My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 164 Corpse cockroach riot

As Lin Yan thought, not long after he returned to the camp, he heard a noise outside in the poisonous fog. After a while, scattered people or teams fled out of the poisonous fog.

"Fuck! These corpse cockroaches are going crazy again!"

"There was a sudden riot, I don't know what happened!"

"Even so, I don't know how many unlucky ones didn't escape..."

More and more people are escaping, but riots in the poisonous fog continue to break out.

Sitting in the camp, you can see countless corpse cockroaches looming in the poisonous fog.

They couldn't get out of the poisonous mist, so they lingered at the junction between the poisonous mist and the outside of the camp, making neighing sounds one after another.

People in the camp came out to watch the fun, pointing at the corpse cockroach, and jeered from time to time.

Lin Yan also found a place, frowning slightly, staring at the group of corpse cockroaches in front of him.

"That huge corpse cockroach obviously has a very high status for the corpse cockroach group.

"As soon as they saw me, they started attacking me. Even if I was alone, they sent out a large number of ferocious corpse cockroaches.

"If I were a corpse cockroach, how could I teach these ignorant humans a lesson when I knew I couldn't get out outside the poisonous fog?"

Lin Yan's mind was racing, and there was a sudden movement in his heart. He leaned down on the ground, put his ear to the ground and listened, and his face suddenly changed.

"No! These corpse cockroaches are just attracting our attention, they are digging underground!"

This exclamation also shocked all the genius seeds and Fucheng masters present. They also imitated Lin Yan and leaned down to listen, their expressions changing suddenly.

There were faint but frequent digging sounds underground. Listening to the sounds, it was obvious that many cavities had been dug out of the ground!


Lin Yan shouted, took the lead, ran directly to the nail ladder, and rushed up the nail ladder.

Naturally, the others quickly picked up their belongings, left the camp and ran upwards.

Not long after everyone climbed up the cliff, they saw the camp below suddenly shook. Like a person who stepped on the air, the right side sank downwards, and then the entire camp sank downwards layer by layer, violently. Amidst the sound, it seemed as if it had been swallowed up by a ruthless giant mouth underground, turning it into a complete ruin.

The strong change in air flow also caused the originally non-toxic area to be covered again with a thick layer of poisonous mist.

"These beasts are so cruel!"

"You are so cruel to yourself. How many corpse cockroaches will die this time!"

"Damn beast! I didn't even have time to take out the spiritual essence I just collected!"

"That's it! The new mattress I bought!"

In fact, when the camp was first established, some people considered the problem of corpse cockroaches hollowing out the camp from the ground.

However, the noise of digging the camp is not small, and the people in the camp will definitely be able to hear it. With the strength per capita, they will definitely be able to escape, with the most loss of property.

On the contrary, to hollow out such a large camp, I don’t know how many corpse cockroaches would be burrowing underground.

Once the camp falls, these corpse cockroaches can hardly escape, and may cause more casualties than they hunt.

Therefore, everyone felt that the corpse cockroach would not do such stupid things, injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging itself eight hundred times.

Unexpectedly, this time, the corpse cockroach would actually take action!

The camp under the rock wall was destroyed. Fortunately, except for the unlucky guy who slept like a dead pig, there were no casualties. Everyone climbed up the rock formation and soon returned to the second camp on the cliff.

"Wait a minute! There's vibration down here too!"

Several people leaned over to listen, and their expressions changed again: "Fuck! They're digging here too!"

"Are these corpse cockroaches crazy? They don't want their lives!"

Everyone cursed and hurriedly fled from the camp. A few hundred meters away, they saw the ground of the camp begin to shake slightly, and then not long after, it collapsed and collapsed like the camp under the rock wall.

Everyone wanted to cry but had no tears. This camp was no better than the temporary camp under the rock wall. A lot of everyone's personal belongings were stored in it. Now it has sunk underground, and I am afraid that even if I look for it, I won't be able to find it back!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

"Beasts are beasts, what are they trying to do!"

