My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 202 The Vermilion Bird and the Green Dragon Appear

Mochizuki died, his soul was scattered, and nothing was left.

But he also left behind what Lin Yan wanted.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, the Pure Land of Diyuan, is there anything that can save Xiaozhi..."

Pressing it down in his heart, Lin Yan drank lightly, like a whale sucking water, absorbing all the endless golden light around him into his body.

Losing the golden light and being fixed by the locks of heaven, the huge Buddha corpse island suddenly shattered into countless fragments.

An instant later, all the golden light dissipated and dimmed. Lin Yan slowly fell down and stepped on a broken fragment of the Buddha's corpse.

The island of Buddha corpse has now been broken into countless small pieces, withered and dim, very fragile, and has been completely drained.

Before Wang Yue's death, he had completely grafted the usage of the Eight Heavenly Dragon Arrays into Lin Yan's mind.

He also borrowed the Eight Heavenly Dragon Formation to gather all the power temporarily and seal it in his body.

A strong sense of discomfort came from all over the body, as if countless things were stuffed into various gaps in the body.


Suddenly, a dull and terrifying loud noise came, shaking the entire underground cavity.

A huge piece of gravel unexpectedly flew upwards from the bottom of the lake, passed through hundreds of meters of lake water, and still crashed out, hitting the dome!

"He is coming..."

That divine Buddha is digging through the rock formations at the bottom of the lake below!

One blow shook the entire rock formation. Only the terrifying and vast Buddha could achieve such terrifying power.

Lin Yan's face was neither sad nor happy. He glanced over and saw Liu Lanqing, Ling Shuangxue and several others. They were lucky to be lying in the middle of a broken Buddha corpse and did not fall into the water.

Lin Yan stretched out his palm and shouted softly. Suddenly, countless bright golden threads bloomed on his arm, dense and endless, like flesh and blood, and instantly grew into an extremely huge golden arm that was nearly 100 meters long!

When it was lifted high, it directly hit the ceiling wall above!

A stinging pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow came from Lin Yan's right arm. It was a pain that penetrated directly into the soul. The thin layer of light that blocked the erosion of the alien force seemed to be strongly shaken.

"The reaction of just one right arm is so huge. Old Monk Wangyue's guess is wrong. With full firepower, he can't sustain it for half an hour... But I can't die here..."

The giant hand just gently grabbed at the corner of the top wall, and then grabbed a huge groove. The stone was thrown into the lake at will. The giant hand went deep into the water and gently picked up the fragments of the Buddha's corpse that carried Liu Lanqing, Ling Shuangxue and others. Get up and put it into the groove.


There was another loud noise, this time even more terrifying than the last impact. Countless gravels were like mine shells, cutting through the water layer and shooting up.

The entire underground cavity could no longer support it, and countless cracks appeared on the top wall.

In the huge lake, the waves were turbulent, the undercurrent was stirring, and a layer of dim light refracted from the bottom of the lake, illuminating the once again darkened underground world into a ghostly scene.

The rock formations at the bottom of the lake were broken!

The lake water dropped a lot in an instant, but soon, the ripples on the lake surface gradually became smaller, like the calm before the storm.

Under the rippleless lake surface of the ancient well, the dim light suddenly dimmed.

Instead, there were several groups of black shadows, growing in size from small to large, slowly rising from the bottom of the lake.

In the darkness, Lin Yan couldn't see clearly what the thing floating from the bottom of the water looked like.

Only eight arms were seen swaying strangely, eight red eyes were glowing, and six or seven huge black shadows thirty or forty meters high were coming menacingly.

Lin Yan slowly clenched his fist, and the huge bright golden arm also followed his movements, tightening its arms and getting ready to go.

Compared to the huge shadow in the lake, Lin Yan was as worthless as an ant or a mosquito.

But this little figure was holding up a giant arm, and he was holding it tightly, staring at the lake.

"Gods and Buddhas, Gods and Buddhas..."

Bang bang bang!

The lake exploded, and several huge shadows ten stories high suddenly emerged from all over the lake, looking around with extremely ferocious eyes.

The cold light in Lin Yan's eyes had reached its peak, and the bright giant arm was filled with golden light, which was instantly dazzling.

"Gods and Buddhas... so what!"

The air suddenly tore apart, like a tenth-level gust of wind. The huge golden arm opened its palm, with a huge palm of more than ten meters, like a cattail leaf fan, swaying through the dull air of the underground world!


