My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 179 Underground Ecosystem

The lake water around Yuzhu was frozen by the ghost flames, and in the middle of a large lake, there was a piece of cold ice.

Lin Yan made sure that there were no other strange fish rushing up, so he squatted down and carefully observed the white jade fire lotus on the jade pillar.

There is a white jade-like rhizome below the fire lotus, which is connected to the jade pillar and is obviously integrated with the jade pillar.

Each flower is divided into more than ten or twenty petals, each petal is white jade, with flame-like red lines on the petal tip, like a burning flame.

In the center of the petals, there is a white jade-like lotus pod, with many emerald green lotus seeds the size of little fingers scattered densely.

At first glance, Lin Yan felt that the lotus seeds looked familiar.

He stretched out his hand and twisted one, and a thin layer of green smoke came out from the lotus seeds.

"This is... a poisonous bead!"

Lin Yan immediately remembered that this lotus seed was exactly the same as the poisonous bead in the center of the poisonous stone that he had snatched from the Dripping Blood Cave!

The green smoke emitted from it is all poisonous mist.

"It seems that the poison beads in the poison stone are the lotus seeds of the white jade fire lotus.

"I just don't know how and ended up living outside?"

Thinking back to the strange fish that appeared in the dragon's water-absorbing pond, could it be that there is some secret channel under the deep lake here that is connected to the outside?

Just pass the thought and throw it aside.

Lin Yan stretched out his hand to grab the jade rhizome under the fire lotus and applied a little force. Unexpectedly, it looked like jade, but was actually very strong and kept breaking.

Lin Yan continued to increase his strength, until he exploded with strength, and then he broke it with a crisp click.

"It's so strong, it's a rare item of Xuanpin..."

Yes, Lin Yan guessed that this white jade fire lotus was probably a Xuanpin rare item.

Because the attraction it exerted on him was at least two or three times stronger than the orbs in Mudberry's body that he had seen before.

Looking at the white jade fire lotus in his hand, Lin Yan first plucked off all the lotus seeds one by one, put them in a special bag, and then carefully packed the fire lotus, which he had prepared before coming. In an animal skin bag.

Fortunately, he was protected by mud berries when he was underwater, and his clothes and animal skin bag were intact.

Since the fire lotus was strong, he did not break it. His palm trembled slightly, and the original dark violent flames rose up and turned into a sickle with a curved handle.

Then he grabbed the white jade fire lotus, as if cutting rice, and made a light stroke with the sickle.

No movement was seen, and the rhizome was cut off at the root. The end was smooth and delicate, with no resistance.

Then dig out the poison beads and place the fire lotus.

Harvesting continued in this way until only one white jade fire lotus on the jade pillar was cut, and Lin Yan stopped.

"It's better to leave one. If those people come in later and find that there are only bare jade pillars and nothing in this big lake, I'm afraid they will be suspicious of me..."

With this in mind, he swung his sickle, cut off all the broken roots, and put them into his animal skin bag.

In this way, it was as if there was only a solitary fire lotus growing on this jade pillar.

"This animal skin bag contains more than ten fire lotuses. It can barely be covered with mud berries, but if it contains ten more, I'm afraid it won't work."

Mud berries can't cover it. Once it goes into the water and gets entangled by those strange fish, the animal skin bag will probably be bitten immediately.

Lin Yan had no choice but to hit the bag of fire lotus first, jump into the water, and swim towards the shore.

Strangely enough, this time he entered and swam out of the water, but he did not attract a large number of strange fish.

There were only three or four strange fish here and there, and they rushed up to bite him without opening their eyes, but they were crushed to death by his slap in the face.

"Are these strange fish afraid of being killed by me?"

With doubts in mind, Lin Yan went to the shore. He specially left a mudberry clone here to prevent the corpse cockroaches from gathering again.

At this time, he poured out all the fire lotus in the animal skin bag and placed it under Mud Berry's body. Then he turned back into the water and swam towards another jade pillar.

It went smoothly at first, without any movement, but when it got close to the jade pillar, the water started boiling again!

Countless strange fish swarmed over and bit at Lin Yan.

