Lin Yan showed his body outline: "Divide a few people and quickly find some steel plate materials to replace the temporary materials frozen in this circle of ice to prevent the insect demon from the other side from spreading!

"The rest of you, join me and use "Ba San Jue" to kill this frozen demon egg!"

Lin Yan's voice was steady, calm, and his orders were clear, giving everyone a backbone.

The Song clan let out a long breath: "What are you still doing? Just do it!"

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