My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 152 Demons and the Mist of Chaos

Sitting in the room until nightfall, Lin Yan stood up in a trance.

After disorganizing many things in the room and creating the illusion that he was digging around to find them, Lin Yan went out.

I met Senior Sister Chen Yuan and Chen: "Lin Yan, where is Xiaozhi? Why didn't I see her?"

Lin Yan opened his mouth, and finally said: "Xiao missing."

"Missing?!" Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly widened, "Lin Yan, are you kidding me?"

Lin Yan took a deep breath: "Senior Sister Chen, Xiaozhi's matter... is very complicated. I can't explain it for a while. In short, I will definitely bring Xiaozhi back safely."

Lin Yan really didn't want to say more, so after saying this, he went straight out.

Walking aimlessly on the streets of the inner city of Ding'an City, Lin Yan was in a trance. From time to time, he stretched out his hand and brushed the jade statue of Xiao Zhi on his chest, using the phaseless clone to feel the changes inside the jade statue.

Lin Yan unconsciously recalled the lewd and absurd scenes on the island in his fantasy.

“The external spiritual substance contained in the spiritual marrow is a substance condensed from the essence of life.

"This is probably the reason why I can see illusions when I absorb spiritual essence.

"Therefore, the so-called illusion is probably a real picture that the owner of the spiritual marrow has experienced.

“The first time I saw a vision, I absorbed the essence of the old monk’s eyes.

"So the perspective of the illusion has always been fixed on the old monk, and what he saw were all the things that the old monk had experienced.

"But this time, the perspective I saw in this illusion was constantly changing, traveling around the entire island..."

Lin Yan had a terrible guess in his heart.

The owner of the heart essence is most likely not the baby who was born and grew strangely.

But...that towering tree that occupies the entire island!

Only in this way can we explain why the perspective in the illusion keeps wandering around the entire island.

"What kind of monster is that giant tree?"

Walking in a daze, Lin Yan suddenly stopped.

"Willow Palm?"

At some point, Liu Lanqing actually walked back from the opposite corner of the street from outside the city.

She was accompanied by Bai Ling, Fan Xiaopeng, and Ning Xiaohui. The four of them looked quite embarrassed and dusty, especially Fan Xiaopeng and Ning Xiaohui, who looked quite defeated and looked very bad. .

"Lin Yan? Why do you look like you've lost your soul?"

Liu Lanqing was also quite surprised when she met Lin Yan.

When the two parties met, Liu Lanqing directly asked Lin Yan to follow them all the way back to the Demon Suppressing Division's station here.

"Liu Zhang, are you back?"

Wu Qinglei came out to welcome him, followed by Qin Xiang, Xiao Ye and several other demon-suppressing guards.

"Old Wu, take Xiaohui and Xiaopeng for treatment. They are a little injured and may have been poisoned. Others should go back and rest. Lin Yan, follow me."


Lin Yan waited in the living room for a while, and then Liu Lanqing finished cleaning up and came out. Bai Ling didn't come with him, so he probably went back to rest.

"Lin Yan, is that woman not in trouble?"

Lin Yan shook his head: "No."

In other words, he didn't give Ling Shuangxue any clue.

"Hmph, there's no need to cover up for her. Looking at your devastated look, that woman must be torturing you..."

"Aqing, why do you say bad things about people behind their backs?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came, and Ling Shuangxue stepped in from the door.

Also coming in with him was Bai Ling, who had a helpless look on his face: "Teacher Ling, you are clairvoyant. We just arrived on the front foot, and you came on the back foot."

Liu Lanqing snorted: "Are you spying on us?"

Ling Shuangxue's expression remained unchanged and she smiled faintly: "I'm here this time because I have something I want to talk to you about."

As she spoke, she glanced at Lin Yan with a hint.

Lin Yan's heart sank slightly.

Liu Lanqing frowned: "Ling Shuangxue, don't sow discord!"

Ling Shuangxue smiled faintly: "What I'm about to say are all facts. This Lin Yan has a lot of secrets in his body. Aren't you afraid of suffering a loss by recruiting people in like this without knowing anything?"

Liu Lanqing was about to speak, but Bai Ling stopped him and said: "Ah Qing, what Teacher Ling said is not unreasonable. After all, he is the person who will become the Demon Suppressing Guard, so it is good to know the basics. Right, Lin Yan? What do you think? ?”

He also had some doubts about Lin Yan.

