My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 190 Strange Sound

This is a one-meter-sized stone cave. If there was no undercurrent surging out of it, Lin Yan would not be able to detect it at all.

The dark bottom of the water and the deep cave, put together, made Lin Yan instinctively feel terrified, as if they were the entrance to hell.

Dispelling the instinct in his heart, Lin Yan opened his palms, lit up a ball of spirit-stealing demon fire, and used it as a light source to drill into the cave.

The size of the hole is large enough for one person to pass through. The walls of the cave have been washed back and forth by undercurrents and have become extremely smooth.

Moreover, the cave wall should be vertically downward, like a deep well at the bottom of a lake, leading to an unknown deeper abyss.

However, as Lin Yan swam further inside, the inside of the cave shrank and became narrower.

It only went down less than twenty or thirty meters, and it was too narrow for people to pass.

Lin Yan tried to chop at the rock wall with the violent flame weapon. Although it was like digging out tofu, the cave went straight downward!

There is no simple way to dig out the fallen rocks. If you are not careful, they will fall and seal the underground cave!

After all, rocks cannot disappear out of thin air.

Therefore, the method of digging downward cannot succeed at all.

Helpless, Lin Yan could only withdraw from the cave.

"There is an undercurrent gushing out of the cave, which means there must be some space or exit at the other end of the cave..."

Lin Yan's heart sank slightly. He was convinced that the underground cave could lead to the place where the dragon sucked water, or to the outside world.

But what should he do if the cave is so narrow that no one can pass through it?

But then he thought about it. At that time, he caught a glimpse of the salamander at the dragon's water pond.

Since a giant salamander of that size can pass through, there's no reason why he can't, right?

"So, either there is another entrance inside this cave, or there are more cave entrances under the lake!"

After sneaking out of the cave, Lin Yan swam out for a short distance and suddenly found a faint jade pillar looming in front of him.

"No wonder I encountered so many poison-toothed trout just now. It turns out there is a jade pillar here..."

But when he thought of this, Lin Yan was shocked. He looked below the jade pillar and saw that the bottom of the jade pillar was deeply embedded in the rock at the bottom of the lake and was closely connected with the rock.

Looking up again, this jade pillar rises from the bottom of the water to the sky, all the way up, like a needle that fixes the sea, extending to the surface of the lake.

"This jade pillar is embedded in the bottom of the lake and extends to the lake surface. If it wants to remain stable, it must be at least two to three hundred meters longer!

"Jade pillars of this length are living creatures, and there are hundreds of them, so they can grow mysterious and rare objects.

"Whose divine handiwork is it? Is it the ancient Brahma Kingdom?"

After observing the jade pillar for a few times, I couldn't see anything more for a while.

We can only dive out again and look for the next possible cave.

Lin Yan originally thought that finding the cave would be very difficult, but he did not expect that after only swimming a short distance, he felt the undercurrent in the water again.

"No way, am I just too lucky, or...are there a lot of undercurrent caves under the water?"

Swim along the undercurrent again.

Suddenly, in the dim water, another dense group of poison-toothed trout pounced out wildly, submerging Lin Yan.


Lin Yan had no choice but to use the soul-stealing demon fire again, killing a large area at a time, or even too many, and the absorbed essence could not be stored and could only be wasted.

But this time, no salamander came to harass them.

"The poison-toothed trout lives next to the jade pillar and feeds on its secretions. So, is there another jade pillar nearby?"

After a simple search, Lin Yan once again saw a jade pillar standing in the sky, extending upward into the sky.

And that undercurrent cave, after Lin Yan sensed it, was actually near the jade pillar!

"The last undercurrent cave was near this jade pillar, but this time the undercurrent cave is also near this jade pillar?

"Is it a coincidence, or... there is a similar cave under every jade pillar?!"

Lin Yan swung his body like a swimming fish and quickly burrowed into the cave near the jade pillar.