"My soul essence, the armor equipment I just purchased!"

Smoke and dust mixed with poisonous mist dispersed, drifting past a group of changing faces below.

Lin Yan coughed and lowered his head. It would be better to wait for a while before shaking people. At least, other people could not know that it was because of him that the corpse cockroaches rioted.

At this time, Liu Lanqing, Ning Xiaohui, and Fan Xiaopeng walked out of the billowing smoke, saw Lin Yan, and walked to his side.

"Willow Palm."

Liu Lanqing nodded towards him.

Fan Xiaopeng muttered: "Are these corpse cockroaches stupid? Why did they destroy our camp? We can build another one at any time!"

Ning Xiaohui patted the wooden box on Fan Xiaopeng's back: "You also said that if I hadn't reacted in time, the anti-virus suit would have almost sunk in."

Fan Xiaopeng shrank his neck and smiled: "Didn't I expect that corpse cockroaches would appear again? A suicide attack is really stupid."

Lin Yan said abruptly: "Maybe... this is a warning."

"Warning?" Ning Xiaohui and Fan Xiaopeng were both stunned.

Fan Xiaopeng choked: "What's the warning? Just these bugs? If they weren't hiding in the underground waterway, I would kill them all in minutes!"

Lin Yan shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to his bragging. He excused himself to Liu Lanqing and left.


Another seven days later.

The last incident of two camps being dug up by corpse cockroaches has come to an end.

Qianyuan Academy acted quickly, immediately organizing the genius seeds and establishing a brand new camp.

And this time, everyone learned the lesson and did not put important belongings here. Special inspectors were also arranged to monitor the movements underground in order to prevent the corpse cockroach from digging up the camp again.

In the poisonous fog, the war between humans and corpse cockroaches became increasingly stalemate and cruel.

Since the last incident of digging up the camp, the corpse cockroach has become far more violent than before.

Although corpse cockroaches would take the initiative to attack humans before, they only attacked humans after encountering them.

Moreover, the vast majority of corpse cockroaches are hidden in underground waterways, giving them a rather "indifferent" air.

But now, corpse cockroaches completely regard humans as prey. A large number of corpse cockroaches gather in the shallow layers of underground waterways. Their main task is to hunt humans, lurking and assassinating everywhere.

Even the slightest movement can cause the entire corpse cockroach group to riot.

As a result, the number of casualties among genius seeds rose rapidly, forcing Ling Shuangxue to change her strategy and invite experts from Fucheng to become team leaders, each leading a team of genius seeds. Only then did she suppress the casualty rate among genius seeds. .

After seven days of this, Lin Yan felt that the time was almost here.

First, he went down to the poisonous mist under the cliff, found a quiet place in the poisonous mist and waited for a long time, and then impatiently went up to the cliff to find Liu Lanqing.

Shen said mysteriously: "Liu Zhang, I have made a big discovery!"

Then he entered the underground waterway and discovered that there was a cave in the depths, especially the huge corpse cockroach and the large-sized corpse cockroach.

The more Liu Lanqing listened, the brighter his eyes became: "A corpse cockroach more than ten feet tall? There is also a huge lake! A tall dense forest? Are you sure you read it correctly?"

Lin Yan described the details in detail, and Liu Lanqing stood up and paced back and forth in the camp.

Suddenly asked: "Do you still remember the way in?"


The clone has been supplemented and advanced, and now he has a better understanding of the situation in the underground sewers. Not to mention, in the past seven days, he has specially compiled a program to allow the clone to explore the underground plain and get more details. Information.

"Okay! Okay! This time, you have made a great contribution!"

Liu Lanqing acted resolutely and immediately summoned Fan Xiaopeng and Wu Qinglei. This time, he did not call Ning Xiaohui, but called Bai Ling: "Let's go! Take us to the underground world to have a look!"

Thanks to book friend the Taotie for the 100-coin reward! grateful

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