Lin Yan looked at Ling Shuangxue with a cold face, and said calmly: "What Bai Zhangzun said is reasonable. I will sit upright. If I have to reveal some of my own secrets, there is nothing I can't say to others."

Bai Ling's face was suffocated. Lin Yan's words were intended to point out that this was his secret private matter. It would be a bit unreasonable to point it out.

Ling Shuangxue had no reaction: "That's true. After all, it is your private matter. I also promised to keep it a secret for you... Lord Bai Zhang, how about asking you to rest outside for a while? Ah Qing and my sister are of the same mind. I If you just tell Ah Qing, it won't be considered a leak."

Liu Lanqing's eyes flashed with anger: "Who agrees with your sister!"

Lin Yan: "..."

Bering was speechless, but he waved his hand: "That's all, your affairs are entangled, so I won't get involved!"

After that, he turned around and went out, closing the door thoughtfully.

Liu Lanqing barely suppressed her anger: "Ling Shuangxue, what exactly do you want to say!"

Ling Shuangxue no longer provoked Liu Lanqing, but told Liu Lanqing all the details about Lin Yan's sister and the Thunder Order.

Lin Yan remained silent during the process. He finally figured out that Ling Shuangxue was not targeting him to embarrass Liu Lanqing.

Instead, are you actually caring about Liu Lanqing?

It's just that this kind of concern is quite morbid, like a thick honey package, just like the kind of person who constantly interferes, manipulates, and embarrasses you in the name of doing your best. It's really weird.

Liu Lanqing had no expression on her face. After listening to what Ling Shuangxue said, she said, "Are you done? When you're done, get out!"

Ling Shuangxue smiled faintly: "Let me tell you the last thing. Lin Yan has many secrets on his body. You have to be on guard. Don't be like the last time, where you almost sold him to someone else and had to count money for others!"


These words stimulated Liu Lanqing, her whole body lit up with fire, and a terrifying aura suddenly burst out.

After driving away Ling Shuangxue, Liu Lanqing closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before calming down her anger.

She looked at Lin Yan and asked, "How is your practice of "Singing Phoenix Spear" going?"

Lin Yan replied: "You can practice to the essence level in two days at most."

Liu Lanqing nodded: "Okay, this time, I will stay in Ding'an City for five or six days. After you reach the essence level, you will come to me immediately. From now on, you will follow me to explore the ruins."

Lin Yan nodded and looked at Liu Lanqing seriously: "Liu Zhang, my sister..."

Liu Lanqing snorted coldly: "You can't believe that I will fall into Ling Shuangxue's plan to alienate me, right? Childish!"

Lin Yan was silent for a moment and said, "What she just said is true."

Liu Lanqing said calmly: "Everyone has their own secrets. If the remnants of Fenglei Pavilion are really causing trouble, it has nothing to do with our Demon Suppression Division. What's more, this is your private matter and I am not interested."

"Thank you Willow Palm."

He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Liu Zhang... have you ever planted spiritual marrow?"

Liu Lanqing frowned slightly: "I have been making great progress since I started practicing martial arts. Until I achieved the powerful characteristics of jade, I still didn't bother to use the spiritual marrow."

Somehow, Lin Yan felt a little more trusting when he heard that Liu Lanqing had no spiritual essence.

Guo Fan and Zhang Yangzhou should have warned him before they died, so that he became naturally wary of spiritual marrow.

"Liu Zhang, can I ask you something?"

Liu Lanqing glanced at him: "I remember, you asked me about the 'goddess' before? It was related to your sister, right? Didn't I reply to you at that time and said that there was no relevant information?"

Lin Yan had asked Liu Lanqing and others for information about the "Goddess Temple" before, but the Demon Suppressing Division obviously didn't know about it.

"What I want to ask this time is not the goddess, but something else."

Lin Yan found a piece of paper and a pen, recalled the strange men who looked like humans and demons that he had seen in the illusion, and simply drew four or five images on the paper and handed them to Liu Lanqing.

Before he could ask the question, Liu Lanqing's expression changed dramatically and became extremely solemn in an instant: "Have you seen evil spirits?!"


Lin Yan's heart trembled, and he said the excuse he had thought up for a long time: "This is Xiaozhi, my sister who painted it before. She said that she had seen these weird people in her dreams."

"In the dream...what else did she dream about?!"