It was like an adult slapping a child. In an instant, the palm of his hand slapped an eight-armed giant that jumped out, covering its upper body. The terrifying force instantly caused the eight-armed giant's upper body to bend at ninety degrees, and the white bones protruded from the waist. The stubble then suddenly flew backwards for more than ten miles like an arrow from the string, like a nail that was hammered hard, driven deeply into the rock wall.

The giant hand didn't stop, just like swatting flies. One by one, it swatted the six or seven eight-armed giants that jumped out. The terrifying force was completely devastating. At the moment of contact, they were swatted to pieces. , flesh and blood flew everywhere, and was deeply embedded in the wall. If there was still a breath of life, he would directly punch it and hammer it into flesh.

After some actions, the entire underground cave has become devastated, with cracks and holes everywhere.

Lin Yan's forehead was covered with cold sweat and his cheeks were pale. The message left by Wang Yue said that the supernatural power left by the Eight Heavenly Dragon Formation, while blocking the erosion of the Buddha's divine power, also made it difficult for him to control the Buddha's body, which would cause extreme consequences. A serious burden.

But if the barrier of the strange force is released, I am afraid that in an instant, he will be assimilated by the divine power of the Buddha.

"Just one right hand, the burden is already so heavy..."

Lin Yan's face was solemn. If he freed his entire body, he might not be able to fight for long!

As if feeling the calmness of the underground world, several black shadows appeared below again, blocking the dim light.

No time to think about it...

Lin Yan took a deep breath to relieve the pain in his body. He suddenly stood upside down and fell toward the water.

At the same time, behind him, the golden threads were weaving rapidly and spreading crazily. In an instant, they were entangled into two thick golden giant feet that were pure gold and nearly a hundred meters long!

The muscle lines on it are like steel, each one is thicker and longer than a person.

Lin Yan stood upside down and stepped on the top wall of the cave, his giant feet and knees slowly bent, and every golden muscle began to bloom with infinite bright divine light.

The terrifying power was transmitted along the huge golden soles into the top wall, causing the top wall to sink directly upwards.

More and denser golden threads appeared around Lin Yan's body, like woven cloth, covering his pale face and cold eyes.

A hazy and huge terrifying figure vaguely emerged from the golden light.

With what seemed like a gentle leap, the huge golden figure suddenly disappeared.

The top wall suddenly opened with countless huge cracks, several kilometers long!

The lake water below also suddenly exploded, forming a huge cavity inside the water layer, with a diameter from the lake surface to the bottom of the lake. The water waves were like tsunamis, rising to the top wall, just like Moses parting the sea, turning the entire lake from Split in half in the center!


It was like bumping into flying mosquitoes and flies while running. When Lin Yan broke through the water layer, he also felt like he bumped into a few insignificant and struggling little insects.

Then the water waves suddenly separated, and the sky suddenly became a lot brighter. He jumped directly from the surface of the underground lake, through the gravity transformation layer and the poisonous lake, and jumped out from the surface of the poisonous lake!


It seemed that he jumped too hard. After jumping out of the poisonous lake, Lin Yan felt that he was still rising and hit the rock wall above!

The huge golden head, like a sharp sword, directly pierced the rock wall on the top, and together with the shoulders as huge as the mountains, they also crashed into the mist of chaos.

A group of tiny humanoid creatures with eight arms and eight eyes were gathering in the chaotic mist above. When they saw Lin Yan's huge golden head appearing, they all trembled in horror and sat down on the ground.

"From this perspective, you are no bigger than a chicken or duck. It turns out that gods and Buddhas are also afraid..."

With a slight push of his control arm, Lin Yan fell from the rock wall, then jumped lightly to the ground on the shore of Poison Lake.


The moment he landed, a horrifying vibration swept through the entire land. Countless deep cracks spread out from where Lin Yan landed, destroying countless giant blue trees and swallowing countless small insect-like corpse cockroaches into the ground.

Lin Yan shook his body, and the body was already limp. The eight-armed Buddha-faced Vajra was thrown away and hit the ground, motionless.

That was what Lin Yan accidentally bumped into when he jumped out of the lake just now.

Lin Yan slowly straightened his current body and looked around.

At the foot is a small pond, which was once a huge poisonous lake.

Outside the pond, there is a narrow grassland with a lot of blue grass growing on it, which should probably be giant blue trees.