"This strange fish...could it be entrenched next to the jade pillar?"

With the cooperation of the spirit-stealing demon fire and the ghostly flames, Lin Yan climbed onto the jade pillar without any hindrance.

"Are these strange fish entrenched around these jade pillars guarding these fire lotuses?

"But if they need this fire lotus, why do they not jump up and bite the fire lotus even though it has grown into a clump?

"With their bouncing power, all the fire lotuses should have been eaten long ago..."

Animals occupy one place, or this place is their habitat and territory, which cannot be violated.

Or, there is food here and they are protecting it.

Lin Yan didn't understand it for a while, but he was not slow with his hands. Without much effort, he had all the dozens of fire lotuses on the jade pillar in his pocket.

Just as he was about to dive back, Lin Yan suddenly felt a slight tremor under his feet.

The next moment, the ice layer he had frozen suddenly cracked open, and a huge black shadow that was two or three feet long jumped out of the water. With a huge mouth, it swallowed the ice layer directly. In the mouth.

Before Lin Yan could react, another big fish of the same size rushed straight up, shattering all the ice around the jade pillar and scattering it into countless floating ice chips on the lake.

Lin Yan could see it more clearly this time. The strange fish was shaped like a shrunken whale. It was completely black and could not see its eyes, nose or other organs. It only had a huge curved mouth, like two huge door panels.

Lin Yan immediately thought of the black figure he had glimpsed in the Longshuishui Pond.

As soon as the ice broke, all the frozen sword-toothed monster fishes scattered out, but they were still frozen. Even though they had tenacious vitality, they were still in a frozen state.

These two big fish swam around the jade pillar excitedly, swallowing all the scattered strange fish in their huge mouths.

"Are you here for these strange sword-toothed fish?"

Lin Yan took a closer look and found that the mouth structure of these strange fish was very strange. There was not even a single tooth in it, and the upper and lower jaws in the mouth were like two layers of hard slate. Once they were closed, they looked like two huge slabs. The rocks are pressed together tightly.

"If an ordinary big fish eats a monster knife-tooth fish into its stomach, it may be bitten through the stomach by the monster knife-tooth fish before it is digested.

“But the mouth structure of this big fish is obviously the natural enemy of the knife-tooth monster fish.

“Once the Saber-Tooth Monster is swallowed into the mouth and the upper and lower jaws are tightly closed, the Saber-tooth Monster will be tightly clamped between two thick and solid rock slabs, unable to move.

"And what I saw at the Longshuishui Pond was the strange sword-toothed fish, which looked like its whole body was corroded and half rotten...

"It must be the mouth of this big fish that secretes acidic digestive fluid to directly digest the strange fish!"

The two big fish swam around in a circle, clenching their upper and lower jaws tightly, then turned happily in a circle and swam away slowly.

During the process, one or two lucky sword-tooth monster fish also woke up and opened their mouths to bite the big black fish.

However, the skin and flesh of the big black fish is actually rich in elasticity. When the knife-tooth monster bites it, its skin and flesh immediately sink. After all the force of its bite is removed, it is like a spring, stretched to the extreme and rebounds. , and directly launch the sword-tooth monster fish away!

"It seems that this big black fish is the natural enemy of the strange sword-toothed fish..."

After the black strange fish swam away, Lin Yan went into the water and swam back again.

Sure enough, when he saw him leaving the jade pillar, the remaining sword-toothed monster fish that had regained consciousness did not continue to chase him. Instead, they entrenched themselves on the edge of the jade pillar and kept guard.

Next, Lin Yan began to do happy repetitive work.

He kept going back and forth between the jade pillars and the lakeside, picking and harvesting the jade pillars one by one. When there were too many, he picked up an animal skin bag, exited the giant blue forest, returned to the sheltered cave, and collected all the white jade fire lotuses. Put it down, leaving two Mudberries to guard it.

Fortunately, he made a few new Mudberries last time, so there were plenty of them.

Then go back to the lake and repeat.

This is very time-consuming, especially the farther back you go, the further away the jade pillars are from the lake shore, and the longer it takes to get past.

