My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 162 The second round of force characteristic deduction and new discoveries

"Oh? Have you finally figured it out?" Liu Lanqing was quite happy, "These two strength characteristics are indeed the strongest in this batch, except for "Explosive Flame"."

Not long after, Lin Yan copied down the powerful characteristics of "Thunder" and "Wind Dance", as well as their corresponding prerequisite skills "Listening to the Wind" and "Thunder".

After spending six great efforts in this way, there are still nine great efforts left.

Lin Yan recalled the redemption catalogue. The powerful properties of "Thunder" and "Wind Dance" both require a special rare item called the Wind and Thunder Fruit. The exchange price is a full twenty great merits!

His current nine great merits cannot be exchanged for the time being.

But his goal is not to complete the Wind Thunder Fruit.

"Liu Zhang, I remember that Fan Xiaopeng achieved the powerful characteristics of "Wind Dance" before, right?"


"I heard him mention that the Wind and Thunder Fruit is a twin fruit. There are two fruits on one branch. He only ate the one belonging to the wind, and the other one belonging to the thunder..."

Liu Lanqing raised her eyebrows: "You want it? You don't know.

"It is true that he only ate one of them, but the Wind and Thunder Fruit is very special. Under strong stimulation, one of the twin fruits will absorb the nutrients of the other, making one a real Wind Fruit or Thunder Fruit, and the other one will become a real Wind Fruit or Thunder Fruit. One will shrink into a useless fruit.

"Now that thunder fruit has long become a useless fruit, it is no longer up to the threshold of a rare object."

Lin Yan was not surprised. He had already learned this from Ning Xiaohui before: "Liu Zhang, I wonder if that useless fruit is still there now?"

"What do you want that for?"

"I just want to see what the wonders look like."

Liu Lanqing shook his head and laughed: "Your idea is quite strange. However, this waste fruit cannot be given to you directly. Even the waste fruit can be used as nourishment for rare items, and its value is not low. It has at least three great merits. "

"Okay! I've changed it!"

After removing the three great powers and still having six great powers in his hand, Lin Yan simply exchanged it again for a rare item called the Fire Cloud Flower, which was specially used for the fire-attribute power.

Liu Lanqing said earnestly: "I know you want to try to explore the changes in strength characteristics and find the strength characteristics that suit you best.

“But the road is too difficult. Without the support of a lot of resources, it is almost impossible to take this road.

"You still have to save money for this feat. Precious and rare items like the Thunder Fruit are not cheap!"

Lin Yan cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Liu Zhang for the tip, but I still want to... give it a try."

After going out and returning to his tent, Lin Yan let out a sigh of relief.

There is nothing wrong with Liu Lanqing's persuasion. From the perspective of others, he has no power, no resources, and it is completely impossible to deduce a powerful characteristic that suits him based on this Huangpin strength characteristic.

But he is a cheating player after all, so naturally he cannot take the usual path.

This time, he specifically exchanged the power characteristics of "Thunder" and "Wind Dance", as well as two strange objects. This was also his experiment in deducing the power characteristics, which entered a bottleneck period.

One is a strange thing.

His strength characteristics have been deduced a lot, but the ones used are all weird and ordinary things, which cannot be compared to strange objects at all.

So he specifically exchanged the Fire Cloud Flower and the Waste Wind and Thunder Fruit, just to use these two rare items to deduce the power characteristics.

Anyway, the rare items needed by the clone villains are pitiful. A few Fire Cloud Flowers are enough to supply thousands of clone villains to achieve powerful characteristics. The wind and thunder fruit is useless to ordinary people, but the clone villains are absolutely Be able to extract what you need from it.

The second is that he realized that the results produced by such a purposeless deduction of force characteristics were too random!

Even if he experiments more times, he will only be able to produce a strength characteristic similar to that of Li Yan at most, and that depends on his luck.

After using the aura of enlightenment several times, he finally came to the realization of a method, which is to find a powerful ability, use this ability as a benchmark, imitate this ability, and experiment with the power characteristics!

That's right, he was referring to his own [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei] special effect.

This special effect is infinitely powerful, and with his current power reserve, he is still unable to fully unleash its true power.

And based on the power it currently displays, it is obviously far stronger than the strength characteristics of Huangpin and Xuanpin, and is not inferior to the terrifying strength Liu Lanqing shows from time to time!

If we can use [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei] as a model to imitate this special effect and experiment with strength characteristics, not only will the direction be clear, but we can also refer to it at any time, the efficiency will be many times higher than the previous random attempts like a headless fly!