Sneaking into it, the cave this time is different from the last one. The size of the cave entrance is similar, but the rock wall inside the cave is smooth, but some residual traces can also be seen. It seems that there are some long-lasting inlays on the cave wall. The rusty copper and iron thing has no visible function, but it is obviously not naturally formed.

"Could it be said that the walls of this cave were all dug out by humans?"

Lin Yan was full of hope and quickly dived into the cave.

However, after only diving for less than twenty or thirty meters, we encountered the problem of the narrowing of the cave entrance again, making it impossible to pass through.

He tried digging a few more times, but to no avail. In desperation, Lin Yan had no choice but to come out of the cave again.

"The cave wall is too narrow, and there are artificial traces, and it is like this for two consecutive cave entrances. Could it be that it was made like this by humans to prevent people from passing through?"

Lin Yan had a bad premonition in his heart. If this was true, even if there was a cave next to every jade pillar in the underground, it was very likely that no one could pass through each cave!

Even if some of them can pass, it will take countless searches and tests before they can be found.

But unfortunately, the fog of chaos is about to invade, and he doesn't have much time!

Lin Yan was silent for a moment, then swung his body and continued looking!

No matter what, you can't give up. The fact that the Elephant Salamander can appear in the dragon-sucking pond shows that there must be a passage to the outside world in this underground cave, and it is enough for one person to pass through!

Swim to the next place again, the same poison-toothed trout impact, the same Optimus Jade Pillar, the same straight downward cave!

Lin Yan was finally convinced that this was not a coincidence, but indeed a trace created by man!

Although he didn't know why this happened, it was enough to make Lin Yan feel excited and heavy at the same time.

The exciting thing is that his purpose of going down here is to search for the ruins of the ancient Brahma Kingdom. Now he has finally found artificial traces, and such a complex and huge project is absolutely inseparable from the ancient Brahma Kingdom.

However, he further determined that the cave here was also large at the top and small at the bottom, making it impossible to pass through normally!

I visited three places in a row again, all of which were the same caves, the same size, and also impassable.

Lin Yan also tried to dig downwards by force, embedding the excavated rocks into the cave wall, and trying to dig out a passage that could allow people to pass through.

However, the volume of rock will not disappear out of thin air. When a space is excavated, it also means that another space is blocked.

This unreasonably reminded Lin Yan of a science fiction novel "Mountain" he had read in his previous life.

It describes a civilization that is sealed in the underground world and wants to dig out the strata and enter the outside world.

But every time they dig out a space, it means that part of the original living space inside will be occupied by the excavated rocks. Only by sacrificing the living space at any cost can they finally break through the blockade of the rock formations and come to the vast outside world. space.

But before the rock formation is dug out, and the thickness of the rock formation is unknown, who knows how long it will take to dig, or whether it can be dug through?

This is the dilemma Lin Yan is facing at the moment.

If he had to dig deeper, he could do it.

But who knows how far to dig?

Tens of meters? One hundred meters?

Even a thousand meters?

Maybe at the end of the dig, he got stuck halfway and couldn't dig out a path that could accommodate him.

"Well, if I could become smaller, I could easily dive into the water...

"Wait, smaller?!"

Lin Yan was shocked, floated in the water, and slapped his head suddenly.

"How silly! I almost forgot that I still have a clone. I can send the clone to explore the depths!"

The threat of the fog of chaos was so close that he was unknowingly confused.

Of course, his clones don't know the "Troubled Water Technique" yet, and they need to be trained to learn it first.

Lin Yan didn't even get out of the water, so he selected some of the original batch of villainous clones of Violent Flame in the water and trained them into the "Troubled Water Technique".

Then he dug out a small piece of finger-sized rock from the rock wall at the bottom of the lake, and asked each of the clones to lie on one. Then he went back to the cave he had just visited and dropped ten of the clones into it. Let them sink down the cave.

The clones are small in size and weak in physical strength. It would take a lot of effort to let them swim down, but just tie a stone to make it easier for them to sink quickly.

"I hope the bottom of this cave is not very deep. Otherwise, the water pressure is too great, and with the strength of the avatar being weakened countless times, I'm afraid it won't be able to support it for long..."

