My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 211 Shadow Demon Skin

Walking out of the rockery and looking around, the ancient city wall in the distance is still there and can be seen at a glance.

Within the city wall, there are rows of houses and pavilions, but looking beyond the city wall, you can see a cliff of chaotic mist that towers to the sky, a hundred meters high!

It was like a huge silver-gray wall, surrounding the entire Ding'an City in the middle.

On the contrary, there is not even a trace of chaos and fog in Ding'an City, as if there are two worlds.

"The fog of chaos didn't spread to Ding'an City?"

Lin Yan was extremely surprised. Was there something special about Ding'an City that blocked the entry of the fog of chaos, or was it that the fog of chaos came in and then exited again?

If the fog of chaos never came in from the beginning, then why was there not even a sound in the entire Ding'an City?

Lin Yan did not unlock the invisibility effect of the Xuanwu Divine Armor, and slowly walked out, quietly walking onto the street.

After Lao Qin finished sucking the remains of his spiritual marrow, he completely forgot about his howling just now. He held it in Lin Yan's hand and kept looking around.

"What's going on in this place? There's no one there. What the hell!"

Along the way, the messy and quaint streets of Ding'an City were deserted. In the food shops on the roadside, there were only half-eaten tofu puffs on several tables.

At the street steamed bun stall, the cage is open and placed aside. The steamed buns have no smoke and are completely cold.

On the altar in front of the incense hall in the far corner, three newly inserted incense sticks burned out to the bottom.

There was no sign of fighting or conflict in the entire street. Everything was in order, but the people were missing.

The weirdest thing is that countless people's clothes are scattered in the food shop, in front of the bun shop, and outside the incense hall!

There are men and women, old and young, there are coats, trousers and breast wraps, but the person under the clothes is gone!

It felt as if in a sudden moment, everyone suddenly evaporated, leaving only their clothes.

However, he continued to walk forward for a while, and after leaving the inner square, Lin Yan followed the traces on the ground and soon discovered that the person did not disappear, but walked away on his own!

The floor of the inner square is paved with bricks and stones, which cannot be stepped on, so the traces are not visible.

But outside the square, there are all yellow mud roads, with countless footprints on the ground, extending densely in the same direction outside the city. There are also many ruts and horse and donkey hoof marks, all moving outward at the same rhythm. extend.

Lin Yan followed the direction of the footprints and observed carefully. He found that all the footprints were neither urgent nor slow, and the speed was almost exactly the same!

Lin Yan's scalp was slightly numb, and an extremely strange picture appeared in his mind.

As if a switch was suddenly pressed, everyone in Ding'an City came to a halt.

The man who ate tofu put down his spoon, the man who sold steamed buns forgot to collect the money, and the man who prayed to gods did not focus on the gods and Buddhas at all.

They all pause and then start taking off their clothes!

From the outside to the inside, he took off all his outer clothes and pants!

Then a group of naked people began to stumble forward step by step in the same direction.

Then, more and more similarly naked people gathered towards them, and then formed a thousand-man flesh dragon, but without a single sound, like a zombie, it slowly walked outside step by step.

Lin Yan followed the footsteps and pace of this group of people, as if he was staggering forward with them.

"Where are Liu Lanqing and the others? Did they also go out with this group of people? Or did they hide quietly?"

These dense footprints extended all the way out of the city. Lin Yan was walking when he suddenly saw a few large characters written in scarlet blood on the wall of a stone house facing the street.

"Watch out for all the shadows!"

The large characters were dipped in blood and had dried into dark red. The strokes were rapid, and they were written in a state of great haste.

In front of the stone wall, there was a group of obviously messy footsteps, and four or five pools of bright red blood stains. The blood stains stained a large area of ​​the ground, leaving extremely bright blood flowers, as well as many burnt and water stains. trace.

However, there were no corpses or remains left at the scene. Lin Yan even checked and found that not even a piece of skin or flesh was left behind.

"Liu Lanqing and others are here. Something has obviously happened. Judging from the footprints around them, it seems that these walking residents have surrounded them..."

Lin Yan took two steps and was surrounded by a circle of footprints, obviously surrounding several people.

“I think, according to Liu Zhang’s resolute personality, he must take action directly.

"But at best, it will knock these villagers away, and it is impossible to hurt their lives. Why is there so much blood left?