And precisely, "Thunder" and "Wind Dance" have some similarities with [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei], and they are exactly the same.

That's why he specifically exchanged them in order to create powerful characteristics based on the two.

Now that the strength characteristics and rare objects are all available, the second stage of testing the strength characteristics can begin.

Lin Yan took out two wooden boxes from the package.

First, carefully open the wooden box on the left. A weak heat came out of the wooden box. In the wooden box, a six-petaled red flower with an ordinary shape, like a peony, lay quietly in it.

The petals are fiery red, with several golden lines looming, exuding a faint brilliance, as if there is a layer of elegant fire clouds flowing above the petals.

For some reason, as soon as Lin Yan saw the Fire Cloud Flower, he was unconsciously attracted to it. He subconsciously regarded it as a kind of treasure and wanted to keep it as his own, as if it had a special magic power that would make people attracted by it at a glance. It's so confusing.

Lin Yan asked Liu Lanqing that the reason why strange things are called strange things is that they have a natural and mysterious attraction to people, regardless of their shape, variety or color. Just one look at them can make you feel the attraction in your heart. desire.

This strange attraction has no reason or reason, so it is called a strange object, not a treasure or a precious medicine.

Therefore, it is very simple to identify strange objects. Those that can have a natural attraction to people are strange objects. The stronger the attraction, the more precious the rare objects are.

Close the wooden box and open the one on the right again.

In this wooden box, there is an egg-sized, dark fruit with wrinkled and shriveled surface, just like the surface of an avocado, and it looks obviously malnourished.

When Lin Yan saw it, he didn't feel any flutter in his heart. It was obvious that it was no longer a strange object.

Taking a sharp knife, Lin Yan scraped off a thin piece of silk skin from the surface of the waste fruit, and summoned a prepared clone. Wind and thunder slowly appeared in his eyes: "Next, It’s up to you!”


For half a month, Lin Yan went back and forth between the poisonous fog and the camp on the cliff every day. In addition to hunting corpse cockroaches, checking for leaks, filling in gaps and collecting spiritual essence, he was also working hard on the second round of deducing the characteristics of the power.

Under the poisonous mist, the advancement of genius seeds was proceeding steadily, especially with the help of air bombs. Even under the poisonous mist, a non-toxic camp area was opened up.

During this period, a large number of corpse cockroaches also attacked the camp.

However, the strongest of the Corpse Buddha Cockroaches is only in the Hard Realm, and in the camp, in addition to the genius seeds, there are also all the Huangpin and Xuanpin giants present, making them extremely powerful.

Once you can't defeat him, you can just go up the cliff and escape.

Therefore, the several attacks by the corpse cockroach swarm were either resisted or the humans escaped and returned without success.

Later, for some reason, the poison-free zone at the bottom of the cliff became increasingly unsuitable for the survival of the corpse cockroach. Once the corpse cockroach breaks out of the poisonous mist, it will vomit blood and die.

Therefore, the second insect hunting camp under the poisonous mist has completely established its footing.

On the contrary, the camp's exploration of underground waterways has never yielded much results.

The underground waterway has a complex environment and is full of corpse cockroaches. It is extremely dangerous even for a strong person like Liu Lanqing to enter.


Lin Yan's clone's exploration of the underground waterway went extremely smoothly!

The exploration module is updated every two days and a large number of clones are added.

Lin Yan's little clone, from the awkward [Underground Waterway Exploration Module 1.0] where he jumped into the Netherworld River and drowned while walking, gradually progressed to the [Underground Waterway Exploration Module 1.0] where he carefully explored the underground waterway. Exploration Module 4.0], until now, it has advanced to the familiar road, [Underground Waterway Exploration Module 9.0] that moves as fast as locusts.

Nowadays, almost all the hidden places in the underground sewers are filled with his clones, especially at the nodes of every fork in the road, where his clones are stationed secretly.

With just a slight movement of his mind, he can build up a map of almost the entire underground sewer in his mind, along with the distribution and movement trajectory of corpse cockroaches in it, which can be located in real time through the [Enemy Retrieval and Marking Module]!

Lin Yan has quietly tried it twice by himself, following the map of the doppelgänger. To him, the entire underground sewer is like his own back garden. He can enter when he wants and exit when he wants!

But today, the doppelgänger's exploration has made a new discovery.

In the deepest part of the underground waterway, at the end where the Netherworld River converges, there is actually a cave, another underground world with vast space!

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