Seeing Liu Lanqing's solemn look, Lin Yan recalled the dream that Xiaozhi mentioned at that time: "Xiaozhi said that she saw a heavy fog in her dream, and the fog was full of extremely high mountains, and there were these weird people."

"Heavy fog, heavy fog..."

Liu Lanqing's eyes sparkled: "I can actually dream of the mist of chaos! I have only heard of this strange ability in legends..."

Lin Yan quickly asked: "Liu Zhang, what is this chaotic fog? Why are these weirdos called evil spirits?"

Liu Lanqing took a deep look at Lin Yan: "The fog of chaos... I can't say. If you want to see it, go outside Ding'an City yourself. If you go more than a hundred miles, you can see the endless chaos that covers the sky and the sun. It's foggy.

"The evil demon is a kind of terrifying creature that lives in the fog of chaos, and is the mortal enemy of us humans!

“Their most striking feature is that they have extremely weird physiological mutations in appearance, as if two or even more unrelated biological characteristics are fused together.

"The ones you drew are human demons among demons. They were once human beings, but due to various reasons, they mutated strangely and turned into demons.

“This kind of evil is the most difficult to deal with, because not only is it terrifyingly powerful, but it also possesses human intelligence.

"There are also some evil spirits who are transformed from various beasts and are called demons. They only have the instincts of beasts, but they can deal with them better than human demons."

Song Yuansi said before that some strange beasts occasionally appear in the mountains outside Ding'an City. Are those monsters?

Lin Yan thought of his father again...

"Since these demons were once humans, do they still retain their original humanity?"

Liu Lanqing sneered twice: "Human nature? The reason why human demons are called human demons is because after the transformation, their bodies have been completely occupied by evil demons!

“So, even though he looks similar to the original person, he is no longer the original person at all!

"Do you know why I call the devil my mortal enemy?

"Because evil spirits... eat people!

“In their eyes, humans are just pigs, sheep, cows, just a ball of walking food.

"The Demon Suppressor, the demon he suppresses refers to the evil demon!"

Lin Yan was silent, he knew that Liu Lanqing was unlikely to lie to him, but apart from the illusion, he had never seen the so-called evil spirit with his own eyes.

Liu Lanqing glanced at him: "Are you wondering why you have never seen or even heard of evil spirits in Ding'an City?

"That's because evil spirits can generally only survive in the mist of chaos - just like the mutated corpse cockroach, which can only survive in the poisonous mist.

"Furthermore, with Fucheng's suppression, all the lower cities can enjoy peace, avoid the intrusion of the fog of chaos, and stay safe."

"Suppression?" Lin Yan asked confused.

"This involves the demon-suppressing department's duty to eliminate demons. Of course, the deeper specific method is a secret.

"It is said that it is a secret weapon handed down from ancient times.

"With Fucheng at the forefront of suppression, and the number of people in each lower city remaining at a certain standard, the balance and stability of the magnetic field and force field can be maintained, the chaos and fog can be isolated, and disaster can be avoided."

Lin Yan thought of the Battle of Ding and Wait and hesitated: "The Battle of Ding and Wait was for this reason, to control the population?"

Liu Lanqing nodded: "That's right. Including the prohibition of traffic between various places. In addition to the objective conditions of difficulty in passage, we are also worried about arousing changes in the fog of chaos and leading to huge disasters. In the past, there was a huge disaster that almost caused The entire Qianzhou was destroyed."

Lin Yan's eyes flashed with horror, was it because of this?

Including that Fucheng is technologically advanced, but Xiacheng is backward in civilization. Is it possible that this is all for population control?

There is also a waiting talent war. It is clear that the purpose is to recruit talents from the lower city. Its purpose is also to gather combat power to the capital city to bring fresh blood to the so-called front line?

Is this the truth about the scattered distribution of cities in this world?

But Lin Yan felt it was a little weird. If that was the case, how about controlling technology without preventing the truth about the world from being announced to the lower city?

Is it fear of causing panic?

He couldn't help but think of Guo Fan. His last words before his death, including Zhang Yangzhou's, seemed to have some meaning, as if to remind him that there are deeper and more hidden mysteries in this world.

Liu Lanqing interrupted Lin Yan's thoughts: "Lin Yan, let's not talk about this, where is your sister? She has a strange talent, take me to find her!"

Lin Yan was shocked, but he had been prepared for it, and a hint of sadness appeared on his face: "Liu Zhang, my sister...she is missing!"

Thanks to the book friend Silly Fantasy for another reward of 100 coins, thank you!

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