"There are shadows, be careful with all shadows. Is there anything wrong with shadows?"

Lin Yan looked behind him. He was now invisible and had no shadow at all.

"Beware of all shadows, all shadows..."

Among the six words, the word "all" is the largest.

If it is really an emergency, why add all two words?

All shadows, which shadows do you mean?

Lin Yan looked left and right, focusing on the lane on one side. The roof ridges and walls on the right cast thick shadows in the lane.

"All shadows, including the shadows of buildings? Is there something wrong with these shadows too?"

Lin Yan frowned slightly. When he walked out of the underground just now, he didn't pay special attention and stepped over many shadows.

He stared at the shadow in the alleyway, wondering if it was Lin Yan's illusion. He always felt that the shadow was like a pool of flowing water. There seemed to be layers of sparkling water on the surface, as if it was flowing.

"Is it my imagination?"

Lin Yan looked around, and the entire Ding'an City was eerily silent.

He casually took out a piece of dried meat that he had not finished eating before, and flicked it with his fingers. The dried meat looked like a pebble and suddenly appeared when it left his fingers, falling into the shadow of the alley.

"No reaction...!!"

But I saw the dried meat falling on the shadow. After a few breaths, the shadow in the alley suddenly moved!

Under the ground, a bit of pitch black suddenly seeped up, like ink spreading out. A completely pitch black human hand, like asphalt grease, suddenly stretched out from the shadow and grabbed the dried meat in his hand.

At the same time, he pressed his palms on the ground, pushed hard, and pushed up a naked and strange body that was also dark and reflective from the shadow!

The process was somewhat similar to the feeling of Lin Yan using the Violent Flame to pull out the Violent Flame weapon, but the thick and dark oil was attached to the humanoid body, constantly drawing strings, which was very disgusting.

Suddenly, Lin Yan turned his head and looked to the left. In the shadow of a two-story corner building, the same pitch-black figure emerged from the shadow!

Then there is the shadow of the pavilion on the right, the shadow of the tea pavilion on the back left, and the shadow of the thatched cottage on the right front!

Dozens of pitch-black figures emerged from the shadows densely!

Then he walked towards the direction where the stone was thrown, step by step, and staggered around!

They all have different faces and looks, all tall, short, fat and thin. Except for their skin, which is completely dark and shiny, the rest of their facial features, body shapes, and movements are the same as those of ordinary people.

And the frequency of the footsteps is obviously consistent with the steps on the ground.

"that person……"

Lin Yan's pupils shrank slightly. He had seen one of the dozens of pitch black figures before!

It is one of those other forces in the underground plain that do not have spiritual essence.

"Liu Zhang and his party encountered this strange shadow and don't know what happened..."

Lin Yan's heart sank slightly.

These dark people gathered step by step, forming a completely closed cage on the left and right, and then slowly contracted the surrounding circle, squeezing toward the center little by little.


Puff puff puff, several pitch-black figures were packed together, causing the flesh and skin on their bodies to ripple, like a balloon filled with water.

They all seemed to be stunned, and there was nothing in the direction in which the pebbles flew.

Lin Yan was squatting on the roof of the two-story turret on the side, intently observing the strange things below.

After throwing the stones just now, he naturally would not stay where he was. He made a slight leap and landed quietly on the second floor of the turret.

As time goes by, the skin of these things begins to change color, as if it is changing from pitch black to the color of normal human flesh.

"There's something wrong with the bodies of these things..."

Lin Yan opened his palms and jumped onto the turret. He picked up a tile and pinched it gently with his fingers. He pinched off a piece of the tile and threw it with all his strength!


There was a strong sound of breaking through the air, and the tile fragments were like sharp arrows, piercing the air and instantly hitting the chest of a short, fat, dark figure below.

Like hitting a spring bed, the short, fat humanoid's chest first sunk inward into a large crater, and then a huge bulge protruded to the rear, as if the whole figure had been squeezed flat.

Then it couldn't bear the force of the tiles, and its chest suddenly burst open. In an instant, a ball of strong bright red blood exploded from its body, spraying out in a radial pattern, printing a coquettish scarlet blood flower on the ground.

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, that's how those blood flowers came from!

Under that dark and shiny skin, it was actually covered with blood!

The blood blossoms exploded, and the skin membrane also exploded into several pieces, but the skin membranes wriggled with each other, and then reassembled into a whole, as if there was no damage, they gathered back into a ball, and slowly disappeared into the shadows. among.