There were also ant-sized corpse cockroaches lying softly on the ground, trembling and trembling, shivering under his overlooking gaze.

Upward is the ceiling that is within reach, and the surrounding area is more like a square stone cell.

too small……

Most of the cell was covered in silver-gray fog, and the area where he was standing was not covered in the fog of chaos.

Lin Yan slowly stuck his head out, using the reflection of the lake water to observe his current appearance.

The huge head looks like a mountain with twists and turns, and is dotted with things that look like buns. The face is not a human face, but is closer to an inverted fan-shaped face like a corpse cockroach.

Fortunately, there are only one pair of eyes, nose, eyes and ears. Although they are not human facial features, they are at least the same number.

Two arms, two legs, the upper body is taller, the lower body is shorter, and the body proportions are also different compared to humans.

Fortunately, at least he looks like a human being.

This is the result of Lin Yan's deliberate control.

This fake Buddha's body can actually produce sixteen arms and sixteen eyes, and that is the complete form, which can fully exert the power of the body.

However, Lin Yan is a human being and cannot skillfully operate sixteen arms. Instead, two arms are more in line with his usage habits.

"Master Wangyue, this Buddha body does not conform to human aesthetics at all..."

Lin Yan slowly raised his head. In the chaotic mist opposite the small pond, a terrifying giant that was one-fifth taller than him, at least forty to fifty meters, was hidden in the mist.

Sixteen arms, sixteen giant eyes, a head with a fleshy bun, and a green face with fangs, like an evil ghost or a vajra. This is another sixteen-armed holy Buddha!

Perhaps the Holy Buddha is not the only one. They, including the smaller ones with eight arms and six arms, can all belong to the same race, the Buddha clan?

Sixteen giant eyes all converged on Lin Yan. It seemed slightly surprised by Lin Yan's appearance, but the indifference and disregard in its eyes did not change at all.

It opened its huge mouth and let out a strange syllable in its deep roar.

A cold and ruthless voice sounded softly in Lin Yan's ears.

"Ant thief, how dare you blaspheme God? You should be punished!"

Do you look down on me?

Yes, after all, it is a incomplete copy, and it is indeed not as good as the original...

For some reason, that was obviously a strange syllable, but Lin Yan clearly heard what he meant!

Is this a special way of communication between gods and Buddhas?

Lin Yan took a deep breath, and the skin around him suddenly flashed with fine electric light. A terrifying hurricane came from nowhere and directly stirred up the air currents and waves in the entire underground world!

"Master Wangyue, you were worried that I would not be able to exert the power of this Buddha's body and would be defeated too quickly, unable to create enough time for the real Buddha to escape, so you grafted the cultivation of mind state into me..."

The electric lights gradually connected together, forming thick and terrifying white lightning. Countless lightnings extended from Lin Yan's head to his feet, like branches of a sacred tree. Occasionally, if one accidentally fell on the side, it would immediately kill a person. A large area was parched and cracked, like a purgatory.

"But the power of your mind state is not mine after all. It is unfamiliar to use, and this is a big taboo in a life-and-death fight..."

There seemed to be an invisible layer of pressure spreading. In the mist of chaos, the bodies of all the gods and Buddhas, including the most terrifying sixteen-armed Saint Buddha, stiffened for a moment, as if they unconsciously developed some slight tension on the surface. Trembling.

A prestige that seemed to be even more wild and terrifying than that of the Sixteen-Armed Saint Buddha was suddenly released from Lin Yan, making the Sixteen-Armed Saint Buddha's eternal face look like a sculpture of Buddha's anger. Above, there was actually a bit of surprise and suspicion.

"It's better to use my own things!"

As he thought, a terrifying blue dragon hundreds of meters long, covering the sky and the sun, suddenly coiled out of the void around Lin Yan.

In the past, when Lin Yan used [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei], what he summoned was just a dream-like phantom of the blue dragon.

But this time the green dragon appeared, the huge green gold scales on the surface kept sliding, and it actually made a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing!

The dragon's tail is like a knife, and it cuts across the ground inadvertently, leaving a deep crack in the ground.

This green dragon is clearly a special entity made of energy!

"The message left by Wangyue said that if the mind state can be combined with the divine power of the Buddha, the mind state can be transformed into reality and come to the world. Only with the help of the mind state can we fight against the gods and Buddhas.

"Is this the same for my [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei]?

"So... what about [Suzaku Burning the Nine Sky]?"