Lin Yan counted the numbers silently while sensing. The little clone lying on the stone fell very quickly and kept sinking. The deeper he went, the greater the pressure on his strength.

After just three counts, Lin Yan felt that the pressure on the clone was approaching the limit, and he had to use all his strength to barely resist it.

Five more numbers were counted.

"Huh? The little clone has stopped falling. Is it the end?"

However, in Lin Yan's perception, the clone did not seem to be in place and was still submerged in the water, but it did stop.


The next moment, the little clone couldn't hold it up because of its strength and was crushed to pieces by the water pressure.

However, Lin Yan did not let all ten clones sink to the bottom. Instead, every other number, he asked a clone to swim to the edge of the rock wall and catch it.

Although all the clones in the deep place were quickly crushed to pieces, several of the clones above survived temporarily and barely helped Lin Yan detect part of the structure of the cave.

"The long section below is very narrow, and there is no spacious one..."

It's so narrow that it would take a lot of effort to dig through it.

Lin Yan had no choice but to change caves again, followed the rules, and tried all the caves in succession.

Lin Yan found that in each cave, it took about 8 seconds for the clone to reach the end.

It's not a layer underneath, it's still liquid, but it can't sink.

Lin Yan was good at physics in his previous life. In 8 seconds, if the density of the stone is twice that of water, the falling acceleration becomes one-half of the acceleration of gravity, multiplied by one-half and the square of time. The distance of descent is estimated to be around 150 meters.

Each underground cave is almost 150 meters deep. It is possible that the bottom of these caves are connected together.

It is a pity that the caves found are too narrow at the bottom and can be easily blocked by digging, making it difficult to sneak in.

"The good news is that one hundred and fifty meters is still within the acceptable range. As long as we find a suitable cave, we can still dig it down.

"The bad news is, I still have to search the caves one by one!"

But using the clone to explore is much more efficient than before.

There are at most a few hundred jade pillars underneath, and perhaps there is a similar cave near each jade pillar.

He planned to put a few clones into each cave to see if there would always be one who could find a suitable path.

With this plan in mind, he immediately speeded up and swam towards the next jade pillar.

After walking through several jade pillars, there were indeed caves under each jade pillar.


"These poison-toothed trout are so annoying, are they not afraid of death at all?"

Every time he approached a jade pillar, a large group of poison-toothed trout would rush in. The numbers were huge. Although they did not pose any threat to him, they were extremely troublesome and took a lot of effort to kill.

If so many poison-toothed trout are killed every time they pass a jade pillar, I don’t know how long it will take to finish walking through these hundreds of jade pillars.

Lin Yan actually didn't want to kill so many poison-toothed trout. It is the natural enemy of the corpse cockroach. Killing too many would be equivalent to increasing the number of corpse cockroaches in disguise, which would be troublesome to deal with.

However, if he doesn't kill him, using the Jade Buddha Tower to defend will consume a lot of energy, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Just like this, a few jade pillars walked away, just as Lin Yan became more and more irritable.

Suddenly, the water around Lin Yan rippled, as if there was a shallow vibration, passing over his body from a distance along the deep lake water.

Then the second time, the third time...

There seemed to be something vibrating somewhere at the bottom of the lake, sending out layers of shallow ripples that continued to spread out.

What was strange was that as the water rippled past, a large group of poison-toothed trout that had originally rushed towards Lin Yan suddenly seemed to have lost their sense of direction, scurrying around and colliding with each other.

The ripples seemed to be driving away these poison-toothed trout, and not just in this place, it seemed that the poison-toothed trout in the entire lake were affected.

Lin Yan turned to the end of the source of the ripples with a solemn expression. Could this be, as he guessed, the mysterious power that balances the ecology of the underground world?

However, the next moment, Lin Yan's heart suddenly contracted, and his scalp was instantly freezing.

An old, decaying, low and strange voice suddenly sounded softly in his ears.

"Come, come, come..."

Thanks to book friend 20220612114805205 ​​for the 500 coins, thank you!

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