Just as he was about to change places, Lin Yan accidentally lowered his head and looked down. His pupils suddenly shrank and his scalp became numb violently!

A squirming shadow was moving back and forth under his feet, constantly changing shapes, as if it was searching for something!

"What the hell! When did it come!"

Lao Qin shouted directly, and the sound was broken in Lin Yan's mind.

Lin Yan suddenly released his strength from his feet, and silently jumped up and landed on the roof of a residential bungalow on the right.

Standing gently on the roof, Lin Yan looked down at his feet and breathed a sigh of relief. The strange shadow just now did not follow him, but was still on the roof of the turret, still lingering where he had just stood.

"Wait, I seem to remember..."

Suddenly, Lao Qin's voice became excited in his mind: "This thing... makes a shadow!"


"That's right! Legend has it that this is a kind of weird demon that is transformed from human skin, animal skin, or demon skin!

"Its body is an extremely tough jet-black demonic skin, which cannot be destroyed by ordinary means.

"According to legend, Shadow has only one demon skin left, and he is filled with resentment and longs for a physical body.

“When a living creature steps into its territory, it will first merge silently with the prey’s shadow, and then when the prey is unprepared, it will suddenly expand and wrap the prey directly!

"Because the shadow is extremely tough, once it is wrapped, it is impossible to break free. You can only watch yourself being digested and swallowed by the shadow, turning into a ball of blood like just now!"

Lin Yan's eyes shrank slightly. So, all the people in Ding'an City were swallowed by this shadow? !

The entire population of Ding'an City...are all gone? !

Senior Sister Chen Yuan, Xie Lingyan, Senior Brother, Old Man Li Muqing...

Lin Yan's whole body shook slightly. He took a deep breath and suppressed the waves in his heart: "Integrate with the shadow... In other words, it relies on the shadow to identify the location of its prey? No, it should be said that it can only rely on Shadow positioning?”

Just now on the turret, Lin Yan was standing there, and he even jumped up. He was obviously putting pressure on the eaves below, but he didn't disturb the shadow demon skin. It was obvious that it only reacted to shadows!

And it locked onto Lin Yan's approximate position through the shadow of the stone thrown by Lin Yan.

However, wrapped in the Xuanwu Divine Armor, Lin Yan had no shadow at all.

Lao Qin seemed to have remembered the horror of this shadow skin, and was frightened: "Brother, this shadow skin is extremely difficult to deal with. It is difficult to burn with water and fire. If it is broken, it can be reassembled. It can be killed without stopping. I think we’d better run away!”

Lin Yan also nodded. Although he has no shadow, he can naturally restrain these shadow demon skins, but who knows what other weird abilities they have.

At that moment, the Shadow Demon Skin was able to come to his feet quietly, which is enough to show how weird and difficult this Shadow Demon Skin is!

Moreover, he has no shadow, but Liu Lanqing and the others have shadows!

If they were still trapped in Ding'an City now, they would be attacked from both sides and at a critical moment.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan stepped lightly and jumped to the roof of another private house while remaining invisible.

I looked around and found that fortunately, the traces of Liuzhang and the others' escape were quite obvious, and there were scorch marks all the way.

Lin Yan didn't want to go down below, so he simply moved forward quickly along the roof, making sure not to step into the shadow with every step.

Chase all the way forward.

Lin Yan was suddenly stunned: "This does it look like it's going to Longmen Pavilion?!"

There is a high probability that Liu Lanqing will not take Longmen Pavilion as his destination. It is very likely that he happened to retreat in this direction because of the pressure of the Shadow Skin.

Lin Yan jumped across rooftops one after another, silently.

Just as he was jumping to the top of a teahouse, Lin Yan suddenly stopped at his feet. There was someone!

I saw a person sitting on the top of the teahouse, whom I didn't recognize.

The veins on his face popped out, and his whole body was full of energy. From his chest down, he was completely wrapped in the dark shadow demon skin.

It was obvious that he was using his strength to block the expansion of this shadow demon skin!

"Old Qin, will the Shadow Demon Skin be blocked by the force?"

"This, it must be, right? I can't remember clearly..."

Strength can block the shadow, so is there anyone in the Longmen Pavilion who is spared?

Thinking of this, Lin Yan became even more anxious and galloped away.

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