As my mind moved, a melodious and noble chirping sound resounded through the sky!

Just the sound being transmitted actually made the temperature of the entire underground world rise several points!

Then a terrifying red bird hundreds of meters tall emerged from the void behind Lin Yan, danced its golden wings, and soared into the sky!

But the sky was too low, so Suzaku only took off for a moment before reaching the rock wall above.

But Suzaku didn't stop, and with a slight tremor of Nanminglihuo, the entire top wall of the sky was melted into lava!

Countless amounts of lava shot out in all directions, directly forming a huge rain of fire, falling into the large lake below, evaporating countless amounts of steam!

Just like this, the Suzaku bathed in the lava, penetrated the entire ceiling wall, and flew into the outer layer of chaotic mist that blocked the sky and the sun.

The wings spread out, the phoenix tail droops, and the flames all over the body stretch and release, directly driving away a large area of ​​chaotic mist, turning it into a sea of ​​flames!

"He was afraid..."

The Suzaku descended slowly and stood above Lin Yan. Together with the Qinglong, they faced the sixteen-armed holy Buddha.

He was afraid.

Lin Yan himself did not expect that [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei] and [Suzaku Burning Nine Sky], combined with the divine power of the Buddha, could actually create such a big movement.

Maybe this is the power of these two special effects?

But he clearly felt that the one opposite, the Sixteen-Armed Holy Buddha, was afraid!

He subconsciously took a few steps back, hiding himself deep in the mist of chaos.

Lin Yan opened his huge palm slightly, and a mass of black violent flames as huge as a hill rose from his palm, and then turned into a huge, hundreds of meters long jet-black violent flames divine spear.

Black lightning flashed everywhere on the gun body, and when it lightly touched the air, it twisted and exploded.

Feeling the almost vastness of the Eight Heavenly Dragon Formation, consuming the negligible amount of Buddha's divine power.

I have never fought such a rich battle in my life...

The spear pierced the void, the wind and thunder destroyed the sky and the earth, and the red bird flame burned the sky!

Lin Yan's voice, amplified by the giant Buddha body, resounded throughout the world: "What are gods and Buddhas? Come and die!"

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun came out like a dragon.

The lake was directly cut in half. With the speed of [Qinglong Yufeng Lei], Lin Yan almost instantly crossed the distance of the lake, broke into the fog with the violent flame spear, and pierced the face of the sixteen-armed holy Buddha!

But the distance was far away after all. The sixteen-armed Saint Buddha looked furious. Two palms from his sixteen arms pinched Lin Yan's violent flame spear in the middle.

But his expression changed instantly, and four of the remaining fourteen arms separated, and together they held Lin Yan's violent flame spear, stopping it dangerously in front of him.

At the same time, he roared angrily, and four of the remaining ten arms stretched out like four evil dragons and struck Lin Yan hard in the chest!

Lin Yan fell backwards and made an iron bridge.

He is a giant, and once he falls, the storm will stir up, and it will seem like a huge bridge is built out of thin air over the lake.

Then he leaned back and hung in the air, kicking the sixteen-armed Buddha's chest with his legs.

Bang bang!

Two huge explosions stirred up a terrifying storm, directly blowing away all the eight-armed and eight-eyed Little Buddhas watching the battle.

But the Holy Buddha had four arms, which narrowly blocked his kick and blocked Lin Yan.

"It's not as strong as me!"

After a short trial, Lin Yan could already feel that with the blessing of [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei], his strength was already superior to that of the Holy Buddha!

However, it has sixteen arms, each of which has the same terrifying power and is extremely flexible.

When superimposed on each other, the power exerted is extremely terrifying!

As soon as Lin Yan thought, the green dragon surrounding him immediately took off, looked down from a high position, opened his mouth and spat out towards the Sixteen-Armed Saint Buddha!

The terrifying wind and thunder mixed together to form a pillar of wind and thunder that destroyed the heaven and earth, and shot directly at the Holy Buddha!

The Holy Buddha did not dare to neglect, and his sixteen arms suddenly spread apart, with eight arms on each side. A thin layer of golden light rose from everywhere on his sixteen arms, like mist.

I saw that on the eight arms on each side of Him, the golden light suddenly became thick, like clouds and mist, and then the eight arms on the left and right were pinched into the shape of a crane's mouth, and the golden light adhered to them, like gold plating.