But the whole process is happy. With such ease, he can continue to collect priceless mysterious objects. He is willing to spend more time like this!

However, the lake is too big and is full of corpse cockroaches, especially the giant corpse cockroach, which is entrenched on the other side of the lake.

Lin Yan asked himself, it was impossible to collect all the White Jade Fire Lotus in five days.

You can only choose the most convenient, shortest and safest white jade fire lotus to collect.

I don’t know day and night, time flies very fast.

About four or five days later, in Lin Yan's cave, the white jade fire lotus piled up like a small mountain.

Just the faint light emitted by the strange object made this underground cave look as magnificent as a fairyland.

As Lin Yan went back and forth in the lake more and more times, he gained a more in-depth and detailed understanding of the ecology of the underground world.

First there are the strange sword-toothed fish. They are indeed entrenched around the jade pillar.

Only when Lin Yan is close to the jade pillar, they will rush towards Lin Yan like crazy and attack him in large numbers.

After many observations, Lin Yan discovered that these strange sword-toothed fish seemed to be feeding on this jade pillar!

Several times, he saw the sword-tooth monster opening its arc-shaped mouth and opening the teeth of its upper and lower jaws into an arc, just enough to fit tightly on the round surface of the jade pillar for gnawing.

Their teeth cannot be completely closed, but they can fit tightly when chewing jade pillars.

Later, driven by curiosity, Lin Yan, after freezing the strange fish, went down to the jade pillar and touched it with his hand.

Only then did I discover that there was a thin, moist, and dense layer of fleshy organic matter attached to the surface of this jade pillar!

In other words, it is not attached, but secreted from the jade pillar!

The knife-tooth monster feeds on this layer of fleshy organic matter.

Therefore, this Yuzhu is the producer of this underground lake ecosystem!

Coupled with the strong smell of sulfur around him and the sultry and hot temperature underground, Lin Yan suddenly remembered some reports he had seen in his previous life.

It is said that there are some strange bacteria that live in the craters of underwater volcanoes. They use geothermal energy and sulfide to perform a physiological activity similar to photosynthesis to produce organic matter.

He couldn't help but guess that this jade pillar generated organic matter through a similar physiological activity.

Later, Lin Yan observed more carefully and discovered more things.

For example, the corpse cockroach can also swim in the water!

They will shrink their bodies into a spindle shape and use the flesh on the back to swim, similar to an octopus, and their targets in the water are the big black fish and jade pillars!

The elastic skin on the surface of the big black fish is almost immune to the bite of the monster knife-tooth fish.

But the corpse cockroach is even bigger than them, and its blade arm is so sharp that it can directly pierce the big black fish!

Most of the time, they will target this big black fish, probably for food.

But sometimes, they will attack the jade pillar! !

But at this time, the offensive and defensive patterns were reversed, and the strange saber-toothed fish became the natural enemy of the corpse cockroach!

Its fine scale armor and small body make the corpse cockroach's blade arms completely useless.

And its terrifying bite force can easily penetrate the corpse cockroach's carapace.

Therefore, every time the corpse cockroach attacks the jade pillar, it usually results in heavy casualties and becomes a feast for the sword-toothed monster fish.

And when they attack jade pillars, they don't do it for food. They always cut off a piece of jade pillar, pick it up and run away, just like they collect immature mud berries.

Therefore, the entire underground world is actually connected by a strict food chain.

The jade pillar, the sword-toothed monster fish, the big black fish, and the corpse cockroach are one;

Jade pillar, corpse cockroach, knife-toothed monster fish, and another big black fish;

They restrict each other, are tightly integrated, and have natural enemies.

Ordinary natural ecosystems are stable, but they often have extremely rich biodiversity.

And this underground lake, including the jade pillar, has only four kinds of creatures, but it can maintain a strict ecological balance.

This feeling... it's as if it was not formed naturally, but was made by man!

What made Lin Yan think about it even more horrifyingly was that it was completely impossible for these four species to naturally maintain long-term ecological balance...

Only with the continuous intervention and maintenance of external forces is this possible!

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