He roared again, making a strange syllable.

But when Lin Yan heard it, he immediately understood the meaning.

"Eighth: Unparalleled in the sky!"

It’s a move name!

The joints of his sixteen arms crackled strangely, like the sound of thunder, and then the crane's beak hand shot out instantly, forming the shape of a drill, and collided with the blast of wind and thunder light!

There seemed to be a huge golden sword blade suddenly appearing, and the blast of wind and thunder light was like a layer of fragile cloth, being split directly by the golden sword blade!

The wind and thunder divided into two sides and struck the ground. The left side plowed out for several miles in an instant, knocking over and killing countless zombies, eight-armed and six-armed Buddhas.

But on the right side, without any coincidence, it hit the giant corpse cockroach in the distance that was hiding itself and watching the battle with a trembling look!

After the corpse cockroach jumped out from Lin Yan, it completely curled up and became motionless.

Lin Yan had already discovered it, and its lower body seemed to be connected to the bottom.

"If gods and Buddhas are really invincible, why can they master the moves? What's more, this move vaguely reveals the temperament of a human being..."

The wind and thunder beam disappeared, and the Holy Buddha suddenly became awe-inspiring and looked at Lin Yan's body where the Buddha's body was.

But behind Lin Yan, a black mirror of violent flames had been erected, covering the sky and the sun, as if cutting the entire underground space in half.

"We didn't hurt each other last time. This time, let's see if you can still be the same as before... Violent Flame·Hundred Soldiers Tomb!"

In an instant, countless swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and hooks, magnified a thousand times, ejected from a black mirror of violent flames, directly submerging the Sixteen-Armed Saint Buddha in it!

This time, each of the violent flame weapons was hundreds of meters long. As soon as they appeared, all the surrounding air twisted and vibrated, causing the entire underground world to boil!

"This place is still too small for both of us..."

The violent fire blades contained the simplest and most extreme destructive and penetrating power. However, Lin Yan felt serious in his heart. The violent fire weapons were all blocked!

A layer of rich golden light rose from the inside of the densely packed violent flame weapon, and the terrifying black lightning could not cover up its brilliance and brilliance.

"The fourth and fourth prajna!"

There was another low roar, and the meaning was self-evident to my ears.

Immediately, a vast golden light force field suddenly enlarged, ejecting all the violent flame weapons. At the same time, the terrifying impact also made Lin Yan unable to stand upright. He was forcefully pushed backwards and stepped into In the big lake, it just stopped.

As soon as this golden light force field came out, it plowed the land of this underground world completely. Counting the wind and thunder breath of Qinglong before, this land was already devastated, and there was no longer any sign of life.

I saw the Holy Buddha, described as extremely angry, just like the angry-eyed Vajra from myths and legends who came to the world.

It is covered with a thin layer of golden light, wrapping it like a shield.

But its condition is not at all bad. Seven or eight of the sixteen arms are inserted with two or three violent flame weapons. Although they have not penetrated, they have penetrated deeply into them, causing thin blood to flow from them. Thin golden blood.

"Buddha can also bleed..."

The Holy Buddha was already furious. His sixteen arms moved strangely, his legs bent slightly, and he jumped up suddenly. The sixteen arms were covered with bright golden light, and he shot down Lin Yan from a high position!


"Jump up? You seem to have forgotten something..."


As soon as the Holy Buddha jumped to the highest point, there was a sharp phoenix cry, and a huge blazing fireball slammed into it.


Two hook claws burning with blazing flames clasped its chest and abdomen, embedded directly into its flesh. The flame wings that covered the sky and the sun flapped slightly, and a shocking storm suddenly sounded. The holy Buddha was directly knocked out by the Suzaku in mid-air. , pressed hard on the surrounding rock walls!

The Suzaku kept flapping its wings, and the terrifying flames kept spreading, turning the entire land into a scorched earth purgatory. At the same time, it stepped on the Holy Buddha and kept rubbing against the surrounding rock walls!

Finally, he held the Holy Buddha and pushed him out of the underground world, crashed through the ceiling wall above, and entered the mist of chaos, leaving behind a huge trace of scorched lava.

"It's still too small here...but small, which may be a good thing."

Looking around, the underground plain is already riddled with holes, scorched earth is everywhere, and lava is rolling, as if it's the end of the world.

Lin Yan muttered silently in his heart, jumped out of the underground world below, and entered the mist of chaos without hesitation.

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